One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

Chapter 9: The First Raid

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East Blue - An unknown location on the sea.


The merchant's Ship has been sailing for almost two hours now, and according to the Ship's captain, it will take another 4 hours to arrive at Yotsuba island. 

At the merchant's Ship main Hall, some women were eyeing Austin the whole time, wanting to get close to him and start a conversation, but since Austin looked like he wasn't interested in anything around him, the women were hesitating whether to take the initiative or not.


Suddenly the Ship started to wobble left and right, and people began to lose their balance.

Soon the sound of cannons firing was heard, and the Ship got attacked by one of them.

" What's going on here?!" Someone from the passengers asked the one beside him.

" I don't know! Hi, someone tells us what's happening to the Ship?!" the man replied before yelling at one of the Ship's staff.

" Yeah, we paid a ticket for a higher price. We deserve to travel comfortably!" A fat man shouted.

" He is right. What kind of service is this! I demand a refund or call the manager!" A fat woman beside the fat man added, clearly, she was some sort of 'Karen'.

" It's pirates! The pirates are attacking the Ship!" An employee at the Ship shouted.

"What!" Both the fat man and the fat woman cried back in response.


People started panicking when they heard the worker yell that they were attacked by pirates, and it didn't take long before the pirates arrived, thirty-one pirates in total. 

" Oy, look at this Hall!" one of the pirates exclaimed, looking at the main Hall.

"These people are rich as f*ck!" another pirate added

" Hohohohoh, we have struck gold this time, boys!" A pirate grinned as he laughed.

" Oy, give us everything you have, or else we will kill everyone here!" Another pirate said, threatening the passengers while showing off his sword.

The pirates surrounded all the passengers, demanding they give them all their belongings if they wanted to be spared.


Minutes later, someone entered the Hall with a giant Iron Mace on her shoulder. She was a tall and very obese woman with long wavy black hair and freckles on her cheeks. She wore a white cowgirl hat with a large red plume, a red neckerchief, graying pants, a pink plaid shirt, red shoes with gold buckles, and a blue captain's coat over it with the arms in the sleeves.


Austin looked at her once and knew who she was without even using 'Detect' on her. She was Alvida, the captain of the Alvida pirates. 

Austin, alongside Brain, who was standing by his side, observed with interest what was happening in the Hall while thinking - Hoh! this the first time I see the pirates raiding a ship! - Austin watched what was occurring while sipping his wine, enjoying this new experience and live show.

Austin then remembered something - Wait! Is this the Ship that's got attacked by Alvida Pirates in the anime? If that's the case, Nami should be here - Austin smiled - That would save me a lot of time... - his thinking was cut by a bullet hitting the cup of glass he was holding, shattering it. 

Austin first signaled for Brain to stop because the latter was angry and was ready to take action. Austin then narrowed his eyes, clicked his tongue in annoyance, activated his 'Predator Mode' Skill, and turned to look at the pirate who fired at him.


Alvida's POV :


My crew attacked a merchant's Ship, which meant there would be a lot of things to gain, and that's why I was in a good mood when I entered the Hall and found my underlings already surrounding the passengers, robbing them.

" Haa Haa Haa Haa, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" I asked one of my underlings.

" It's you, Captain Alvida, the most beautiful woman in the world! " the man replied quickly, and I nodded in approval at his response while laughing.


I examined the Hall and the passengers to check if everything was going well, but soon I got surprised when I noticed two tall men, one of them was apparently a guard because he was standing behind the man at the front, and the latter, from his clothes, was obviously someone wealthy and powerful, so he was probably the boss. 

What made me angry, though, was that they were looking at my crew raiding the Ship as if they were watching some sort of festival or performance, with no apparent fear or panic in their eyes. Hell, forget about fear, the one at the front, who is apparently the boss, was enjoying his time. The man was smiling while drinking his wine as if what was happening here had nothing to do with him.

I really got pissed off by this display and ordered one of my underlings to fire at the cup of glass that boss was drinking at. 


Soon my underling did so and fired at him, and the cup then shattered in the man's hands, which prompted my underlings to start laughing, and I, too, smiled, expecting that boss to freak out and beg for mercy while giving me all those fancy clothes that he was wearing.

