One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 112: CH 112

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"It's coming!" A boy almost yelled. 

Immediately, everyone stopped talking. The whole square looks towards the sky. One after another dazzling light flashed. A huge list slowly emerging. Finally, after the light flickered for a minute, the list is formed. This list seems almost limitless in everyone's eyes. No matter where you stand in the square, it can be seen anywhere on the list! 

But on the list now, there is still nothing. Because the time has not yet come. The list will appear 5 minutes before the official results are released. And the scores of all students will be officially announced at 6:00. 

At this moment, everyone is more or less a little nervous. Even the seemingly calm Fang Zhenting also held his hand tightly, while his eyes stared at the huge dangling list above the sky. 

Of course, only Jiang Fan was calm. There is no fluctuation in his heart at all. His grades in these two subjects, naturally Jiang Fan's is confident. 

He glanced at the vacant list, and then looked at the performance of the hundreds of thousands of candidates around. All their face are either nervous, excited, calm, or worried. 

''I will get high marks in these two subjects.'' Tang Qingqing, who is not far from Jiang Fan, looked at the list. She takes a deep breath and thought secretly in her heart. 

To prepare for this exam which is known as the most terrifying college entrance examination in history. Tang Qingqing not only worked very hard but her brother, Tang Yushu, also rely on his connections and use every possible way to give Tang Qingqing all the resources he could get. It costs a lot and is jaw-dropping. 

"I will be able to beat Bu Jingyue in the assessment of the subject." Tang Qingqing thought to herself. "And in the second department, everyone said that the diameter of the planet when I was awakened was incomparable to that of Bu Jingyue, that is true. But what I have awakened is a dual-energy civilization and my creation is a double extraordinary race. Adding the two is not a question of one plus one equals two, or one plus one equals three, but far more than that. The world has not seen a dual-energy civilization for a long time. They can't imagine its potential." 

"Today, I want everyone to see how terrifying the dual-energy civilization is.'' Tang Qingqing raised her head high with a look of determination in her eyes. "This time, I'm not just going to win the top 1000, but also the top five hundred. Brother, watch carefully and wait for my good news!" 

And not far to the right of Tang Qingqing, there is Bu Jingyue. There were also many people around her. Although this is where the seventh channel is and most of them are students from No. 7 High School. There are more people around Tang Qingqing. But the students who heard the news. They are here to cheer on the number one genius of his school. 

Everyone knows that Jiangcheng's top spot in the college entrance examination this year is not in the hands of Bu Jingyue or Tang Qingqing. But these two women are each other's biggest rivals. And for now, Bu Jingyue is the more optimistic party. 

"Is Jiang Fan in the college entrance examination?" Bu Jingyue looked at the huge list in the sky and listen to the whispers of those around her. Her cold face has no fluctuation. Although the outside world is crazy about propaganda and momentum. But for Bu Jingyue, Tang Qingqing was not her competitor at all. In the Jiangcheng's college entrance examination champion. Her goal is to have a higher rank. 

''Teacher gave me the heart of the stars. It would be ridiculous if I couldn't win a top spot in a small Jiangcheng college entrance examination." Bu Jingyue thought calmly in her heart. 

"Teacher, she paid too much.'' Bu Jingyue knew about her teacher. For the sake of this high school entrance examination. A huge price was paid for the heart of the star. Even for the fifth-level planet master, it is still a very important treasure. 

With this treasure, it can make her teacher go further and come to the field of the sixth-level planet that few people have set foot on. But to make her college entrance examination more successful, the heart of the star was directly given to her! 

Not just the heart of the stars, the other resources, she also supplies as much as possible. This gave way to the ranking of the Tianjiao list that Bu Jingyue has. In less than two months, she has grown by leaps and bounds. From more than two thousand and jumped directly to the 100th. This is almost the most exaggerated jump in history. 

"People outside think that my third subject examination will not be able to compare to Tang Qingqing's dual-energy civilization.'' Bu Jingyue continued to think: "But, what they don't know is that because of the heart of the stars, a terrifying new extraordinary species have been bred." 

"It is unimaginable that in a short amount of time, I'll be able to build this new extraordinary race. The Top 100, The Top 50, even the top 30. None of them are my goals. My goal is the entire Dongyang Province top ten.'' Bu Jingyue's cold eyes showed a trace of confidence. 

