One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 11: Shells Town

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East Blue - Yotsuba Island


After another two hours of sailing, the merchant's Ship finally arrived at Yotsuba island. Under the gazes of the other passengers, Austin and Brain, along with Koby, disembarked from the Ship at Shells town.


At the Town Port, Austin glanced around, examining the area, and was surprised by the lack of activities in the port.

So this is Shells Town! Hmmm, surprisingly, it's pretty empty, unlike the busy Bronze island where I have been before - Austin smiled - Well, It may not be an important location for this world's natives, but it held an unforgettable memory for every One Piece fans because, here, where it all started!

After all, it was here where The Straw Hat's first member was recruited. - Austin noticed a huge base colored in blue at a distance and exclaimed in his mind - Ho! so that's the 153rd Navy branches base where 'Axe-Hand' Morgan resides!


Austin glanced at his side and found Koby also looking in the base's direction with an excited expression on his face - I guess it's time to leave him to his fate now! - Austin smiled and took out 100 000 Berries.

"Take this money and find somewhere to stay. After three days, you can go to join the Navy there! " Austin said while passing the cash to Koby.

"Eh?! do You keep helping me?" Koby looked at him in disbelief and asked while hesitating whether to accept the money or not.

"Even though you are a weakling, I still believe if you stopped being a coward and a wimp, you could achieve great things in the future." Austin looked at him and said, smiling, "I have high expectations of you, so don't let me down."

Before Koby could respond, Austin departed, followed by the silent Brain behind, vanishing from the port and leaving behind the stupefied Koby.


It took Koby a while to recover from the shock brought to him by Austin's words. He looked at the money in his hand and started crying while murmuring. 

"Thank you, sir Austin! I will never forget your help today," and with determination in his eyes, he yelled loudly, "I will definitely be a great Navy soldier! "


Seeing this scene from a distance afar, a smile formed on Austin's face, thinking - Another seed has been planted. Who knows, he may become helpful in the future - Austin sighed - I just hope it goes well like the original story in the anime, and Koby joins the Navy under Garp's tutelage. Otherwise, I don't think he will be useful - Austin shook his head and looked at the distance base.

Now that I finished with Koby - Austin smirked. - its Zoro's turn.


Austin and Brain stroll through the Town's streets, enjoying the Town's views while looking for the restaurant where that little girl Rika works ( She is the girl that helped Zoro in the anime).

It didn't take them long to find the place since this Town was not that big in the first place. 

As usual, and thanks to their unique clothes, which always reveal their identities as pirates, Austin and Brain entered the restaurant and were welcomed by the wary looks of the other customers. They ignored the unwelcoming gazes, sat at one of the empty tables, and ordered some food and drinks.


30 minutes later, the door burst open, and two Navy soldiers entered the restaurant, escorting a young man holding a sword in his hand who walked arrogantly toward one of the tables under the fearful gazes of the others present.

Austin looked at the young man and sighted in his mind - Here we go, Helmeppo the fool has come – The young man was Helmeppo, a lanky, average-sized man with a distinctive cleft chin and light blonde hair. He wore a flashy leisure suit while his hair was in a bizarre mushroom-shaped style. 

Helmeppo sat on a table and put his legs on it while shouting at Ririka ( Rika's mother ) to bring him food and drinks.


If I remember correctly, Zoro's swords are in this fool's room - Austin thought for a moment - This is a good chance! I can force him to give me the swords while insulting Morgan in front of everyone.

Austin looked at the Navy soldiers standing behind Helmeppo and thought - I bet those soldiers will definitely rely upon the news to Morgan if I do something to Helmeppo here - Austin smirked evilly - And since I humiliated him openly, I don't think he will sit still and do nothing, so to regain his face and uphold his reputation as a tyrant, Morgan will definitely come looking for me, to take care of me himself! – Austin grinned.

At that time, I could beat him up in front of Zoro to impress him – Austin nodded while laughing in his head - Yes! Yes! a perfect plan, HAHAHAHA! – He then looked at Helmeppo - Now let's get to the actions.

"Oy, brat, Shut Your mouth and lets us enjoy our food in peace. If you want to bark like dogs, then get out of here and bark as much as you want outside, but don't ruin the mood here," Austin said to Helmeppo.


As soon as Austin finished speaking, a deathly silence fell over the place, and the gasps of the frightened customers were heard from the other tables.

Helmeppo was stupefied, not expecting this insult that comes from nowhere. He turned around, looking at the table where two men were sitting, and asked in disbelief. 

"You!!... How dare you... don't you know who am I?!"

" A fool who doesn't know his place! " Austin replied casually, much to Helmeppo's shock and anger. 

"You!... Do You want to die!... I'm Helmeppo, the son of Axe-Hand Morgan, the Captain of this Island's Navy base!" Helmeppo said

Austin feigned ignorance and exclaimed as if he was surprised 

"Ho! So you are the son of that Scum Morgan! No wonder you are such a fool. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."


The customers panicked even more hearing his last statement and were trying to leave the place to avoid getting caught in this mess, fearing for their lives from Morgan's wrath.

"Youuu!... You're dead for!...get him," Helmeppo said and ordered the soldiers to attack Austin.

