One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 3: The First Battle

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( Author :

Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

I want to inform you that the sentences that start with " - " and end with " - " are usually used to express the characters' internal thoughts.

Thank you for reading this chapter in advance <3! )


East Blue - An Unknown location in the ocean.



A small black ship was sailing on this vast sea, and on that Ship's deck was a young man dressed in all black, looking up at the sky.


" What pain! Living through something and seeing it in the anime is a totally different matter," Austin sighed.

" It's so easy to sail in the anime, but here I don't even f***ing know where I'm! " Austin looked at the boundless sea. " I have been sailing for days now, and without my watch, I wouldn't even know how much time has passed exactly."


" The only bright thing is that at least in these two days with nothing to do, I practiced my Devil Fruit Power and made progress on it" Austin glanced at his hand and changed it into the wind " And now I can change any part of my body as I want."


At this moment, Austin noticed a small shadow from afar that looked like a ship and started laughing like a maniac
" HAHAHA! Finally, a ship! A f***ing ship! I almost went crazy sailing alone in this bloody ocean."


Austin used his Devil Fruit power to generate some wind and increased the Ship's speed, heading in the direction of the Shadow, which seemed to be a ship.


10 minutes later, Austin's small black Ship got close to the Shadow, which indeed turned out to be a Ship. Austin discovered that it was a pirate ship with a pirate flag that had a crescent moon and a skull.

Austin was amazed by the Ship's sight as this was his first time witnessing a traditional pirate ship like this.
" As expected of One Piece's world!" Austin grinned " I can't wait to see all those famous characters in person."

" By the way, I wonder what those weird-looking characters will look like in real life here ?!" Austin shook his head and smiled " Let's focus on this now!"



On the pirate ship, one of the pirates noticed the small black Ship approaching from afar and informed the rest, causing a commotion on board, which only stopped when a man came out of the cabin shouting to his crew what seemed to be the orders, this in response made all the pirates assemble and prepare their weapons to raid the upcoming black Ship. 


Back to Austin's Ship, Austin witnessed what happened on the pirates' Ship and looked intently at the person responsible for this.


The man was a middle-aged pirate of medium height with a slightly stocky physique. He was dressed in the attire of a typical pirate captain, with his distinct side being a crescent-shaped mustache.

" Hmm, He seems to be their Captain!" Austin narrowed his eyes " Alright since I know nothing about navigation, I will take over this Ship and make them go to the nearest island so that I get the information I need there. "


Austin jumped with the help of his Devil Fruit on board the Ship and landed on the Ship's deck. He glanced around and found dozens of pirates looking at him with surprised looks. Apparently, they were amazed by how he managed to jump easily between the two ships.


"Who is the Captain of this Ship? " Austin broke the silence and spoke in a commanding tone to the pirates. 

"It's me! But who the hell are you? And why did you land on my Ship?" The middle-aged pirate stepped forward, replying.

Austin looked at his weird-looking mustache for a moment and used 'Detect' on him and the other pirates on board.


[ 'Detect' is a skill that deduces the characteristics of any person; this skill's effectiveness is based on the differences in levels between the user and the target.]


Name: Boris
Race: Human
Level: 1
Strength: 10
Agility: 10
Stamina: 10
Charisma: 10


Austin got the previous information after he used 'Detect' on a random pirate, but what surprised him the most was the result of 'Detect' when he used it on the Captain.


Name: Gally ( Crescent-Moon )
Race: Human
Level: 4
Strength: 45
Agility: 40
Stamina: 45
Charisma: 10


Crescent-Moon Gally ?! I have heard this name before in the anime - Austin was surprised, but then he remembered something - Ah! Yeah, Gally!

HAHAHAHAHA! He is the pirate who appeared first in Loguetown's Arc and got his ass kicked by Smoker - Austin laughed in his mind - Well, that's interesting!


Austin then noticed something -  Wait! There are a lot of things I can learn from his appearance here! - Austin's mind started operating fast, thinking about all sorts of possibilities.

So Gally's appearance here basically replied to two of my most urgent questions, which are where am I exactly in the World of One Piece and in what era I am now!

Austin smiled in his mind - Now I'm 100% sure I'm in the East Blue because this fool here is active in that area - Austin narrowed his eyes - As for time, I'm definitely in an era close to when Luffy starts his journey because this idiot appeared in that time as well - Austin smiled in relief at his new discovery because at least he wasn't in the Grand Line.


The time Austin took to think and come to many conclusions based on Gally's appearance didn't even last for 2 seconds for the other pirates, especially for Gally, who had just finished speaking with Austin.


" WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, BASTARD? AND WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM MY SHIP?" Gally asked again while yelling.

" I'm taking over this Ship! Bring me to the next island, and don't try anything funny, or I will kill everyone here! " Austin looked at the pirates and said.


The pirates were dumbfounded for a moment before they started laughing. Although this young man's appearance and clothes made him look a little tough, he was still surrounded by dozens of them here.

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"Hahaha! Who the f*** do you think yourself are?! Everyone! Surrounds this bastard," Gally laughed and added with a greedy look after he noticed what Austin had on. "Get me his clothes and sword. They look expensive!"

Twenty-one pirates surrounded Austin, and all of them were armed, with some of them carrying swords while others were holding guns.

Witnessing this sight made Gally more confident and said with a tone full of arrogance.
" You made a big mistake by coming to my ship and starting talking like a big shot, bastard." Gally smirked evilly and added, " Today, I will torture you until you start begging me for death, hahahahaha."


The other pirates started laughing alongside their Captain Gally, which made Austin shake his head and begin thinking - all of these pirates are level 1, and only Gally, their Captain, is stronger than me, which is level 4 - Austin smiled in confidence despite his situation.

