One Piece: In world of one piece

Chapter 55: Aokiji

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An:- This is a bonus chapter for reaching 40$ enjoy.

Currently, Thunder Pirates had reached near Long Ring long island. Felix controlled the news coo brought it to their ship and took the newspaper for free and after doing that he sends the bird away. The news of his bounty increasing had not been published yet. Only the one where he is named the fifth emperor had been published. 

Felix read the news and was absolutely shocked. Rabin is not told anyone about his conversation with Doflamingo so no one knew that doflamingo was going to leak the conversation between him and Sengoku. Felix shouted "Captain yo. You are now the fifth emperor of the sea. Everyone on the ship was completely surprised except Rabin of course.

Pratik came running towards Felix snatched the paper from his hand and started reading it and after a few seconds he shouted at the top of his lungs "Yessss now we are one of the emperors of the sea." Then everyone started reading the news. Mia then said "Why did doflamingo say those things to Sengoku did you order him to do so captain? And how did morgan hear the conversation?"

Rabin laughed and said "Doflamingo said what he said all on his own I didn't tell him to do anything. And big news Morgan heard the conversation because Doflamingo recorded it and sent it to him." Mia was very confused and didn't know what was going on then she said in a very low voice "Did my mind control fail?"

Rabin patted her heat and said playfully "No it didn't you idiot. You asked him to be loyal and he is doing what he thinks being loyal means." Then Rabin explained to her about everything in detail. Then after some time, she said, "This is troublesome now I have to figure out what they think the order means before giving out the order or else it might backfire on us." 

The Strawhats Pirates were currently in on the Long Ring Long Island. They were having a Davy back fight against Luffy was fighting the captain of the Foxy pirate on the foxy Pirates ship,  Which is full of traps and weapons to give him the advantage.  And despite his foe using several of the ship's weapons and even robotic battle suits, he manages to defeat Foxy by reflecting his beams back at him using a mirror and punching him into the ocean. 

After the Fight Luffy tells the foxy pirates that he was only fighting for Tonjit and Shelly (An: - The guy who used to walk on bamboo and his tall horse.) and that he does not want 500 men from foxy pirates. After that luffy and the rest of the straw hat along with his crew started going back to the house. But in front of the house, they saw a tall man who was sleeping while standing.

Robin who saw the man was instantly terrified of him and fell on to the ground. After seeing her reaction Luffy and the other all take a fighting stance. Nami asks Robin "Robin who is he?" Then Robin slowly said, "He is a marine, and not just any marine he is an admiral one of the highest powers of the marines."

After some time Aokiji convinces the group that he was just taking a stroll and he ended up here and he tells the crew that he does not want to confront them. After that, he decides to help Tonjit to get to his crew. This is when the straw hats see the power of an admiral. He goes near the sea touches the sea. When he does that a sea king is about to attack him.

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But he freezes the sea king along with the sea as far as the eyes can see and he says that the sea will be this way for seven days. All of the straw hats are absolutely shocked by the power of Akoiji. Then Robin says "This is the power of an Admiral." After Tonjit leaves Tonjit leaves, Aokiji confronts the crew as he sees them a threat to the world. The biggest threat he sees is Robin for her ability to read the Poneglyph and tells the crew that every organization Robin belonged to does not exist anymore and she is the only survivor each time. 

After hearing this Robin attacks Aokiji, but fails and Aokiji tries to retaliate with a strike from a sword he instantly made by freezing grass. Zoro blocks the strike and Sanji kicks the sword away, but both get caught by Aokiji, freezing Sanji's leg and Zoro's arm. Luffy tries a punch, but only gets his fist frozen on Aokiji's body.

He is about to freeze Robin but he notices something and immediately forms a giant Ice wall which is nearly 15 meters thick in front of him. As soon as he does that a metal spear comes so fast that none of the Straw Hats were able to see it. The metal spear pierces through the whole 15 meters of the Ice wall and was about to hit Aokiji, but the speed of the spear had been reduced by the ice wall and Aokiji was able to catch it with his hand.

But the tip of the spear touched the chest of aokiji and it drew a little bit of blood. Everyone looked towards the direction the spear came from and they could see the ship Of the Thunder Pirates Traveler was melting the ice made by Aokiji and was coming towards the island. 

A few minutes ago Thunder pirates were very close to reaching the Long Ring Long Island but Suddenly the Sea beneath their ship froze and Traveler was stuck on the sea. But Rabin coated the bottom of the Ship with his Lightning which started to melt the ice beneath them and the ship started to move again. 

And then Rabin asked Lana to give him a cannonball. After Lana gave him the cannonball he started to melt the cannonball using the heat of the lightning and reshaped it into a spear.  He put both of his hands straight and points towards Aokiji. Then he brings the newly reshaped spear between his two hands using his electricity.

Then he starts to transmit the electricity from his one hand to the spear and from the spear to the other hand. Doing this creates two magnetic fields between his hands. Those two magnetic fields join together and form a stronger magnetic field. This magnetic field then pushes on the spear with the current running through it to propel it towards the target at a very high speed.

And this whole process only takes less than two seconds and Rabin can Increase the power of the shot but it takes more time.

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