One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 13: A talk with Zoro

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After entering one of the Ship's two rooms, Austin looked back at Brain and grinned widely as he said with excitement. " Alright, show me what you found at the base!"

Brain nodded before emptying the bag on the ground, showcasing what he got from the base.

Austin's eyes shone when he examined what all Brain fetched, especially when he found more than 10 million berries cash, many advanced compasses, dozens of Den Den Mushi, and lastly, multiple detailed maps that contained a lot of information, such as the exact locations of every Navy base and island on the East Blue.


Austin was overjoyed with the harvest this time, especially since they got many useful things - Bro, the Navy is really richer than the pirates - Austin thought - I should probably start raiding the Navy bases located in the East Blue - Austin shook his head, dismissing the idea.

" You have really done well this time, Brain!" Austin grinned widely and patted Brain's shoulder.

" It's my pleasure to be at your service, my lord" Brain smiled, clearly happy for getting praised.

" Have you encountered any soldiers in the base ?!" Austin nodded in approval and asked

" No, my lord, the base was empty from the soldiers!" Brain replied.

" Well, that's because that idiot Morgan has gathered all his forces to deal with me!" Austin shook his head before examing the detailed maps Brain obtained.


After examining the East Blue map, Austin uncovered the locations of many islands, some of which he already knew about, such as Gecko island, Orange island, etc. While some were unfamiliar to him because they weren't mentioned in the anime before.

" My lord, where are we going next ?!" Brain asked after noticing Austin examining the map.

Austin started thinking while looking at the map - The close location to here is Orange island, and If I remember correctly, it's where Buggy is camping at the moment - Austin frowned - Well, I need to hunt some famous pirates anyway, and he is definitely one of the few ones on the East Blue with a highe bounty on his head, so I may as well start with him first - Austin nodded after coming to a decision.

" We will head to Orange Island next!" Austin stated, pointing at the island's location on the map.

" Alright!" Brain nodded in response.


Austin then stored everything Brain brought in his Inventory before ordering the latter to stay outside and wait for him to come out.

After Brain went outside to guard the door, Austin opened his interface to check the notifications he had received during the previous battle.


You have defeated " Axe-Hand Morgan" ( LVL 6 ).

"Axe-Hand Morgan" Rank is Captain.  

Congratulation on your first defeat of a Navy officer with a Rank of Captain.

You have received your rewards: 100 Stats Points & 10 Skills Points & 100 Shopping Points.


You have defeated " Ripper" ( LVL 3 )

"Ripper" Rank is Commander.

Congratulation on your first defeat of a Navy officer with a Rank lower than Captain.

You have received your rewards: 100 Stats Points & 10 Skills Points & 50 Shopping Points.


You have defeated a Navy soldier ( LVL 1 ) x 34.


You have received 36,000 EXP.


Congratulations! You have reached Level 34!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 35!
Congratulations! You have reached Level 41!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 42!


You have reached Level 40, You have unlocked a special reward.

You have received your rewards: 200 Skills Points & 20 Skills Points & 200 Shopping Points.


" Ho! I jumped 9 levels straight! " Austin exclaimed, " I also got many rewards."

Austin rubbed his hands together and started counting all his rewards. After he finished his calculation, he found that he earned 445 Stats points ( 400 Stats Points from the rewards and 45 Stats Points from leveling up 9 levels), 49 Skills Points ( 40 Skills Points from the rewards & 9 Skills Points from leveling 9 levels), and 350 Shopping Points.


After thinking about how to allocate his accumulated Points, Austin decided to start first with his Stats Points.

" Hmm, I think I will add 115 Stats Points on each of Strength, Agility, and Stamina. As for the remains 100 Stats Points, I will add them to the Charisma." Austin closed his eyes, feeling the change in his body

"Since I'm now over Level 40, I have finally unlocked the Armament Haki," Austin smiled " So now I do need to upgrade it."

" Huh! I really want to upgrade it as much as I can, but the problem is that I can't upgrade any skills to level 3 because I'm not level 60 yet." Austin sighed


Austin decided to read the description of the 'Haki' Skill he unlocked and found the following information.

Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki ): A form of Haki that allows the user to use their spiritual energy to create, in essence, an invisible armor around themself, providing great offensive and defensive capabilities. Notably, this form of Haki can be used to injure Devil Fruit users that are otherwise immune to ordinary physical attacks, such as Logia users. This Skill consists of five different levels, which are :

  1. Hardening: The user clads their desired body's part with a primarily black coating which makes the affected body part stronger in terms of both offense and defense, increasing one's attack power by a considerable amount, allowing the user's blows to become tremendously destructive and dangerous. And defensively, it serves as armor that can safeguard the user from a significant number of attacks, especially the ones that are not clad in Haki.
  2. Imbuement: The user can also harden any object they touch by imbuing it with Busoshoku, thus allowing them to give their weapons the same boosts as they do to their own body. Also, the imbued weapons gain a new degree of offensive power and, at the same time, prevent them from being damaged easily and increase their lifespan.
  3. Defense ( Byogau ): An advanced level of hardening, which grants the user a strong power that can damage even the other Armament Haki's users or stop their attack easily. ( As seen with Katakuri ).
  4. Emission: The user becomes capable of striking and harming people and objects without making physical contact with them by unleashing a small invisible burst that will knock back anything in their body part's immediate vicinity with the force of a mighty punch.
  5. Internal Destruction: Emitting Busoshoku to destroy objects from the inside, which can be done by touching, grabbing, or even emitting Haki toward the object.


