One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 169: CH 169

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A roar continued to come, it is getting closer, and louder. 

"What the h*ll?" Modo raised his head and looked to the sky. 

The next moment, he sees, above that cloudless blue sky, small black spots appeared. These little black dots are rapidly magnifying at a rate visible to the naked eye. Within a short period, from far to near. 

At this time, Modo also saw clearly. These black spots are strange objects with only big wings. Its appearance is white. It is several meters long, and the head is oval. The most obvious is there are two big wings on the sides. This is something Modo has never seen before. And what surprised Modo the most is the amazing speed of these unknown objects. In the blink of an eye, it galloped past the battleship. It is fast! 

"What are these things?" Modo was completely shocked. 

With the broad knowledge, he has lived for decades, he has also never seen or heard of such a thing. These are one of the most outstanding inventions and creations of the Great Wilderness Army in the past ten years, the first generation of fighter jets. A product of the Wright Aircraft Group. The aircraft group has developed a third-generation aircraft, and It has also been successfully used in the military. 

From the beginning, the Great Wilderness Army never thought of using tanks or battleships as the main force. Now that there are fighter jets, let the fighter jet take off directly from the airfield in the Royal Tombs, and soar to the sky through planetary passages. 

In the fight for this promotion, the Great Wilderness Army works overtime every day, they made nearly a thousand fighter jets. This first batch of fighter jets coming in, there are five hundred! 

In Modo's wide eyes, five hundred fighter jets roared and went in the direction of Prison Island. Correct, according to the plan formulated by Han Xin and other high-level officials, to deal with the prison island, they intended to directly use fighter jets to carry out indiscriminate bombing to blow up hundreds of warships inside, especially those five Commander-class battleships. 

If it is in the sea, the speed of the Commander-class battleship is too fast, which makes it difficult to aim. The key point here is to let the prison island automatically close the mouth of the bay. The battleship can only stay in there obediently, and can't get out at all. 

A huge roar sounded in the sky. 

On the observation platform of Prison Island. 

Ike, who was thinking of going down to rest, led the crowd, they all raised their heads to look in the direction where the roar came from. Immediately, they saw black spots one by one, from far to near, rushing towards this side densely. As the distance gets closer, a clear silhouette of five hundred fighter jets appeared in the eyes of everyone. 

Everyone's eyes widened, at first everyone thought it was a bird, but after seeing the specific appearance of the fighter it is not. What bird looks like this? 

"What is this?" Commander Ike raised a bad feeling in his heart and immediately asked loudly. 

"No, I don't know." A lieutenant next to him shook his head. The others also shook their heads. 

"Alarm, hurry up and sound the alarm, the whole island pays attention to preparations, enemy attack, enemy attack!" Commander Ike calmed down a little. Although I don't know what these unknown objects are, the order has been issued. 

All the lieutenants around were busy, but the fighter was too fast, they haven't gotten very far. Five hundred fighter jets have passed through the sea outside towards the prison island. The huge roar attracted the attention of everyone on the island, including people in prisons. They crowded in front of the narrow window to look at this amazing scene in the sky. The next moment, Everyone sees it. On top of these unidentified objects with large wings, all of a sudden, black dots came down to the mouth of the bay below. 

The Bay at this time is on the orders of Ike's commander, all are blocked. No ship can get in or out, including the three huge Commander-class battleships, the boat stayed still in the mouth of the bay. 

Five hundred fighter jets were divided into several batches, the first batch dropped a lot of ammo. They are concentrated in the area of the mouth of the bay and bombed from the sky. The accuracy is lower than that of artillery, but it doesn't matter, as the target range is large. In addition to the number of fighters, five hundred were dispatched, and the remaining fighters behind are also in preparation. In terms of ammunition, there is no shortage from the Great Wilderness Army. I don't know how much is stored in the warehouse. 

When a shell land on a battleship, a loud bang sounded. It is directly below the hull of this battleship. The shell from behind are falling one after another, some land on the battleships, some fell into the water, and some fall outside the mouth of the bay, but without exception, all blow-up. 

In a short moment. 

