One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 168: CH 168

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He was surrounded by hundreds of soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army. Facing the muzzle of the guns, Modo feels like a dream. He is a dignified naval commander. The ruling party is famous, and this sea area exists like a great devil, now he is going to be captured?! 

Up to now, he was wounded and surrounded, and the soldiers under his hands were almost dead, It's only been an hour or so. Modo's face was a little complicated. Although with the fruit of ability, his physique is much stronger than ordinary people, being hit by a large armor-piercing projectile is not good. 

"Who the h*ll are you?" Modo glanced at the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army and asked coldly. Even with Modo's years of experience, he never saw these soldiers with strange weapons and wearing camouflage uniforms. What is the origin? Suddenly appeared on Fragrant Island, this is incredible. Like it just popped out of nowhere. Think along this line of thought. Modo was able to find the truth. 

Who would have thought that the Great Wilderness Army appeared out of thin air? Not to mention the combat power of the Great Wilderness Army. With those weapons in their hand, Modo had discovered it before but didn't expect such a small caliber muzzle to be able to launch such a powerful projectile, even the obsidian on his body can be broken! 

Now the weapons of the Great Wilderness Army have also been upgraded, the machine gun has been upgraded from the original four to five, which adds more power. The gun of ordinary soldiers has also been upgraded from the original submachine gun to an assault rifle. The rate of fire is faster with higher precision, and the range is also farther. It has the bonus of Iron Meteorite and Vibranium. 

Xia Guo's assault rifle range can reach more than 500 meters. But the main effect is used in close quarters. It is still very effective to deal with the naval soldiers here. To deal with the fruit of ability, they must use cannons and machine guns. And heavy rifles, there are no major changes though. But in the past few years, there is also a little improvement. 

"Stop talking nonsense, put your hands up, and don't resist." Le Yi shouted. 

Modo's eyes jumped slightly. Incomparable anger! When did he suffer such humiliation? But people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Finally, he only raises his hands obediently. Let the Great Wilderness Army bring him sea stone handcuffs. The sea stone handcuffs are a unique product of this world. It can effectively deal with the ability fruit. Once handcuffed, no matter how strong you are, you can't use any abilities. 

"The navy in this world is set up to deal with the lawless ability fruit people. They have invented many means to deal with ability fruit people. This sea stone handcuff is just one of them." After bringing Modo to the Commander-class warship, Le Yi said, "We can make full use of these means." 

"Let's interrogate first, who will go first?" Han Xin smiled. 

"Let me do it." Xu Tiande was the first to stand up. As the oldest general in the Great Wilderness Army, Xu Tiande has never made meritorious deeds. Of course, he also knew this is because he is old, and everyone is afraid of any damage to him. 

Han Xin and others naturally did not object. To interrogate this kind of thing, Xu Tiande is still very good at it. Not just Modo, at the same time, other captured naval soldiers were also being interrogated one by one. 

In a room, Modo who was handcuffed is sitting on a chair with a gloomy face, without saying a word. 

"Our target is not you." Xu Tiande looked at Modo and said, "The reason why I deal with you is just to know something from your mouth." 

"Humph." Modo sneered. He doesn't believe Xu Tiande's words at all. Such a big battle, and killed thousands of soldiers under him, but he said the target wasn't him? Saying this, not even a three-year-old would believe it. 

"Just ask you some basic questions, if you don't answer, the people under you will know." Xu Tiande continued: "How many troops are left in your base camp?" 

Modo's face became a little weird. Looking at Xu Tiande, he said, "You don't even know this?" 

"I won't come to ask you if I know." 

"You..." Modo frowned slightly. There was a glimmer of wonder in his eyes! The strength of the opponent. You don't know anything about the Navy?! 

"Is it possible that the goal of these people... is it not me?" Modo thought to himself. "The strength of these people completely crushed me. The target should not be me. If I cooperate well, maybe there is still a chance to escape, at least until the rescue of the navy." 