After reading the description, Austin decided how to distribute the 49 Skills Points he had before.


" I will add 20 Skills Points to the 'Armament Haki' Skill, 12 Skills Points to the 'Melee Combat' Skill, 15 Skills Points to the 'Predator Mode' Skill, and 2 Skills Points to the 'Sword Art' Skill." Austin allocated his Points and checked the final result on the interface.


Character :

Host Information :
Name: Ray D Austin
Race: Human
Level: 42
Experience: 2900/4200

Stats : 
Strength: 285
Agility: 275
Stamina: 275
Charisma: 200
Available Stats Points : 0 

Skills : 
Detect - LVL 1 ( Max )
Knowledge Sharing: LVL 1 ( 100%)
Melee Combat: LVL 2 ( 20%)
Sword Art : LVL 2 ( 20% )

Devils Fruits :
Wind-Wind Fruit: Lvl 1 ( Level of Proficiency ) ( 40%) 

  • Wind Style, Strenght
  • Wind Style, Speed
  • Wind Blade
  • Wind Bullets

Rokushiki ( The Six powers ) :

  • Soru ( Shave ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Geppo( Moon Walk ) : lvl 1 ( 10%)
  • Rankyaku ( Tempest Kick ): Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Shigan ( Finger Pistole ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Tekkai ( Iron Body ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Kami-e ( Paper Art ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Rokuogan ( Six King Gun ) ( Locked, 100% on all the Six Powers ).

Haki :

Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki ) :

  • Level 1: Hardening ( 100%).
  • Level 2: Imbuement ( 50%)

Kenbunshoku Haki ( Observation Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 60 ).

Haoshoku Haki ( Conqueror Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 80 ).


Unique Skills :
Predator Mode : LVL 2 ( 0%)
All For One : LVL 2 ( 100%)

Available Skills Points : 0

Traits : 
Controle Emotion ( Passive )


"Well, That's quite good." Austin nodded in satisfaction " Now, I can't wait to use the Haki in the next fights."

" In addition, both the 'Melee Combat' Skill and 'Predator Mode' are now at level 2, Which will help me greatly in the upcoming battles." Austin glanced at his Stats " As for 'Charisma', well, it will help me with women! 'cough cough' I mean getting the people's trust."


Austin closed his interface and left the room. He found Brain waiting for him on the Ship's deck.

" Let's have some drinks with Zoro!" Austin smiled and departed with Brain toward the town restaurant.

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Since Morgan's horror was over, the Town has become filled with laughter and happiness, and as the reason for this outcome, Brain and Austin received a lot of thanks from the people who offered them plenty of free drinks and food.

In the evening, Austin, along with Brain and Zoro, was sitting in the restaurant with plenty of drinks and food on the table.

" Thank you for your help today!" Zoro suddenly said to which Austin smiled and nodded in response while Brain kept eating and drinking.

Zoro smiled, looked at Brain, and asked." By the way, who is this friend of yours ?!"

" This is Brain Unglaus, my first mate and right hand, " Austin introduced Brain, prompting the latter to nod at Zoro in acknowledgment.

" You said you are a pirate! But I have never heard of you or your crew before! " Zoro stated.

" We are a newly created pirate crew, and for the moment, there are only two members, him and me!" Austin said while pointing at Brain.

" Only two ?!" Zoro raised his brow, surprised by this info.

" Yes," Austin replied nonchalantly before smirking," But we are strong!"

" Hoh?!" Zoro exclaimed and took another look at Brain before noticing his sword and said, " I see! So you are a swordsman too!"

Brain just looked at him for a moment before returning to feasting his food, not giving a damn about Zoro.

" It appears he doesn't like to speak a lot, " Zoro stated, smiling, not caring about Brain's poor attitude. He then changed the topic as he looked at Austin and said, " But I have to say, you are quite strong. I have never seen someone as strong as you before!"

" Naturally! Do not compare my lord with others. He is different from you lot," Brain replied with contempt which surprised both Austin and Zoro.

Austin frowned slightly, thinking - Bro! What's wrong with him?! He has never behaved like this before! Is this his normal personality, or does he have something against Zoro ?! - Austin tried to change the subject before Zoro could respond to Brain.

" So, what's your goal? " Austin asked Zoro.