And elsewhere in the province, one by one guesses. They are all waiting for the official announcement of this list. Some are famous for a long time. A peerless genius favored by everyone. But some have been dormant. They are waiting for the low-key genius to come out in the college entrance examination. 

East Star City College Entrance Examination Plaza. There are millions of students. But in the middle, there is a neat team that stands out. This team is the most enchanting geniuses in East Star City this year! 

They received two months of personal training from the lord of East Star City. It is well known that the training of the lord of East Star City is very famous. The trained geniuses have a soldier-like bearing and discipline. 

Even in high school, they just stand neatly. No one talks and waits quietly for the exam results to come out. And in front of these people, there is a tall and beautiful girl in black. This girl is very famous. She is the leader of this group of geniuses and the daughter of the lord of East Star City. She is best known for being one of the four legendary monsters. 

"I will defend the glory of East Star City this year!" Looking at the huge list in the sky, the girl in black thought silently. The previous year's high school entrance examination. Every term, the East Planet's results are the best. In the previous ten years, the position of the provincial champion even fell into the hands of Tianjiao of East Star City! 

This year is a little bit special. Not just the most competitive and terrifying exam in history. There are also four super monsters. Everyone is a dragon and a phoenix among people, many city owners think so. These four super-geniuses, if they are put in the previous year's high school entrance examination. Then, almost all of them can win the championship of the year! 

And this year, four appeared at once. The East Star City, Amber City, Sky Crystal City and Purple Star City, each have one. This put a lot of pressure on East Star City in the top position. Even if the overall number of geniuses is high, East Star City crushed the other three college entrance examination cities. 

If the position of the overall champion is taken by other cities. What if more geniuses get into the top universities? For the world, the 2nd, 3rd, and everything after that add up is not as dazzling as the first place! 

As the leader of this generation of East Star City and also the daughter of the lord of East Star City. The girl in black knows her duty. That is to defend the glory belonging to East Star City! 

"The first place in the second division must be Wei Qingqing from Sky Crystal City.'' The black-clothed girl thought to herself: "However, I can't make much difference in this subject, I can't open the gap. The key lies in the third division. This class, if nothing else happens, the first place should be mine." 

She is not so proud but she also knew. The completeness of the civilization built by oneself has let her father, the demanding East Star City lord, give a satisfied nod. If you are in high school and the examiner looks down, then that can't be said. 

"Adding these two subjects together, I am the first, and I can widen the gap with the other three.'' A light flashed in the eyes of the girl in black. In her eyes, only the other three super monsters are her competitor. "Set the tone first. I'm not afraid of the most important exam tomorrow. This time the total number one in the college entrance examination is still our East Star City." 

"Shanzi, this time you are either the first or the second. I don't care, as long as you are in the top four, you are a wild wolf, and the top ten may be a bit difficult.'' In the Amber City College Entrance Examination Plaza, Two boys are talking. 

One of them had an old-fashioned face and a steady demeanor and the other has messy hair. Under his feet was a pair of large slippers. The expressions are a little bit different. The eyes of the people around were watching but no one dared to bother. 

Everyone knows that these two people are Amber City this year's best geniuses. The one with messy hair is named Ray. For acting crazy and unruly, he has the nickname "Wild Wolf" and is in the Top 20 on the Tianjiao list. His reputation in the province is very big. 

And the old-fashioned one is even more incredible. His name is Wang Shan, he is this year's chief genius of Amber City. He is recognized by all teachers as one of the strongest geniuses in the history of Amber City. 

His Tianjiao rank is in the top four. He is one of the four super monsters recognized by the outside world. He is favored by many city owners and strong people. They think in the future, he must be able to go very far. 

Even if the list is about to be released, he is not in a hurry either. He is still talking and laughing with Lei Block. 

"Haha, there are so many talents this year, as far as I know, there are some people who don't usually show off their power, just waiting for the college entrance examination to come out, not only in the top ten, I'm afraid I can't even keep the top twenty. ." 

The messy-haired boy Lei Lang responded with a smile, but there was a gleam in his eyes. Jokes are jokes. Which genius would admit that you are inferior to others? 

"It's you." Lei Lang looked at Wang Shan with a mature face and said, "Among the four super monsters, you are the least famous." 

"No way." Wang Shan spreads his hands. He doesn't care about fame. It depends on each person's behavior style. Wang Shan is very low-key. So naturally, he is not famous. 

