One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 111: CH 111

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Full marks in both subjects of the college entrance examination. 

It's a great honor for the students! 

For the examiner in charge of the assessment. 

But to be more cautious. 

Middle-aged men still follow the convention. 

Bring your own consciousness. 

Go into the blue star. 

Probe as many as five times. 

"It seems that this is an encounter with a low-key genius, but it's okay, let me, Lao Zhu, meet him." 

The middle-aged man thought to himself. 

To know. 

The entire Dongyang province. 

There are five hundred and eighty cities. 

That is five hundred and eighty chief examiners. 

The assignment of these chief examiners also has a hint of hidden rules. 

All the examiners must follow. 

Naturally, it is the big city of the college entrance examination. 

Such as East Star City, Amber City, Sky Crystal City, and more! 

Good grades are easy to come by. 

Even luck. 

Can break a record! 

And middle-aged men. 

It doesn't matter or can't stand it. 

It can only be sent to a small city in the middle and lower reaches of Jiangcheng! 

Only he did not expect. 

Such a heaven-defying genius was actually bumped into by him! 

"Let's sign together." 

After the investigation is completed, it is confirmed that there is no problem. 

The middle-aged man also regained his composure. 

The three other examiners. 

Also, sign Jiang Fan's score for this subject. 

Although the female examiner is very reluctant. 

You can only sign your name! 

At this time. 

There is still about half an hour before the end of the exam. 

Jiang Fan took his seat. 

Still can only wait. 

And outside. 

All parts of Dongyang Province. 

Many people are anxiously waiting. 

It's different from the "Planetology" theory test in the morning. 

Two subjects in the afternoon. 

Not only did the score reach 200! 

It is even possible to directly separate the layers! 

Although by convention. 

The differences between talents are generally not too large. 

But, in case of special circumstances. 

If the difference is directly opened. 

So even if there is still the most important exam the next day. 

It's hard to get it back! 

Two classes in the afternoon. 

Basically set the tone for the overall score of the entire college entrance examination. 

This is the consensus of all experienced people! 

''There is no suspense in it, basically, the genius from Tianjing City ranks first. The only suspense is whether he can break the historical record of Dongyang Province?" 

The eighth floor of the Planetary Society. 

As the end of the exam draws near. 

Several admissions teachers are also talking more and more anxiously. 

"The second division really has nothing to say." 

Another teacher nodded and said. 

"What is the diameter of the planet, actually…" 

"Each student has his or her own bottom line.'' 

"It's an objective question, and the teacher who grades it can't give you an extra point or deduct an extra point!'' 

Everyone else nodded slightly. 

According to the standard of 500 kilometers as a perfect score. 

Every fifty kilometers equals 10 points! 

Every kilometer is 0.2 minutes! 

For example, 

Four hundred and twenty kilometers. 

Converted into fractions. 

It's 84 points! 

Three hundred and sixty-seven kilometers. 

That's equal to 73.4 points! 

The numerical value of the planet's diameter was placed there abruptly. 

There is no room for the examiner to manipulate. 

How much is the corresponding score! 

"The third division is different." 

The teacher continued. 

"This subject is among all the four subject examinations" 

"The subject with the strongest subjectivity for examiners!'' 

"It's possible to give an extra point, or,'' 

"To have two or three points less!'' 

"It's all very possible." 

Others have no objection. 

They all took the college entrance examination that year. 

And some people have also been invigilated as examiners. 

You know what's going on here! 

For example, the female examiner in charge of evaluating Jiang Fan. 

If it weren't for Jiang Fan's achievements too enchanting. 

Replaced with other general geniuses. 

Two or three points may be deducted! 

Although this subject is highly subjective, it is generally not rated very high. 

Tang Yushu said with a smile. 

"How can a first-level planet have a high rating?" 

The middle-aged supervisor next to him also answered the call. 

This is also the consensus of the people. 

The third subject mainly assesses the species richness and ecosystem integrity of each candidate planet! 

Level-1 planet. 

It's a planet that has just awakened for three months. 

How many species can there be? 

Not to mention ecosystem integrity. 

In the eyes of these powerful planetary masters. 

That's really terribly pitiful. 

It's like a martial arts master watching a brat ask for a turtle punch! 

If not because the college entrance examination has corresponding standards. 

In their view. 

No one is qualified. 

"The evaluation of the third subject in previous years was indeed not high." 

A teacher smiled and said. 

"It is possible that any one of the four super evil monsters in this subject will take the first place.'' 

"Even if others suddenly came out, and it's not without a chance to be upset." 

"In previous years, this subject was the most likely to be a dark horse." 

"Like the first five years.'' 

"It's just a candidate who ranks after the 50th in the Tianjiao list, and got the first place in the third subject!" 

