On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 81: Seventy-Three

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I had been moved from the outfield to the infield, and capitalised by catching out one batter, though they still managed to score twice. But then it was time for Kenji-san and Masaki-san to bat, so I was up again. Kenji-san was beaten, barely even swinging, and was already trudging off before the umpire even called the third strike. Masaki-san put up more of an effort, but even so, it was to no avail…

With the changeover I once more batted third, and this time neither Masaki-san nor Kenji-san came out to bowl to me, instead it was the top pitcher of the ‘pro’ team. It made sense, as if I hit another home run, with two bases ahead of me, we’d score three again… But since this is likely the last time I’ll bat… that means I definitely won both bets…

The ball was pitched, and I sent the ball sailing with a vicious swing, sending the ball flying out of the field once more. There was silence and I cursed myself for instinctively getting carried away again, even as I jogged around the diamond. Damn, combat instincts are a dangerous thing in the Material…

Fired up and shame-faced, the ‘pro’ team pulled out all the stops, only conceding one more point before getting the three outs they needed to end innings six. It was 17 to 11, a position our team never thought they’d be in at this stage. As we celebrated and worked out our team line-up for the next set of innings, the coach of the ‘pro’ team, who was the teacher in charge of most of the male sporting teams at our school, came over to talk to us. He must have remembered me from school, as he gave me a searching look.

“Well, I’ll be. Who knew that you’d ever be this good at baseball? Such a waste. With skills like that you could have been a professional.”

Hardly, as I didn’t have those skills until recently… Channelling all the politeness I could muster (as I remembered him too, especially the way he used to treat me like crap for not being interested in any sort of exercise…) I demurred. “No, I think a lot of it is just luck. I will admit to being fitter and sharper, but Kenji-san and Masaki-san weren’t playing to their potential. Guess they need to work on handling pressure…”

The coach snorted rudely. “Sure, if you say so. Anyway… I wanted to talk about the last innings. I’d like Oshiro-san to sit them out. I know the rules say he can play as much as he wants, but…”

Our coach was going to protest, but I stopped him. “That seems fair to me. After all, both teams have been very good letting us settle our silly bets. Besides, I’ve been using muscles I don’t normally, so maybe I should take a break…”

Higuchi-san frowned, and as he was about to speak Imai-san cut in. “How about this? Oshiro-san can sit out the next two innings. Your team always keeps the best until last, so we’ll do the same. Then we can truly see whether it was luck my man here was showing, or whether he has been keeping his skills hidden all this time…”

After some back and forth everyone agreed, so I went over and sat down, taking a well-deserved rest, trying not to meet the sparkling gazes of my friends and family. Yae-san’s was a particularly hard gaze to meet, as every time our eyes met across the field she blushed and looked away. I’ve got too hooked on gambling recently… this bet will be the end of me… unless I can get out of it somehow?

The ‘pro’s’ were all fired up, and over the next two innings they bullied us relentlessly. We were shut out in the seventh and only scored one in the eighth, while they racked up points, and were now behind 18 to 20. Still, this was the closest we’d been to victory in years as the town team.

“All right then…” I muttered, stretching. “Time to show what I can do…” Win or lose, I’d done what I needed to, but now it was so close it would be a shame not to go for the win. Masaki-san was sitting with his team looking very gloomy, but Kenji-san had left after the sixth innings, storming off the field despite his team-mates trying to stop him.

Up first to bat, this time Higuchi-san decided on an all-or-nothing play. I would go in fourth, and we would try to load the bases if we weren’t able to score beforehand, of course. Unfortunately it didn’t go to plan, and our first batter was struck out. Even so, the next two managed to get to bases, including Imai-san, who was grinning at me from first base.

The pitcher threw a good ball, and I actually missed it. Wow, nice pitch. Guess I’m not infallible…

Giving me a look, the pitcher threw again, this one a sharp curve-ball. But this time there was no mistake and I middled the ball, bat sending it soaring out of the field. Cheers erupted all around us as I jogged to the finish, taking us a point ahead of the other team.

Sadly after that we had two quick strikeouts, so went into the final confrontation in a very precarious position.

Our best pitcher went up first, and the first ‘pro’ made second base. The next batter was up, and he hit it high into the air. Cries of ‘catch it’ went out, and I ran for the ball as it started to fall. Catching it should be no problem, but the issue is the runner… the first batter was reaching third base, so even if I caught it, he might get home and score… Unless I am faster… pumping my muscles, using my full strength I leapt, soaring into the air like a high-jumper at the Olympics. Catching the ball I threw it home with great speed and precision, straight into the hands of the surprised backstop. They then dived desperately for the home plate, and beat the ‘pro’ by mere inches.

“Two outs!” declared the umpire, and again cheers erupted. I picked myself up off the floor where I had landed awkwardly after my aerial throw and dusted myself down. Imai-san and the others came over and congratulated me, but I advised them we still couldn’t relax, as one mistake would cost us. Higuchi-san came over and passed me the ball.

“It’s on you now, Oshiro-san.” He said. “All you need to do is strike their batter out and we win. Never mind drinks on me tonight, if we win here then I’ll break open some of the good stuff I’ve been saving.”

