One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 166: CH 166

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Under Jiang Fan's wholehearted attention, another line of text appeared in the awakening space. 

{ Eternal Quest: Kill the commander Leif of the island world and destroy his forces. 

Time limit: three days. 

Start timing after one minute } 

"Island World? Commander Leif!?" When seeing this line of text. Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. As usual in previous years, awakening space promotion assessment tasks are in the endless starfield. 

The Endless Star Territory, as the name suggests, is a star field that no one knows the end of. There are a lot of life planets in it. Many people have gone to explore, even Including the powerful sixth-level planet master, but some sixth-level planet masters not only failed to explore this endless star field, but instead, get lost in it, and never came back. That's why outsiders can't help because you don't even know which planet the mission assessment will be on. The Endless Star Territory is a vast and endless planet, others simply can't get there. 

"Three days?" This time is very urgent. Of course, not real-world time, It is the time to assess the location of the task. If the task cannot be completed within three days, It means failure. Promotion assessment is not just a test of strength, there are many, many other requirements! Especially the Eternal... the ultimate difficulty. The requirements will be very high. Jiang Fan immediately passed the relevant information to Yan. 

At this time, the traitor and the Great Wilderness Army have already prepared with 100,000 men. They lined up neatly, and stood at the gate of the planet passage, followed by cars and tanks. There is also a set of heavy weapons and so on, for this battle, the elites of the Great Wilderness Army are all out. All weapons of mass destruction. 

The leading generals are still Xu Tiande, Le Yi, Han Xin, Lu Hehan, and Han Zhuhu. Everyone else is getting older, only Han Xin is still young and strong. This time the commander of the expedition was decided to be Han Xin. The two old men who fought before, Chang Yuchun and Su Qin, are too old. They did not stick to the team, instead, stay at Blue Star to stabilize the rear. Just in case you need it. 

One minute goes by quickly, and the planetary promotion assessment has officially begun! A three-day countdown has appeared in the awakening space. At the same time, the star channel on the blue star opened on time. 

"Set off!" Han Xin ordered. 

A group of special forces walking in the forefront, these are the elites of the elite, that is chosen from a hundred miles. Trained for several years to prepare for this battle. They master all sorts of abilities. When the special forces stepped through the passage, what comes into view is a lush forest. The trees are huge, it is more than ten meters. Others are over twenty meters. Above is a cloudless blue sky, their nose smells fresh air, and the rich aroma that fills the air. 

Although only for three days, time is very tight. But the Great Wilderness Army was not in a hurry, this world is completely different from the previous planets because it is in the endless starfield, it is most likely a complete planet. The opponent's strength is completely unknown. Considering that countless people have challenged the Eternal difficulty before, and all failed in the end. Jiang Fan can tell, that this world is at least a second-level planet. 

"Build the passageway first, and do a good job of defense." Han Xin quickly looked around and started a series of orders! The first to enter this world is an elite special team of 1,000 people wearing an alloy suit and equipped with the latest high-end weapons. The first thing they do is check what's nearby. Sweep the surrounding threats. Make sure this port is safe. One thousand special forces were divided into ten teams, they quickly checked around to make sure it was fine! 

"The special forces team go to investigate the situation outside, be careful, once you find something wrong, don't act rashly, and report to me first." Han Xin continued to order. 

At this time, the Great Wilderness Army was already equipped with radios. Communication over short distances is possible. While the special forces team went out to investigate. Others were not idle either. At the channel entrance, they build an easy base. For material or something, nature is already ready. A group of Great Wilderness Army came in behind hands with the hatchet and saw, they start working on this dense forest. The main reason for not using a chainsaw is to avoid making too much noise. There are many soldiers in the Great Wilderness, several people work together to tackle a tree. Soon, the trees fell one by one. 

Wait until the trees in the forest are cleared, a Tank came in from the passage. On the edge of the woods, it formed a defensive circle. The tree felling continues, there has to be a way out for the Tank and the vehicle. 

Han Xin observed the situation around him. Usually, glance at the radio police from time to time. At this time, there is a sudden communication on the radio. 

"Discover intelligent life, discover intelligent life." 

"Specifically." Han Xin said solemnly. 

"We found a man two kilometers away." 

"People?" Han Xin raised his eyebrows. 