"It probably depends on the examiner's face.'' 

Tang Yushu took a sip of tea, smiled, and said. 

"If the examiner is in a good mood, it is possible to give one or two more points or even three or four points." 

"It's really hard to say.'' 

The other teachers also laughed. 

The third division is not like the second division. 

There is no standard for evaluation. 

Besides the civilization of each candidate is different. 

It is difficult to achieve uniform standards! 

Every examiner has his own opinion. 

If the examiner is more optimistic about the civilization of this planet. 

Then it is possible. 

More points for you! 

In the end, only the scores of the three examiners can be used for a comprehensive assessment! 

"In this third subject, your sister should be able to get a good grade." 

The middle-aged supervisor took no time to speak. 

"Yeah, your sister is a dual-energy civilization, creating two extraordinary races, and she will definitely not suffer in this subject." 

Another teacher answered. 

"It can only be said that you won't be pulled too far by other genius." 

Tang Yushu waved his hand and said quite modestly. 

"This class of candidates hides dragons and crouching tigers, I don't know how many genius are hidden.'' 

Tang Yushu knew very well. 

Tang Qingqing, a double extraordinary race. 

Must be able to get a decent score in the third division. 

Even higher than Bu Jingyue! 

After all. 

The magician and the fighting spirit warrior are two complete systems of extraordinary species. 

And the tree man who is shocked by Bu Jingyue is not counted. 


When Jiang Fan was tired of sitting. 

The ethereal voice sounded. 

"The exam is over, all candidates please leave the room." 

The next moment. 

Jiang Fan was sent out of the exam room. 

Go back to the square where you came in. 

There was a dark crowd of students all around. 

It's different from the morning. 

After the exam in the afternoon. 

Many people are no longer relaxed. 

There was a look of frustration and loss on their face! 

They know it themselves. 

Two classes in the afternoon. 

The grades should not be very good. 

There are also students. 

After these two subjects. 

Very likely. 

You just lost your chance to go to college! 

The college acceptance rate in this world is not high. 

Not to mention the top universities. 

Even a normal university. 

Only 50% acceptance rate! 

That is to say. 

There are hundreds of millions of candidates in the entire Dongyang Province. 

Half of them will be eliminated directly. 

Thus lost the opportunity to compete with other peers. 

"Jiang Fan.'' 

Fang Zhenting's voice came. 

Jiang Fan turned to look. 

Fang Zhenting's expression did not change. 

He is relatively calm. 

"How was the test? You are the record-breaking existence of our Jiangcheng Awakening Planet. These two subjects should not be a problem for you, right?" 

Fang Zhenting looked at Jiang Fan and asked with a smile. 


Jiang Fan simply responded and asked. 

"How about you? It should look good too." 

"I know how many marks the second subject will get, but…" 

Fang Zhenting's face was a little dignified and said. 

"The third division, I can't be sure.'' 

"I created a race of advanced civilization.'' 

"There are some species too!" 

"But the extraordinary race is relatively unpopular and unpleasant." 

"If you meet a female examiner…'' 

"It's very likely that a few points will be deducted." 

"If you meet someone you like, you will be rated a few more points." 

Jiang Fan said with a smile. 

"Haha, borrow your auspicious words." 

Fang Zhenting smiled and said. 

"My score in the third subject is probably around 70, so there shouldn't be any big difference!" 

Same as in the morning. 

Exam in the afternoon. 

The results will also be released directly after the end! 

But this time. 

You can go directly to the exam room. 

There is no overnight stay here. 

Candidates must spend the night outside! 

Naturally, none of the candidates did this. 

They are all standing in huge squares. 

Waiting for the results to come out! 

Many people looked nervous. 

Not just the candidates in the square. 

Everywhere outside. 

Many people are in a slightly suffocating atmosphere. 

Waiting for the exam results to come out! 

Seventh meeting room. 

Then in the morning. 

The school leaders and teachers all stood up in advance. 

Staring nervously at the projection ahead! 

"Tang Qingqing should be able to get a good grade in the second and third subjects, right? 

Liu Yue made a sound to liven up the atmosphere. 

"On Tang Qingqing's planet, there are two extraordinary species." 

Qiu Yunfei next to him nodded and said. 

"It's hard to say about the second class, but the third class is hard to say.'' 

"Not surprisingly, it should have a higher score than Bu Jingyue!'' 


A teacher around said. 

"Generally speaking, you can refer to the diameter of the planet when you just awakened.'' 

"Bu Jingyue has exceeded 33 kilometers." 

"And Tang Qingqing hasn't reached 30 kilometers yet.'' 

"This subject must be no better than Bu Jingyue!" 