His eyes flickered, Modo said: "There is not much left, I have brought the main force. Since you don't know, I can give you some info. Although they are all leaders, there are also strong and weak points. Although I am famous in this sea area, I am only a small commander in the entire navy. Under my hand, I only have 10,000 navies and one commander-level warship. There are more powerful leaders above, some commanders have 30,000 to 50,000 soldiers under their command, and two or three search commander-level warships, it is not something I can compare with. And such leadership, there are so many in the Navy, all over the world. Not far from my side, there is such an existence." 

There was a slight warning in Modo's tone. Looking at Xu Tiande, whose expression did not change, he continued: "And above the commander, there is a more powerful existence, that is the Great commander, and the navy only obeys their orders. Every one of the Great commanders is extremely powerful, and they will shock a vast sea. The reason why our navy is deterring the whole world is because of these dozens of commanders!" 

"Great Commander?" Xu Tiande was shocked. Finally, he heard what he want. 

"Then you should know the name of Commander Leif?" Xu Tiande asked. 

"Commander Leif!?" Modo was slightly taken aback. Immediately, he glanced at Xu Tiande and suddenly laughed. 

"Haha, don't say it, your target is Commander Leif." A trace of disdain flashed in Modo's eyes, and he said, "Although your weapons are very powerful, for Commander Leif, it's just a tickle/ Commander Leif among many great commanders, is one of the most powerful people. Even among the powerhouses looking at the whole world, he is still at the top. No one dares to provoke him!" 

"Where is this Commander Leif located?" Xu Tiande asked. 

"It's not too far from our side. You can arrive in less than half a day by taking the commander-class battleship." Modo said. Immediately, he glanced at Xu Tiande and said, "But I advise you, don't kill yourself." 

What Modo meant was not to advise Xu Tiande. Instead, use aggressive methods. Let these people trouble, so he can find a chance to escape! 

Modo's intentions, how could Xu Tiande not see it. But he didn't bother to pay attention. A few more questions were asked, and get all the important information about Rafe. The inquiry is over, Xu Tiande got up and left. He hurried to another large room. Here, Han Xin, Le Yi, Guiguzi, and others all gathered together. 

"Inquire about the information about the commander of Leif, you can take a look." Xu Tiande put the interrogation results on the table. 

"There are also some results of the interrogation by Modo's subordinates, everyone should take a good look." Lu Sun also put down a pile of paper. The crowd quickly compared, and finally, they all nodded. 

"It seems that none of them lied." Han Xin: "Next, we will make a targeted plan for this commander Leif. According to the results of the interrogation, this Commander Leif has been on Leif Island all year round." 

Lu Kaikai said: "Leif Island is a very large island, it was not originally called this name. Leif changed it to his name after he moved in. According to the specifications of the navy here, the great commander usually leads around 100,000 troops, and this Leif, as the most powerful person among the great commanders, there must be more than this number. We could make an initial estimate of 150,000 or more. But the number of these soldiers is not the point, the key is Leif also has a group of powerful ability fruiters under his hands. Some special abilities, our weapons are very troublesome to deal with." 

Everyone nodded. If just like Modo, I'm afraid it will take more time and effort to capture. 

"And the most troublesome thing is Leif himself. Our conventional weapons, I'm afraid do not affect him!" Lu Chen said in a loud voice. 

"One step ahead." Han Xin replied: "According to the two tips given by His Highness, proceed with the next plan. Then go to the prison island and find the two ability fruiters on the kit. One is called Wang Lao, and the other is Wu Kong." 

These are also the two names given by the deduction system. If you want this mission to be successful, you need the help of these two. 

"Prison Island?" Xu Tiande's face was slightly solemn, and he said, "According to my interrogation just now. That Modo commander is not very familiar with this place. He just knew it was a very scary place. As the name suggests, it's an island exclusively for prisoners, but the prisoners inside, all of them are the fruit of ability. In such a place, the guard force must be very powerful. A frontal attack is not the best policy. Look at the situation first, and if it doesn't work, then use the second strategy." Han Xin said: "This is the first decision. Everyone, let's have a meal first and have a rest. Two hours before action!" 

