One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 4: New Quest

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After Austin searched Gally's room and stored everything useful he found in his Inventory, he sat down on the only couch in the room and glanced at his Interface.


" Now that everything is settled, I should check the notifications I received before."

Austin opened his Interface and examined the notifications he had received during the battle.


You have Defeated '' Crescent-Moon Gally '' ( LVL 4 ).

'' Crescent-Moon Gally '' Bounty is 3 450 000 Berry.

Congratulation on your First defeat for a pirate with a Bounty between 1 - 10 million Berry.

You have received your rewards: 100 Stats Points & 10 Skills Points & 3.45 Shopping Points.


You have defeated pirate ( LVL 1 ) x 21.


You have received 21,000 EXP.


Congratulations! You have reached Level 2!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 3!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 4!




Congratulations! You have reached Level 18!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 19!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 20!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 21!


You have reached Level 20, You have unlocked a special reward.

You have received your rewards: 100 Skills Points & 10 skills points & 100 Shopping Points.


The Database Has been upgraded.


Congratulation on your first Conquest.

The Hidden Quest " First Conquest " is completed.


New Quest '' East Blue's Conqueror '' begins.



" Well, that's a lot of notifications!" Austin smiled. " But still, I'm excited since I managed to increase my level by 20."

" I can finally become stronger," Austin sighed " if it wasn't for my Devil fruit, I would have probably lost against Gally."


Austin noticed something " Huh?! New Quest ?! Hidden Quest ?! I should check this first "


He entered the Awards & Quests Menu and chose the Quests section.


Quests :

'' The Beginner '' : Completed

Description: search through the different menus of The Supreme Conqueror System to understand its Functions.

Rewards: Beginner Pack & 100 Shopping Points.


" First Conquest ": Completed

Description: You are a Newborn to this world, destined to conquer it all. Complete your first Conquest and make a Name for yourself.

The Conditions of completing the Quest:

  • Defeat/Kill a Pirate Crew and take over their Ship, Or Defeat/Kill Navy Soldiers and their Superieur and take over their Ship.

Rewards :

  • Random Unique Skill.
  • 100 Stats Points & 10 Skills Points & 100 Shopping Points.


'' East Blue's Conqueror '': Ongoing

Description: You are a Newborn to East Blue. You must let everyone know of your Name in your home's ocean. Conquer the East Blue, make a name for yourself and stand at the top of the strong people in all the East Blue.

The Conditions of Completing the Quest:

  • Defeat Or Kill 10 Pirates active in the East Blue with Bounties on their heads : ( 0/10 ).
  • Reach Level 60 minimum.
  • Create a pirate crew and enter the Grand Line ( Paradis ).


  • Random Unique Skill.
  • 100 Stats Points & 10 Skills Points & 1000 Shopping Points.



" I see! So I have a new Quest, " Austin read the new Quest description " Well, I think it's achievable!"


Austin checked the hidden Quest " So the hidden Quest is finished by either taking control of a Pirate Ship or a Navy one! " Austin smiled and started reading the other information.

" Hell, Yeah! Unique Skill!" Austin exclaimed after reading the rewards of both Quests, " I couldn't find them on The Shop, as I thought getting them through the Quests was the only way."


Austin 'clicked' on the Random Unique Skill.



Randomization Complete.


Please select one from the three rewards below:

  • Telekinesis.
  • All For One.
  • Mind Control.



After reading the three skills description, Austin started thinking seriously about what to choose next because he found the choice much more challenging this time, especially since all the skills were good.


" 'Telekinesis' is restricted by distance, how far my reach is, and how much weight I can lift or exert through it. It Would've been too OP if I could move a mountain with it." Austin sighed


" 'Mind control' is a superb skill, but the requirements are harsh. I will need to keep looking into a person's eyes for at least a minute and have a suggestive conversation to control their minds to work for me or do my bidding." Austin shook his head " It's not very practical, especially in the fights for Life and Death."


After weighing the pros and cons of each Skill, Austin chooses 'All For One' .



