One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 10: Knowledge Share

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2 hours later, at the merchant's Ship main Hall, everyone was still shocked about the incident before, and sometimes they stole glances at the corner of the Hall where a man wearing a long black coat was standing, looking out the window. 

Austin was having a glass of wine while looking at the sea view from the window, and beside him was a small, timid, chubby teenage boy with pink hair and round-frame glasses.

Austin asked the boy," So your name is Koby, huh? "

"Y..e...s…Si..r," Koby replied with a trembling voice

"Tsk, stop trembling. It's annoying." Austin narrowed his eyes

'' Sir!..please...,'' Koby replied quickly.

"Well, what were you doing on that Ship? You don't look like a Pirate to me. You are too cowardly to be one." Austin asked, even though he already knew everything


Then Koby recited his story. He was out fishing and was caught by Alvida pirates 2 years ago, and since then, he has worked as a chore boy on the Ship.

"Do you have something you want in life?" Austin asked while already knowing the answer

"Um, I ... I want to be a navy soldier..." Koby hesitated and replied

"That's the goal for the softies." Austin shook his head and added, " You should be a true man and aim for something higher like fleet admiral or at least admiral, don't limit your dreams and goals."

Koby looked at him in disbelief and said," That impossible, absolutely impossible, that's Imp..." but he soon shut up at Austin's following words. 

"If you say impossible one more time, I will throw you out from the window to the sea." 

Koby closed his mouth immediately, prompting Austin to nod in approval, and said, " I'm heading to Yotsuba Island, and you are coming with me, so you can join the Navy there later on!"


Austin then remembers what occurred before with Alvida. He was actually going to kill her but stopped at the last moment when he remembered that she would become a beautiful woman in the future, so instead of finishing her, he decided to plant his seed and said those nice things to encourage her. 

Who knows, maybe they will meet one day when she becomes gorgeous after getting that Devil fruit, and at that time, Austin will definitely be able to rip the fruit he planted today and enjoy her easily. 


I'm really like a farmer now, planting the seeds and waiting to get the fruit of it later on - Austin smirked and looked at Koby, who was at his side - I plan to do the same with this idiot, play nice and plant a seed of admiration and gratitude on him. Who knows, he may be useful as well in the future.


Austin got quite a fortune from Alvida's Ship as he found there seven million Berries and a good amount of gold and treasures - No wonder Nami was targeting her in the anime - Austin thought.

Speaking of Nami, Austin searched both Ships, Alvida's Ship and the merchant's Ship, but he didn't find Nami at all, but during the search, he found Koby in Alvida's Ship and took him with him back to the merchant's Ship, leaving Alvida lying on the deck of her Ship alone with enough food and water to keep her alive for a week.


Speaking of fortune, Austin looked at the notifications on his System and smiled faintly.


You have defeated " Iron Mace Alvida" ( LVL 5 ).

"Iron Mace Alvida" Bounty is 5 000 000 Berry.  

Congratulation on your second defeat for a pirate with a bounty between 1 - 10 million Berry.

You have received your rewards: 90 Stats Points & 9 Skills Points & 5 Shopping Points.


You have defeated pirate ( LVL 1 ) x 31.


You have received 32,000 EXP.


Congratulations! You have reached Level 22!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 23!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 24!




Congratulations! You have reached Level 30!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 31!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 32!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 33!


12 levels in one go! - Austin exclaimed in his mind - This will be very helpful in the next adventure with Zoro - Austin smiled - Alright, now I need to allocate my Skills Points & Stats Points.


Austin calculated his reward and found that he got 150 Stats Points ( 90 points from the rewards and 60 points from leveling 12 levels with 5 points per level ) and 21 Skills Points ( 9 from the reward and 12 from leveling up with 1 point per level ). 

Let's see - Austin thought for a moment -  I think I will add 50 Stats Points in each of Strength, Agility, and Stamina. 


After Austin finished allocating his Points, he checked the result and smiled with satisfaction.


