One Piece: Marine (A DnD tale)

Chapter 2: Session 1: Things goes horribly

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The mission was a disaster in the literal sense of it. The waves clashing against the ship, Marines get flung out by the waves and strong wind.

Ahkbot remembered himself holding onto the ship for dear life, trying not to be flung out himself. Even if they have been in the wall of storm for a few minutes, he felt it hours has passed once he got to the other side of the storm wall.

But lady luck did not smile upon them this time as a Sea King appeared and crashed their ship in half. All the while the storm approached them, as if it had a will of it's own.

The strong will picked Ahkbot off from the destroyed ship, and a piece of wood hit him on the heaf, knocking him unconscious.

That was all he remembered.

Ahkbot woke up on the sandy beach, stranded with no one around him. There are supplies, weapons lying around him. The supplies cannot be taken since there are nothing left. So he took a rifle and a cutlass, his go-to arms.

Observing around, he saw no one. He might be the only one here on this part of the island.

Though, there is a strange feeling in his soul, as if something was calling out to him, something from deep inside the forest wants his attention. 

With not much though, Ahkbot followed the calling. Treading through the forest with the weapons he found, he is sure he will be fine.

That is until he saw a very big wolf, three meters tall, gray fur giving it a mystical look like a monster out of an old legend. Ahkbot stopped, he held out his hands, showing he was not a threat to the wolf. 

In response, the wolf clawed at him, blood dripping from his hand as the wolf backed away to guard itself. However, Akhbot didn't retaliate, it was only an animal, after all.

He tried again, trying to calm the beast down. Again, it lunged in, sinking it's fangs into his arm. There, in those amber eyes, Ahkbot only see malice, hatred, and fear in those eyes.

The beast inside him rumbles, making him realized he cannot reach an understanding with this wolf.

"I am sorry.", he spoke, and wacked the wolf with his cutlass. Seeing it coming from the corner of it's eye, it let go and dodged the incoming blade.

In an instant, the wolf went for another claw swipe. But Ahkbot is swift, he dodged the attack by leaning himself backward. His eyes turned sharp, swinging down his sword, giving the wolf a large gash on it's shoulder.

Heavily injured, the wolf tried to run away. Ahkbot gave chase, jumping up to the air. His instinct calimed him, guiding his strike in his unconcious mind.

And he sliced the wolf in two, killing it with his final strike. Seeing the lifeless beast, he swung his sword once more to get rid of the blood.

His cut was so clean, Ahkbot decided to skin the animal.

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