One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 14: Orange Town

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East Blue - An unknown location on the sea


In the middle of nowhere, on this vast ocean, three men were swimming hard, trying to reach any nearby island. Apparently, their boat was destroyed by some storm, leading them to this unforsaken situation.

Suddenly they noticed a small black ship coming from afar, which made them rejoice as they started screaming and waving their hands in hopes that whoever was on board that upcoming ship would notice them and save them.


On the small black ship's deck, Austin, who was sitting on a chair, thinking about his future plans, suddenly heard some shouting from a distance. He looked at the source of the sound and noticed three men swimming in the ship's direction, asking for help.
When Austin saw them, he smirked because he knew who they were, or at least he recognized the symbol on the hat one of them was wearing.


Austin stopped the ship near them and allowed the three men to get in.


The leader of the three wore a beanie hat with a pirate's symbol on it ( Buggy's pirates' symbol ), while the other two were a dark-skinned pirate and an orange-haired pirate.

"Thanks for the help!" The dark-skinned pirate said while panting heavily.

"Even though you have rescued us, we will still take over this ship now." The orange-haired pirate added.

" We are crew members of the Buggy pirates, so hand over us your ship obediently," The leader of the three who was wearing the hat said and pulled out his sword, which prompted the other two pirates to do the same by drawing their swords.

Austin, who was standing beside Brain, looked at the three pirates as if they were some sort of idiots. He then glanced at Brain and nodded his head in sign, which prompted the latter to smile back in response and advance toward the three idiots.


Moments later, the three pirates sat at the corner of the ship with blood and bruises all over their bodies.

"Now that you know what situation you are in," Austin smirked, adding, " Tell me what happened to you," 

"Yes, Sir! We were sailing on a boat, but a thief girl tricked us and stole our boat and treasures, so we ended up like this until you saved us," The leader of the three explained with a shaky voice.


As expected, Nami was probably the one who stole their boat and treasures - Austin smiled - So she is perhaps at Organ islands now!


"So, you fools are part of that idiot crew?" Austin asked mockingly.

" Bastard! You know nothing about our Captain, so how dare you call him an idiot!" The leader barked furiously at this stranger.

Even though this stranger seemed strong from his look and clothes, the three pirates were more afraid of the blue-haired man who wiped the floor with them than this stranger.

This is why the leader of the three had the guts to yell at Austin but not Brain.


" A dog dares to raise his voice at my lord, unforgivable!" Brain growled, grasping the handle of his sword. He looked at Austin and added, " My lord, please give me your permission. I will immediately rip his limbs apart as punishment! "

When the three pirates heard Brain acknowledging this stranger as the boss, the color on their faces drained, especially the leader.

" It's okay. They are just a bunch of scums like their Captain. So there is no need to get angry at them" Austin waved his hand, stopping Brain.


"You fools think I know nothing about that idiot Buggy," Austin looked at the three trembling fools and smiled, "You are wrong! I can say that I know him more than you a lot, but I will leave the talk until I meet him personally."

"Now, let's return to our previous subject," Austin smiled mischievously and added, " Now I think you fools were heading to Organ islands before, right?!"

The three pirates were surprised at first, and despite having a bad feeling about this, they still nodded hurriedly to not anger this man.

"This means you know exactly where Buggy is camping at Organ islands, right ?!" Austin smirked and asked

" The camp is located in the north of the island in a town called Orange town," The dark-skinned pirate replied

" Good! that will save us some time " Austin smirked and glanced at Brain " Get ready. We'll head over there!"

The ship continued sailing, heading toward Orange Town, and with the right direction from the three captives and Brain's navigation skills, they arrived there in just 3 hours.


The group reached the island and disembarked on Orange town's shore.

"Alright, Now lead the way to your camp, and don't try something funny, or else you will be dead before you know it," Austin said in a deep voice, threatening the three pirates.

