On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 70: Sixty-Four

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“Seriously, wow big bro, she’s super pretty. How the hell did you get a catch like her? How’d you meet? How far have you gone? I feel bad for Eri-chan, but I did warn her…”

My sister was spewing out questions like a gatling gun, and I could already feel a headache coming on at the misunderstanding. Shaeula was looking between her and me, open-mouthed. I guess she wasn’t prepared for my sister…

“Calm down all right, please?” I asked. “I think you are seriously misunderstanding something here…”

“What’s to misunderstand? You brought a really cute girl home, and you are even holding her hand all lovey-dovey-like? Wow, just wow. I didn’t think you had it in you, big bro. but then, you seem to be mysteriously popular at the moment. Wait, now I look at you, have you been working out? You look way hotter than I remember…” she paused her rapid-fire comments to smirk at me, nudging me in the ribs with her elbow. “I guess with a hottie like that on your arm you had to man up, eh, or was it your new buff looks that won her over?” she turned to Shaeula with a bright grin. “What’s your name sister-in-law? And how old are you? You look pretty young. Are you foreign? That hair and eye colour… ouch…”

My sister only stopped her tirade as I knocked one fist down on her head, causing her to look at me accusingly.

“What did you do that for, big bro moonstone? That hurt. If you’d have damaged your precious sister’s head, wow, there’d be hell to pay…”

“You are being rude to Shaeula here, as well as misunderstanding things badly. Besides…” I smiled gently at Eri-chan, who was staring at us, unblinking and immobile. “I think you’ve over heated Eri-chan.”

Aiko sighed, still rubbing her head, even though I of course went easy on her and only gave her a light tap. “Shaeula eh? Wow, that’s a pretty name. Pleased to meet you. And as for Eri-chan…?” she cast a glance at her best friend. “If you think it’s me that has short-circuited her then even getting a girlfriend hasn’t made you less dense, big bro.” Turning back to Shaeula she smiled charmingly. “Shaeula-chan, eh? Nice name. Pleased to meet you anyway.”

Shaeula nodded back politely. “I too am pleased to meet the sister Akio has been so complimentary of.”

“Oh, you call him without honorifics already eh? Must be serious. Mom and dad are going to be so happy…” behind us Eri-chan had squeezed shut her eyes. This is going … worse than even I thought? I need to clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible…

Before I could speak, Shaeula was talking. “I am not one of you Japanese-Japanese, so I do not care for these honorifics. Please call me Shaeula, and I will call you Aiko. Is that acceptable to you-you?”

Aiko nodded brightly. “Wow, oh my god, I get why girls want to call other girls onee-sama now! You are just so adorable, and that vocal quirk! Sure, call me Aiko, though sister-in-law is good too!”

“Seriously, calm down. Please sis. I’m wishing the earth could swallow me up right now. If I can get a word in edgewise, let me reassure you she isn’t my girlfriend, she’s a co-worker who I’m looking after, so I brought her along.”

“Seriously?” Aiko said dubiously. “I don’t think you need to hold hands for that. Besides, a co-worker? She’s high school age, right? You can’t fool this sister of yours, no matter how hard you try.”

“Well as you can see, she’s not Japanese, so she isn’t used to things here, so I was just making sure she didn’t get lost. And she is most definitely an adult, or she wouldn’t have guzzled beers on the train down here.” Actually why am I holding her hand? In Tokyo it made sense. Damn, must have been habit…

“Seriously?” Aiko repeated, her tone losing life. “Well that’s disappointing. I have my suspicions, but… so my dreams of such a cute sister-in-law have died, and you are back to big bro moonstone I know and despair over. Wow, what a let-down…” she turned to Eri-chan. “There you go then, you can stop dying inside Eri-chan, you are still in the game…” she then muttered something quiet, but with my enhanced perception I could hear it easily. “… hopefully this scare will make you finally confess to my stupid brother. For some reason girls seem to be interested in him now, and he’s not the weedy beanpole he used to be… damn, he’s kinda hot now… I don’t know how to feel about that…”

Confess? I looked at Eri-chan. I mean, I had a feeling she liked me, but I felt it was more a brother thing, after all, we’ve been childhood friends since forever… still, my sister is pretty sharp so… how did I feel about Eri-chan? She was fiendishly cute, and could give Shaeula a run for her money, but I treated her like she was my sister, just like Aiko, so romantic feelings… no, that was a worry for later. I’d really have to think about what I would do if she did confess, but looking at Eri-chan, that looked unlikely…

“Just a work colleague?” Eri-chan said, light returning to her eyes. “Not your girlfriend?”

“Seriously. Do you think I can get a beauty like Shaeula? Since when have I ever been popular with the ladies?” I feel bad saying this, as it seems since last month I’ve been surrounded by gorgeous girls and women, but reassuring Eri-chan takes priority. She’s always been easily upset…

“Indeed, do you think a proud princess such as myself would debase myself in such a manner-manner? No, he is simply my master.” Shaeula said proudly.

We talked about this. Colleague, not master!