"The two subjects combined should be similar to Bu Jingyue." 

Qiu Yunfei paused and said. 

"In addition to the theory test in the morning, both of them got full marks, which means…'' 

"Results on the first day of the college entrance examination." 

"The two are equally divided!" 

You are reading story One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning at

"I can't tell the difference.'' 

"I can only watch the most critical subject the next day." 

in the conference room. 

Most teachers focus on Tang Qingqing. 

After all. 

Tang Qingqing's Tianjiao list is in the top five thousand. 

There is even a brother who is a teacher at Tianxing University! 

She obtained resources that are not much less than Bu Jingyue! 

There is always a gap in the rankings. 

"If there is no difference between the two subjects, then…" 

A school leader frowned slightly and said. 

"Tomorrow's exam, Tang Qingqing will definitely fail the exam!" 

Everyone else nodded. 

The final exam is on the second day. 

Basically, there is no suspense. 

To defeat Bu Jingyue. 

The only hope is that on the first day opened the gap. 

But from the current situation. 

Basically, it's impossible. 

"If Tang Qingqing plays well, he can fight for the top 500, so that he can get a place in a super-first-class university.'' 

Said a teacher. 

Thirty-six super-first-class universities. 

In Dongyang Province. 

A total of 1,080 enrollment places! 

Among them, each of the 580 cities was allocated one! 

Only five hundred and eighty left. 

For thousands of Tianjiao who are on the Tianjiao list to compete! 

At last 

Able to be admitted to a top-notch university. 

Just a few. 

Most Tianjiao can only go to a lower-level university! 

And other to top universities. 

The difference is huge! 

In order to compete for the precious places of less than 600. 

The annual college entrance examination. 

The candidates and the forces behind them will spend their blood at all costs! 

For example, the teacher of Bu Jingyue. 

Everyone was surprised though. 

But also understandable! 

If you don't use the heart of the stars. 

It's impossible to be shocked by Bu Jingyue. 

She can't even win the top spot in Jiangcheng! 

The same goes for other geniuses and monsters. 

It's all about doing the best I can! 

This is also the competition for the college entrance examination, 

It is very cruel! 

"It's okay to fight for the top 1000, but the top 500 is too difficult." 

Qiu Yunfei shook his head. 

He's not a good talker either. 

Like to be realistic. 

Know what kind of genius are in the top five hundred. 

Hear what Qiu Yunfei said. 

All the teachers and school leaders fell silent. 

The truth is exactly as Qiu Yunfei said. 

Tang Qingqing is expected to rank in the top 500. 

Thereby, the probability of her winning a place in a super-first-class university is pitifully low. 

Just a theoretical hope. 

"Isn't there Jiang Fan?'' 

Liu Yue said. 

"I watched the projection video of the last competition, and there were a lot of people on Jiang Fan's planet." 

"Is Jiang Fan?" 

Qiu Yunfei thought for a moment and said. 

"The planet Jiang Fan is indeed full of life, but…'' 

"It's all ordinary people, not a single extraordinary person." 

"This is a huge disadvantage in the evaluation!" 

In the past, there were also candidates who built the civilization of ordinary people to take the college entrance examination. 

The nurture of ordinary people. 

Much simpler than the extraordinary. 

There are naturally more lives on ordinary planets. 

But in the final assessment is not quite as expected. 

The examiner will not give you a high score because of your large number. 

Jiang Fan's situation is a little different. 

He's not just a large number of ordinary people. 

The scariest thing is there are many other life species too! 

And Qiu Yunfei and the school leaders and teachers. 

Still, just think. 

Jiang Fan is just a large number of ordinary people. 

After all. 

A first-class planet. 

Where can more species go? 

"Anyway, there are tens of thousands of lives.'' 

Teacher Liu Yue said with a smile. 

"It can also make up for the gap in this regard.'' 

"It can make up for it." 

Tong Zhensheng nodded and said. 

"Jiang Fan's third subject score can't be too high, but it won't be too low either!" 

"The two subjects combined…'' 

"It should be similar to Bu Jingyue and Tang Qingqing." 

Tong Zhensheng knew Jiang Fan's planetary diameter. 

The third division may be weaker. 

The second division is definitely stronger than the two competitors! 

"The results are coming!" 

At this time. 

A teacher who had been staring at the projection shouted loudly! 

Everyone stopped talking. 

Look forward! 

At the same time all over the province. 

One by one in the college entrance examination square. 

A huge dangling list, 

Appear slowly! 

Everyone knows that… 

The results of the afternoon exam are coming out! 

The official announcement time is 6:00! 

Only less than three minutes. 

Everyone can't help but get nervous! 

Sky Crystal City. 

On the college entrance examination square! 

