One Piece: Marine (A DnD tale)

Chapter 1: Session 0

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He has done it now, Ahkbot became a Marine with flying color. Even though he never once lifted a weapon before, fighting came naturally to him, handling the blade and gun came as second nature to him.

So for his final test to become a Marine, a captain took interest in him and want to see what the diamond in the rough is all about.

Akhbot, a man with a dashing beard, long hair tied into locks like a viking, a warrior. In his right hand is a cutlass, standard issue weapon for a Marine seaman, and in his left is the standard rifle. He was given both instead of one for his amazing ability to wield both weapons with hinderance.

His opponent, the one that will determine if he would be able to become a Marine or not, is one of the strongest captain ranked Marine, rummored to be as strong as The Hero Garp when he started out. His name is Marco Banner (no relation to Marco the Phoenix), the Kick of Justice.

Right now, Ahkbot stares at Marco with deep concentration. The captain on the other hand, walks around the dirt ground arena quite casually.

"Bock bock! Young man, I have seen the results on your entry.", Marco started to talk, his shining amber iries stares directly at Ahkbot.

Ahkbot only nods in acknowledgement. Seeing that, Marco dashed right in front of him at a blinding speed.

Staring at the Zoan User in the face, in his hybrid form, Ahkbot felt a chill going down his spine. Marco Banner the Kick of Justice, who ate the Bird Bird Fruit Model: Chicken, staring down at him before speaking.

"I will be testing you, your power and then your will. Be ready.", and the Chicken Zoan User kicked Ahkbot.

But Ahkbot dodged to the side, the attack barely left him unscathed. There was no killing intent behind that attack, but he knew it would be painful if he received it.

"Very good!", Marco praised.

Though dirty, Ahkbot used this chance to slice Marco with his sword. He felt the hit connected, but dulled as the captain's bright feathers acted as armor. Feeling that, Ahkbot channeled his emotions, going into a calm rage.

Then Marco moved far away, prompting Ahkbot to use his rifle and shot a bullet at him. The Kick of Justice merely cocked his head to the side, dodging the bullet out right.

"Bock bock! Good aim, but not good enough!", Marco then charged at him, raising his leg to go in for another kick.

This time, the kick connected. Ahkbot felt every bit of him shook, feeling a massive amount of damage being dealt to him. He coughed up some blood, but his eyes are still steady on his target.

Not wasting the chance, he attacked again with his cutlass. The blow only glazed Marco, but he did knocked some feather off the chicken.

"That was a good hit! Bock bock!"

Again, Marco went away waiting for Ahkbot to shoot. Though Ahkbot had another idea, he chased after Marco after seeing shooting the chicken would not be that easy.

He went for another shot, his bullet connected, hitting Marco square in the chest. The captain shrugged the bullet off along with some feather.

Not visibly weaken, Ahkbot considered his options. He decided to step away, trying to create distance from the Kick of Justice.

However, that was useless for Marco as his speed greatly outclass Ahkbot's.

"Fury of Bird!"

Ahkbot saw the shadow of four taloned foot, he was able to keep away from two, but the other two ruptured his body. Only by lady luck's grace he was able to stand, but now more ragged and with imprints of chicken feet on his body.

In a desperate attempt to attack, Ahkbot swung his cutlass again. Unfortunately he missed as Marco pulled his leg back.

Ahkbot thought the captain would finish him now, but the Chick Zoan User stood there. Understanding his intention, Ahkbot swung his blade again.

And he saw blood dripping down from his blade, not his own blood but Marco's blood!

"You did well, bock bock!!", Marco laughed.

Ahkbot was ready for yet another beating, but the only thing he saw was the face of a chicken, staring at him intensely. 

The intimidation tactic did not work on Ahkbot, so Marco made distance between the two. With struggle, Ahkbot raised his left arm, pointing the rifle at the captain.

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He did not know if he would make it, he tried anyway. He squeezed the trigger, sending a futile bullet at Marco. 

"Bock!", Marco shouted. 

Ahkbot was confused for a moment, since the bullet only struck one feather of his off his body.

"Bock bock! You did very well! Bock!", Marco clapped his feathered hands.

Only then Ahkbot relaxed, be bowed, "Thank you for holding back."

"Bock bock!", Marco clucked in amusement, "Bock! I cannot cripple such a talent as yourself. Your fighting ability is as great as the papers told me."

Ahkbot nodded, "Thank you, sir."

Marco cocked his head, "Bock, I know you have great potential. But to become a member of the Marine, you need to answer one simple question."

The chicken man turned his back, showing the kanji for Justice on his coat to Ahkbot, who look at the word is reverance.

"Ahkbot, what is your Justice?"

Ahkbot think for a moment. He took a deep breath to answer his question, "My Justice is to protect good people, those that cannot defend themselves against evil. I want to be the Justice that can be the shield for those weaker than me."

Marco nodded in understanding, "Very good, very good! Bock! A man like you will become a great Marine in the future! Bock! I know it!"

"Thank you for your praise, sir.", Ahkbot bowed once again.

"Good. Welcome to my crew, First-Class Seaman."

Ahkbot furrowed his brows, thinking there is something wrong about being called 'seaman'.

"Can you call me something else?... like, egg?", Ahkbot tried to make a joke about the names.

It flew over Marco's head, who laughed " bock bock bock! Of course, you will be my egg from now on!"

Ahkbot crackef a smile at that, it made him feel proud somehow. But then his demeanors changed to a more serious one, he could not find the cliche chicken noise anymore.

"I don't want to bring a new recuit on this mission right now, but with the current situation with Shiki's gang, we need all the fighter we can muster."

Ahkbot nodded in understanding. The situation is quite chaotic out in the sea.

"We are finding the headquarter of the pirates in the South Blue. So we will set on an expedition out to an unknown island."

"Why is it unknown, sir?", Ahkbot asked.

"There is a storm around the island and we cannot see pass it for a few decade now, so we will have to brute our way through in case it is the island we are looking for.", Marco took in a deep breath, "Vice Admiral Sakazuki will be joining the South Blue Marine on this massive operation across the Blue, so be careful."

"Sakazuki... why does that name sounds familiar...", Ahkbot muttered.

"You may know him by his epithet Akainu."

That answered his question. He felt an uncomfortable rage boils in him, because he read about what he did, his idea of 'Absolute Justice' and how destructive it is.

"We will set sail in a few weeks, so get as much rest as you can, we are treading unknown territory."

"Yes sir!", Ahkbot saluted.

"Good, now we need you to the infirmary to treat your wounds. I was holding back, but I still am a captain."

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