"Yes, not an extraordinary person, but a person like us, very weak, similar to ordinary people, we have subdued him now, what should we do next?" 

"Send a few people and bring them back immediately, while others continue to investigate. Since there are people in this place, it means that there is a population of this world nearby, you must be very careful!" 

Not long after the communication ended, there was a noise outside the woods. Ten special warfare fighters are holding a young man with brown hair, dark skin, and a height of about 1.7 meters. Except for the colorful clothes that I don't know what material I wear, other aspects, It doesn't look any different from ordinary people. 

Scholars from the research group have gathered around, a thousand scholars and doctors, all are top-level existences in various fields. 

The brunette saw what was going on in the woods, especially thousands of heavily armed fighters and steel tanks. Suddenly his eyes widened. 

"&*()!$." Then he screamed. 

But the special warfare soldiers next to him were already prepared, just stuffing his mouth with a cloth. The language barrier, that's a big problem with Star battle. In the past battles, they just run over it. Not this time, Han Xin took out a leaf, looking at the brown-haired man, he asked, "What's your name?" 

The brown-haired man was slightly taken aback because he found that he could understand Han Xin's words. He couldn't help but glance at the leaf in Han Xin's hand. He guessed it. 

This kind of leaf is called a translation leaf. As the name suggests, Its role is to be able to translate most of the language. It's a resource Su Jicheng gave to Jiang Fan, It is worth at least hundreds of millions outside. Many people can't afford it. 

"Who are you? How come I've never seen you before? The brown-haired man rolled his eyes. While secretly looking at the Great Desolate Army. 

On the other hand, Han Xin asks questions. "Name, age, identity." 

Han Xin took out a dagger directly. On the dark face of the man look at this dazzling blade, and experience the cool touch. The brown-haired man was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, don't kill me, I said, I said." 

Under Han Xin's icy gaze. The brown-haired man continued: "My name is Luke, I am nineteen years old this year, and I am from Xiangcun." 

"Have you ever heard of the name Rafe Commander?" Han Xin asked. 

The Great Wilderness Army came here. Two things to do first, figure out what kind of world is this? Second, figure out who the commander Leif is in the mission? 

"Commander Leif?" The brunette man Luke was startled. The eyeballs rolled. Then he shook his head and said, "I have never heard of this person." 

Looking at Han Xin's cold eyes, he hurriedly pleaded, "I'm just a small villager, there are old people at the top and young people at the bottom. Brothers, please don't kill me." 

Han Xin wanted to ask something else, but at this time, the radio rang again. A voice came from inside. It was the report of the third team of special forces. 

"Finding the situation, we were at a nearby high point, using the telescope, and seeing the sea in the distance." 

"The sea!?" Han Xin raised his eyebrows. 

"It's not entirely sure if it's the sea, but it's an expanse of water, so we're guessing... it should be an island." 

End the communication, Han Xin looked at the brunette man Luke and asked, "What island are you here?" 

The brown-haired man Luke hesitated for a moment and said a little embarrassedly: "A small island like us doesn't have a name, but... It's generally called Fragrant Island outside?" 

"Fragrant Island?" 

"Correct." The brown-haired man Luke nodded and said: "Because we are rich in spices here, there are many merchants who usually come to buy, so the outside world is called that. 

"Is there an island owner or something?" Han Xin asked. 

"Islander,..." The brown-haired man Luke was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "It seems that there are no, there are several villages on the island, but there are village chiefs." 

"Okay, you answered honestly." Han Xin nodded, he seems quite satisfied. He immediately raised his hand to signal the Great Wilderness Army to release Luke. Looking at Luke, he smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people, you can go back now." 

"Yes?" Luke is overjoyed. Seeing the two special forces soldiers beside him took a step back, there was a flash of excitement in Luke's eyes. He took a few steps back and saw no one coming to stop, he run away quickly. 

After Luke's figure almost disappeared, several special warfare soldiers beside Han Xin winked. Several special warfare soldiers nodded and followed quickly. 

"This kid is lying." Lu Kai said next to him. Everyone has experience. Although this young man named Luke is very cunning and smart, and his acting is also good, it is still not hidden from everyone's eyes! 

"If this is just an island, then we have to speed up." Han Xin said. 

"I'll lead the team." Le Yi said. Although Le Yi is now in his sixties, he is still in high spirit. His body is very strong! This is also the result of his years of exercise. 