The three men nodded heavily while cursing in their minds - Like hell, we will try something, you freak! - despite their discomfort, the three pirates still showed them the way, leading the duo toward their crew campsite.


Along the way to Buggy's camp, Austin noticed that town was empty of its residences because many houses were open, but no one was inside.

"I wonder where everyone went!" Brain asked

"I think they have gone somewhere else." Austin replied casually and pointed at the three pirates, adding, " And If I were to guess why I would say it has something to do with these clowns' crew."

Suddenly they heard a massive explosion from afar and the sound of houses collapsing afterward.

"Tsk, I guess this is the work of your Captain, huh?" Austin glanced at the three pirates

"'s called Buggy Ball," The leader replied, shivering in fear, afraid of irritating these two monsters.


While the group continued wandering around the town, passing by dozens of the destroyed houses on their way toward the pirates' camp, they suddenly heard the footsteps of someone running toward them.

Austin glanced in the sound's direction and smiled in his mind when he saw who it was.

A slim young woman of average height with orange hair and brown eyes. She wore a white and blue striped shirt with short sleeves, an orange mini-skirt, and brown high-heeled boots.
She had short hair with a particularly curled strand over the left side of her face, which added more beauty to the gorgeous young woman.


Austin used the 'Detect' Skill on her to check her stats.

Name: Nami 
Race: Human
Level: 2
Strength: 20
Agility: 25
Stamina: 20
Charisma: 40


All her stats are average except for her charisma - Austin smiled, thinking - Well, her role is not a fighter but a navigator, so I guess it's normal to have those stats, especially since she was the weakest member of the Straw Hats besides Usopp.

Now, since this is the first time we will meet each other, I think I need a good entrance. - Austin narrowed his eyes - But I need to be cautious in dealing with her because this girl is smart - Austin thought for a moment and came up with an exciting idea - Yes! This is it. I can do that.


He quickly used 'Soro' and appeared before Nami, which shocked the latter, who tried to run away, but Austin didn't give her a chance to respond and grabbed her by her neck, strangling her.

He looked directly into Nami's eyes, which frightened the latter, who tried to resist his gripe, but all her efforts were futile because Austin lifted her easily by her throat and acted like a righteous man, saying.

"Look what we have here!" Austin narrowed his eyes " A rat from that clown's group, huh?"

" You lot have been running wild here lately," Austin added in a deep voice " Just looking at all these destroyed buildings makes me want to torture you all to death."

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Nami was scared and didn't even understand what was going on, she tried to speak, but Austin tightened his grip around her throat and yelled in anger.

" Do you find the people's suffering enjoyable, you piece of sh*t?! "


At this moment, Brain and the other three pirates have just arrived and witnessed Austin strangling the young woman.

"It's her!" The dark-skinned pirate exclaimed loudly as soon as he saw Nami.

" Yeah! She is that thief girl!" The orange-haired pirate added,

" huh?" Austin faked ignorance and asked with a puzzled tone, acting confused," isn't she one of your crew?"

"No, she is not. She was the one who stole our treasure and boat," the one with the hat replied.

Austin frowned, acting bewildered, and let go of Nami's neck, which made the latter fall on her butt while coughing hard and trying to catch back her breath. She looked at the group in fear, especially at Austin.

"I'm sorry, I lost my cool when I saw the state of the town and what these bastards did here," Austin stated and bent over, offering his hand to Nami while smiling, and added gently, " Young lady, I offer you my sincere apologies. I thought you were one of these bastards."

Nami was stunned at first, but then she regained her calm and looked at the group with caution and wariness.

" No...No, it's okay, I understand," Nami said while coughing and breathing heavily, still recovering from the shock.


Austin smiled gently and got up again when he heard other footsteps from afar, but this time apparently, it was more than one person.

Austin noticed three men running in their way. The first one had dark brown skin and black hair parted to either side of his head. The second was bald and wore a reddish-brown shirt. The last one was tanned, with red hair and makeup on his eyes and lips. 

