On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 82: Side Nine – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

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“So, you said you wanted to see where I practice my traditional archery.” I spoke to Shaeula, who was eyeing our school grounds with interest. “The range is over there. We should go take a look.”

Our school was pretty small, even though it catered to students of all ages. I wonder what schools in the big city are like? I bet my big bro would know… no, this isn’t the time for distractions.

The main building which was three stories and in a more traditional design housed the high and middle school students, while a smaller building off to the side housed the elementary division. Since all three schools were in one, they shared various facilities such as the sports hall, playing field, archery range and kendo dojo, as well as various other smaller buildings dotted around.

Still, most clubs are dead. Even my own kyudo club only has a handful of members. Maybe if they didn’t split them by gender… ugh, no, I’d rather have few members than have to put up with annoying boys all the time…

Seeing that I had fallen silent, Yae-san teased me relentlessly. “What’s up, Ai-chan? Worried you are breaking the rules by sneaking into school after hours? It isn’t like you to be so daring.”

Wow, annoying much? It was getting late, summer evening twilight drawing in, and technically yes, we weren’t supposed to go to school unless we had club activities during the summer holidays, but it isn’t like they ever bothered to lock anything up or patrol, especially not this weekend. It wasn’t like the city, where you might get crime or vandalism. “Bah, who asked you to come along? I’m being super nice letting you pair join us. I wanted to have a talk with Shaeula and Eri-chan.” Making my displeasure clear I pouted, only for Yae-san to laugh at me.

“You can do that any time, you and little Ri-Ri are joined at the hip anyway. Besides, we want to talk to Shaeula too, she’s adorable. You know we want to know all about her relationship with your brother Aki.”

Wow, damn you are so rude. You aren’t friends to use a nickname with my big bro.

“I don’t think my big bro would appreciate you being so… close… with him. He doesn’t like cutesy nicknames.”

Rika-san giggled. “Oh don’t be so jealous. People will find it weird.”

“Besides…” Yae-san broke in. “I do believe Aki and I are dating now. You were there, right?”

I can feel my temples throbbing. This brazen hussy… glancing to my side I could see Eri-chan clenching her fists. She’d been pretty unhappy ever since my stupid big bro moonstone won that bet. Not that I wanted him to lose or anything, but… he just looked too damn pleased with himself. I mean, when you have a girl like Eri-chan just desperately waiting for you to pop the question, why would you want anyone like.. her… wow, I just don’t get guys… I looked over at Shaeula, who was fussing excitedly over everything, peering through windows and admiring the grounds. Even Shaeula is super cute. If he doesn’t want Eri-chan… Uhh, even thinking about it makes me sad… no, we had a good talk in my room, but we… need to clear the air. Something is going on, I know it!

“Do not be so full of yourself.” Shaeula suddenly declared.

Wow, way to go Shaeula, put her in her place!

“While you may indeed be going on this… date… with Akio, you should not grow conceited. Should you wish to be one of his women, you will have to polish yourself far more-more. Only the best women will suit him.”

Yes, you tell her… err, one of his women? This again….

“I think I polish up pretty nicely thank you very much.” Yae-san retorted, striking an admittedly attractive pose. “Aki will be head over heels for me after our date. who knows how far I’ll let him go with me. I’m feeling a bit easy recently…” she winked. “But one of his women eh? You throwing your hat in the ring for some cheating there Shaeula? How bold.”

“I can’t believe she’d say that.” Rika-san agreed. “Maybe you lack confidence? I don’t see why though, you are gorgeous.”

“Hmph, I know I am indeed a beautiful princess-princess.” Shaeula affirmed, modest chest puffed out with pride. “But a great male will always attract many good females. That is but a natural order of things-things.”

“I don’t approve of this conversation.” Eri-chan said suddenly. At our sudden gazes she flinched back, before steeling herself. “I think a man and a woman should love each other and no-one else.”

Wow, way to be assertive there Eri-chan. But I agree. You go, girl!

“Really?” Shaeula pushed a finger to her cheek, adopting an adorable thinking pose which caused my heart to skip a beat. Oh no, I am not into girls. But if I was…

“So, if a male can love but one female, then Akio should have no love for his sister-sister?” she finished.

Wowowowowowowow what? Where did that come from?

Yae-san burst out laughing, and Rika-san gave her a thumbs-up. “She’s got you there little Ri-Ri. If Akio-kun can only love one girl, you are way out of luck, everyone knows how much he loves his sister.”

Going as red as a cooked lobster Eri-chan looked like she was boiling, but for once she didn’t back down. “That’s… clearly different. Love of family is not romantic love…”

“I do not see a difference. Love is love. Are you declaring one male cannot love more than one female? If so my father would like to deny you-you. He has many wives and concubines.”

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Wow, is this a conversation we should be having in front of these two? I need to change the subject.

“Your father is a playboy? Interesting.” Yae-san was curious, Rika-san too. “Just what country are you from Shaeula? It isn’t Japan, despite how well you speak… “

Before this could go further and send Eri-chan into a self-destruct spiral I shouted “We are here. This is the archery range. Why don’t you go in and take a look while I get changed?”

“Oh yes, we must take a look-look. I am most interested in seeing your bow arts. I must evaluate them-them.”

Subject changed successfully! Now to keep it that way, then ditch these two… “Eri-chan, can you show Shaeula around? Why don’t you two grab us some drinks from the vending machine in the main building. I’ll pay.” Pulling out some money I handed it over, feeling sour. I’ll just get some more off big bro later. This is pretty much his fault after all.