The Great Wilderness Army is all ordinary people, they still have to eat and rest normally. But within these two hours, others didn't stop, they get busy preparing. They put a heavy weapon on the commander-class battleship. 

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Two hours later. 

The determination to go to the prison island has also been determined. Lu and Li Yi, who are good at water warfare, lead the team. Guiguzi himself sits in the town. Because of the commander-class battleship, a maximum of 3,000 people can be carried at one time. Therefore, the other Great Desolate Army can only take the rest of the ships, and follow far behind. As for Han Xin and Yan, they stay on Island, just in case. 

According to the prediction of the Great Wilderness Army, if everything goes well, it will not delay too much time. On this trip to Prison Island, a total of 20,000 soldiers, and dozens of warships. But the current number of the Great Wilderness Army is not critical, the heavy weapons on board are the key. 

"These guys are going to the prison Island?" See the direction the battleship is sailing. The imprisoned Modo quickly guessed the destination, not to be surprised. "Although the place on prison Island is not as scary as Leif Island, it's not much worse. Are these guys getting impatient?" Modo was a little shocked and thought a little excitedly. "But it's okay, when these guys are beaten down, I can take the opportunity to escape." 

The Commander-class battleship made the way ahead, and dozens of other warships follow! About three hours passed, and the shape of the island appeared in front of everyone. The whole shape of the island looks very much like a skull. 

"The prison island has arrived." The spirit of everyone in the Great Wilderness Army was lifted. Results from the interrogation, the Great Wilderness Army also knows. This skull is the famous symbol of Prison Island. So to the people outside, the Prison Island is called the "Island of the Dead". It is said that all prisoners who enter have never escaped! 

When approaching the prison island, the Great Wilderness Army is not only hidden. On the contrary, it was a big fanfare. It immediately caught the island's attention! Several warships were launched from the mouth of the bay to welcome. A battleship approaches the foremost Commander-class battleship. On the deck stood a man who looked like a lieutenant. Looking at this side, he shouted and asked, "Which navy are you from?" 

Boom! A cannonball flew out and landed on this battleship. A Direct blast and a big hole were blown up! It's a response to this lieutenant. 

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!" The lieutenant was a little shocked, but still reacted quickly, and shouted immediately. Soon several warships behind them responded. The alarm has been raised! 

Prison Island behind, the bay is open, and the warship is dispatched quickly. At the front are two, Commander-class battleships, and they are coming here fast. The first reaction to being attacked by the enemy is not retreating, but taking the initiative to fight back. You can also see his strength and confidence. 

"Hahaha, these guys are crazy, they dare to attack the prison island fleet at sea?" Seeing this scene, Modo laughed excitedly. "There are five Commander-level warships on Prison Island and hundreds of other warships. Are these guys crazy?" 

Modo is shocked and happy again. He is very familiar with the situation on the side of the Great Wilderness Army, all the battleships that belonged to him were only one Commander-class battleship, and the other battleships were also mediocre. At least it's nothing compared to the prison island. 

Boom Boom Boom! 

The Great Wilderness Army's artillery fire continues above the sea. The most powerful is the cannon with long-range. At this time, it is difficult to come in handy with the machine gun. But what makes Modo puzzled is, after a round of shelling, and after the sinking of a battleship on Prison Island, the Great Wilderness Army quickly retreated. It seems to have been prepared to withdraw quickly and decisively. They are also very fast. The two Commander-class battleships that set off from the mouth of the bay couldn't catch up at all. 

"Stop chasing, come back, and be careful of their trick of turning tigers away from mountains." A messenger snail in a battleship, there was a low male voice. These battleships didn't follow up. All they have to do is return to the bay. 

"What are these guys trying to do?" Modo was very puzzled, "Provoked the prison island fleet, and then threw it away!? Are you sick?" 

The people on the battleship that successfully escaped. Seeing that the prisoner island did not chase after him, they all breathed a sigh of relief. 

"No surprise." Le Yi said with emotion: "The Commander of this prison island has the same result as the interrogation, he is more cautious!" 

The Great Wilderness Army is not random. Because according to the results of the interrogation, the character of the commander of the prison island was known in advance. Just made such a plan. 

