One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 5: The Skills

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After enjoying his appearance in the mirror for a while, Austin wore his clothes again and sat down on the couch.


" Now, it's time to allocate the Skills Points!" Austin smiled, looking at the Skills panel.


" Oh, yeah! I almost forgot, " Austin smiled " I need to check the Database to learn how to upgrade my Skills and how many Skills Points are necessary to do so!"

" I also need to read all the Skills descriptions to understand them more before upgrading them!" Austin entered his interface and started searching the Database.


Detect: Deduce any person's characteristics. This Skill's effectiveness is based on differences in levels between the user and the target, which is 40 Level maximum.

Predator Mode: Emits an aura of dominance & supremacy two times stronger than the target enemy and weakens the enemy in the area close to the user. No matter how strong or weak the targeted being is, the pressure & murderous aura will be sensed by all those who stand within the perimeter of the Host. The area will keep increasing with the increase in the Host's strength & Mastery of the Skill. This Skill consists of five different levels, which are :

  • Level 1: Emits two times the pressure & -10% of the enemy strength in An area with a radius of 100 square meters with the Host at the center of it.
  • Level 2: Emits three times the pressure & -15% of the enemy strength in An area with a radius of 500 square meters with the Host at the center of it.
  • Level 3: Emits four times the pressure & -20% of the enemy strength in An area with a radius of 1000 square meters with the Host at the center of it.
  • Level 4: Emits five times The pressure & -25% of the enemy strength in An area with a 10 000 square meters radius with the Host at the center of it.
  • Level 5: Emits ten times the pressure & -50% of the enemy strength in An area with a 100 000 square meters radius with the Host at the center of it.

All For One: This Skill allows the owner to recreate two different abilities and skills to form a new varied one which is based on the working principles of the abilities and skills used in the merging procedure.
The Abilities created through this Skill will have no side effects on the owner's body or mental condition.
This Skill can also create new beings by mixing different individuals' corpses and skills.

( Note: Certain prerequisite conditions, such as physical ability & skills required for the process, must be met before the merging can be done, the strength & specialty of the creature created will depend upon the base bodies they were experimented with ). This Skill consists of five different levels, which are :

  • Amateur: the user needs to physically contact the body to activate the Skill / Unlock the Shadow Dimension.
  • Intermediate: Unlock the Shadow Domain, which replaces the physical contact ( 10 m square meters radius with the Host at the center of it ), and Unlock the appearance change.
  • Expert: Expansion of the Shadow Domain ( 100 m square meters radius with the Host at the center of it ) and Unlock the Inventory Sharing.
  • Master: Expansion of Shadow Domain ( 1000 m square meters radius with the Host at the center of it ) and Unlock the Sharing of Senses & Positions.
  • Grandmaster: Expansion of Shadow Domain ( 10 000 m square meters radius with the Host at the center of it ) and Unlock Evolution of the Skills.

Melee Combat Art: An Art that allows the owner to gain & have combat experience like he was fighting for decades. This Skill consists of five different levels, which are :

  • Amateur: Gain what is equivalent to 1 Year of fighting experience.
  • Intermediate: Gain what is equivalent to 5 Years of fighting experience.
  • Expert: Gain what is equivalent to 10 Years of fighting experience.
  • Master: Gain what is equivalent to 25 Years of fighting experience.
  • Grandmaster: Gain what is equivalent to 50 Years of fighting experience.

Sword Art: An Art in swordsmanship that allows the owner to gain and have Mastery of the sword. This Skill consists of five different levels, which are :

  • Amateur: Someone who just uses a sword as a tool for killing / the sword and swordsman simply with their will being no part of the equation.
  • Intermediate: 'A sword follows will'. At this stage, the swordsman can make a sword become an extension of his own will, and he can even use a wooden sword to cut through rocks.
  • Expert: At this stage, The user starts to become a master of swordsmanship, where the sword can also be used as a ranged weapon by performing flying slash attacks.
  • Master: The sword develops its own will, one strong enough to contend with its owner and others, becoming a black blade at the absolute height of this power. At this stage, The user can cut through anything, even the natural elements and the Logia users, without using Haki.
  • Grandmaster: Someone who comprehends the sword to the ultimate level. At this level, the swordsman will have their sword intent and domain where they can attack with a mere thought using their sword intent, not even needing to draw their sword.