" To become the Greatest Swordsman in the world," Zoro replied without hesitation.

"Humph!" Brain snorted in response.

" What's your goal then?!" Zoro looked at Brain, annoyed, and asked.

" My lord will be the future Pirate King, so naturally, as his Right hand, I will become the Greatest swordsman in the world. Otherwise, I wouldn't deserve to stand by his side," Brain raised his head and replied proudly.

" Ho! So, we are rivals! " Zoro exclaimed while grinning.

" Humph! You have a long way to go before you consider yourself my rival! " Brain scoffed in response, completely looking down on Zoro, which caused the latter eyes to twitch in annoyance before looking at Austin, ignoring Brain's terrible behavior.

"By the way, You said that you are going to be the future Pirate king" Zoro looked at Austin before asking, "Why did you decide to do it?"

" Well, because I have to! " Austin answered, which surprised Zoro. He then continued," Also, being the pirate king is just the first goal in my journey towards my true dream! " Austin paused and looked at the reflection of his face in the drink, saying, " What I truly want is to free this world from its shackles! "

Zoro stopped eating and looked deeply at Austin before simply replying," I see!"


" And why do you want to be the greatest swordsman in the world?" Austin asked, despite already knowing the answer.

" Because I have made a promise to a friend of mine," Zoro answered.

" And I assume that friend is dead, huh ?!" Austin asked casually after a moment of silence.

"How...did you know?!" Zoro opened his eyes wide in surprise and asked in disbelief.

"Hmm, I'm good at reading people" Austin paused. " There is a saying that says the person may lie, but his eyes won't" Austin looked directly at Zoro's eyes and added, "I can see the weight, the sadness, and the determination in your eyes when you mentioned that friend of yours."

Austin lied shamelessly through his teeth without a change in his expression while thinking in his mind - Well, I f**king knew about it from the anime, but I can't say that, so I would rather take this chance to act cool and mysterious - Austin poured another drink and said.

 "Let's change the topic. You know that you will have to face Mihawk eventually to claim that title since he is the one holding it now, right?!" 

"Yes, that's why I started sailing in the first place," Zoro answered.


"Hmm, let's be honest here, you are not his opponents, you know that, right? " Austin asked curiously, wanting to see if Zoro would admit his weakness or not. 

"..... Yes," Zoro sighed and continued," After seeing your sword skills today, I knew that I'm not even your opponent, let alone him!"

"Huh ?! The way you mentioned it, implies that you're sure he's much stronger than me?" Austin asked, amused. 

"Is he not?" Zoro asked back, grinning.

Brain looked at Zoro in annoyance, but before he could say anything to insult him, Austin started laughing loudly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! You are right! He is indeed stronger than me" Austin laughed and paused for moments before grinning savagely as he continued," At least for Now!"


Brain swallowed what he was gonna say while looking furiously at Zoro, who just smiled back in response while drinking. 

"But I'm curious thought, let's say, for example, you got to meet Mihawk in the next two weeks. What will you do then?" Austin asked.

" huh!... I will still challenge him," Zoro replied after thinking for a while.

" Despite knowing that you will lose or, even worse, die?" Austin raised his brow.

"Yes!" Zoro replied firmly without the slightest hesitation.

"The reason?" Austin asked, wanting to know why.

" Because if I don't, I will betray the promise I made," Zoro answered. 


Well, if things don't change because of my intervention between you and Luffy, you will probably meet Mihawk soon - Austin sighed in his mind, thinking - I just hope it goes well like the anime, and he doesn't kill you.

" By the way, when are you going to leave?" Zoro asked.

" Tomorrow! " Austin looked at the sea from the window and answered.

" I see, then let's enjoy the drinks today," Zoro said before lifting his cup, " a Toast for our dreams and goals!"

" Chears! " Both Austin and Brain lifted their cups, accepting the toast.


The festivals and the joy of the Town's residents continued that day, and that night, Austin even slept with one of the town women. She was so thankful and happy for his help that she ended up dragging him into her house and f***ing him all night long.


The following day, Austin and Brain were standing at the town port where they had left the Ship yesterday, and surrounding them were the town people who had come to say goodbye to their saviors, including Zoro.

Austin decides to give the people present here a little speech to look cool as usual and also because he has some other plans in his mind for this island, which forces him to keep a good reputation with its residents.

" I hope that what happened in this Town will make you all stronger and teach you a lesson in life." Austin paused " Never let anyone take your freedom or enslave you again, resist with all your might, and don't submit to your fears. Lastly, I hope you will be safe and sound, and if fate allows it, we will visit this Town again."


Austin turned around, got on his Ship with Brain, and used his Devil Fruit power to speed up the Ship, leaving without waiting for the people's responses. Why? Well, that's because it looked more awesome.


The town's people cheered and waved at them until the Ship started fading on the horizon, heading toward the next location, Orange Island!



( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

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