"The number one spot this time, the people outside support the most." Lei Kui glanced at Wang Shan and said again: "It's the two from East Star City and Purple Star City!" 

"I didn't pay attention to you Wang Shan at all!" Wang Shan smiled slightly but no respond. Lei block also smiled because he know the temperament of his good friend. He doesn't care about such rumors. 

Low-key doesn't mean he has no ideas or actions. For the past two months, Lei Kuan saw with his own eyes how hard Wang Shan worked, almost all his time are spent on building the planet. "It's still early for the championship. Let's take a look at the results of these two subjects in the afternoon." 

Wang Shan smiled and said, "Maybe. Let's wait until the results come out. Otherwise, the battle for the champion will lose its suspense" 

"How is that possible?" Lei shook his head and said: "You four super monsters, whoever wins the first place is possible. The second section is known to everyone. The first place must be Wei Qingqing who belongs to Sky Crystal City. But the third division, I still know a little about your situation, Shanzi. To sum up, it must be the top two, haha, I'm still conservatively estimated.'' 

"Let's see." Wang Shan didn't say much. Compared to other college entrance examination cities, the stars gather. 

Purple Star City. 

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The previous year's results were the bottom one. The same is true this year. The overall number and quality of candidates are not as good as the other three big cities. 

Purple Star City College Entrance Examination Plaza, there are many students but no one was discouraged. Instead, all locked in the middle of the square on a slender young man in white. Because of the young man in white, it is recognized that Amber City can compete as the candidate for the overall provincial champion this year. 

Among the crowd, a skinny guy in black silently looked at the young man in white. His right hand is clenched tightly. ''Four super monsters? Let you show off your prestige first, and later it's time to let the world know my name, Ye Han." 

The boy in black stared at the young man in white for a moment. There was a flash of confidence in his eyes. "I've held back for so long just to come out on the stage of the college entrance examination that everyone is paying attention to. This time I will let all those who look down on me know my true ability, Wang Weiwei and Maya, wait and regret it!" 

Like boys in black, Candidates who hide most of their strengths. There are many more across the province. There was a glimmer of hope in their eyes. Waiting for the announcement of the list. Until then, the world will know them in a new way. 

"You don't need to discuss anymore, whoever takes the first place in the third division is possible, and maybe there will be a few dark horses.'' 

On the eighth floor of the Planetary Society, Tang Yushu opened his mouth and put an end to the debate among the crowd. 

"It's all possible, but...'' A teacher smiled and said, "If the second and third subjects are combined and viewed as a subject, then there's no suspense in the top four.'' 

"The top four are not suspenseful and exaggerated, but those four peerless talents will be ranked in the top ten." An old teacher's tone was very affirmative. 

"The key is to see which one can get the first place, and open up a little score with the other three evildoers." Tang Yushu finally made a summary. After a pause, he said: "No need to chat, the list will be out soon.'' 

In the large living room, the planet masters turned around and moved forward. Staring at the front of the hall that has a huge projection showing that vacant list. The results will be synchronized in real-time. Not just the Gaokao Square. Everywhere, you can see it. 

Finally, after a short but long five minutes, above the sky, outside the huge hanging list, a wave flashed by. Immediately after, on the list, a dazzling light is lit up. Information and results of each candidate. There are three columns in total. 

In front of it is the admit card number and name of each candidate and behind is the corresponding grades. Of course, the admission ticket number is hidden. Seeing this light. The square is quiet all of a sudden. 

All eyes are fixed on these rays of light. Their heart beat faster than ever. After the light flashed, the scores of each student is all printed on the huge list. The list seems to be out of sight. 

In everyone's eyes, all are visible. College entrance examination results announced. Not ranked, instead, it is based on the serial number of the admission ticket. From top to bottom. Arrange from left to right. 

Jiang Fan saw that there are two lists. 

On the left are the scores of all the hundreds of thousands of candidates in Jiangcheng. And the bigger one on the right is the whole Dongyang Province, the results of all candidates! 

Immediately, everyone all finds their location in the first place. Jiang Fan also looked over and soon he saw his name. Admission ticket "No. ***, Jiang Fan, the second subject score, 100.'' Seeing this column, Jiang Fan was sure it was his achievement. 

Not some guy with the same name. There are two subjects in the afternoon exam. So It will be announced in two periods. It's exactly six o'clock, the results of the second class are announced. 