Rakushiki ( the Six Powers ): A special, superhuman martial arts style consisting of six basic techniques and a seventh secret technique that only a true master of the primary six techniques can achieve.

  • Soru ( Shave ): This allows the user to move at extremely high speeds to avoid attacks and, at the same time, attack at higher speeds and with greater power by kicking off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. This Skill consists of only one level.
  • Geppo ( Moonwalk ): This Allows the user to push himself off the air itself with superhumanly strong kicks, allowing him to travel through, and remain in, midair for extended periods in what effectively resembles flight. This Skill consists of only one level.
  • Rankyaku ( Tempest Kick ): A powerful projectile technique in which the user starts by kicking at very high speeds and strength, sending out a sharp compressed blade of wind that can slice objects and significantly damage a human body. This Skill consists of only one level.
  • Shigan ( Finger Pistole ): A close-quarter combat technique in which the user pushes their finger into a specific target at a very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound. This Skill consists of only one level.
  • Tekkai ( Iron Body ): Hardens the user's muscles to the level of iron to nullify damage taken from attacks. This Skill consists of only one level.
  • Kami-e ( Paper Art ): Makes the user's body extraordinarily flexible to avoid any attacks, float, and bend his body like a piece of paper. This Skill consists of only one level.
  • Rokuogan ( Six King Gun ): The user places both fists right in front of the target to focus their physical strength to launch a devastating shock wave in a forward direction, which causes massive internal injuries. This Skill consists of only one level.

Controle Emotion ( Passive ): Allow The user to control his emotions and never let them take control of his mind and body. ( always active ).



" Well, That was a lot of information. My head almost exploded," Austin massaged his forehead " But I think it's necessary to understand the System and Skills correctly, which will help me use them later on in the fights more precisely and effectively."


" As for the last one, the Trait 'Control Emotion' " Austin narrowed his eyes " If I remember correctly, this Trait was with me from the first day I came to this world."

Austin thought for a moment, " I guess it has something to do with the training I received in the military about how to control my emotions and always keep them in check, especially in difficult situations during the missions."


" Now, since I have already finished reading the Skills descriptions, there's only one problem left which is how many Skills Points are needed to level up the Skills." Austin looked at his Interface " Let's start with my Devil fruit."


Austin rechecked the Database and found his answer.


How to allocate the Skills Points :

1 - The Devil Fruit : 

Each Devil Fruit has three Levels which are:

  • Proficiency ( Level 1 )
  • Awakening ( Level 2 ) ( Locked, Minimum level 100 )
  • Ultimate Form ( Level 3 ) ( Locked, Minimum Level unknown )


Each level of the Devil Fruit has a degree of Mastery that varies between 0% and 100%. As for the allocation of the Skills Points, it goes like this :

  • 0% - 10% ---> 1 Skill Point
  • 10% - 20% ---> 2 Skills Points
  • 20% - 30% ---> 3 Skills Points
  • 30% - 40% ---> 4 Skills Points
  • 40% - 50% ---> 5 Skills Points
  • 50% - 60% ---> 6 Skills Points
  • 60% - 70% ---> 7 Skills Points
  • 70% - 80% ---> 8 Skills Points
  • 80% - 90% ---> 9 Skills Points
  • 90% - 100% ---> 10 Skills Points


As For the Skills Points Needed for breaking through the Next Level:

  • Level 1 - Level 2 ---> 100 Skills Points
  • Level 2 - Level 3 --->100 Skills Points



" Hmmm! I see," Austin frowned and started doing some calculation," which means I need 55 Skills Points to proceed from 0% to 100% ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9+ 10), and then I will be at the maximum Mastery of Level 1."
" And if I want to proceed further and unlock the next level, which is level 2, I will need another 100 Skills Points, and next, I will have to repeat the same thing again if I want to upgrade it more," Austin scratched his head in frustration. 


