One Piece: To be a Power in the Depths

Chapter 11: Chapter 10: A power in the shadows fights a main character (sort of)

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Chapter 10: A power in the shadows fights a main character (sort of)


With the sound of the wind traveling through the forest in the middle of this silent night, I was lying in the ground while staring with a dumbfounded expression at Kuina that was currently in front of me looking at me with an expression full of suspicion and amusement, the moon on her back and the stars surrounding her figure seemed to highlight the fact that she was a main character.



"I asked you a question... Who are you?" She said while pointing her bamboo sword at my face.


What to do... What to do? It doesn't matter what I say, the fact that I already made an impression on her by appearing out of nowhere while rolling like an armadillo in the middle of the night is already set on stone...

Shit, what could a power in the shadows do in this situation?

Acting like any other kid by saying sorry and then leaving could be an option... But that could arouse suspicion on what I was doing to end  up rolling through the ground like an armadillo...

In this situations maybe a more violent act could work... that way she could be too annoyed by me to care about what I was doing before. Maybe something like a thug C that dares to act smugly thinking they're hot shit in front of a main character could work.

Yeah... that's a good option. And after being easily defeated I could then say "Just you wait, I'll come back to take revenge!" 

Though I will not really come back.

Luckily, my grumpy expression helped a lot when acting like a thug.



I furrowed my brows and widened my eyes while looking at her with an expression full of contempt.

"Huuh?! And who are ya to dare point that thing to me brat?!"

"You have around the same age as me, don't call me brat..." Kuina glanced at me with an annoyed expression.

"Huuuh?! Who are you calling brat, you brat?! Wanna get hit?!" 

"Sure, try if you can" She said while looking at me with a smile full of contempt on her face before preparing her stance to fight me.

"Don't underestimate me, a girl like you can't defeat me!! ORAAAAAAA!!!" I threw a slow punch right to her face, which she dodged easily. However, after hearing my remark of her being a girl, a vein appeared on her forehead before she started barraging me with attacks from her bamboo sword.


My face started being assaulted rapidly by her swings, until I was suddenly hit by a heavy blow and sent flying a few meters away.

'I think she is even more talented than Nael... Though I might still be wrong' 

When she saw me on the ground she stood there with an annoyed expression on her face while waiting for me to get back up.

'Hmm... any more than this could make a bigger impression on her memories of what I actually need, so I think it's better to end it here'

"You... just you wait, I'll bring my pals here and I'll beat you up!" I put some false blood inside my nose and groaned in pain before leaving the place while running like a scaredy-cat.

Once I made sure that Kuina wasn't following me by using my observation haki, I changed my appearance to that of the merchant to go back to the ship. I still needed a place to stay after all.

"Good grief, I better watch out for the next time, meetings like this with main characters while I'm not an eminence in the shadows is still too dangerous... Though she will die in the future... so I guess her status as a main character will disappear as well..."

'Hmm... That could be truly a waste...'

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While I was lost in my thoughts, I ended up arriving at the Dock, where the guard guided me towards my ship as always before saying his goodbyes.

"Sigh... Whatever, I'm too tired right now, let's just leave these matters for the future"




At the dojo the next morning...




Koushirou, that was until now watching over us raised his hand with a stop gesture.

"Alright kids, that's enough for now. Rest a bit before we start jogging through the village"


'Hmm... maybe it's about time I start training the Tekkai along with my armament haki?... What kind of hardness will my skin reach while using both at the same time...? Well, there's also the possibility that they won't work properly together... But I don't lose anything by trying right?'

'Though maybe I should make sure that nothing bad happens, I don't want to lose an arm because of this and become a shadow eminence with just one arm. Though shanks is still pretty cool...'

"Hey Sid, wanna go play with us to later?" Mob D asked me while smiling cheerfully

"Sorry, father asked me to help him on his work today, so I can't"

"I see, well nothing we can do about it, Hmm? Hey, doesn't look Kuina kinda tired today?"

"Huh? Now that you mention it... she does indeed have a few bags under her eyes. What could have kept her awake?"

Kuina stood there at the back of the dojo practicing her swings, with bags under her eyes and an annoyed yet exhausted expression all over her face. However, unlike her tired appearance her swings had more strength and fury contained in them than usually.

"I'm gonna show them... I'll become the best swordsman..." Kuina kept muttering under her breath while increasing the strength in her strikes each time she swung her sword. 

'I guess what I said to her yesterday really angered her... Luckily my face right now was different, so she couldn't recognize me. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure I could be barraged with sword strikes directly at my beautiful face the moment she saw me'


Suddenly Zoro appeared at the entrance of the dojo and started shouting while smiling smugly. 

"Kuina, I learned a new move yesterday, today I will defeat you!!"  

"Sure, I really feel like to hit something right now..." Kuina turned to look at Zoro with a terrifying expression before grabbing a bamboo sword and pointing it towards the innocent face of Zoro.

"Uh... you look kinda different today, however, I will win anyways!!" Zoro shivered a bit when he saw her expression, however, he didn't back down in the slightest and grabbed three bamboo swords before taking his stance.

Sorry Zoro, my condolences. I hope you survive.




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