One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 165: CH 165

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In the morning, Jiang Fan got up early, had breakfast, go out and have a look. It was found that Su Jicheng's talisman car was already waiting outside the villa. 

As a mentor, of course, you can have your car. Because Su Jicheng has only one student like Jiang Fan, he came to pick him up in person. Most of the other freshmen weren't so lucky. 

The car starts quickly, and soon, they came to a wide venue outside. Outside the venue at this time, lots of people have come. 

Jiang Fan looked over and saw a lot of familiar faces like Lin Youhe, Xiang Zhifei, Wan Yunsheng, Wang Teng, and so on. They are all at the forefront of this class of freshmen, but their expression is not as relaxed as in the previous Freshman Challenge. The college entrance examination is not difficult for these geniuses, but the planetary promotion assessment is different! Even in the most stable difficulty, there is also the possibility of failure, and there is also a bit of luck in it. Not to mention that many geniuses want to challenge higher difficulty, and the probability of failure is greater. 

Many new students are still taking deep breaths. to relieve tension. Next to these new students are standing with their respective instructors. Seems to be joking, but there was a trace of tension in the depths of their eyes. This is the time they look forward to the most every year and are also the least willing to face it! 

As usual in previous years, after the planet promotion assessment, the best freshmen of this batch, of them are bound to fail! 

Su Jicheng hardly said anything to Jiang Fan along the way, for fear of putting pressure on Jiang Fan! 

When Jiang Fan come over, It caught everyone's attention! After all, Jiang Fan is the champion of the Freshman Challenge. When he defeats the existence of Prince Qing! It was a sensation at the time! 

"Jiang Fan, this way." Lin Youhe looked familiar and greeted Jiang Fan over. 

Jiang Fan didn't refuse either. He walked into the ranks of Lin Youhe and the others. 

"Jiang Fan, don't blame me for being too direct." Lin Youhe said: "We are all very curious, and now the whole school is rumored that you and Prince Qing are the only two contenders for this year's strongest freshman! Who can win the planetary promotion assessment, then... Who is the strongest freshman! Prince Qing's planet is more than 850 kilometers in diameter, you should know it." 

"Yes." Jiang Fan said. 

"You should be about the same, right?" Lin Youhe and the others all looked at Jiang Fan. 

"Of course not bad." Jiang Fan smiled slightly. 

"cough." Lin Youhe and the others looked at each other. They all saw the doubts in each other's eyes. They heard some rumors, so tentatively asked Jiang Fan. But they didn't expect that Jiang Fan didn't say it directly. 

"You and Prince Qing are at least relatively stable at the legendary level, and it will be difficult for us." Xiang Zhifei next to him sighed and said, "For planets like ours, whose diameter is less than 800 kilometers, the difficulty level of the king is relatively stable! Challenge epic level, at most! If you can pass the legendary level, for us, it's a change of fate." 

"Let's make a steady promotion first. In previous years, there were a lot of geniuses with stronger talents than us. Because of overconfidence... they fell." Wan Yunsheng on the side smiled and comforted. 


At this time. 

Everyone suddenly realized something, they turn to look to the left and see Prince Qing, dressed in bright yellow clothes, accompanied by Ao Xiong and several teachers. They walked towards this side and glanced over here. After seeing Jiang Fan, they paused slightly. 

"I heard that the upper limit of the diameter of this Jiang Fan planet...isn't ideal." A teacher behind him said with a smile. 

"It's not very clear, Su Jicheng's side is very strict, and he has tried several times, but he is not willing to disclose it." Another teacher said. 

"It's not that I don't want to reveal it, I'm embarrassed to say this, especially after hearing about the diameter of our Prince Qing's planet." A teacher smiled softly. 

"It is estimated that more than 800 kilometers are no problem, but it is difficult to compare with Prince Qing." 

Several teachers are discussing this. 

"You don't need to worry about this Jiang Fan." Ao Xiong looked at Prince Qing and said, "Be yourself... that's it!" 

"I know." Prince Qing nodded slightly. 

Not just Beidou University, this day, It is also the time for the entire federation to conduct a unified planetary promotion assessment. Twice a year, there is no exception! If you miss it, you can only wait for the next opportunity. And generally speaking, wait until the planet's diameter reaches the upper limit, and get promoted immediately, the odds of success are even greater! But for some planet masters with more general talents, they would rather accumulate more time. to enhance their strength. to challenge higher difficulty! 

"I've waited for three years, three full years, just to wait for this opportunity, I want to change my life against the sky and change my life." In a normal university, a boy clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of determination! 

Three years ago, the diameter of his planet reached the upper limit, but only less than five hundred kilometers! Many teachers think that, for this diameter, it is more secure to choose ordinary or elite, but he is not reconciled! He has been holding back for three years, and waiting until everything feels enough, he came to participate in the planetary assessment and promotion! This time, what he's going to challenge is Epic difficulty! 