All For One: This Skill allows the owner to recreate two different abilities and skills to form a new varied one which is based on the working principles of the abilities and skills used in the merging procedure.

The Abilities created through this Skill will have no side effects on the owner's body or mental condition.

This Skill can also create new beings by mixing different individuals' corpses and skills.

( Note: Certain prerequisite conditions, such as physical ability & skills required for the process, must be met before the merging can be done, the strength & specialty of the creature created will depend upon the base bodies they were experimented with ).



" Hoh! I can merge different Skills to create new ones. I can do a lot of things with this new Unique Skill!" Austin rubbed his hands together, thinking about all the potential use of his New Overpower Skill.

" This is really a superb Skill," Austin grinned, looking at the last part of the description, " Especially this part. I can think of many use for this special ability."

" Wait!" Austin got an interesting idea " I can create new beings, and apparently, I would need corpses to do so, which means every time I defeat or kill my enemies, I can use their corpses to create new allies!"

" Oh, Shit! This Skill is really broken," Austin smirked " But I like it!'


Austin's head started spinning fast, thinking about all sorts of possibilities and scenarios for his new Skill use.

In the end, Austin smiled a satisfied smile because he could clearly see many benefits he could get if he used his new Skill properly, especially with his Knowledge about the future.

Austin smiled an evil smile looking at his chamber's closed door, thinking about the pirates on this Ship!

" I should test my new Skill on you fools later on," Austin glanced at his interface " Before that, I will need to enter the Character Menu first to see the summary of what I got."


Character :

Host Information :

Name: Ray D Austin

Race: Human

Level: 21

Experience: 0/2100


Stats :

Strength: 10

You are reading story One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction ) at

Agility: 10

Stamina: 10

Charisma: 10

Available Stats Points: 400


Skills :

Detect - LVL 1 ( Max )

Melee Combat: LVL 1 ( 0%)

Sword Art : LVL 1 ( 0% )


Devils Fruits :

Wind-Wind Fruit: Lvl 1 ( Level of Proficiency ) ( 0%)


Rokushiki ( The Six powers ) :

  • Soru ( Shove ) : Lvl 1 ( 0% )
  • Geppo( Moon Walk ) : lvl 1 ( 0%)
  • Rankyaku ( Tempest Kick ): Lvl 1 ( 0% )
  • Shigan ( Finger Pistole ): Lvl 1 ( 0% )
  • Tekkai ( Iron Body ) : Lvl 1 ( 0% )
  • Kami-e ( Paper Art ): Lvl 1 ( 0% )
  • Rokuogan ( Six King Gun ) ( Locked, 100% on all the Six Powers ).


Haki :

Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 40 ).

Kenbunshoku Haki ( Observation Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 60 ).

Haoshoku Haki ( Conqueror Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 80 ).


Unique Skills :

Predator Mode: LVL 1 ( 0%)

All For One: LVL 1 ( 0%)

Available Skills Points: 50


Traits :

Controle Emotion ( Passive )


Austin was surprised because he noticed many changes in his Interface.


The First thing he noticed was that the Skills of 'Rokushiki' ( The Six powers ) were now available to use since he met the requirement, which is to be at level 20 at least.


The Second thing was the amount of Stats Points & Skills Points marked available, Austin calculated from the previous notifications and the hidden Quest he finished that he would have only 300 Stats Points available, but it appeared there were an extra 100 Stats Points.

The same goes for the Skills Points, as there are an additional 20 Skills Points.


Austin thought for a moment before he remembered something " Wait! The Database is updated. I should find the answers there! "


Austin checked the Database, and he did indeed find the answers to many of his questions there.


[ Between levels 1 to 100, with each level up, Austin will get 5 Stats Points & 1 Skills Point.]

" So that's what it is, 5 Stats Points for each level multiple by 20 Levels is indeed 100 Stats Points, and 1 Skill Point x 20 Levels is 20 Skills Points " Austin scratches his chin " That explains where those points come from."


In addition, Austin discovered that he could gain 1000 EXP per person if he defeated or killed any individuals whose levels were between 1 & 10. Austin could also obtain 5000 EXP per person for those between levels 10 & 20 and 10 000 Exp per person for those between levels 20 & 30.