"I'll go too." Lu also stood up. 

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"Ok." Han Xin did not object. Talk about a sudden battle, no one in the Great Wilderness Army is better at it than Le Yi. Han Xin is better at overall scheduling. In addition, there is also a Lu Pu with outstanding strategies, which can be said to be relatively safe. 

Soon, Le Yi and Lu then brought 3,000 elite soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army and disappeared from the public eye. According to the judgment of the people, on this small island, there can't be too much power. Three thousand soldiers should be enough. 

In the grass by the woods, Luke, who had just been released by the Great Wilderness Army, was running away desperately. 

"Who were these people just now? Could they be the people from the legendary New Sea Area?" Luke ran. While his eyeballs rolled quickly, guessing. "So many people must have some purpose. No, I have to report this important information to the island owner. With such a big credit, I should be able to enter the island owner's mansion and become a guard." 

The more Luke thought about it, the more excited he became. Work harder on your feet. He did not go to Xiangye Village where he was. Instead, run directly to the east of the island. A flat land near the coast. On the field, plants are planted at a height of about one meter. A fist-sized red fruit grows on it. That rich aroma is from these red fruits. And in the middle of the plains, there is a fortress made of stones! When seeing this fort, Luke couldn't help jumping up. He excitedly shouted. Only, what he didn't know was, not far behind, several special operations fighters are following closely behind. 

"This guy is lying." Le Yi and Lu are watching here with binoculars. Look at Luke's every move. 

"There should be the island's main mansion, should we attack directly, or..." Lei asked. 

"Encircle it first, see the situation, and then decide." Lu was more cautious. 

Lei nodded, Lu Pu's physique is a little weak, so he is unable to move quickly. It was led by Le Yi. With two thousand soldiers, under the cover of surrounding vegetation, they are a little bit closer to the stone fortress. The red fruit trees are not tall though, but it grows very densely. It is a good cover for the Great Wilderness Army, but they don't dare to get too close. Because the Great Wilderness Army discovered, on the stone fortress, Two guards stand. They all walked around carelessly and did not notice the Great Desolate Army under their noses at all. 

Luke soon came to the Island Lord's Mansion, after some exhausting explanation, he finally got in. After a while, he didn't come out. 

"Can't wait any longer, sneak in." Le Yi immediately ordered. 

Two beeps and the two guards on the stone fort were accurately killed by the snipers. This sniper rifle is naturally equipped with a silencer, there was no sound. Thirty agile special warfare soldiers immediately climbed up, and jump into the fort. 

Soon, there was a sudden movement inside. Immediately after, the gates of the fortress opened, It was a special forces soldier walking to the door. He waved at the Great Wilderness Army outside. Le Yi immediately understood what it meant. Immediately led the Great Wilderness Army and rushed over. They enter the fort gate, and there was a huge crowd of people squatting in the yard. There are dozens of people on the ground. There are more than a dozen guards who were shot and killed. 

"Sorry, General." A special warfare soldier came up and said to Le Yi, "As soon as we came in, we were discovered not long ago, so we had to do it." 

Le Yi frowned slightly and said, "How did you guys find out?" 

"This mouse." A special operations soldier walked over with a dead mouse in his hand. This mouse is very small. Only half the size of a palm. 

Le Yi took a few glances and couldn't help guessing: "This is estimated to be a unique product of this world, and we have to be more careful in the future." 

Then, he turned his head to look at the dozens of people who were pointed at by the special forces soldiers with guns. He take out the translation leaf, and asked loudly, "Who is the owner of the island here?" 

The voice fell, but no one answered. 

"Don't say?" Le Yi smiled lightly. This is not difficult for the experienced Great Wilderness Army. Immediately, several soldiers came up from all corners of the crowd. Five people were dragged away, taken to separate rooms and leave to conduct an interrogation. It didn't take long. None of these five people could withstand the interrogation of the Great Wilderness Army. What can be said, what cannot be said? All shook out. 

"It was you guy." Le Yi looked at a fat middle-aged man in the crowd. Immediately, soldiers stepped forward. The fat middle-aged man was pulled out. 

The fat middle-aged man suddenly let out a pig-killing cry, shouting: "You can't kill me, I am protected by the alliance." 

"Alliance?" Le Yi raised his eyebrows! 