In a place very far from the University, It is a vast empire named Fire Dynasty! This is a much stronger dynasty than the Yongyang dynasty! The strength is enough to rival the top of the thirty-six super-first-class universities because this Fire Dynasty has three sixth-level planet masters. 

Inside the Fire Dynasty Palace, a tall man in a golden yellow robe stood on the steps. He is the current emperor of the Fire Dynasty, and he is also a powerful sixth-level planet master. It is because of this existence that makes the Fire Dynasty in the Federation prestige! Almost no one dared to provoke! 

At this time, t there was a sound of footsteps. A handsome young man walked in from outside the palace, come down the steps, and respectfully saluted: "Father!" 

The tall man nodded slightly and said, "Zhe'er, how are you preparing?" 

"Everything is ready." The handsome young man replied. 

"With your talent, it is the safest to pass the Little Myth level difficulty." 

The tall man said: "The difficulty of the great myth is also very likely. All you have to do is to pass this planetary promotion assessment safely. There is still a long way to go!" 

Unlike the Yongyang Dynasty, there is little competition from the successor of the Fire Dynasty. There is no suspense. When this handsome young Prince Zhe just woke up, the diameter of the planet is more than fifty kilometers, he created a record of dynasty history. 

For a while, far more than other contemporaries, the subsequent development is also smooth sailing! In the college entrance examination, he once again broke the record of the Fire Dynasty. Before half a month, the diameter of the planet has developed to the upper limit of more than 900 kilometers! It is said to be an unprecedented record! Known as the first genius of the Fire Dynasty since ancient times. Such a monster, even in federal history, is not weaker than those epoch-making geniuses. This time the planetary assessment is promoted, It is highly anticipated! I want to see what kind of brilliance this Prince Zhe can create again. 

Prince Danzhe's father, the tall man knows the more monstrous genius, the more arrogant. And the more you want to challenge the higher difficulty. 

"I know, Father." The handsome young Prince Zhe responded. 

"Geniuses who can grow up smoothly all the way are geniuses! Back then, in your father's generation and my generation, there were several who were more talented than me, but in the end, I am the only one who has become the sixth-level planet master!" The tall man took himself as an example and warned. 

Prince Zhe was silent. Of course, he knew the story of the tall man. Talent is not the top. At that time, it was only Legendary difficulty that was passed! Among peers, there are several mythical existences, not even a successor in the back, but in the end, the emperor who became the Fire Dynasty was the tall man. 

"Past the mythical difficulty, the future sixth-level planet master will have a place for you!" The tall man looked at Prince Zhe, raised his voice, and said, "Don't think about that impossible... Eternal level! Don't learn from your uncle!" 

Prince Zhe's uncle is the elder brother of the tall man! The stunning degree back then was not much more than the current Prince Zhe. The upper limit of the planet's diameter also exceeds 900 kilometers, known as one of the most enchanting villains of all time. The potential is infinite! This uncle is very high-spirited, and in the planetary assessment, selected the Eternal difficulty that no one has ever passed. The result is no surprise, Failed. No matter how evil and how beautiful it was before, it can only stop at the first-level planet master for life. Although this uncle did not die, he live like the walking dead. 

The tall man warned this. Just because he was afraid that Prince Zhe would repeat the same mistakes. Although Prince Zhe's upper limit of planet diameter is higher than this uncle, it is far from the Eternal difficulty. 

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"I remember, Father." Prince Zhe said, "I won't choose Eternal difficulty." 

In a deserted place, a young girl walked silently on the hot sand. Looked ahead, while muttering to herself. "Father, mother, after I complete the planetary assessment and promotion, I will avenge you!" 

At the same time, in a venue in the Sixth Academy of Stars, from the six schools of the Sixth Academy of Starlight, all the freshmen of this class are gathered here. There are hundreds of people, and each of them is the most enchanting group in their province. Many are champions! 

The Sixth Academy of Starlight is not just a name, the six schools are very united with each other. The annual planetary promotion assessment will be unified for training, in front of these new students, there was a man in black with a terrible breath. This man in black is the chief instructor of this year's training camp and a sixth-level planet master. This is also a resource that the bottom-ranked super universities such as Beidou University cannot come up with. 

"You are all the most monstrous beings in this year's freshmen." The man in black looked at the hundreds of new students and said loudly: "I have no other requirements for you, only one point. Don't choose Eternal difficulty!" 

After the man in black finished his speech, the other teachers around were talking about it. 

"It says so every year, but..." A teacher shook his head and said, "If geniuses were so obedient, would there still be so many cases of falling every year?" 

"If you are not arrogant, you are not a genius." Another teacher said with a smile: "We can only advise teachers, and they are the ones who choose in the end!" 

"Let's see, there are bound to be many people who choose Eternal difficulty this year, especially these top geniuses." A teacher sighed. 