[ Lvl 1 ( Proficiency) : 0% to 100% --> 55 Skills Points
Unlock Lvl 2 --> 100 Skills Points
Lvl 2 ( Awakening ) : 0% to 100% --> 55 Skills Points
Unlock Lvl 3 --> 100 Skills Points
Lvl 3 ( Ultimate Form ) : 0% to 100% --> 55 Skills Points. ]


" Well, that's a lot of skills Points, especially since it's rare to get them." Austin shook his head " In addition, I have other skills, so I can't concentrate on my Devil fruit alone. I need to balance my Skills. "  

" Tsk! That's tough," Austin sighed " Hell, I think even awakening the fruit now will only be feasible in the Grand Line, where there are a lot of enemies, which means a lot of rewards " Austin shook his head " Alright, let's see what's left."


Austin continued with the rest of the Database and moved to the other Skills.


How to allocate the Skills Points :

2 - Skills with Five Levels :

This type of Skill consists of 5 levels which are :

  • Amateur ( Level 1 )
  • Intermediate ( Level 2 ) ( Unlocked, Minimum level 20 )
  • Expert ( Level 3 ) ( Locked, Minimum level 60 )
  • Master ( Level 4 ) ( Locked, Minimum level 120 )
  • Grandmaster ( Level 5 ) ( Locked, Minimum Level unknown )


Each level of the Skill has a degree of Mastery that varies between 0% and 100%. As for the allocation of the Skills Points, it goes like this :

  • Level 1 ---> From 0% To 100% ---> 5 Skills Points
  • Level 2 ---> From 0% To 100% ---> 10 Skills Points
  • Level 3 ---> From 0% To 100% ---> 15 Skills Points
  • Level 4 ---> From 0% To 100% ---> 20 Skills Points
  • Level 5 ---> From 0% To 100% ---> 25 Skills Points 


As For the Skills Points Needed for breaking through the Next Level:

  • Level 1 - Level 2 ---> 10 Skills Points
  • Level 2 - Level 3 ---> 20 Skills Points
  • Level 3 - Level 4 ---> 30 Skills Points
  • Level 4 - Level 5 ---> 40 Skills Points 



" Alright, another ton of Skills Points needed, " Austin cursed in his mind " I don't even know where to get all these f***ing thousands of Skills Points?! "

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[ Lvl 1 ( Amateur ) : 0% to 100% --> 5 Skills Points
Unlock Lvl 2 --> 10 Skills Points
Lvl 2 ( Intermediate ) : 0% to 100% --> 10 Skills Points
Unlock Lvl 3 --> 20 Skills Points
Lvl 3 ( Expert ) : 0% to 100% --> 15 Skills Points.
Unlock Lvl 4 --> 30 Skills Points
Lvl 4 ( Master ) : 0% to 100% --> 20 Skills Points
Unlock Lvl 5 --> 40 Skills Points
Lvl 5 ( Grandmaster ) : 0% to 100% --> 25 Skills Points. ]


Austin sighed and looked up at the room ceiling " I guess it's a long way to go."


" Alright, what's left?" Austin returns to the screen again


How to allocate the Skills Points :

3 - Skills with one level:

This type of Skill consists of only one level, which has a degree of Mastery that varies between 0% and 100%. As for the allocation of the Skills Points, it goes like this :

Level 1 ---> From 0% to 100% ---> 10 Skills Points 


" These are the cheapest ones so far!" Austin smiled " All I need is 10 Skills Points to upgrade them from 0 to Max."

Austin checked his Skills list " Ho! I have 7 skills in this category which are basically the 'Rakushiki' Skills."