And on the other side, on a high platform on Prison Island, a middle-aged leader with a huge body is in charge of a group of subordinates watching the situation on the sea not far away. When seeing the fleet come back as ordered, he is slightly relieved. This middle-aged commander is Commander Ike, because of a cautious temperament, he was sent to Prison Island by the Navy to guard the island. Over twenty years, there were no surprises. 

"My lord is wise, these guys are probably just trying to get the tiger out of the way, but fortunately they were seen by the lord." A lieutenant flattered. 

Ike had no expression on his face but was still a little happy. He didn't eat this way before, but stayed in such a boring place all year round, especially the conscientious guard for decades, It has been praised several times by the Navy Headquarters. My heart is also a little fluttering. I feel really capable. Wait until the few lieutenants who went out of the battleship come back. 

Ike immediately asked: "What is the origin of those fleets? Did they dare to attack our vicious island? 

"Not very clear." A lieutenant frowned and said: "Looking at the shape of their ships, it is the same as the naval ships, even a Commander-class battleship!" 

"Is it another navy?" Ike frowned slightly and said, "But what kind of navy dares to attack us nearby?" 

"Not likely." A lieutenant said: "I think it should be a certain pirate group, pretending to be a navy, to raid us. 

"Should be." Ike nodded and said, "These pirates are getting more and more restless recently." 

There's nothing strange about Ike. On Prison Island, all are ability fruit users. Many of them were originally pirates, in the past, there were often pirate groups who wanted to raid the prison and rescue their accomplices, but it was all in vain because they were repulsed by Ike. 

"This pirate group has a capable person who is very powerful." The lieutenant who negotiated with the Great Wilderness Army in front said: "It is possible to launch large round projectiles, and these projectiles will explode, and the power is not small. And It's able to fire continuously. One of our battleships was blown up by them" 

"I saw it." Ike sneered and said: "It should be a certain ability fruit person who is not weak." 

"Then what do we do? Report to the Admiral?" Asked the lieutenant. 

"Report?" Ike immediately glared at the lieutenant. How can this be? Report this little thing. Isn't he saying that Ike is incompetent? If you leave a bad impression, that's bad. With Ike's credentials, keep doing it for a few more years. After thirty years, you can be transferred to the Navy Headquarters. Maybe, in the future, he can become a leader. 

"Don't worry about them, close the mouth of the bay, and for the last few days, no boats are allowed in or out!" Ike ordered decisively. 

No one dared to object, as everyone knows Ike's temperament, he is very cautious. He guarded the prison island for decades, and after being praised by the Admiral. This caution is all the more exaggerated. The whole bay is about to be closed. For Ike, nothing is more important than no accident on the prison island. Especially in the critical period when he will be transferred in a few years, absolutely can't happen. Nothing can happen. The mouth of the bay will be completely closed soon, and no ships are allowed in or out. 

Seeing this scene, Modo, who was locked in the room, laughed out loud. 

"These guys should be trying to rob the prison island, what do they do now? With Ike's temperament, it won't be reopened for two or three days." At this time, Modo also relies on his ingenuity. The Great Wilderness Army should be disguised by a certain pirate group, their purpose is to rescue the comrades inside. 

In another room, on Le Yi and Lu Sun's faces, there was a smile. The first plan to attack the prison island worked. Next is the second step, It is also the most important step. 

"In ten minutes, start the raid!" Lu Sun ordered. Naval battle? This is impossible. Because of the lack of ships. The Great Wilderness Army had no such plan. It is the best policy to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses. The reason why they attacked the prison island fleet just now, the main reason is that let the cautious Ike command the order to close the mouth of the bay This way, the battleships outside can't get in. The battleships inside can't even come out, the whole island is equivalent to being completely blocked. This is the aim of the Great Wilderness Army. 

Time passed little by little, and ten minutes passed quickly. Modo who is happy in the room, suddenly felt wrong, immediately after, he heard a roar. From far to near, soon, it came to a head. Modo quickly looked out the window, the next moment, he saw a scene that shocked him.

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