It's not just the top universities, the entire federation, or even the entire vast area. Whether it is the Fire Dynasty, or those powerful sect forces, even the mighty behemoth that cultivates a monster with amazing talent, before this planet's promotion assessment, the last sentence is almost always the same. 

"Don't choose Eternal difficulty!" 

"Don't choose a difficulty higher than your strength." 

At Beidou University, as a representative of the school, a vice-principal is also doing the final teaching. Beidou University is not worried about the eternal class, but, examples from previous years. Many geniuses are duplicitous, they said that they chose Epic difficulty, but the final choice is a legendary level and even a myth. Development of everyone on the planet, nobody knows. 

"Okay, let's go in." The vice-principals voice fell. 

The gate of the venue opens, this time, a total of fifty-two freshmen from Beidou University who participated in the planetary promotion assessment filed in. Jiang Fan also walked in with the team. 

Inside the venue, there is a small star space. Jiang Fan took a look, and know this should be temporarily condensed by the spirit of the planet. Not the same as the one Jiang Fan got, it won't last long. It doesn't consume much source power. 

"It turned out that a total of more than 60 planets have reached the upper limit in diameter." Lin Youhe on the side lowered his voice and said, "But only fifty-two came. Some freshmen still hold back." 

Jiang Fan nodded slightly, this has happened from time to time in previous years! Everyone wants to challenge a higher difficulty, but according to the results, It's easier to fail in the end. 

Step inside the venue, and enter this temporary star space. Sitting down, close your eyes, and meditate. Say no more. This star space is not very useful now, it is just to make every new student better recharge their energy. The crowd didn't just close their eyes and meditate, on the other hand, they entered the awakening space, and make final arrangements on the extraordinary species of their respective planets. 

Time passed little by little, and silence in the venue, and tension in the air solidified to the extreme. In this unprecedented silence, after about thirty minutes. Jiang Fan saw that in the awakened space, a row of numbers appeared. It's a countdown. 


When the countdown reaches zero, the assessment of planetary promotion will begin officially! This is the assessment of the awakening space arrangement. No one knows what the test will be. Outsiders can't interfere. Even if it is a powerful sixth-level planet master, he can only watch from the outside. Someone has tried it, but it doesn't work. It can only rely on the ability of each first-level planet master. 

The countdown is decreasing second by second, after the last minute. Jiang Fan saw Lin Youhe next to him looking at him, the corners of his mouth moved slightly seeming to say, come on. 

"You too." Jiang Fan's lips moved slightly. He knows that Lin Youhe didn't cheer for him, but in this way, it gives him relief from this tension. He has to say the effect is good. 

Ten, nine, eight, seven. 

Three, two, one. 

Finally, after the countdown is over, everyone just felt power in front of them. Look again, and discover they are no longer in the square, It turned out to be a different environment. Surrounded by a void and turbid space, and only by myself. 

Jiang Fan glanced around, this is a bit like the exam room in the college entrance examination. But even more true. According to the information given by Su Jicheng, even those powerful planet masters don't know where this place is. This is during the planetary promotion mission, a measure taken by Awakening Space to protect the planet master. 

Jiang Fan didn't care so much. Consciousness into the awakening space, therefore, in the awakening space at this moment. An extra line of text has been added. 

{ The diameter of the planet has reached the upper limit, is it being promoted this time?} 

There are two options below. 

Yes and No! 

"Yes." Jiang immediately made a choice. There is no doubt about that. 

The text changes immediately. 

The planet promotion assessment has officially started, please choose one of the following assessment difficulties. 

There are eight options below, which are, Ordinary, Elite, Commander, King, Epic, Legendary, Mythical and Eternal 

On the right side of the Mythic level, there is also a parenthesis. There are two more options in parentheses, small Myth, and Big Myth! 

This time, no one is going to order right away. Even some very stable freshmen who had been prepared before, at this point, couldn't help but hesitate. Because this choice is such a chance. After choosing, you can't regret it, not to mention those geniuses who are unwilling in their hearts. Between two adjacent difficulties lingering endlessly. 

Such as epic and legendary, the difficulty is different. The talents of the second-level planets in the future will also be different, and the difference between each level is not small. Everyone wants their planet to be more talented in the future. 

Of course, in the long history, some overly nervous guys accidentally selected the wrong option, It can only be cold. And some people will change their minds temporarily. When choosing the difficulty, anything can happen. 

For Jiang Fan, his heart is very peaceful. Take a look at the eight options, at last, Jiang Fan was not surprised, he chose the Eternal class. 

The selection is complete. 

The text in the awakening space has changed again. 

The "Eternal" planetary promotion assessment task has been selected. Please be prepared. Ten seconds later, the task assessment of Eternal difficulty will be conducted. 

In ten seconds, In a blink of an eye, the awakening space appeared with specific assessment tasks. 

"I don't know what the eternal difficulty mission will be?" Jiang Fan looked curiously and expectantly into his eyes.

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