The two soldiers complied and stepped forward to attack, but before they could even understand what had happened, one of them already fell to the ground unconscious, while the other had a sword appointed at his nick by a Blue-haired man.

Austin didn't even need to take action personally because Brain was more than enough for a mere 2 Soldiers who were only at Lvl 1, especially since the latter was Lvl 15 now.


Helmeppo just stood in his place, stunned because he didn't even know what had occurred. Suddenly Austin stood up and used 'Soru' to appear before Helmeppo, who tried to attack him with his sword, but Austin caught it easily between his two fingers.

"I don't care who you are or who your father is because the moment you drew your sword against me, you have already sealed your fate, brat!" Austin grinned evilly.

Austin then broke Helmeppo's arm, which prompted the latter to fall to the ground and start rolling over on the floor while holding his broken arm and crying in pain.


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" I guess now you get to taste your own medicine" Austin squatted down and grabbed roughly Helmeppo's head for his hair and asked, " How does it feel now? How do you feel about being bullied and beaten up? does it feel good?" Austin spoke while smiling widely.

Seeing his hand broken by this smiling demon, who was apparently enjoying his misfortune, made Helmeppo terrified.

"Oh! by the way, I heard what you did the other day in this restaurant. It seems that you threatened to execute this place's owner and her daughter if that guy doesn't get crucified for a month." Austin paused and smiled. "Hmmm! I have gotta say, that was an evil thing to do, but you see … life is fair. You will eventually reap what you sow."

Austin then put a serious expression on his face, looking straight into Helmeppo's eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

"Now, are you going tell me where that guy and his swords are, or do you want me to break all your other limbs?"

Helmeppo was terrified and nodded heavily in response, implying he was willing to show him the way.


Austin nodded in approval and stood up. He looked around and found the terrified customers looking at him like he was some sort of crazy person. He was annoyed by their attitude as he asked. 

"What? How long will you continue to endure the injustice of his father?" Austin sneered, adding, " Humph! Feel free to be slaves for the rest of your lives because I'm not!"

Austin then dragged Helmeppo from his collar and exited the restaurant heading toward the Navy base. Brain placed his sword back on the sheath and followed behind, leaving the unconscious soldier on the ground and the standing terrified soldier beside him, who was sweating all over his body.

After the duo departed, the soldier regained his cool. He got his unconscious colleague on his back and left the place, running to the base to report what had transpired here to his superior.



Later on, Austin and Brain infiltrated the base easily with the guidance of Helmeppo and arrived at his room. They found Zoro's swords there and knocked out Helmeppo afterward.

" Search the Base for anything valuable or anything we may find useful in our journey, especially the maps of the East Blue or the Grande line," Austin instructed Brain.

" Rest assured, my lord, I will bring everything with value back to you, " Brain responded.

" Good! we will meet later on outside the base, but don't kill any soldier if you encounter one. Just knock them out!" Austin added, to which Brain nodded in response before leaving to accomplish his mission.


Austin was left alone in Helmeppo's room, inspecting Zoro's three swords, which were two regular Katanas, and the third one had a pure-white hilt with a circular hand guard with his sheath painted white.

So this is the legendary 'Wado Ichimigo'! - Austin was amazed by the sword. - Finally, I got the chance to see this legendary sword! This sword really looks fantastic.

Austin examined the swords for a while and then stored all three of them in his Inventory.

" Alright, it's time to see Zoro!" Austin smiled and used 'Soru' and his Devil fruit to speed up toward the parade ground behind the outer wall, where Zoro was tied to a crucifix.


Meanwhile, at the base's commander's office, Morgan was enraged after receiving a report about what had occurred in the restaurant. Soon, he was informed by another soldier that the culprit was spotted heading toward the yard to rescue the prisoner.

Morgan was infuriated even more at the audacity of this fool as he hit the table with his Axe hand and left his office while giving orders to all his soldiers to assemble quickly in order to take down this intruder and make an example of him and send a message to those who think of defying him. 


At the same time, Austin has just arrived near where Zoro was crucified and saw him from afar.

Austin smiled when he looked at Zoro's typical clothes, which were a plain white shirt with three undone buttons at the collar, a green 'Haramaki', black trousers tucked inside black boots, a black bandana tied around his left bicep, and three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe.


Austin used 'Soru' coupled with 'Wind style: Speed' and appeared in front of him. He looked down at Zoro since he was taller than him and used 'Detect' to see his stats.

Name : Roronoa Zoro ( Pirate hunter )
Race: Human
Level: 12
Strength: 150
Agility: 120
Stamina: 150
Charisma: 20


Oh, Sh*t! That's a hell of stats! - Austin exclaimed in his mind - He has more stats than even those at the same level as him.

Austin was more stressed now since he had just discovered that some individuals apparently had more stats than others at the same Level.


Austin sighed in his mind - As expected of Zoro, if he has those stats at this level, I can't imagine how strong he will be in the future - Austin shook his head and noticed that Zoro was inspecting him as well.

Austin tried to hide his excitement by putting an emotionless expression on his face and said to Zoro. "Yo! Are You that pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro?"



Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!


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