But alas, what happened next was out of my imagination, the Guard was clearly very angry, which was visible from his facial expressions, and he was ready to attack us, but he was stopped by the boss, who didn't even budge or be affected by the previous attack. 

All I heard next was the boss clicking his tongue and, immediately afterward, a horrifying pressure descending in the Hall as if a mountain was pressing me, and my body was paralyzed by fear.

I was really shocked by what transpired and looked around only to find everyone like me or in a worse state, especially my underlings. Even though the others passengers felt it too, still it wasn't like us, who were the direct targets of this immense pressure and killing intent.


The boss walked casually toward us, followed by his Guard, and said in a deep voice.

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"I minded my own business, enjoying my wine and the view, yet You fools, just needed to ruin my personal time." The boss paused and added in a severe tone, " So which one of you, weaklings, was the one who fired that bullet? " 

Everyone was shocked by that pressure and his words, so we all looked at him with dumbfounded expressions, and None answered him in response, but this, however, made him get the wrong idea as he thought that we didn't want to answer and he said again. 

"Since You lot don't want to say who it was, then I shall kill every one of you here."

Then, the man unleashed his sword, which surprisingly was all black in color, and began to march toward us again while holding the sword in his hand. 


Everyone snapped out of their dazed state and began to attack him, and so did I, as I too took my mace and stepped forward to attack him as well, but all our attacks passed through him without inflicting a single scratch or damage to him, as the bullets passed through him, hitting the wall behind him, and the swords also passed through him as if he was the wind itself. 

Everyone was terrified by this turn of events, which is understandable because we all fear the unknown, especially something that we don't understand. 


Suddenly the man disappeared and appeared before me, and before I could even react or move, I was sent crashing toward the wall behind me.

Apparently, I got hit in my stomach, or at least, that's what it felt like because I clearly didn't even see how, when, or where I got attacked.

I felt suffocated as I lay down for seconds there on the floor, trying to get my breathing back while listening to the cries of my underlings and the sound of bodies falling on the ground, and all of a sudden, everything turned quiet, and the only sound present was of the steps approaching me. 


I lifted my head with difficulty and saw him approaching me with an emotionless face as if he didn't just finish slaughtering my men. He looked down at me and said something I will never forget in my life.

"Iron Mace Alvida, you are quite weak compared to the rumors" The man paused and added in a deep voice, "Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Admit defeat, and I will let you leave this time, but as compensation, I shall take over all of the treasures in your Ship. Do you have any objections?" 

I shook my head because I didn't want to die here, especially at the hands of this freaking monster, so I surrendered to my fate and admitted defeat.

But soon, I was shocked by what he did next. The man gave me a beautiful smile and said gently.

"Don't feel discouraged. It's just that you are unlucky because you have met me as an enemy. You should be glad that you are going to live since not everyone who met me as an enemy lives to tell the story" The man paused and said, looking straight into my eyes, " I heard before that you want to be the most beautiful woman in the world." He quickly glanced at my lying bloody body and added, " Well, right now, you are clearly not! But I believe you will be in the future"  

" So don't give up on yourself and live your life believing in yourself and your dreams." The man smiled " If fate allows it, we will meet again."


I was really shocked, not expecting this at all. The man a moment ago was just like a demon destroying and massacring my crew, and he even nearly killed me, and now he has changed completely and started speaking like an angel!


"Who ..' cough cough '.. are you?" I asked him with difficulty while still coughing blood due to my injuries.

"Me ?!HAHAHAAHAH." He laughed and replied," You should be honored, Alvida, because You got to meet this King."

"I'm The Future Pirate King, Ray D Austin! Remember My name, Alvida!" the man declared and laughed afterward " HAHAHAHA!"


And that was the last thing I remember because, after that, I lost consciousness, and when I woke up, later on, I found myself on my Ship's deck alone alongside some supplies, while that merchant's Ship was nowhere to be seen. 

I remembered that man's declaration and face, that angelic yet manly face and his muscular chest. 


I looked up at the sky and murmured in a low voice, " Ray..D...Austin!"


End of Alvida's POV


Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!


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