He also discovered in the Database how EXP for leveling up works.

[ From level 1 to level 60, with each leveling up, the bare of Experience will have an additional 100 EXP. ]

( For example :

At Level 1: 100 Exp are required to reach Level 2.

At Level 2: 200 Exp are required to reach Level 3.

At Level 10: 1000 Exp are required to reach Level 11. )

" Hmmm, that's interesting," Austin smiled " Well, I need to locate the available points now."


After thinking for a while, Austin finally decided how to allocate his now 400 Stats Points.

" I think I will add 110 Stats Points to Strength, 100 Stats Points in both Agility & Stamina, and the rest, which is 90 in Charisma," Austin nodded in satisfaction.

" As for why Charisma, " Austin smiled " Well, having a high Charisma will help me get the people's trust, which in turn will make my work in gathering information and crew members much easier."


After Austin finished allocating his Stats Points, he checked the result.

Character :

Host Information :

Name: Ray D Austin

Race: Human

Level: 21

Experience: 0/2100


Stats :

Strength: 120

Agility: 110

Stamina: 110

Charisma: 100

Available Stats Points : 0


As soon as Austin finished allocating his Stats Points, he felt pain all over his body as if his construction was changing and his bones and muscles were growing.

" Agh!" Austin clenched his fists, enduring the pain.


After the pain vanished, Austin felt refreshed, as if he was reborn, and he could feel the power in his body growing, making him very happy and excited.

" HAHAHAHAHA This is it! This is what power felt like! " Austin exclaimed.


Suddenly, a notification popped out on his Interface, informing him that his trait '' Control Emotion '' was activated. Soon Austin felt his thinking become clearer, and he returned to normal.

" Sh*t, What just happened " Austin frowned, and after a while, he finally understood what had occurred

" That was dangerous! who would have thought that the taste of power would drive someone to that drunken state" Austin felt a shiver through his spine" I started thinking about defeating everyone right now. Hell, I even thought I could kill Akainu easily now!"

" Thankfully, I have this Trait, or else I will be f**king laughing and jumping like a monkey here, tsk!" Austin glanced at his Trait on the Interface and took a deep breath to calm down.


Austin found a long mirror standing by the wall in the corner of the room. Since it was the first time he would see his new body in this world, Austin chose to take off all his clothes to see his body completely naked from head to toe in the mirror, and what he saw left him speechless, shocked and then overjoyed.


He was 6 feet 6 inches tall ( 198 cm ), with a typical white skin tone, the same as his previous life.

His face was well-proportioned and very handsome, with an angled but somewhat wider jaw.

He has bulging muscles and 6-pack abs, like in his previous life since he was a soldier. His hair is short, utterly black, and not brown this time. His eyes were black, unlike in his former life, where they were blue.

His build was very balanced, with his upper body having broader shoulders and big arms, and his chest was big enough to align well with his physique. His forearms were well proportioned, while the legs matched that of an athlete.


From his appearance, he looked around 21 to 23 years old. Someone who would have a bodybuilding background or someone who trained in Gymnastics. His facial structure, which was manly and not too handsome, would be very striking no matter where he went.

In general, Austin looks like someone not to be messed with and not too broody or severe either, which will definitely help him communicate and approach both younger and older people easily.


" Holly S***! What the f*** is this? This is so Overpowered! this is cool! " Austin exclaimed.


Austin rechecked the mirror again to make sure what he saw was true, and a moment later, he couldn't help but laugh loudly.

" HAHAHAHAHAHA! Perfect, just perfect! I wouldn't ask for something else, especially the height, since many individuals here in One Piece are huge and very tall compared to people back on earth." Austin smiled " 198 cm (6'6") is quite good, I don't want to be like giants, so it's quite a reasonable height."


After enjoying his appearance in the mirror for a while, he got on his clothes again and sat down on the couch.


" Now, it's time to allocate the Skills Points!" Austin smiled, looking at the Skills panel.


( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

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