"Yes, I am the island owner recognized by the alliance and the sheriff here." Seeing that Le Yi seemed to be frightened, the fat middle-aged man immediately raised his head and said loudly: "If you move me, you will be hunted down by the Alliance Navy! The ocean is so big that you can't escape anywhere... ah!" 

The words are not over yet, he was directly slapped by Le Yi. The already fat face is swollen even more exaggerated! 

"Be honest." Le Yi reprimanded and said: "What do I ask now, what do you answer, no matter how much you dare to say more, you will not be able to eat and walk around! 

"Yes Yes Yes." The fat middle-aged man touched his swollen right face. Immediately it became a low-brow pleasing to the eye, extremely obedient! 

"How far is the nearest navy from here?" Lei asked. 

From the words of an obese middle-aged man, Le Yi probably guessed. This so-called alliance should be the ruling organization of this world! The Navy must be an important force under the Alliance! 


"It's very close to here." The fat middle-aged man said in a serious tone: "You can come over in less than an hour. 

"So fast?" Le Yi was slightly surprised. 

"Of course." The fat middle-aged man said proudly: "It is a large naval territory stationed near here. It is in charge of the Modo commander. It has a commander-level warship, and the speed is very fast!" 

"Commander-class battleship?" Le Yi narrowed his eyes slightly! In this island world, boats are of course very important. Although the Great Wilderness Army brought a lot of weapons and large equipment, it is impossible to bring all the ships over. Besides, In the words of the obese middle-aged man, such a fast boat, taking the current shipbuilding level of the Xia Kingdom, they probably can't make it. After all, the Xia Kingdom has no such demand. 

"Immediately, notify General Han and others to come over." Le Yi quickly issued several orders in succession. 

Lock up the fat middle-aged man and the people in the yard, subsequently about to give another order. Suddenly, the moment a guard turned his head on the Great Wilderness Army soldier, and kick. He jumped over the gate of the fortress and fell outside. He was about to run away, then there was a bang of a gunshot, the guard held his right leg, and screamed! 

Seeing this scene, Le Yi couldn't help being a little surprised. Immediately have someone bring the guard in. 

"Is this the superhuman of this world?" Le Yi immediately guessed in his heart. Let the soldiers bandage this bodyguard. Le Yi personally interrogated: "Why are you different from others, why can you jump so high?" 

The guard gave Le Yi a surprised look. Then he said, "You don't know the fruit of ability?" 

"The Fruit of Ability?" Le Yi frowned slightly. 

"There are still people in this world who don't know the fruit of ability." The guard blinked, and then said: "I just ate a bouncing fruit, that's why I have such bouncing power!" 


"So, the fruit of this ability is a fruit or a fruit of a plant?" Lei asked. 

"More or less." The guard nodded and said, "It tastes the same as ordinary fruit, but it can give people a variety of abilities!" 

"Who the hell are you?" The guard glanced at Le Yi and the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army and said suspiciously: "I have never seen you like this before..." 

"It doesn't matter who we are." Le Yi said coldly, "Anyone with the ability fruit like you, are there still people here?" 

"That doesn't exist anymore." The guard shook his head and said, "The ability fruit is also a rare thing, and I was lucky enough to take one. If I hadn't run away, I wouldn't have used it at all. You came here to be a bodyguard, do you have other purposes?" 

Le Yi asked with a smile. "This fat guy is not a good person. Since he became the island owner here, the people below have had a hard time." 

The guard snorted coldly, "I lurked in here just to kill him!" 

The guard looked at Le Yi and said, "As long as you can get rid of these damn guys, I promise to keep this matter tight-lipped, including other people on the island, and won't tell the navy high secret!" 

"Is the navy scary? Lei asked. 

"Of course." A hint of fear flashed in the guard's eyes, and he said, "This fat guy can become the owner of this island because of a sister who is a concubine at the commander of Modo! You still kill people, run away quickly, if Modo finds out, it will be too late!" The guard advised. 

"Modo?" Le Yi heard the word and was about to ask something. Footsteps were heard outside. Le Yi turned to look. He saw that Han Xin and others were already trotting over in a hurry. 

"I have a general understanding of your situation here." As soon as Han Xin came in, he immediately said, "I have an idea." 

"Well, I have an idea too." Le Yi also said. 

The two looked at each other, there was a smile on the corners of their mouth

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