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

Explosion sound one after another and resounded throughout the island. For a while, around the entire island, It's all rumbling explosions. Group after group of fighter jets followed, and the falling shells did not stop at all. Battleships and other ships parked in the mouth of the bay are living targets. 

When the shells came, some battleships are not so lucky, it was hit by dozens of shells. In that violent rumbling, the battleship was blown to pieces, and disintegrated on the spot. The other ships did not fare well either, there are too many ships in the mouth of the bay. When a shell fell, It's hard not to hit one. 

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

The endless explosion sounded in everyone's ears. Until five hundred fighter jets have completely flown by, the first round of bombing baptism has passed. Commander Ike and others on the watchtower are completely dumbfounded. They stared blankly in the direction of the mouth of the bay, It was a mess. Of the hundreds of ships, not a single one was safe. A dozen or so have been shattered and sunk into the water. Half of the battleships were bombed out of shape. Horrible, it is severely damaged. 

The other ships are more or less affected. Smoke filled the air on the remaining ships, and the raging fire is burning. Firelight illuminated the surrounding water. It also showed the panic in everyone's hearts. 

locked in the room. 

Modo looks at the mouth of the bay, his eyes are even more rounded. He can't believe he just saw all this. It's only less than ten minutes, the proud fleet of Prison Island... Is it just like that?! Although about half of the ships were not damaged, most were badly damaged. IT can't move at all. Half of the ships were heavily damaged, It is not an exaggeration to say that it was destroyed. 

At this time, Modo heard that terrible roar resounding in the sky again. He look up and saw the unknown objects fly over again. Five hundred fighter jets, the second round of bombing begins. The goal is to destroy the prison island fleet. The plan "fairly went well." 

Le Yi, who was watching the action of the fighters with binoculars on the boat, breathed a sigh of relief. 

"The second step... the island landing plan." Lu Sun ordered. On the boat, Lu Sun, who is good at water warfare, is the decision-maker. 

Five hundred fighter jets come quickly to the top of the island, and another series of shells dropped. 

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

Countless intensive bombings sounded. It is deafening. Ike and other prison island executives were shocked, they have already reacted at this time. The other party wants to destroy their most powerful fleet. What else can be done? There is no way! These unknown objects flying in the air. Such a fast "big bird"! Nobody can handle it. 

They can only watch helplessly at the hundreds of warships in the mouth of the bay that was hit successively by the falling shells. Blast! Fracture! The fire was burning. Then they sank into the water one by one. 

"Commander, we have to ask the Navy Headquarters for help." A lieutenant spoke hurriedly. 

"No no." Commander Ike clenched his fists and roared. What are you kidding? The prison island fleet is now almost completely wiped out, such a big loss. If let the above knowledge, he would be severely punished. At the time, don't talk about promotion and getting rich, not being punished is fine. 

"Highest vigilance! Highest vigilance!" Ike glanced at the people under his hands and said almost frantically: "Everyone moves, all the soldiers take up arms for me. Guard our island. We can't let these bloody b*stards land on the island. None of them. If someone let an enemy in, I'll kill them!" 

With years of experience, Ike also judged. The enemy bombed the fleet. The next step, It's going to be on the island. He commanded loudly and the lieutenants and soldiers on the prison island moved. Although most of the hundreds of warships were destroyed, there are 50,000 naval officers here, not a single one was injured. 

On the land, they are a very powerful force. Under Ike's frantic tone, they start the emergency mobilization and quickly came to the back of the bay. A simple line of defense is laid out. It is the only entrance to Prison Island. Other places are either blocked, or the terrain is steep. It's hard to come in. Staying here, the enemy can do nothing. 

At the same time. 

The fleet led by Lu Sun and Le Yi has already rushed towards the mouth of the bay. A Commander-class battleship, plus dozens of ordinary warships formed a fan-shaped formation, and cover the mouth of the bay. 

"Fire, free fire!" Lu Sun ordered. 

Immediately, the shells are fired one after the other, through the air over the sea towards the defensive position behind the mouth of the bay. 

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

Cannonballs landed on the ground, and there was a loud bang. Encountered cannon shells for the first time, these navies simply don't know how to respond, they were still waving their weapons. They want to block with a sword! As the result, is completely unstoppable. They were blown to pieces. 

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But at the same time. 