Even though Austin is only level 1 at the moment, he is still a Devil Fruit user and a logia user on top of it, so he may be weaker than Gally in terms of stats and level, but that's only if they can clash in fair conditions!
Austin has the perfect defense where no swords or bullets can hurt him since he will just make them pass through him, but Gally can't, and that's why Austin is confident in this battle.


Austin draws his sword 'Diablo' while releasing his Unique Skill 'Predator Mode'.


[ Predator Mode: Emits an aura of dominance & supremacy two times stronger than the target enemy and weakens the enemy in the area close to the user. No matter how strong or weak the targeted being is, the pressure & murderous aura will be sensed by all those who stand within the perimeter of the user. ]


All the pirates stopped laughing, feeling the pressure and the killing intent targeting them, and glanced at Austin as if he was some sort of a monster, especially their Captain, whose face turned white as he began regretting what he had said before.


Seeing everyone stop in their position, frightened, Gally gritted his teeth and attacked with his sword. Austin defended the upcoming attack with his sword, but still, the clash's impact made his hand numb.

As expected, I'm no match for him in a direct clash which is normal since he is 4 times stronger than me in both stats and level - Austin thought - I should stick to my original plan, use my advantage in terms of Devil Fruit and take him by surprise in one shot.

Gally noticed in that clash that Austin was weaker than him in terms of raw strength, which made him sneer as he thought - And here I thought he was some big shot, Humph! It appears he is just a weakling, so I should finish this quickly - Gally smiled as he regained his confidence and attacked more fiercely.

Austin caught the change in Gally's expression and smiled, thinking - I'm superior to him in terms of sword Art anyway, so the moment he shows the slightest weakness, it will be game over for him! - Austin grinned evilly.


The battle didn't last long, and soon Gally tried to behead Austin in their fifth clash, only for his sword to pass through him. This, however, made Gally stop in his track in shock as he looked at Austin in fear and started trembling.

Gally knows that having such power means that the man in front of him isn't some nobody, as he thought, which is why he asked in a shaky tone.
" W..h..o... Who... The .. Hell... Are.. you?"


Austin was amused and excited seeing his power work and replied mysteriously.
" I told you before, you bunch of weaklings, I'm taking over this Ship so that I can go to the next island, but You lot just had to resist. I was going to let you go after I arrived on the closest island" Austin paused for a moment and added, " But now I'm thinking of killing you all right here! "


Hearing this made everyone's face turn white like paper, and they started trembling. Even their Captain Gally was no exception since he knew that this young man was so strong and just the pressure he released was enough to make them feel like a mountain was pressing on them, and the fact that his sword passed through Austin made him remember the legend of the sea's treasure, 'The legendary Devil Fruit'.

Austin took the chance of Gally's shock & hesitation and attacked him with his sword, cutting off his head.
From the beginning, Austin chooses to mislead Gally about his abilities by defending head-on with his sword instead of using his Logia Devil fruit to evade all the attacks, and all his plan was for this moment of weakness when Gally gets surprised by his Devil Fruit power and hesitate.


Gally's head rolled on the Ship dock, and immediately afterward, Austin received a notification which he ignored and turned to look at the other pirates declaring in a firm voice.

"Listen to me, you weaklings! Your Captain is dead!" Austin grabbed Gally's head and added, "Since it was this idiot's orders, I'll forgive your rudeness before."

"Those who admit defeat and surrender will be saved" Austin paused for a moment. " As for those stubborn bastards who still want to fight."
Austin pointed his sword forward, implying he was ready to kill everyone here, and stated, "Come forward! I shall send you to accompany your captain in Hell".


Hearing Austin's statement made the pirates drop their weapons while shouting they admitted defeat. Since their Captain is already dead, they have no other reason to fight, especially since he died easily at the hand of this monster. No one was stupid enough to attack and lose their life for nothing.


Austin nodded in approval at their response because he was expecting it.


" Who is the vice-captain of this Ship?!" Austin asked, and in response, a skinny man wearing old clothes stepped forward.


"Where were you going before? And which island is the nearest one to here?" Austin questioned the skinny man. 

"W..e were .. going .. to Loguetown ... as..for..which... island is the closest ... it's the Bronze island, Sir!" the skinny vice-captain answered in a shaky voice.


Hoo, so they were going to Loguetown - Austin smiled as he thought - Looks like the time now is before Luffy's departure.


"Alright! sail to the Bronze island, and show me where the captain's room is and where you keep the treasures you have!" Austin paused and looked at the pirates threatening them." By the way, don't play some funny tricks. I don't mind killing more of you here."

"What... about your ship ?!" the skinny vice-captain asked,


Austin thought for a moment before touching his small Ship and storing it in the Inventory, shocking everyone present, making them even more frightened, as they had just witnessed a f**king ship disappear into the air at the hand of this monster.

After a while, the skinny vice-captain nodded while still trembling all over his body from this display and showed him the way. At the same time, the other pirates began preparing to sail in the direction of the Bronze island faster, afraid of making this demon angry.


Soon the skinny vice-captain returned to the Ship's deck while Austin entered alone what was supposed to be the Captain's room, which was at the same time where the treasures were kept at.


" He was keeping all the treasures in his room. It looks like Gally doesn't trust his men " Austin scratched his chin and smiled " Well, they did stop fighting when he died, so I guess he was right about them!"

Austin found some gold, 1 million Berry cash, and some other things that were not worth much.

" Tsk, this bastard was a hell of a poor pirate, " Austin shook his head " Well, he was only a small-time pirate with 3 450 000 berries on his head, so funding this much with him is already a miracle!"


Austin searched the room for anything valuable and stored everything later on in his Inventory.


" Hmm! If what that skinny guy said was true, then in 2 days, the Ship would arrive on Bronze island " Austin looked through the window " Until then, I shall practice my devil fruit." 

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