Austin glanced at 'Detect' in his list " As for 'Detect', it's already at Max from the beginning since it's just an information Skill."


Austin rechecked the Database once more but didn't find anything new.


" Finally, I finished everything I needed to know about My skills and how to allocate my Skills Points " Austin smiled and decided to start thinking about how to distribute his Skills Points.

" Now, with the Skills points, I will add 10 Skills Points to my devil fruit, 5 Skills Points in both 'Melee Combat Art '& 'Sword Art', 25 Skills Points in my new Unique Skill 'All For One', and lastly, 1 Skill Point in each one of 'Soru' ( Shove ) & 'Geppo' ( Moon Walk ) & 'Tekkai' ( Iron Body ) & 'Shigan' ( Finger Pistole ) & 'Rankyaku' ( Tempest Kick )." Austin started assigning his Skills Points.


" Alright! I finished all my 50 Skills Points." Austin smiled " Let's see what it looks like now."


Skills : 
Detect - LVL 1 ( Max )
Melee Combat: LVL 1 ( 100%)
Sword Art : LVL 1 ( 100% )


Devils Fruits :
Wind-Wind Fruit: Lvl 1 ( Level of Proficiency ) ( 40%) 

  • Wind Style, Strenght
  • Wind Style, Speed
  • Wind Blade
  • Wind Bullets 


Rokushiki ( The Six powers ) :

  • Soru ( Shove ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Geppo ( Moon Walk ) : lvl 1 ( 10%)
  • Rankyaku ( Tempest Kick ): Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Shigan ( Finger Pistole ): Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Tekkai ( Iron Body ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )
  • Kami-e ( Paper Art ): Lvl 1 ( 0% )
  • Rokuogan ( Six King Gun ) ( Locked, 100% on all the Six Powers ).


Haki :
Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 40 ).
Kenbunshoku Haki ( Observation Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 60 ).
Haoshoku Haki ( Conqueror Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 80 ).


Unique Skills :
Predator Mode: LVL 1 ( 0%)
All For One: LVL 2 ( 100%)

Available Skills Points : 0


Traits : 
Controle Emotion ( Passive )


When Austin finished allocating the available Skills Points, his head received a lot of information about fighting and using his skills. He felt he understood his skills more now, especially his Devil fruit.


" Hoh! Not bad, now my Devil fruit went from 0% to 40%, but it's still in Level 1," Austin examined the other Skills " the 5 skills from the 'Rokushiki' tree went from 0% to 10% too, and the 'Melee Combat Art' & 'Sword Art' went from 0% to 100% but still in First Level, and lastly My Unique Skill went from Level 1 ( 0%) to Level 2 ( 100%)."


Austin noticed something " New techniques are appearing in my head due to upgrading my Devil Fruit! "


Austin checked the Database to see their descriptions.

1 - Kazi Kazi no Mi ( Wind-Wind Fruit )

  • Wind Style, Strength: Gather the wind around a part of the user's body and condense it, building pressure to increase the power of his strikes to immense levels.
  • Wind Style, Speed: Gather the wind around a part of the user's body and condense it, building pressure to increase the speed of movements and strikes to immense levels.
  • Wind Blade: Create a crescent-shaped wind blade to cut the opponent or the general target in half.
  • Wind Bullets: Gather and condense a high quantity of winds in the shape of small compressed bullets, making them very fast and mighty.


" Finally, I finished everything " Austin grinned as he remembered something " Now I think I'm gonna test my new Unique Skill!"


( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

I know it's a chapter full of information with no events, but it is very important because it explains everything you need to know about the skills and the system.
Also, I wanted everything to be precise because I'm not fun of random numbers. I like everything to be done perfectly!

So From now on, I will not waste words on this subject since it's explained here in detail, so anytime you don't understand something, you can return to this chapter as a reference.

If you like this chapter, Please leave a comment or a review and share your thoughts with others about this Fanfiction!
I would love to hear your evaluation of the system and the skills <3! )


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