One Piece: To be a Power in the Depths

Chapter 41: Chapter 40: A mysterious man

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Chapter 40: A mysterious man


With the beautiful shinning brightly and illuminating the vast sea, a small figure appeared in the horizon as it flew in direction of a small ship with the head of a cute lamb carved at the front part.

Soon, a News coo, a special kind of bird that delivers the newspaper to every person in the world, descended upon the ship, and handed the newspaper to a beautiful Red haired woman who was enjoying the warm sun while sitting on the deck and reading a book about navigation.

This woman was, of course, one of the main characters of the One piece story, Nami.

As she opened the newspaper, soon the photo of the face from an old enemy came to her view right at the frontal face of the newspaper.



The renowned and famous Marine captain of the 16th branch in the East blue, Nezumi, who had under his jurisdiction the whole territory of the Conami islands, was a few hours ago Apprehended by the famous young marine Swords D Nael, or also known by his nickname, Nael the blade of light.

Are there more of this kind of evil people infiltrated within the ranks of the marines? Continue reading and we will let you know!


"Heeeh~? So that Nael guy that Luffy and Zoro mentioned before captured and revealed the true face of Nezumi as a corrupt marine, huh? Well, at least Nojiko will be safe now that he has been arrested and the Conami islands are no longer under his jurisdiction... what a relief..."

As she continued looking at the newspaper in order to know what important events have happened, she soon noticed the figure of a mysterious dark clothed man in one of the pictures. 

"Who's this?"


Shadow Raven attacks once again!

Yesterday one of our reporters notified us about the sudden intrusion of the infamous pirate Shadow Raven into the headquarters of the marine once again without anyone noticing!

It was only after the alarm came from within one of the laboratories where the famous doctor Vegapunk performed his experiments, that the marines were alerted by the sudden intrusion of the pirate, who completely alone managed to defeat dozens of Vice-admirals who were in wait within the base just in case he tried to attack once again, and escaped successfully without even leaving a footprint behind.

It has been told that many of the projects that Doctor Vegapunk had on his laboratory were stolen, while many others were manipulated by the pirate for unknown reasons.

There's even the rumor that he took a bit more of Sea stone as a souvenir while no one was looking, however, this information has not been confirmed yet.

Is Marine ford  completely unguarded against pirates? Are the marines that protect their base incompetent? Will Shadow Raven attack once again, only to be completely unnoticed? Continue reading if you want to know more!


"Heeeh~ That guy must be crazy strong!" The sudden voice of Luffy came from behind Nami, who seemed to have sneaked up behind her without noticing.



Nami, who punched Luffy on his head, turned to look once again at the newspaper with a curious expression on her face, before she shuddered with a terrified expression on her face when she heard her captain yelling excitedly while raising his hands on the air.

"Iyaaaah~ I want to go there fast! We might even get to fight him!!"


"Idiot, there's no way we can win against a guy like that yet!" Nami looked angrily at Luffy, who was grabbing his head in pain after being punched on his head by Nami once again. Something that shouldn't be possible as Luffy is completely invulnerable to damage from punches or other kinds of damage that rely on crushing the opponent by the use of impacts, such as hammers or masses, due to his rubber body that absorbs all the energy behind those attacks.

But for some strange reason, Nami punches still managed to hurt him.

As Luffy finally left, Nami glanced once again at the newspaper in order to find another astonishing new such as the previous ones, but in the end she just ended up finding boring news such as "Marine Soldier at Marine Ford dies from poisoning after being bitten by a mysterious new specie of spiders!" or something like "Admiral Sakazuki mysteriously trips and falls on his face while berating a group of soldiers from Loguetown!".

Nothing too interesting for today I guess...

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As she tore apart the paper in order to use it later for a fire, she then continued reading her book with a calm face.

It took a few minutes before she looked at the map besides her and then looked at the horizon with an exhausted expression on her face.

"We should be arriving to Cactus islands in a few hours more... and probably we will disembark at Whiskey Peak first..."

Suddenly, snow started falling from the sky, as the air got colder all of a sudden.

"Snow? But it was sunny just a few seconds ago?!"

And if that wasn't strange enough, the sky darkened completely out of nowhere as black clouds suddenly covered the whole sky while thundering sounds came from within the sky.

*Brooom Brooom!!*

"Ah, what's this, what's this?" The voice of Luffy came from inside the ship, along with the screams of panic from all the other members of the crew

"What's with this climate?! This doesn't make any sense!" Nami, completely astonished by the strange situation, looked at the map before looking at her log pose to make sure they were going in the right direction.

"The Grand Line is completely different from any kind of sea you've been before, you can't trust nothing here. Be it the clouds, the waves, the air, everything can be deceptive here... Are you sure you are even a navigator?" A beautiful woman with sky blue colored hair who was sitting next to a red haired guy asked as she looked at Nami with an expression full of contempt at Nami obvious inexpert abilities when facing the new and horrible sea that the Grand Line was.

"Shut up! You're not even guests here, so don't go around boasting!" Nami kicked them out from the deck and started organizing everything for the ship to continue its course


"Aaaaah!! We are going to die!!" A youth with a long nose screamed scared as he ran back and forth inside the ship.

Soon, rain started pouting heavily upon the ship, as the wind suddenly started blowing incredibly hard while the thundering sounds above the clouds started getting a lot more repetitive.

"Crap, A storm is coming!"




-Sid POV:


"A storm is coming"

That's what I said when my group and I finally saw the approaching island of Arabasta growing bigger and bigger the more near we were.

"Please shut up for once Sid... And how the hell did your injuries heal so fast?! I still can't feel my mandible after our adventure at Marine Ford!"

"I'm just plainly awesome"

"Urgh! Oh, yeah? Should I show you how awesome my fist is then?!"

"Bring it on pussy!"



"Oh no, they began once again, someone please stop them!" 


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