Lu Sun and Le Yi also saw it, several lieutenants from the Prison Island, used their fruit abilities. One of the lieutenants can even summon green vines. He uses these vines to block the falling shells back. 

"The ability fruit of Fierce Island is a trouble." Le Yi frowned slightly. 

"Increase the offensive! The fighter jets conduct the third round of bombing!" Lu Sun is also aware of the difficulty of these fruit-powered people, immediately another order was given. 

This time the goal of the five hundred fighter jets is not a battleship in the mouth of the bay, It is the soldiers on the defensive position. The commander-class battleship under him also continued to move forward, and get closer to the prison island. But because the mouth of the bay is closed, they can't get in. They can only stay at the nearest place outside the mouth of the bay and swing sideways. 

The Great Wilderness Army has set up a series of machine guns, and countless bullets are pouring out frantically. It went straight to the position behind the mouth of the bay. 

Just for a moment, hundreds of prison island navy soldiers were shot, and fell to the ground and died. Although the prison island has fifty thousand soldiers, almost all are ordinary people, including lieutenants, and there is not much fruit of ability. There are very few powerful ones. 

When the machine speed guns came out, they directly suppressed the soldiers on the defensive line at the mouth of the bay, completely unable to lift their heads. Even the lieutenant who can summon vines, under this crazy firepower, the vine were shot straight away. 

"Ask for support, ask for support." This lieutenant pass the word snail and shouted. 

Commander Ike on the watchtower had already noticed that something was wrong. 

"No, no, these people must not be allowed to rush to the island." Ike clenched his hands, gritted his teeth, and roared inwardly. Immediately ordered: "Others, come with me, block these b*stards for me." 

Ike holds the long sword, out in person, leading the remaining lieutenants and lieutenants to the defensive position. This position is also spent by Ike for several years repairing to prevent the enemy from landing on the island. 

Before, there were several raids by pirate groups, but not yet close to the mouth of the bay. In naval battles, they were defeated by the Prison Island Fleet, so this position is completely useless. But did not expect, not only did the fleet lose more than half of it today, but even the positions were beaten down. 

The Navy here has no ranged weapons, at most a small team of archers. Several ability fruiters can attack remotely. Not to mention the prison island, in this world, there are only a few people who can achieve long-range strikes. For the vast majority, It's all about being close. 

The establishment of the navy is to deal with these ability fruit people. No one thought of it, and suddenly appeared such a group of terrifying guys who have both long-range and capable of aerial bombardment. Only, Ike and others were completely wrong, the Great Wilderness Army had no intention of landing on the island head-on. 

Such a frantic attack is mainly to cover the real island landing plan. The Great Wilderness Army is not here to occupy the island, the only purpose is to take away the two prisoners held on the island. 

While attacking, the people of the special forces also began to act. They jumped into the blocked mouth of the bay, and get ready to open this bay mouth gate from the inside, but it doesn't seem to open. At last, they can only use explosives to blow up. 

Seeing the special forces in action, Commander Ike on the position was agitated again. He felt uneasy. Immediately said: "They want to open the gate of the bay, stop them, don't let them open!" 

Ike's tone was almost roaring. Others are also in a hurry. If this allows the Great Wilderness Army to open the door, the consequences could be disastrous, they just can't think of it. 

This is mainly used by the Great Wilderness Army to attract attention. According to the judgment of Le Yi and Lu Sun, there are still some ability fruiters on the prison island. If it's a real fight, don't waste time talking. There may also be some casualties, this is what the Great Wilderness Army does not want to see. 

A powerful lieutenant led the team in person with a team of elite prison island soldiers, they headed towards the bottom of the bay to kill. They want to stop the action of the special forces. But he was immediately greeted by the artillery and machine guns of the Great Wilderness Army. There are also heavy sniper rifles that come from time to time in the dark. The bombardment in the sky continued, and the target is the soldiers in the position. The surrounding woods are on fire. 

This time in the aircraft group, it is not all fighter jets, there are a few more normal planes. It is equipped with a special combat soldier who is fully armed and has a parachute. These planes pass through the mouth of the bay and came to the back of the prison island. 

"Firebombs fired!" See the time is right, Lu Sun immediately ordered. 

