One Piece: The Template

Chapter 9: Incident

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' What's up'- Thoughts

"What's up"- Speech

*What's up*- Sounds


"Judging by your smile, you like this sword."

"I don't like it... I love it," said Pride as he fastened the sword to his pants and grinned broadly.

"Come on, Dokai, let's go. Remember, you didn't want to spend too much time here."

"You're right. We should go," Dokai said, rubbing his head.

As soon as he had received the sword, they said their goodbyes to Kozuma and his clerk and left the shop to make their way back.

►A while later◄

"Hello, that was rather quick."

"Phew. Fortunately, we have taken care of all the necessary matters at hand, and are now ready to return home."

"Then I wish you a pleasant voyage," the dockworker emphasized.

It was not long before they were back on their boat. They were heading back to Centaurea.

As far as the weather was concerned, it was quite pleasant. Wherever they hovered, the bright sun shone brightly. All kinds of birds fluttered above them, emitting various sounds. All in all, as one would expect from the world of One Piece, the scenery was magnificent.

They had been blessed not to run into any enemy ships, as well as not to encounter any storms.

After a bit more sailing, the boat was already in the vicinity of their home island. Centaurea was becoming more and more visible.

Soon they reached land.


"Hmm, odd... usually there are a lot of people around the shore at this time, where is everyone?"



The two of them had separated for a moment to look around for anyone else. Pride used his observation haki. However, he couldn't detect any living presence within his range.



Pride immediately went to Dokai.

What he saw made him feel dizzy. There were several dead bodies lying in front of him. They belonged to the fishermen who often went out to fish.

"Grandpa Rey!"


"Wait, pride! Don't leave me here alone!"

"Hurry up!"

They continued on their way along the coast and headed for the town. Over there, however, all of the houses and shops had been set on fire and smashed to pieces.

"You've got to be kidding!" shouted Dokai, already on his knees.

"Get a hold of yourself! Surely some of them must have survived!" shouted Pride.

They searched the rubble for any remnants. Unfortunately, all they found were male corpses and body parts lying around.

"T-This is all just a dream, isn't it, Pride?"

'Grandpa Rey, I hope you're alive!' Thought Pride in dismay.

They both searched the whole town but found only corpses. Nothing more than that. Pride knew from his observations haki that there were no survivors. Nevertheless, he searched everywhere.

There was nothing of value on any of the dead bodies. Everything had been stolen from them.



"Mom, Dad! I have to go home quickly!!!"

Pride then followed Dokai as he ran toward his home.

►A short time later◄

"NOOOO!" sobbed Dokai, crying as he saw his father's corpse with his deceased mother's remains. From the looks of it, she had been the victim of abuse before her death.

"Stay here, Dokai, whoever it was is gone!"


'Please be well and healthy. Please, Grandpa!'

With as much speed as Pride could muster, he made his way to their shelter, which was not far from the forest.

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The distance was a bit far, and it would most likely take him about fifteen minutes to get there.

On his way, he stumbled over and over again either on dead bodies or body parts.

It must have been pirates! There is not a single trace of the female inhabitants or the children far and wide. All of them are missing! They have most likely been kidnapped, either for their own pleasure or for sale as slaves to the highest bidder!

Even though the world of One Piece seems to be quite wonderful on the outside. It is filled with corruption, enslavement, and utter poverty.



"Grandpa!" shouted Pride, who had almost reached his hut.

"Where are you? WHERE ARE YOU, Grandfather Ray?" his voice sounded again because he couldn't find his grandfather from the distance.

'He has to be somewhere!'

So Pride covered nearly the entire island, almost reaching the far corner of the island.

He fell to his knees.



"Grandpa Rey. Why?" muttered Pride, sobbing as he held his grandfather's body in his arms.

The latter was covered with sword wounds but was still smiling at the end of his life.

'Why? Why? Why? You were all I had left... just when I was more or less coming to terms with the fact that I'd never be able to reunite with my family from my previous life, you're leaving too!'



In a complete rage, Pride began to pound the ground, his tears spilling down and soaking the ground.

Considering that he inherited the memories of the previous Pride, including their emotions, it is understandable that he is both sad and hurt. After all, he was raised by Grandpa Rey, though technically not all the time, but the memories were still there.

A purple sphere erupted from him, repulsing everything except his grandfather.

'Control yourself you fool... think!'

The envelopment vanished. Pride activated his observations haki, to the fullest extent possible.

Until the desired purpose was achieved.

He felt an aura. Of someone who was still alive!

"You'll have to wait a few minutes, Grandpa," Pride muttered as he wiped away his tears. Then he stormed off to the perceived aura.


When he arrived, he discovered a middle-aged man. Bloodied and riddled with sword cuts.

"Hello, HELLO," Pride exclaimed as he shook the near-dead man.

"Eh-h, good th-that you managed to survive," the man said, smiling bloodied.

"Who was it, who?! Pride asked. His eyes were blood red.


"What is the name of the crew?!"

"I-I don't know. I-I just heard them c-calling their c-captain, Draco." The man spoke as he took his last breath. He lost his consciousness forever, never to wake up again.

Draco. I'll remember that name. As soon as I catch a whiff of your existence, you'll regret being born. Pride thought, clenching his fists so tightly his blood oozed.

Shortly thereafter, Pride went to the still grieving Dokai.




"Stop your mourning for a moment and help me with the recovery of all the bodies. They all deserve to get buried properly."

Soon, they gathered all the bodies and buried them one by one.

They were all buried side by side. Afterward, Pride erected a monumental stone tablet with the inscription, "Eternal peace to the people of Centaurea."

"We're done here. I know it's not easy, Dokai. Let's go back to the Briss Kingdom. You can start a new life there."

"And what about you, Pride?"

While someone was talking to him, Pride began to remember...

'Grandpa... until now, you have always called me just Pride. Even though you raised me from a very young age, you told me that I was abandoned when I was a child and that you were not my grandfather by blood. However, I have always thought of you as a relative of my very own. It's time for me to take your last name.'

"Dokai, for Kurokami Pride! The journey has just begun!"

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