“Master?” Eri-chan said, tone dead.

“Indeed yes, Akio defeated me and now he is my master. We work together for our common goals-goals.”

There was a long moment of silence where we were all trying to work out what to say, then Aiko burst out laughing. “Wow, that’s hilarious. You call yourself a princess. Well I admit you look pretty enough to carry it off. But you need to work on your Japanese a bit. it’s senior or senpai, not master. If people hear that, they’ll think my brother is forcing you to do … perverted things…” she smirked. “Not that he has the guts!”

“You wouldn’t do something like that, would you Akio-kun?” Eri-chan asked, looking pale.

“I swear I am not forcing Shaeula to do anything like that at all. Come on, you know me better than that, right?”

Eri-chan smiled suddenly, her face flushing. With a nod she looked up at me shyly. “Sorry Akio-kun. I don’t know what came over me. Welcome back home, it’s been too long. And to you too Shaeula-chan… err sorry, you don’t like formality. Shaeula. It’s nice to meet a friend of Akio-kun’s from the city.”

“That’s more like it.” Aiko approved. “Damn it’s way too hot to stand out here talking under the sun.” she pulled at her t-shirt, fanning herself. “Why don’t we head home. Our parents will be expecting us back soon, as we checked the train schedules on my new phone. Thanks for them by the way, it was a real nice surprise.”

“Yes, I am really happy you were thinking of me…” Eri-chan said quietly. “But can you afford to be so lavish? I don’t really need such an expensive phone…”

“Have no fear-fear!” Shaeula said, swelling her modest chest in pride. “Akio is raking in wealth, as befits a master of mine. Thanks to my assistance he also provided me one of these mobile phones.” She brought out her own matching phone, bringing a … look… from my sister.

“Hmm, that’s a nice phone too. The colour matches you.” Aiko said, before smiling at me. “A bit suspicious if you ask me, but anyway, you heard him Eri-chan. He can afford it, so take the gift. My brother would be pretty pathetic if a girl he’s so close to turned down such a present. It’d hurt his feelings for sure.”

“It sure would.” I agreed. “Just take it as a reward for putting up with me all these years, all right?”

“It’s you who always was looking out for me…” Eri-chan said, looking down, but then she looked me right in the eyes and smiled charmingly. “Okay big brother, I’ll cherish it. Thanks so much.”

Shaeula clapped her hands together and spoke. “Excellent. Now that is decided can we go-go? I would like to see your childhood home, and I am working up quite the thirst. I demand more alcohol, and only the finest-finest!”

“Shaeula’s right.” Aiko agreed. “Let’s get going.” She grabbed Shaeula’s hand. “let me give you the tour, while Eri-chan and my big bro catch up…”




After a brisk walk through our town, my sister cheerily pointing out what sights there were to Shaeula, me spending some time talking to Eri-chan, who after a while was talking to me like she used to, her shyness giving way to quiet yet warm conversation, we arrived at my family home.

“Well, here we are. It isn’t much, but it’s home.” Aiko said to Shaeula. “Sorry about this, but we don’t have an awful lot of room, so you’ll have to squeeze in with me tonight. Eri-chan is staying over too, right?”

“Yes, I’d like to catch up with big brother, as well as talk to Shaeula.” Eri-chan agreed.

“Wow, we can have a real girls night. I’m excited. But no peeking all right big bro? I’d hate to have to kill you!”

“I am well used to tiny spaces ill-befitting my bloodline. Akio’s room is rather small, after all-all.”

Oh god, not again…

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“Hmm…” my sister looked at us both while opening our faded front door. “I’ve heard something interesting I just know we need to talk about later… oh well, mom, dad, we’re home. And we have a guest!”

Beside me Eri-chan was giving me a very sad look. I reached out and ruffled her hair, causing her to flush red and freeze. Oops, too used to doing that with Shaeula.

The awkward moment was broken by the sounds of someone racing to our front door. “Aki is back? It’s been too long…” a bright female voice with a slightly foreign accent said.

“Yeah, I’m home. Hi mom.” I greeted the British woman who had arrived breathless at the door, bright blue eyes matching my sister twinkling. She snatched me in a hug, matching me for height.

Emily Jade Oshiro

“It’s great to see you, have to been keeping well…. Ohohohoho who is this?” my mother saw Shaeula for the first time and let out a rather dirty laugh. “Looks like my little Aki is a man now, bringing home a girlfriend. And she’s a real looker too. Darling…” she shouted back to her husband, our father. “Aki’s brought back a bride! Break out the good booze!”

