On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Chapter 83: Side Ten – Oshiro Sapphire Aiko

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“Where to begin, indeed.” Shaeula pondered. “I was not there at the very beginning, but we have talked about it, and I have gleaned some knowledge of how it began for him-him.”

“Shouldn’t you tell us who you are first?” I asked. “After all, with talk of your father being a powerful man with many wives… you must be someone important too, am I right?”

“Indeed I am, but that is for later. I would speak, if you will let me-me?”

“Stop interrupting her.” Eri-chan hissed. “Let Shaeula tell her story. We don’t have too long before those two will come back…”

Damn, that’s right. The vending machines are in the main school building a way from here, and I doubt they’ll hurry, but even so…

“In that case, I shall continue. This world that you know of as Earth, it is but a facet of existence. You dwell on the Material plane, a plane of firm laws and rules-rules. Yet there are other… more malleable realms, where other brings dwell.”

“Like Yokai and monsters. I get it. But those are all stories for entertainment. There are no magical beings.” Where is she going with this. I don’t… Huh… wha…. Wowowowowowowow!

Interrupting my thoughts Shaeula raised one hand and suddenly the air around us burst into motion, our clothes and hair blowing in the breeze, a faint glow of green surrounding us. This continued for a handful of seconds until Shaeula lowered her hand. Even then her summer dress swirled in the still air, dancing as if guided by invisible hands.

“Are they now indeed? I stand before you, a true Fae, noble Seelie. I am not but a story-story. But I am now part of Akio’s tale indeed.”

Eri-chan had sunk to the ground beside me, eyes as wide as they would go, mouth open foolishly. I knew how she felt. My world… it is coming crashing down… was that… magic? Is she a magical girl? No freaking way. Wow, wait, she said she was a Fae… I remember that from some of my mom’s children’s books. Faeries… mischievous and magical beings … it… wow, it kind of fits her…

“I shall continue. Akio was chosen to protect the world, by some strange being of significant power. To do so… well, there lies the danger-danger. He must strive to increase his strength, raise a Territory, recruit trustworthy allies and crush his foes. I stand here proud as one of his allies, bound by three Oaths and three Boons. Thus I shall never leave his side, so you should forget getting rid of me, Eri, for I am here to stay-stay.”

So… what? My big bro just lucked out into some crazy powers… that… doesn’t make sense, but his performance today… how else could I explain it? And he won’t tell me anything… that … hurts…

“Hmph, wow. My bro is lame. I was really proud of him when I saw how much he’d changed, how fit and sporty he had become. When I saw everyone cheering for him at the baseball game I was… I was happy. But now I discover it isn’t his power, he’s just been given it by some stupid alien being… how… wow, I’m speechless with disappointment.”

Shaeula looked at me as though she was looking at something unsightly. I was going to defend myself when she raised one hand and in a flash of green something struck me across the face. It wasn’t hard, but it stung, and I glared at her. “Don’t hit me with that ungodly power of yours…”

“Children who say foolish things should be chastised, should they not-not?” Shaeula would not back down. Eri-chan made to get between us, but Shaeula took her arm gently and pushed her to one side. “To think Akio’s sister is so small-minded. After all his praise of you I had expected more-more. Did someone simply hand you the ability to use your bow-bow? I think not. Though fates or the gods, if you prefer, they did give you the talent. The same is true for Akio. He was chosen yes, and others were not, but how is that different from being born gifted?”

Why am… why am I sounding like the bad guy here? I’m the one who has been lied to…

“Your brother trains hard every day and every night, working on learning how best to strengthen both his Material body and Astral body. He studies these… YouTube videos, I believe you call them-them, practicing combat arts until he can barely stand. He then fights, on the boundary of life and death, carving out victory after victory, shedding blood for what he believes in-in.”

Eri-chan whimpered to herself at the words ‘shedding blood’, but I would not be so sympathetic. “Well of course he would. I bet he is having a great time away in Tokyo. No doubt he is loving all the wealth and having a cute girl like you living with him. I bet he is building a harem or something. Pathetic. All he is doing is satisfying his own desires. He’s just greedy… ouch, stop hitting me!”

Two more impacts rocked my face so I lunged forwards towards Shaeula, ignoring Eri-chan’s cries, only to have her dodge aside and slap me with her tiny hand. The blow rocked back my head and I almost blacked out for a moment, before I found myself embraced by her small arms, her breath warm. Before I knew it I had burst into tears, sobbing in her arms. Wow, what… what is wrong with me. Why am I being so harsh to my big bro? I don’t…

“There, there, Aiko. Everything will be fine, I assure you.” hearing her calm voice I cried harder, and Eri-chan joined us, crying too, snaking her arms around us. Oh god, when those two come back, how can we explain this… I tried to squirm free, but Shaeula only clutched me tighter.

“Do you really think so little of Akio?” Shaeula asked gently. “I think not, nay, I know not-not. You mentioned when he risked his life and shed blood to defend you from the dog, did you not? Was he doing that then to gain something, wealth or love, or was he doing it because he wanted to protect you both-both?”

“He wanted to protect us… I know that.” Eri-chan whispered, and I had to agree. Big bro would never let us come to harm. Just look at how angry he got at that jerk Kenji-san…

“And he still does. He gathers strength so that he may protect those he loves from what is to come, which surely includes you both, I know this to be true-true. As for wealth and females… well of course a male of power should have such. Is it better to have the love and protection of an inferior male to oneself, or have a share in the love of a mighty male, unmatched in power and charm-charm? Each must decide for themselves, but my choice is made.”

“But where is the love in that?” Eri-chan protested. “Does that mean a girl can have many partners too? I find that sickening…”

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“A female of power, such as the Seelie Queen…? Of course she can have many lovers, and does-does. But I will have no lover, and would you wish to embrace another, other than the Akio you so dearly love-love?”