Character :

Host Information :

· Name: Ray D Austin

· Race: Human

· Level: 33

· Experience: 200/3300


Stats : 

Strength: 170

Agility: 160

Stamina: 160

Charisma: 100

Available Stats Points : 0 


Good! - Austin smirked and looked at Koby - Now, before allocating my Skills Points, I need to take care of something else.

" Stay here! I'm gonna be back soon! " Austin said in a deep voice.

" Yes...Sir!" Koby answered, still nervous around Austin.


Austin left the main Hall and went downstairs to one of the Ship rooms. It didn't take him long to arrive at the room's door, which was guarded by a strong blue-haired man.

" Did someone try to get it?!" Austin asked

" No, my lord!" Brain answered 

" Good, follow me in!" Austin said

Austin entered the room, followed by Brain, and was greeted by the sight of dozens of corpses piled on top of each other.


After the Battle, Austin went to Alvida's Ship to search for anything valuable. At the same time, Brain stayed and gathered all the corpses from the main Hall in this room with the excuse of getting rid of them, and of course, no one questioned him, or rather no one had the guts to do so, especially since they had just witnessed the boss eliminating a famous pirate crew easily as if they were children.

After he finished gathering everything, Brain stayed at the room door, guarding it and preventing everyone from entering while waiting for Austin's return.


Back to the present, Austin examined the corpses and asked Brain

" Did you gather everyone here ?!"

" Yes, my lord, 31 Pirates!" Brain answered

" 31 ? huh, " Austin thought for a moment before taking out a corpse from his Inventory. It was the body of the Skinny vice-captain from Gally's pirates.


( a pirate Lvl 1 x 31 --> Lvl 31 in total ÷ 2 --> 15.5 Lvl which is impossible )


" Now we have 32 corpses in total. This way, we will avoid having the same problem back then when we got only 21 bodies." Austin said

" Let's start! " Austin looked at the bodies one last time and commanded, " Merge!"

A black shadow appeared under his feet and covered the 32 bodies of the dead pirates. These shadows stretched out and converged together until all the pirates' corpses were utterly engulfed inside the Shadow and disappeared. The Shadow kept wriggling around for over a minute, and finally, a human body appeared with no gender or facial expression. This being was not alive but a dead body because Austin hadn't used a Crystal Soul but merged all the corpses together, creating a strong body LVL 16.


Austin looked at the result and nodded in satisfaction. 

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" Get ready to get stronger again." Austin turned to Brain and stated

" My lord, I'm always ready!" Brain answered firmly but with a hint of joy in his voice.


Austin then activated the Merging part of the Skill 'All For One' again as he commanded, " Merge!"

The same thing happened again. The Shadow emerged under his feet, covering both Brain and the body Lvl 16, and after a minute, Brain reappeared alone!

Austin used 'Detect' on him to see his new Stats and Level.


Name: Brain Unglaus

Race: Human

Level: 15

Strength: 160

Agility: 150

Stamina: 140

Charisma: 20 


Austin was overjoyed and depressed at the same time - F*ck! His stats are already near mine despite having a higher level than him! I really need to hunt other pirates quickly to get stronger through the rewards! - Austin sighed


Austin noticed that during the operation, the System informed him of deducing 10 Points from his accumulated Shopping Points, which were used to upgrade Brain's Crystal Soul from Grade 1 to Grade 2.

( Crystal Soul Grade 1 costs 10 Shopping Points while Grade 2 costs 20 Shopping Points, so to upgrade a Crystal Soul, Austin needs to pay the difference between their prices which is, in this case, 10 Shopping Points! )


Hmm, since Brain Now is Level 15, I should start training him on my 'Sword Art' - Austin thought for a moment - But I don't know how and that will also take a lot of time - Austin sighed - Tsk, that's really troublesome. I should check the Shop to see if there's something helpful there.


Austin searched the Shop for more than 30 minutes, and he did indeed find what he was looking for at the end, which is a Skill called 'Knowledge Share'. He bought it for 100 Shopping Points.

You have bought the Skill Book '' Knowledge Share '' for 100 Shopping Points.