“That sounds delightful.” Shaeula agreed cheerfully, missing the point. Aiko, Eri-chan and I all looked at each other, and after a moment all burst out laughing…




“I see, so it’s just a misunderstanding. So sad, I thought I was going to have a new adorable daughter.” My mother was saying, as we all sat around our rather cramped dining table, our best alcohol filling our finest glasses, while various gifts we’d brought (including some nice booze of our own) were also out.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Shaeula. I’m Aki and Ai’s mother, Emily Jade Oshiro. You can call me Emily. It’s a pleasure to meet a friend of Aki’s.” My mother was the only foreigner in our village, my father met her while working abroad, they fell in love and got married, then moved here when I was young while she was pregnant with Aiko. She stood out, that was for sure, louder and more boisterous than the average Japanese, as well as being tall and… rather well endowed. My sister has her personality, for sure…

“I hope he is treating you well. If he is inappropriate, feel free to make him regret it.” My father said, a glass of the nice whiskey we had brought in his hand. “I am his father, Oshiro Taichi. My son has been in your care.” He bowed to her.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, father of my… senior.” Shaeula replied, her own hand clutching a half-drunk glass of strong alcohol. My mother had protested saying she was underage, but I had assured her Shaeula was old enough. At least Shaeula listened to my sister and used senior instead of master. My father is a real old-school Japanese man, he’d go ballistic at such implications…

“It is Akio who has been looking after me, after I was overconfident and made a potentially fatal blunder-blunder. We now work together for a common goal…”

“Hey mom, can I have a beer?” Aiko interrupted, only to be shot down by my father. “Of course not. You are far too young yet for alcohol, so show some class in front of our guest.”

“Aww, that sucks, big bro and Shaeula are enjoying themselves…” she whined, causing Eri-chan to laugh.

“So, my son has finally become a responsible adult at last.” Father continued. “I did have my doubts when all he was doing was freelance work after finishing University, but it seems he is turning his life around.” He gazed at me with his dark grey eyes, which were unusual and gave him a perpetually hard glare. “I see you’ve finally started looking after your body too. Good, a man should be strong in both body and mind.”

“Oh yeah that reminds me…” Aiko interrupted, excited. “Tomorrow is the big baseball game out on the green. Some of the girls from class were wondering if you were going to play, big bro? Since you’ve been working out, maybe you’ll give everyone a shock?”

“Baseball? What manner of challenge is that-that?” Shaeula asked, helping herself to more food and alcohol.

“You don’t know baseball? Just what country are you from? Even I know it, and us Brits hate American sports.” My mother chuckled, genuinely amused.

“Basically, it’s a game played with two teams who compete with bat and ball skills. It’s pretty popular. Anyway every year our town and the surrounding villages get together and have a match, with the winners getting bragging rights for the whole year.” My sister chimed in. “I think big bro should show off.”

“I see-see. No master of mine should shy away from a challenge!”

You are saying it again…

Luckily no-one seemed to notice. “Oh well, I guess I might as well give it a go while I’m here, not that I have any fond memories of years past. I wasn’t exactly.. sporty like you, sis.”

“Well I think you’ll do just fine, big brother.” Eri-chan said loyally. “Besides, sporting talent isn’t everything.”

“I resent that, you’ll deny my whole existence, wow!” my sister complained, bringing laughs from everyone. “Anyway, while the guys all play us girls watch and cook up a big feast. Then afterwards we all party. Then the leftovers go into Saturday’s big festival at the shrine. So you in, Shaeula?”

“Of course. I do enjoy a royal feast; it is only fitting for me-me!”

“Speaking of the shrine…” Eri-chan tugged at my sisters’ arm, reminding her of something.

“Oh yeah, that’s right!” my sister said. “So when did my sly dog of a brother start hitting on elementary schoolers?”

What the hell… I nearly spat out my beer in shock. “Err, what? I’m not guilty, whatever you are talking about…”

I could feel the inquisitive gaze of my mother and the burning gaze of my father on me as I protested my innocence.

“Wow, your conscience hurting, big bro? Seriously though, when did you meet Takeyabashi-chan from the shrine? She’s certainly a little cutie, but too young for you, big bro! I know you like them young and adorable like Shaeula and Eri-chan, but your sister will not allow you down this path of evil!”

“Aiko-chan!” Eri-chan protested, embarrassed.

“Seriously, I have no idea what you are talking about…”

“We were out at the café when Takeyabashi-chan came up and asked if I was your sister. She told me to tell you to visit her at the shrine at your earliest convenience. Wow, what else is there to say?”

Okay, making sense now. Going to my holdall I retrieved a letter from it. “It’s probably something to do with this.  We’ve been doing some work with some shrines in Tokyo and they wanted us to deliver a letter to the shrine here. I guess they called ahead or something?”

“I thought you were an IT guy?” Aiko asked. “What does that have to do with shrines?”

“Even shrines need websites and things like that nowadays, right Aki?” Mom said, and I nodded.

“Yeah, modernisation and all that. Anyway, I’ll head over later I guess. We have to finish our dinner, right?” I don’t really want to get into this subject any more…

“Sounds good to me!” Aiko shouted. “Eri-chan, Shaeula, why don’t you pour my big bro another drink?”

Watching Eri-chan blush and Shaeula nod drunkenly I stifled a laugh. Spending time with family and friends sure was nice. Clenching one fist, I reminded myself of just why I had to risk my life and grow stronger. No danger to the world would be allowed to hurt those I loved!

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