Ten minutes later at 6:10. The results of the third division will be announced. The other people also quickly found out their names and grades. A series of discussions suddenly sounded. 

"Hey, as expected, it's still 50 points, which is a fail.'' A boy shook his head and sighed. 

"Cry, mine is 59.5 points, only half a point to pass." The other boy was very upset and unwilling. But the assessment of the planet's diameter is very strict. Points are assessed to one decimal place. There is no such thing as rounding. 

"Only 63 points, my dream of a first-class university should be over." A pretty girl sees her grades. Immediately there were tears. 

Many people are bemoaning and shaking their heads. Several girls even cried out on the spot. Of course, the diameter of the planet, everyone has already made up their minds before the exam. 

After the results are announced, most people don't respond. After a short period of emotion. They turn their attention to other people's names. Especially, those geniuses and monsters. 

For the candidates in Jiangcheng. The focus of attention, naturally, it was Bu Jingyue and Tang Qingqing. Immediately after, there was an uproar. And in the conference room of No. 7 Middle School. Tong Zhensheng, Liu Yue, and other school leaders and teachers. Their eyes are also focused on these two. They were the first to find where the two were. 

''Tang Qingqing, 84 points!" A loud teacher shouted loudly. 

First silence in the conference room and then immediately, the crowd vibrates. 

"84 points, good guy, Tang Qingqing is really hidden." A teacher exclaimed excitedly. 

"According to the ratio, it is 420 kilometers. Thinking that when she first awakened, Tang Qingqing's planet diameter did not even reach the super genius line of 30 kilometers." 

"Totally unexpected, Tang Qingqing gave us such a big surprise!" 

"It seems that Tang Qingqing has prepared well enough in the past two months, and her brother is a teacher at Tianxing University, so he must have tried his best to train him. That's why she has such a good result!" 

"We were just worried about this second one. Tang Qingqing would be opened up by Bu Jingyue. Now it seems basically don't need to worry about it, and it may even be pulled back!" Every teacher is very excited. 

Even Tong Zhensheng shook his right hand slightly. Then he pressed his hand and said, "Don't worry, look at Bu Jingyue's results!" 

"Yes." Others also fell silent and are looking to the other parts of the list. 

After a while, they found the column of Bu Jingyue. However, after seeing the results displayed behind the three big characters "Bu Jingyue". The conference room fell into silence. The excited look on each face is all frozen. 

"Teacher Tang, congratulations, congratulations.'' 

The eighth floor of the Planetary Society. 

All the teachers and supervisors were congratulating Tang Yushu. Above the projection in the hall that is shown in the middle. It is Tang Qingqing's achievement, 84 points. This is a very impressive result! 

Many teachers here know that this score is enough to rank in the top 1,000 in the province. Even the top 500 is possible. 

"Don't congratulate first." A smile appeared on Tang Yushu's face. Although his heart is also very happy, It's not worth his hard work training for so long. But he still maintained a trace of calm and said, "Look at other people's achievements." 

The middle-aged supervisor understands, naturally knows that this other person is referring to, Bu Jingyue. Soon, the projection is concentrated in the column of Bu Jingyue. Seeing the results behind it, they are the same as the conference room of No. 7 Middle School. All of a sudden, they quieted down. Every face is a little incredible. Tang Yushu was also shocked. He immediately shook his head and sighed, "There's nothing you can do about it, Qingqing, you're already very good, and it's not wrong to lose!" 

And in the conference room of No. 7 Middle School. The faces of everyone were not so good-looking. Surprise first, then, came an even bigger "surprise". Amazing results. Everyone there was speechless. Including the expected Tong Zhensheng. 

He originally thought that this second division might have a chance to overtake, but now, looking at Bu Jingyue's amazing results. He just knows that this class, it was directly pulled away by a big difference. 

"Principal, isn't there Jiang Fan? Let's see his grades." Liu Yue next to him saw that the atmosphere was not right and said immediately. "Yes, and Jiang Fan.'' Tong Zhensheng regained his expression. It is not the same as the huge hanging list in the college entrance examination square. 

It is impossible to project everyone, only part of it can be selected at one time. Liu Yue did it herself and projected the location of Jiang Fan. When they saw the results behind the words "Jiang Fan''. 

Inside the conference room, everyone was falling into silence once again!

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