Giving each other a look, Yae-san and Rika-san accepted the money and headed off, leaving me to change. I quickly went to the locker room, stripped off my casual clothes and got dressed, all the while listening to the voices of Shaeula and Eri-chan as they inspected the range. When done, I was dressed in the traditional white shirt, the keiko-gi, with black hakama trousers and white socks, my waist tied with a pretty obi sash. I then put on my chest protector, and found a practice bow from the lockers, as my own was at home. Looking at myself in the mirror of the changing room I nodded. I always feel at home in uniform. There’s something relaxing about wearing it. Plus I’m also gorgeous. Wow, I’m so vain. But it’s true, I’m cute as hell. I don’t lose to Eri-chan or Shaeula. I’m so sinfully proud!

Stepping out onto the range I could see Shaeula standing with Eri-chan, both of them flushed, as if they had been arguing. When Eri-chan met my gaze she blushed further and looked away. Uh, what’s this about?

“You look very fetching indeed-indeed.” Shaeula approved, seeing me in full attire. “I would be very pleased to see your archery, if you would-would?”

Having no choice I cleared my mind, fixed my breathing and strode up to the mark. Looking out at the practice target, which was twenty eight metres away, and rather small, only a few dozen or so centimetres in radius, I hefted my practice Yumi, the bow overtopping me in height. On my right hand was a glove, the Yugake, which helped with the pull. Taking a long breath I entered a state of readiness, where only the target, the bow, the arrow and I existed. I can do this. I am not merely going to hit the target, I shall pierce the target…

With a smooth motion I released, and the arrow soared through the air, hitting home with a meaty thud in the lower part of the target. Not bad, but off-centre…

Thrice more I fired, and all four arrows were soon buried in the target, the last just shy of dead centre. Feeling the trembling of my arm muscles, I sighed and put down my Yumi, offering a quick prayer of gratitude for the experience.

I was then jolted out of my trance by loud applause. Shaeula was clapping her hands together while Eri-chan looked on proudly.

“Most excellent.” Shaeula approved, still clapping. “Your skills are true, it seems. I feel something spiritual from the way you wield your bow-bow. It could be turned to combat use rather easily, I feel-feel.”

“That’s a strange compliment, Shaeula…” Eri-chan said, puzzled and nervous.

It is. And that reminds me of why I brought her out here. Wow, this is it. I need to know, but… I’m also kind of afraid to know the answers…

Wiping beads of sweat from my brow I turned my sapphire gaze, for which I was named, onto Shaeula, who started back with her own gorgeous amber eyes. “Yes?” she raised one eyebrow, asking what I wanted.

Well, here goes. Taking a deep breath I spoke. “There is so much that is strange. I just don’t get it. My big bro… he’s… well he’s changed. Not just his looks, or the fact he’s somehow turned into a pro athlete that makes me feel like a nobody just looking at him… oh wait, that came out wrong, I am not jealous of my bro, no way… ugh…” taking a deep breath I brought my palms to my cheeks with a loud clap, wincing as my now reddened cheeks stung.

“Seriously. Who are you, Shaeula? One thing is for certain, my big bro is lying through his teeth when he says you are his co-worker. Do you even know anything about IT at all?”

“How rude. I can play these computer games just fine-fine.” She sniffed.

“My point exactly. When we were talking in my room, and again right now… you mentioned combat skills… and my brother said he was doing combat sports now too… I like you Shaeula, and I want to be your friend, but I need you to be honest. Are you getting my brother involved in anything illegal? Is it dangerous? Why else would he be so strong now, and have so much free money? Please, I need the truth.” I could feel droplets of water leaking down my reddened cheeks, soaking the collar of my keiko-gi. I’m crying. Wow, lame. But I… I can’t bear it if my big bro is putting himself in danger. I hate that I couldn’t do anything that time, when he was so hurt saving us… I refuse to sit back powerlessly and watch as he gets hurt again, or maybe.. maybe worse. Fists clenching I took a step closer towards Shaeula, who was still starting at me calmly.

“Aiko-chan, are you all right?” Eri-chan mumbled, but I put her aside for now. Sorry Eri-chan, but this is in your best interests too…

“Illegal? I do not believe your mortal laws have much to do with this-this.” Shaeula said, undaunted by my anger. “Danger? I fear I must admit that danger indeed does threaten Akio. Yet should he stand aside and flee from it, all that would remain for him would be bitter regrets-regrets.”

“So you are leading my big bro into danger. I thought better of you…” I began, but Eri-chan had rushed to my side and was gripping my sleeve. I looked down to see I had picked up one of my arrows unconsciously, and was holding it like a dagger, ready to strike. Wow, when did I…?

“I think we should… all calm down.” Eri-chan said quietly. “Before … you do something you’d regret. You have faith in big brother, Aiko-chan, I know you do. I do too. And Shaeula… I won’t let her have him, but she… she has faith in him too. I can tell. So… please let her speak. We can decide what to do then.”

Oh Eri-chan. So strong at the strangest of times… well, only when it involves my big bro, I guess. Wiping away my tears with my free hand I looked at Shaeula, who was waiting for us to finish. “All right then, talk. I want to know everything my brother wants to hide. I’m tired of being protected. I, no we want to be the ones to save him this time.”

“Very well then. I applaud your resolve-resolve. I shall speak of what I know, and should you wish it, you too can support my master as he strives for victory over this world.”

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