“Never!” Eri-chan said firmly. “I’ll be big brother’s girl, or I’ll die alone.”

Uhh, wow, that’s a bit… extreme… Sniffling, I looked to the smiling Shaeula. She was surrounded in a green glow, and gentle fingers of wind brushed away the tears Eri-chan and I had shed. “Talk of romance is for another time-time. What is important is just why you felt such anger at Akio. Is it because he was keeping secrets from you-you? I did advise him to be forthright, yet he wanted again to protect you. he is too overprotective, if you ask me-me. Luckily his stance is softening, he is undecided on what to tell you, so I shall follow his intent, if not-not his words.”

My mind is a mess, but… I think… I don’t want it to be true, I didn’t think I was just a selfish girl, but it might… no it is…

“I… ever since big bro left us and moved to Tokyo, I’ve felt like he’s left me behind. The three of us were always together, weren’t we Eri-chan? Big bro always looked out for us, after us, protected us, played with us, helped us… I… no, we love him so much. But …” I turned my gaze to Eri-chan, who was looking at me with her beautiful gaze. “… Eri-chan has a chance to go further with big bro, she loves him, and I know he knows it now, after all, we’ve all told him enough times this trip…” I managed a weak smile, but my heart felt leaden, my breath shallow and dry. “… so if Eri-chan marries my brother, they’ll be happy, but where does that leave me…? It’s always been the three of us, but I’ll be out, cast adrift… wow, I sound shitty and lame… so selfish, I know…”

“It isn’t selfish!” Eri-chan shouted. ”I know just how you feel. When big brother left, it was like the light went away. I… I was lost without him. I thought the same, that I’d marry big brother, and I never thought I needed to say what was on my mind, that… it would just happen… but then he was gone. And then he brought back Shaeula, and I felt.. jealous. I wanted… I wanted you to go away! He’s mine. Big brother is mine. But… not mine alone. He also belongs to you, Aiko-chan. You are my best… really my only friend. I can’t be happy unless you are both mine!”

“Honesty at last-last.” Shaeula approved, letting us go. “How refreshing it is.”

“I see now…” I marvelled. It all makes sense. “I think I resented my big bro for going on ahead of us… though… that’s so not cool. I thought I was a better sister and loved my big bro unconditionally. Wow, I suck…” It’s never easy finding out you aren’t as nice as you thought you were…

“So to hear that my big bro is going even further, beyond human…” I snorted a weak laugh. “… and worse, he’s in danger, and could be gone out of my reach forever… I blamed him. When I should be blaming myself. I see why you feel you don’t have the right to stand beside big bro now, Eri-chan. We… we always let him spoil us. And it made us weak. We didn’t say what was in our hearts.”

“It is natural to be spoiled by one’s older siblings. Mine are… well, they can be somewhat aggravating, for varying reasons-reasons. Still, now that you have realised your feelings, I will say this. Akio is making a mistake. He wishes to coddle you both, keeping you from harm. But such is a foolish hope, for harm oft comes unbidden, all Fae know this well-well. So, if you would wish to learn more about the world Akio sees, and no longer merely walk behind him, but stride forwards and stand at his side, then speak, and I shall teach you-you!”

“I’ll do it. If… if I miss this chance, then… big brother will be taken from me. I’ll even learn from you… until I can surpass you and make big brother mine. Tomorrow I will tell him how I feel. At the festival. You’ll never have him, Shaeula. But…” and with that Eri-chan looked away, blushing adorably. “I thank you for thinking of me. Maybe… we can.. be friends. I just… can’t compromise on big brother.”

Wow. I think she’ll do it too. We really have to go all out tomorrow then… this is her once in a lifetime confession. It is way different hearing from others that someone loves you, than hearing it from her own lips. No running away this time, big bro. No running away…

“As for me… I’m a failure of a sister, but now I know… please teach me. Like Eri-chan, if I want to be a part of big bro’s life forever, I have to work for it.”

“Good, it is a pact then. In exchange… you shall not stint in your efforts to support us-us. I shall be harsh, but you shall reap the benefits, I assure you both-both.”

“Oh wow, a double love confession, to a love rival, no less. How thrilling.” We all jumped as Rika-san spoke from behind us, cans of drinks clutched in her arms.

“It sure is.” Yae-san agreed, also carrying cans.

Wow, how many did they buy? Wasteful… that was my money. No, wait, that isn’t what is important here…

“I was expecting little Ri-Ri to go for it this festival, if seeing Shaeula didn’t make her feel the pressure she doesn’t deserve a shot at love… plus of course his hot upcoming date with yours truly…” Yae-san continued. “…But for Ai-chan to confess too…” she put on an annoying voice, making me wish I still had my arrow to stab her, but I’d let it fall earlier during the hug. “… oh I can’t ever be separated from my big bro… I’d just die if we were apart…”

Wow, I so did not say that… jerk…

“Yeah, we all know the pair of them are hopeless. Maybe Ri-Ri will lose to forbidden love…”

As we continued to bicker I wondered just how much the pair of them had heard before coming in. Not too much, I’m sure… I hope… oh wow, they wouldn’t believe what we were talking about anyway… my big bro, a saviour of the world with magical powers. I barely believe it, and I’ve seen the proof in Shaeula and her mysterious winds… wow, damn you big bro, I know you meant well, but hiding this from us… you’ll have to repay us, and it’ll be expensive…!

As if guessing what I was thinking, Shaeula grinned at me. Flushing, I turned away. Tonight then… I feel drained from all these heavy emotions, but… wow, Eri-chan and I are going to be magical girls… I’d have to be dead to not get a little excited about that, right?

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