Austin turned to the three pirates in his group and asked them

"Are those three part of your crew?"

"Yes... they are," The orange-haired man answered hesitantly

" Good! So I'm not mistaken this time " Austin then lifted his hand, making a pistole sign toward the three approaching men, and used his 'Wind bullets' Skill, taking the three of them down and killing them on the spot by piercing their heads with the 'Wind bullets'.


Nami and the three pirates were shocked by this display, especially the three pirates who started trembling with fear and cursing their luck for encountering these freaks. They thought Brain was the only threat between the two, but his boss turned out to be a more fearsome monster than their Captain, Buggy the clown.

But what made them really terrified was the fact that Austin had just killed their crew members, and it seemed that he was targeting their pirate crew and intended to eliminate the rest of them.

"Lead the way toward your camp, and I will spare your pathetic lives in exchange," Austin stated after he noticed the look of worry on the three captives' faces.

"Follow us too. I have some questions for you." Austin looked at Nami and said

Nami nodded in response, not wanting to anger this freak, and followed the group who were led by the three pirates.



On their way to Buggy camp, Austin glanced at Nami and smiled, asking.

"I'm curious about the reason that would cause a young girl like you to venture into the sea stealing from others! "

Even though Nami was afraid and cautious of these freaks, she still replied bravely. "I only steal from pirates!"

" A thief is a thief! It doesn't matter who he steals from," Brain interjected

"I agree with you, Brain," Austin paused, "But some people have their own circumstances. So you can't judge someone until you know the reasons behind their actions!"

" Who knows, they may steal just to feed a whole village or something like that, " Austin smiled, adding.


Nami looked deeply at Austin for a moment and nodded in approval. Seeing that Austin wasn't bad a person as it seemed, she started to calm down while maintaining her vigilance attitude. She then gathered her courage and asked.

" Since you are looking for Buggy crew, this means you are not one of them, so who are you, people?"

" My Name is Ray D Austin, I'm a Pirate, and this is Brain Unglaus, my comrade and a member of my pirate crew" Austin introduces himself and Brain.

"A pirate ?!" Nami exclaimed and added with discontent in her eye, " You don't look like one,"

" Ho! " Austin smiled in amusement and added playfully, " And what does a Pirate look like to you, little girl? "

" I'm not a little girl. My name is Nami!" Nami added, " As for your question. I hate pirates. They are useless!"

" Wherever they go, they will always be destruction and plunder behind. They are scum! " Nami replied while gritting her teeth.


Austin knew Nami's past, so he understood why she would say something like that. And actually, he supports her argument because there is live proof to her claim, which is the current state of this town and how much damage it sustained due to Buggy's actions.

But despite his agreement, Austin decided to take this chance and leave a strong impression on Nami by pretending to be offended by her remarks.


Austin stopped in his way, turned around while putting a severe expression on his face, and looked into Nami's eyes.

"Oy! I understand that you may have had a horrible experience with pirates before, and by looking at it, you may have even lost someone you love at the hands of some pirates " Austin narrowed his eyes and added, "But those are scum, and they have nothing to do with real pirates, so don't mistake terrorists and evil beings with pirates."

" A real pirate is a free person who sails the sea to explore the unknown and pursues his dreams and adventures" Austin paused for a second and declared in a powerful voice," As the future Pirate king, I take pride in being a pirate, and I will not allow you or anyone else to slander the great name of Pirates in my presence again."


After Austin finished his acting, he walked away, leaving the shocked Nami and the stupefied three fools standing there in a daze at his declaration.

" Move!!" Brain pushed the three pirates, bringing them from their shock, as they hurriedly followed Austin behind.

While Nami was following the group, she continued to glance at Austin from time to time, affected by his charisma and appearance, while pondering his previous words in her mind.

She looked at the ground in murmured in a low voice, " Dreams, huh ?!"


( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

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