Available Shopping Points: 228.45 

Available Cash: 7.7 million Berry

Estimation of other Available treasures: 4 million Berry


Austin was overjoyed because he had found a solution to his problem, so he quickly checked the Skill's description.


Knowledge Sharing: Allow the user to share his knowledge and Skills with the target. This Skill consists of only one level.

(Note: The target may get exhausted mentally as a cause of the process since there's a transfer of information. As for the degree of impact, it depends on the amount of information transferred and the mental strength of the target ).


It's only one Level Skill which means 10 Skills Points are enough to raise it to the Max - Austin smiled - Speaking of Skills & Skills Points, I should finish allocating the 21 Skills Points I got before!

I will add 10 Skills Points to 'My Sword Art' to upgrade it to the next level, 10 Skills Points in 'Knowledge Share', and the last point in 'Kami-e'.


Austin checked the result in his interface and smiled happily at the result!

Skills : 

Detect - LVL 1 ( Max )

Knowledge Share: LVL 1 ( 100%)

Melee Combat: LVL 1 ( 100%)

Sword Art : LVL 2 ( 0% )


Devils Fruits :

Wind-Wind Fruit: Lvl 1 ( Level of Proficiency ) ( 40%) 

  • Wind Style, Strength
  • Wind Style, Speed
  • Wind Blade
  • Wind Bullets


Rokushiki ( The Six powers ) :

  • Soru ( Shave ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Geppo( Moon Walk ) : lvl 1 ( 10%)
  • Rankyaku ( Tempest Kick ): Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Shigan ( Finger Pistole ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Tekkai ( Iron Body ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Kami-e ( Paper Art ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Rokuogan ( Six King Gun ) ( Locked, 100% on all the Six Powers ).


Haki :

Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 40 ).

Kenbunshoku Haki ( Observation Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 60 ).

Haoshoku Haki ( Conqueror Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 80 ).


Unique Skills :

Predator Mode : LVL 1 ( 0%)

All For One : LVL 2 ( 100%)


Available Skills Points : 0


Traits : 

Controle Emotion ( Passive )

Good! Now that my Sword Art is level 2, I'm more confident in accomplishing my task with Zoro.- Austin smirked - Also, the combination of my 'Soru' Skill and 'Wind style speed' Skill will make my speed even higher in fights.


Austin glanced at the standing Brain - Now, since I raised the 'Knowledge Share' Skill to the Max, I can share my Skills with him more often without a problem - After thinking for a while, Austin decided on the Skills he would Share with Brain.

" Come forward. I will use one of my Skills to pass you directly some Skills to your head!" Austin said to which Brain nodded, indicating his approval as he came forward and kneeled in front of Austin.

Austin nodded, put his hand on Brain's head, and used ' Knowledge Sharing ' and shared with him two Skills which were 'Sword Art', and ' Melee Combat '. 


Austin tried to share the 'Rokushiki' ( The Six powers ) with Brain, but the System informed him that the receiver must be at least LVL 20 in case of the beings created by his Unique Skill in order to receive the 'Rokushiki' ( The Six powers ) Skill!

Huh?! Well, that's interesting - Austin thought for a moment - This means all the beings created by my Unique Skill are subject to the same rules imposed on me by the System, such as not being able to use Haki until Lvl 40, etc.

I think that's logical. After all, they are created by the System himself! - Austin thought - But I wonder if that is also valid for the native of this world! - Austin shook his head - Well, I will found about it later on. 


Brain received all the information about the Skills and felt dizzy for a moment as a side effect of the whole process. It took Brain a while to clear his mind and regain his focus.

" Thank you, My lord, " Brain said, lowering his head while kneeling, clearly excited and happy by the new gifts.

" Try to get used to the Skills by practicing them often!" Austin said

" Of course I will, my lord!" Brain nodded seriously

" Good. Now, let's return to the Hall! We are close to our destination!" Austins added


The duo left the room and headed towards the Hall, where they enjoyed the wine and the sea's view while waiting for the Ship to arrive at Yotsuba Island!


Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!


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