As a college entrance examination city. 

There are over a million students here! 

It can be said to be crowded. 

The previous year's college entrance examination. 

In addition to the provincial capital Dongxingcheng. 

The results of Tianjingcheng can be said to be excellent! 

In certain years. 

You can even get admission to dozens of super-first-class universities. 

And this year. 

It is considered by many to be the most promising one to win the provincial champion! 

Because the four super evil monsters are recognized outside. 

One of them is a student of Tianjingcheng! 

Ranking on the Tianjiao list. 

Of course, it's the top four! 

Specific rankings. 

Everyone is controversial. 

But no doubt! 

The top four are hard to tell apart! 

Anyone can take the top spot. 

Just look at the performance in the high school entrance examination! 

Not to mention the theory test in the morning. 

The two subjects in the afternoon are crucial. 

Especially for the genius who wants to compete for the position of champion. 

In the past, the competition for the top spot every year is very fierce! 

Final score. 

Often only single digits! 

Even just a point or two away! 

So the second and third subjects in the afternoon. 


Let this unprecedented championship battle. 

Victory in advance! 

"Let those four super monsters fight, it has nothing to do with me anyway." 

On the square. 

A handsome young man with a very relaxed demeanor. 

While looking at the nervous crowd around! 

Also joking. 

"Master, before the results come out, everything is possible." 

A voice came from the side. 

But she's a pretty girl. 

It attracted the attention of many people around. 

There was a hint of envy in each of their eyes. 

This beautiful girl called this handsome young man "Bai Jiaoyang" "Master", not a joke. 

But really his maid! 

The handsome young man has an amazing family background. 

Deep background. 

His own talent is also very terrifying. 

Tianjiao rankings are even in the top ten! 

More importantly. 

The beautiful maid beside him. 

Shee was also trained to be a peerless genius. 

Also selected for the Tianjiao list! 

Simply envious and jealous! 

"Fortunately, this year we still have that monster in Tianjing City, otherwise Bai Jiaoyang will take the top spot, which would be really maddening.'' 

A male candidate said sourly. 

Everyone else turned their heads. 

Look to the edge of the crowd. 

A girl in a blue dress. 

Although this girl looks ordinary. 

But there was an ethereal aura about her. 

Even in the dark crowd around. 

It's the first thing you'll notice! 

This girl is this year's undisputed first talent in Tianjingcheng! 

It is also recognized as one of the four super monsters. 

A strong contender for the champion of Dongyang Province! 

Many people think that. 

Examination of the second division. 

This girl is the most likely candidate to take the first place. 

Because when awakening the planet. 

This girl planet has a diameter of 39.5 kilometers! 

More than all geniuses in the province! 

1st place! 

"Look, this is the real genius.'' 

Bai Jiaoyang pointed at the girl who is facing the beautiful maid. 

The beautiful maid also glanced at the girl. 

She couldn't help but ask curiously. 

"I heard that this girl named Wei Qingqing is the most likely first in the second division, is this true?" 

"Not the most likely, but inevitable." 

Bai Jiaoyang smiled slightly and said. 

"Then what is most likely and most hopeful are all good words." 

"Let the public outside think there is suspense, but in fact…'' 

"Everyone who knows it knows it.'' 

"The number one in the second division must be Wei Qingqing." 

"The only suspense is that,'' 

"Let's see if Wei Qingqing can break our provincial college entrance examination record!'' 

"What about the other three super monsters? It's impossible?" 

the beautiful maid asked. 

"Second division is impossible, but'' 

Bai Jiaoyang paused for a while and said. 

"The third division has already been beaten!" 

"No one in the third division dares to claim that they will take the first place!" 

"In this subject, this young master dares to say that he can compete with the four great genius!" 

"Everyone said that the third subject generally has low scores, and it is the most difficult subject to widen the gap." 

Said the beautiful maid. 


Bai Jiaoyang nodded and said. 

"The third section investigates species richness and system integrity!" 

"Can you expect how high a Level-1 planet can be in this regard? 

"The examiner's score won't be very high!" 

"You can tell by looking at previous years' scores." 

"It's already very good to be able to reach 80!'' 

Just at this time. 

The people around were suddenly in a commotion! 

"Come on, the hanging list is out!" 

someone shouted. 

Bai Jiaoyang and the beautiful maid suddenly stopped talking. 

All raised their heads. 

Look up to the sky! 

There is a huge dangling list. 

It is slowly forming! 

Everyone is at this moment. 

Looked up. 

Keep an eye out for this list! 

East Star City. 

Amber City. 

Purple Star City. 

On the college entrance examination square. 

Hundreds of millions of students. 

All looking up! 

Looking forward to the release of this score list!

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