One Piece: To be a Power in the Depths

Chapter 42: Chapter 41: The judgement of Morgan

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(A/N: Moda fukin Chopper's Arc, it almost made me cry 4 times while I was seeing it for the second time) 

Chapter 41: The judgement of Morgan


"Listen well! Our mission will be to accompany Vice admiral Garp and we will bring with us the ex-captain of the marine, Morgan Axe-hand, in order to be judged for the crimes of abuse of power and of terrorizing a whole town!"


In the middle of a giant ship, a great number of soldiers looked at their prisoner with tense expressions on their faces, as all of them were terrorized and even forced to do horrible things just to avoid being killed by this man.

The prisoner and first major villain to be defeated by the protagonist of this world, Morgan Axe-hand, was an enormous man with the lower part of his mandible made of iron, and a giant iron axe replacing his seemingly lost right hand. Just his mere presence was enough to make everyone in the ship tremble slightly in caution and maybe even fear.

Well, almost everyone...

From behind the soldiers, three people suddenly appeared and started walking towards the group. All of them had calm and serious expressions and seemed to not give a shit about the terrifying aura that Morgan exuded.

No, one of them seemed to have an even more terrifying aura than Morgan's. It was a white haired youth with red eyes that had almost its whole face covered by a gas mask that also seemed to hide the burning marks that covered almost the whole face of the youth.

This was Asura, the ex-bounty hunter that joined Garp as his disciple and started training along with him a few years ago in order to accomplish his goal of eradicating every pirate in the world.

In front of him was standing Garp who this time seemed to be wearing his dog mask while performing the mission. And besides Garp stood a man of ordinary appearance wearing a Marine coat draped over his shoulders, a matching beige suit and hat that covers his eyes completely, and a sheathed katana attached to his belt at his waist. This man was Bogard, the right hand of Garp and an extremely skilled swordsman that follows the former on his trips across the sea. A mob in all its glory, as I'm sure many of the people watching One piece actually forgot he existed. (A/N: at least I did)

"Vice Admiral Garp, Thank you for coming here personally, here's Morgan our prisoner!"

*Clin clin clin*

As the chains moved swiftly through the air, Morgan was soon brought in front of Garp, who was in silence looking at the floor while completely ignoring the criminal's presence. His eyes were hidden under the dog's mask on his head, so no one knew what could he be thinking, or what expression could he be doing right in front of the intimidating man that Morgan was.


Or... he was just sleeping...

The commander, who saw Garp standing asleep while completely ignoring Morgan, was astonished for a second before he yelled in a loud voice in order to wake up the old man.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Shut up! I already heard you... I have been five days without sleep... And I'm quite drowsy at the moment..."

'As expected of a Vice Admiral, He is working so hard for the security of the people!' The commander, who heard Garp's exhausted response, had his heart get filled with respect as he imagined the inhuman effort that this man was probably doing just for the sake of doing his job as a marine.

"O-oh, thank you for your hard work sir...!!"

"Don't thank me, I have just been trying to make a new record in eating donuts these five days..."



"However, the lack of sleep and rest made me sleepy after eating the 842nd, so...- nom"

Garp, that seemed to be at the verge of yawning while he was speaking, took out a donut from his pocket and brought it to his mouth... Only to fall asleep once again after biting into it.


"This old man is a joke..." Morgan snorted slightly after seeing the deplorable state in which Garp was, before he used his axe-hand to cut Garp apart as no one was paying him attention.


"Vice Admiral Garp!!!" Bogard that saw Garp having his chest sliced apart, tried to take out his Katana in order to attack immediately. However, before he could act, Morgan had already taken a hostage so that no one could attack him.

"Do not move! Or else I will slice this chore boy in half and feed it to the sharks!"


Indeed, this chore boy was Helmeppo, the only son of Morgan and now a chore boy of the marines who was forced to join after his father was defeated by Luffy.

