One Piece: To be a Power in the Depths

Chapter 40: Chapter 39: Differences and defects

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Chapter 39: Differences and defects


"Who are those guys?"

"I don't know, I have never seen them here. But look, Smoker-Sama is with them so I guess they come from Loguetown..."

"What the heck are people from the East blue doing here? They will get destroyed in no time if they fight any pirate..."

"Maybe they are some kind of prodigies?"

"Nah, look at that weak looking black haired guy with red eyes. There's no way he is some kind of prodigies..."


Currently, my group and I were walking among the main street of Marine ford towards the headquarters so that Smoker-san could report his situation before leaving towards Arabasta, all this while getting harassed verbally by the marines that were taking a rest from their training before they saw our group pass.

And as expected, I was identified as the most mob in the group! As soon as I heard their conversations, a feeling of pride arose in my chest. Even my mob companions that were born with the only purpose of being mobs, were unable to match my severely trained mobness.

As some kind of sage said once in my previous world, "Hard work pays off".

Though maybe I am talented in being a mob? I wished for extreme talent, so I guess being a mob also counts...


"Alright, Captain Smoker and I will enter the headquarters in order to give a report to our superiors. Meanwhile, you guys talk and exchange knowledge with the soldiers in this place, who knows, you might learn a thing or two."

""Yes Sir!""

As we were left alone while our captain and instructor entered the headquarters by themselves, we all looked towards each other before an awkward silence filled the place.




"... Hmm... What should we do now?"

"... Let's wait until they come back. It shouldn't take that long anyways"


After that, we started playing games between ourselves as we waited for them to come back. Luckily, one of us had the brilliant idea of bringing some poker cards, so we managed to entertain ourselves somewhat.

Or that was until this guy arrived...

"Well, look at them, it's a trash-troop from the East blue!"

A sudden young ma- soldier has appeared.

A blond haired guy with average muscles and a beard on his face suddenly appeared in front of us and started laughing while looking at our group. Although he looked kinda weak in my eyes, to the point it looked like I could turn him into dust before he even noticed, before the eyes of any normal person he probably exuded some kind of intimidating aura similar to when you find a thug with a knife or gun. And although he could not be probably aiming for you, he still emanates that dangerous aura that makes you treat him with respect.

So it was no wonder that none of my companions responded to his trash talk.

Not like I was the exception. I have a reputation I need to preserve here you know?

"You guys are lucky to have me! Today I will spare some of my time to showing you guys how to fight! How does that sound?!"

A black haired man that was sitting next to me that was holding a deck with a full hous- Ahem, that was playing poker with us, suddenly stood up and tried to reason with the strange arrogant guy.

"No... I don't think we need something like-"



He was soon hit in the face before he could even finish talking with him.


The guy soon fell flatly to the floor completely unconscious due to the incredible strength behind that punch, making all of my companions to flinch in fear at the sudden demonstration of violence without reason. All this was happening while the guy was ginning sadistically while jumping around like some kind of boxer waiting for more action.

"Tsk Tsk, Pirates won't wait for you to finish talking! Now, who wants to try luck with me? Come on, it won't hurt too much!"

Good grief, this guy seems to want to blow some steam off and relax after getting his ass wiped off by his superior every day... How do I know that? Well, while this guy trash talked us for an eternity, I sent some Ant-bots to infiltrate and recollect information about all the people in the marines. And although I couldn't manage to collect that much information about the high ranked officials of this organization, average mobs like him were not a problem.

After I finished reading his information at super human speed while standing behind my group in my Ultra-mob state, making me invisible to his senses, I deactivated it and continued to perform my act as a mob of this group.


Name: Unimportant.

Age: Unimportant.

Rank: Unimportant.

Past: Unimportant.

Everything was unimportant except for the part where he is described to have an unruly character, and to be often beaten up by his superior in order to correct his horrible behavior, which has seemed to be useless until now.

You are reading story One Piece: To be a Power in the Depths at


Seems like we found a troublesome opponent, huh? 

And although we could try to beat him up with our numbers, I could feel that even with our full group it could be hard to defeat him, that is if I didn't go all out tho.





Soon, my companions started falling to the floor while grabbing tightly their stomachs, or barely holding themselves from vomiting. And then... my turn came.

"Well, I will certainly hold back against you man, you look like you are going to be blown away even by a gentle breeze..."

"Urgh, how dare you!" I said while clenching my teeth in "Anger".


I fell to the floor after receiving a punch directly on my mandible. And although it could have ended there, for some reason this guy seemed to have enjoyed the feeling of punching me.

"Ora! What's wrong?! Is that all you can do piece of shit?!"




This guy suddenly started kicking me with a vicious smile on his face, while the marines in our surroundings seemed to be kinda horrified.

Fortunately, soon some of them raised their voices in order to stop him.

"Oi, stop it, he won't survive if you continue" Someone who seemed to be his friend yelled while looking at the scene with a certain speck of fear in his look.

"Tsk" Finally, the guy stopped kicking me and left. Leaving all of my group dumbfounded while they looked at my badly "Hurt" body in the ground.

""Sid! Are you okay?!""

"Y...yeah, somewhat..."

Soon, I was carried to a nearby bench to have the one of us who knows a bit about medicine treat me.

In the first place, there was no need to retaliate against someone like that, he wasn't worth it in the first place. And I couldn't be worthy of being a Shadow eminence if I used my powers to kill some random bully just because he kicked me a little bit. After all it didn't even hurt in the first place.


Or that's what I could say if I was Sid Kagenoh, the man that inspired me to follow this path. However, many years ago I noticed a particular and very noticeable difference I had with him. A difference which could be said to be a defect in my path towards becoming a Shadow eminence, but that was incredibly arraigned to my existence.

Unlike Sid in his childhood, who went to train many kinds of different martial arts and even went under a special training to become a monk and achieve enlightenment. I was only but a normal guy in my past life until I was reborn. And unlike Sid, who trained his mind to be completely devoid of any worldly desires and emotions if not required, I had one problem regarding that matter due to my lack of training.

I had a terrible temper in situations like these.

So, that's why I ended placing a small spider-robot on his shoulder with the serum of diluted Armored-stone fish's venom ready to be injected in his body after a few hours.

This guy will go through an excruciating pain and will probably die if no one treats him fast. Whether he survives or not, it will depend on his will power.

Besides, if he dies, the marines will probably check the entire base just in case there is some kind of poisonous spider nest where they don't notice because of this. So, his life will probably save many others if there's actually a dangerous nest of poisonous spiders in this place.

Everyone happy at the end, right?

"Guys we're back!"

"What happened here?"

 Soon, Smoker and our instructor arrived, and stared at us with dumbfounded expressions on their faces after seeing our faces and bodies all bruised. Including mine of course, which was by the way the most bruised and damaged one by the way. All done by my ability to change appearances of course, otherwise the only thing in my face could be a bit of dust.

"Sid, what happened to you?"

"We found some arrogant guys who fought with us, don't worry. We managed to defeat them Sir"

"Oho! Very well! It seems like you guys did well!"

All of my group looked grim at my answer, but chose to keep quiet for the time being. Smoker also seemed to have noticed something, but just chose to keep silent as well.

Suddenly, next to our side appeared another guy.

"Yo, guys, what did I miss?"

Aver was standing there with his face incredibly more bruised and swollen than us. To the point that it was hard to even recognize him in the first place.

"And where the heck were you?" I asked with an annoyed face.

"I went to talk with some chicks that were training over there to see if I could manage to develop some kind of summer romance. However, it seems like they don't know how to appreciate my greatness."


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