On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 69: Arc 4 – Past Ties, Present Progress – Chapter Sixty-Three

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“So you’ve got everything you need?” I asked Shaeula, who was wheeling a medium-sized suitcase along the pavement behind her. She was wearing the summer dress she had taken a fancy too, as well as a broad-brimmed straw-style hat and a pair of sunglasses. It’s a fresh and cute look, it really suits her.

“Of course I have. You have asked me that a half dozen times so far-far. You worry too much master.” She answered as we approached the metro. I of course was dragging a much larger suitcase behind me, as well as having a small holdall slung over one shoulder. Still, with my new strength it was hardly an issue. I myself was in much tidier clothes than I usually wore, no more faded tracksuits and t-shirts for me. Still, I did feel what we were taking was excessive to say the least, but then my sister did say girls tended to pack a lot. Taking her games console though… I doubt she’ll have the time to play…

“I know, but don’t underestimate just how … well, empty my hometown is. If we need to buy anything we’d probably have to get the train out a fair way.”

“Do not worry, it is all in hand.” Shaeula reassured me, and a few minutes later we were out of the sun and onto the metro. Unlike before where we were only going a handful of stops, this time we were going right into the centre of Tokyo for our large train out to the hinterlands. As the train rumbled along, Shaeula peering out of the window with interest, I killed some time playing roulette on the app I had downloaded onto my new phone (and of course I was using a VPN to make it work too).

I was jolted out of my concentration by Shaeula tapping me repeatedly. Turning to look at her bright-eyed excitement I smiled. Before I could ask what was up, she launched into an excited tirade.

“Those buildings are so tall and pretty-pretty. Very impressive. Even our Seelie Court cannot match them for grandeur. We should be living in one of those-those, not your rundown shack!”

“Well, have patience and we will.” I smiled. “Besides, just seeing them from the train isn’t the same as being amidst them. Just wait until you see Akihabara. When we go out drinking with Shiro and the guys it’ll blow your mind.” To say nothing of our foreign destination next week… I can hardly wait to see how she’ll react to THAT…

Shaeula nodded. “Mortals are not the barbarians I had been led to believe-believe. Perhaps I have been too sheltered. If they can build such wonders, there must be those of worth amongst them. You have taught me that too, master.”

“Aww, you’ll make me blush if you praise me so.” I retorted, checking how far we had to go. It was almost our stop.

“My pride was too high-high.” Shaeula continued. “Such boastfulness is unworthy of true nobility. I let myself get carried away-away.”

“I can see why you did. Your bloodline is a sore subject to you. But now you know, you can behave in a way befitting your royal status. Be regal, yet modest. That’s true nobility, if you ask me.”

“I shall bear your thoughts in mind.” She agreed, and a little while later the train pulled up. Getting off at our stop we strode out into the bustling centre of Tokyo, which was thronged with people as you would expect of the morning commute. Beside me Shaeula grasped my hand in hers, nervous of the huge crowds.

“So many… you humans multiply like rats-rats…” she said quietly.

“Well, don’t worry, you are here with me. Besides, right now you have a human Material body, don’t you? You are just another face in the crowd. Well, a very pretty one, but a face nonetheless.”

My jokey compliment lifted her spirits, and we walked to Tokyo station, where we would be boarding a larger train, headed for Aichi prefecture. She chattered away excitedly at all the sights, and had endless fun working the ticket machine to get her own pass for the journey. We bought some treats for my family and Eri at one of the station shops, as well as some bento and drinks for the train. Got to have bento on a long train journey, that’s quintessentially Japanese.

Waiting at the platform for our ride, I realised quite a lot of people were stealing glances at us. We did stand out quite a bit, especially Shaeula, who was stunningly beautiful, if rather foreign. Still, she did not mind their gazes. I myself was glad when our train arrived and we could take our seats…




Shaeula was glued to the window, peering out excitedly at the scenery we sped past, fields and foothills shooting past. “Such a pleasant land, full of nature. The country of my mother is beautiful indeed-indeed.” Several empty beer cans and the remains of her bento lunch were packed neatly into the rubbish bag I’d brought. Still, I made sure she didn’t drink too much, as she’d be meeting my family later and I wanted her to mind what she said to them. It’s going to be hell to explain without her saying something crazy… still, I’m going to be working closely with Shaeula from now on, so sooner or later she’d have to meet them…

“Yeah, Japan has very crowded cities and a lot of attractive wilderness. It might have been very different if I was living out here. I’d probably be able to expand my Territory with relative ease.”

“But then you would not have had the opportunity to meet me, would you, my master-master?” Shaeula looked proud, so I patted her head, causing her to squirm.

“True, you are worth more than an easier expansion.” I had to agree. “Still… some of the battles we have faced have been too close for comfort. We will relax while we are out here, but there is always time for some training, if we keep it moderate.”

Going back to my mobile I continued to win money. My luck had been especially good today, every so often I got a feeling I’d be lucky so amped up my bets. It wasn’t like the… certainty… that luck would go my way like the first time I won big, or faced off against the jorogumo, but even so, it was as if I could feel my luck swelling at times. With this extra money in hand, we are all set for the next stage… still, one couldn’t have too much, right?