“Shit, that sounds great.” One teammate said, and others echoed him. I guess it is too late to be shy now. I haven’t done anything that a human ‘couldn’t’ do, so I can just deflect any questions about my training regime like I have been…

Stepping up to the plate I faced my opponent. My first ball sailed through cleanly. Followed by the second. Sweat was soaking my hand that clutched the ball, and I felt a bit queasy. My opponent did too, his hands slick on his bat, his breathing rough. This feeling… it’s a lot like the feeling of combat against a tough foe… if my sister feels like this… I can see why she loves sport… though the weight of expectation sucks… I don’t know how she manages in the volleyball team…

Realising I was putting off the inevitable, I took my stance and… “Strike three. You’re out! Game, town team! 21 to 20.”

The loudest cheers yet erupted around the field and I was swamped by my teammates, nearly crushed under a huddle of hugs and backslaps.

“Man, you are so the MVP this year Oshiro-san!” Imai-san was praising me. “I wanted to look cool in front of my wife and you stole all the glory! Who knew you were a powerful enough siscon to go to such lengths to impress her. Or was it the thought of your hot date with that little schoolgirl…?”

I let him and the others ramble on as the spectators joined us. Some were commiserating the losing team, who were all looking forlorn and lost, while others came to praise us, including my family.

“Magnificent, my master.” Shaeula approved. “I expected no less of course-course. Still, I have a new appreciation for your so-called sporting games. It was rather exciting watching you dominate your opponents.”

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“I’ll say…” Rika-san burst in. “You were sooooooooo cool. No-one could touch you! It’s true what they say, people who move to the big city really are special. I wish I had a boyfriend as cool as you…” she shot me a not-so-subtle gaze, twirling her blonde hair with one finger coyly, only to let out a whimper as my sister bopped her firmly on the head.

“Wow, enough of that. No hitting on my big bro in front of Eri-chan.” Turning to me she looked at me, eyes bright. “I… oh wow, oh god, I don’t even know what to say. It feels like you’ve stolen all of my charm points. I was the sporty one… still, I guess any bro of mine needs to have skills… and I bet Eri-chan prefers your more manly sporty side, right?”

Eri-chan looked down, her face red, but she nodded. “… I think you were… really cool, big brother. I’m very proud… to be your childhood friend…”

“Ugh, such a missed opportunity.” My sister groused sourly.

As my parents and the Mori couple also congratulated me, Yae-san came to my side, followed by a downcast looking Masaki-san. No Kenji-san? Oh well, this is awkward. Time to show my adult side, I’ve been a bit too heated and childish…

Before they could speak I smiled at them. “You know what, I think you’ve learned your lesson. Why don’t we call our bet null and void?”

“No-no! That is unacceptable.”

“No way. I won’t stand for it!”

Two voices rang out their objections at the same time. One was Shaeula’s, and the other was… Yae-san? Uh.. what?

“An oath is a solemn thing, not to be disregarded for petty reasons-reasons.” Shaeula said sharply. “Both sides pledged in good faith-faith, and so must honour their vows. Besides…” she grinned then, amber eyes looking at Yae-san, who blushed. “It is the right of a great male to secure any female of worth he wishes for-for.”

“That’s right… err, not about… the… err, securing…” Yae-san said haltingly. Masaki-san tried to grab her hand but she brushed him off. “I agreed, I said I’d have a date with you if you won the bet, and I don’t want to be a liar, or make Masaki-kun a liar either. So…” she bowed her head to me. “Please go out with me!”

Masaki-san pulled a bitter face, while my sister choked out a shocked response. “Wow, you made that sound different than it should. You mean for one date only. Right?

Eri-chan was hiding her face, Shaeula hugging her, while my family and Eri-chan’s parents were laughing uproariously… You know what, this isn’t so bad. This is why I need strength, so I can protect those I care about and their peaceful days…




The celebration on the green was winding down, everybody stuffed. The remaining food was being taken away, ready to be transferred to the stalls at the festival for tomorrow. I had spent a very pleasant couple of hours chatting with everyone, and had tucked away a surprising amount of meat and rice. Damn, using strength in the Material really burns the calories…

Talk naturally turned to what we would be doing that evening, My father suggested we should spend it at home with the Mori’s, but before I could answer Imai-san and several of the team approached us.

“Sorry old man Oshiro.” Imai-san said, his wife roiling her eyes behind him and making gestures of apology for his rudeness as my father frowned. “But we will be taking our MVP to the bar. Higuchi-san is breaking out the good stuff. You are more than welcome to come along for a few, but we can’t spare the man of the hour.”

“Oh go on darling, let Aki have some fun.” My mom smiled. After a while my father nodded. “It cannot hurt, I suppose, to be on good terms with your fellows, however, it is the festival tomorrow, so do not get too drunk. You will have to escort the girls properly.”

Drunk, like you did with Shaeula? “Don’t worry, I’ll be sensible.”

“I shall come along as well-well.” Shaeula declared, only for my sister to shake her head.

“No, no you will not, Shaeula. Not tonight. We need to have a talk. So you will be coming with me!”

“A girl’s talk? Sounds awesome. I’m in!” Yae-san shouted, and Rika-san agreed. “Me too!”

My sister sighed, but after some back and forth banter she agreed they could come, the five of them going somewhere together. With that I was pulled away from the crowd, heading into town with Imai-san and the gang… It’s going to be a long night…

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