Helmeppo was a blond haired youth with a strange chin in the shape of a butt and a natural arrogant facial expression that seemed to scream "Young master". Being the son of the tyrant Morgan, he obviously took advantage of that to make the residents of the town that used to serve him suffer, However after having his father defeated and imprisoned, he was forced to join the marines as a chore boy together with another boy of the same age.

"Don't do it, Helmeppo is your own son, don't you have a conscience?!" This was Coby, another secondary character, and the first one we actually meet in the story of One piece, as he is the first friend that Luffy makes after beginning his adventure as a pirate. And even though he aspires to become a famous marine officer, he still respects Luffy enormously due to his unbreakable determination to achieve his dream of becoming the Pirate King.

"I don't need a son... I only want my freedom. I could even throw him inside a volcano if it was necessary..."


Soon, Morgan brought Helmeppo with him and robbed a boat so that he could escape. After that, the marines were about to shoot cannonballs towards the boat who was disappearing in the distance, however, Cobby suddenly stood in front of the cannons while shivering in fear.

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"I won't let you! Helmeppo is still on that boat, I can't let my friend die there!"

"Move aside" Bogard said as he pointed his sword at cobby's neck.

"No, I won't let you shoot at that boat... instead... instead... I will capture Morgan!!"


Cobby jumped out of the ship and fell on the sea right before he started pursuing the ship of Morgan with a determined expression on his face. 

It took a few minutes, but in the end he managed to catch up and started fighting Morgan with all he had along with Helmeppo who finally found his first friend and wanted to protect him at all costs.

Soon both of them were sent flying towards the sea by Morgan who was completely unharmed by their pathetic attacks.

"They got the spirit..." Garp, who was until now resting in the floor after having its chest sliced apart, woke up as if nothing happened and started watching the scene with an amused smile on his face, completely unaffected by his injured chest that was dripping blood every once in a while.

Finally, Coby and Helmeppo were brought back to the ship. However, just as Morgan's boat was going to disappear from their view, a sudden voice came up from behind and startled everyone in the ship.



Morgan, that was smiling mischievously until now after seeing that he was free, suddenly felt his whole body tremble in fear as he noticed the gaze of Asura coming from the marine ship in the distance.

"I don't need to watch this nonsense anymore"

The white haired youth raised a small sword on his waist and pointed it directly at Morgan's boat in the distance. Morgan was unable to move at all due to his survival instincts kicking at that moment. And while he pleaded his legs to move, his body was not responding in the slightest as it felt the murderous gaze that was falling on him.

If he moved, he was gonna die.

However, his mind was thinking otherwise.

'If I don't move... I'm gonna die...!'

Morgan, who never feared anything in his life, and until now considered himself as someone superior to everyone, for the first time in his life recognized what seemed to be his natural predator.

"Crimson cannon"


As a flash of light blinded completely Morgan's view, he soon lost his consciousness due to the extreme pain his body received so suddenly.

Soon, after the giant flash of crimson light subsided, the body of Morgan disappeared completely from where it was standing just a few seconds ago, and the boat was crushed apart, only leaving small wooden parts floating in the sea after the attack.

"Asura... I didn't tell you to attack" Garp, who was unable to react in time to the sudden attack of Asura, asked him with a serious expression on his face while looking at the white haired youth.

"Isn't okay? He was going to get executed anyways... Hmm?"

Soon, a few kilometers away, the body of Morgan suddenly emerged from the depths of the sea, and started floating in the direction of the horizon while his injured body let out a lot of blood as the water washed it all away.

"I guess some fools have a lot of luck... Very well, I don't care anymore"



Helmeppo and Cobby, who were until now bowing their head profusely became incredibly dumbfounded at the incredible strength of the man called Asura, and as soon as he started leaving, their eyes were filled with respect and determination.

'So this is a real marine officer, huh?' Both of them thought as they watched his back getting more and more far away as the sunset in front of them gave of a majestic and heroic feeling to the departing youth.





Sid POV:


"Nailed it"


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