Shaeula continued to enjoy herself as the train approached the mountains where we had to change trains. She’d also guzzled another two cans of beer, despite my scolding. Closing my phone after some further wins I pointed out of one of the windows. “You can’t see it yet as the nearer mountains block it, but my hometown is over there. We’ll get a small local train deeper into the mountains at the next station. In a couple more hours we’ll be home.”

“I am excited to see just where my master grew up, as well as meet this sister of yours you speak so fondly of-of. She is an archer, no? Such a talent could prove useful to us.”

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I froze at her suggestion. My sister? Seeing me at a loss, Shaeula tilted her head, puzzled.

“You will not be telling your sister about your new calling-calling? I was sure that you would do so. After all, have you not already agreed to take those shrine maidens and others under your wing, to train them so we can get some use-use out of them?”

I know I agreed to train them, but that was more to get the alliance with the White Snake kami so we could safely defeat the Raven Knight and lock down the area around my base… but making them a fighting force…?

Now she said it, I could see how that would be an expected outcome. Still, those people from the shrine, and my sister, the scale was too different… “I’m not going to put my sister in danger. We were only saying a little while ago how we’ve almost died many times. No way I’ll let my sister get hurt.”

“So you say, and I understand, you do love your sister so-so.” She mocked, but then her expression turned serious. “Which is why I say it is foolish not to strengthen those precious to you while you can-can. Did you not say others have been chosen, and the world is in danger? Should she come across a hero much less… righteous… than you-you, I fear without power, great harm could befall her. And even should she not, if the very world itself in in danger, only the strong will survive-survive.”

Damn, she makes some really good points. But… I don’t want to involve my sister in this… not yet anyway. I love the carefree sports idiot who calls me big bro moonstone, even though she knows it annoys me. Besides… I shook my head in denial. “The time will come, yes, but not now. Firstly, she lives all the way out here, so we can’t help her or defend her. And the chances of an enemy in our backwater town are slim to none. No, first we need to secure our own Territory, making it unassailable, and we need to be able to crush any foe that would oppose us. Then it will be time to tell my family and friends.”

“Tch, overprotective as always, master.” Shaeula griped. “But if that is your decision, I of course will abide by it, and say nothing-nothing for now. Still, my brother Shaeraggo is quite the archer himself, so I look eager to see how your sister compares.”

“Yeah, like it’s fair to compare my sister to a who-knows-how-many-hundreds of years old Fae prince who probably grew up with bow in hand. Still, she’s got talent, so if nothing else she shouldn’t disappoint.”

“You do love your sister so. Ichika told me there was a word for that-that. Siscon, I believe she said.”

“And just what have you been talking about with her?” I said, mock-stern. The awkward mood had dissipated, and we spent the rest of the time until our stop bantering back and forth…




The train shuffled through the mid-afternoon heat, the air conditioning making a painful hissing noise as it struggled to cool the boiling carriage. We were the only people on the train now as we approached my hometown, so Shaeula was spawled out across the seats, fanning herself in a decidedly un-regal manner with her hat.

“This train is far less pleasant.” She groused. “Are we nearly there yet-yet?”

I was about to answer her when the train made an announcement. “Next stop Nishimorioka, Nishimorioka.”

“Good timing. As you can hear, yes we are. I thought I recognised the scenery. We should be pulling in any minute, so you might want to neaten up a bit.”

She shot me a look, but did as I suggested, straightening her dress, putting on her hat and making sure her face was clean. As she finished that the train pulled into the one-platform rural station that served our town and the nearby villages that dotted the mountains.

“Well then, shall we go?” I offered her my hand as she grabbed her suitcase, and as the doors squealed open we stepped out into the hot afternoon sun, that was blessedly cooler than the stuffy train. As I led her out of the small station onto the far end of our towns’ main street, the impressive view of mountains and small forests came into view, birds circling overhead lazily on the thermals. It’s not Tokyo, for sure, but I’ve missed it, at least a little…

Dragging my suitcase with one hand while pulling Shaeula along with the other, I smiled when I saw two girls waiting for us. First was my sister Aiko, wearing sporty shorts and a tight patterned t-shirt, showing off her toned arms and legs. Seeing me she smiled brightly and waved, coming towards us quickly. “Hey big bro, long time no see!”

Beside her, trailing in her wake was Eri-chan, wearing a rather fetching long layered skirt in a soothing pale blue, as well as a light cardigan over a pale shirt. She too smiled, though a bit more hesitantly.

Before she could speak Aiko had caught up with us. “So, how have you been, have you brought me any souvenirs, have… hey. Hang on.” Her rapid torrent of questions halted, as she turned to see the girl whose hand I was holding. “Who the hell is this, big bro? You brought your girlfriend?”

Eri-chan immediately stopped coming towards us, frozen and immobile, her mouth dropping open, eyes wide.

Oh, yeah. This was going to happen, wasn’t it? Well, crap…

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