Immediately, the incendiary bombs were fired. The areas in front of the prison island. No lethality, but it can ignite nearby substances. And, the key is the smoke that billows up. it completely blocked the surrounding vision. 

Ike and others couldn't even think of it, behind the prison island, the Great Wilderness Army Special Warfare soldiers are jumping off the plane with the parachute opened. They slowly landed on the grass below. For this landing action, the Great Wilderness Army is also fully prepared in advance. Trained and simulated again and again. This time, all 30 special combat fighters landed successfully. It's just that a few people are located farther away, but no big deal. Twenty people nearby gathered together, and quickly sneak towards the prison of the prison island. 

Although the outside is desperately defending, here in prison, there are still many soldiers and a lieutenant guarding it. But most of the attention was focused on the defensive battle at the mouth of the bay. They didn't realize it at all, under the nose, twenty or more special warfare soldiers of the Great Wilderness Army slipped in. They quietly came to the outside of the dungeon, special forces soldiers under the prison gate buried a powder pack. 

After a while, a loud bang sounded. The iron gate cannot withstand such a large impact and was directly blasted. The lieutenant and guard soldiers inside were startled, and immediately, the lieutenant guarding the prison with dozens of guards rushed out quickly. 

As soon as they come out, a barrage of bullets hit them. More than 20 special combat fighters, holding more than 20 assault rifles, aim at the prison gate and shoot like crazy. Almost all of the dozens of guards fell to the ground in an instant. The lieutenant, under such concentrated firepower, even the fruit ability has no time to use. 

According to the results of the trial of Modo, fruit ability, at a low level, there is also a reaction time. If you reach this level of leadership, It's hard to think about a sneak attack. But even if raided, the lieutenant did not die immediately. 

Special forces soldiers rushed up, from this badly wounded lieutenant, he took out the key to the prison, and rush in quickly. There are several guards in there, this time, the special forces soldiers did not directly kill, but left a few alive. 

They open the prison, and immediately, there was a loud sound. Because this time the translation leaves are placed on the leading special forces soldier, therefore, It is also possible to understand the screams of the prisoners locked inside. There was a huge noise outside just now, everyone here has heard it. Then they saw the special forces fighters rushing in. They immediately realized that these people should have come to raid the prison, they shouted. 

The fighters grab a few guards. As he walked in, he asked, "Where are Wang Yu and Wu Kong?" 

"Over there." A guard pointed to a room not far away. 

Special forces soldiers rushed over immediately. In the room indicated by the guard, they saw a dozen or so dirty prisoners. 

"Which two are Wang Yu and Wu Kong?" The special forces soldier asked loudly. 

More than a dozen prisoners suddenly turned their attention and aim at the two people in the corner. One has dark skin but bright eyes, the other was thin, but his face was disfigured. It seems to have been burnt! Both are young. He looks like he is only in his twenties. 

"You are Wang Yu and Wu Kong?" The special forces soldier asked. 

"Who... are you?" The dark-skinned boy stared at the special forces soldier and asked back. 

"The people that came to rescue you, come with us." The special forces soldier pulled the dark-skinned boy. 

Unexpectedly, this guy blocked the iron railing of the prison with one hand. Don't let go! 

"Come on, there's no time left, do you want to stay here for the rest of your life?" The special forces soldier said sharply. 

The dark-skinned boy hesitated. The skinny boy who was disfigured behind him said in a hoarse voice, "Follow them." 

"Alright." The dark-skinned boy seemed to listen to the words of the thin and disfigured boy. That's when he let go. The two left with the special forces soldiers. 

The other prisoners also wanted to go out, but after a barrage of bullets by special forces fighters, they stay back. Although this is an alien planet, the Great Wilderness Army is still strictly disciplined. What can be done and what cannot be done, are still very clear. 

After leaving the prison, they did not forget to re-lock the door. It completely dumbfounded the group of prisoners shouting inside. With two teenagers, the special forces fighters ran towards a cliff behind the prison. Under this cliff, there is already a battleship waiting here. A special combat soldier takes out a bundle of thick ropes. One end was firmly tied to a large tree, and throw the other end down. 

The Great Wilderness Army on the battleship below caught the rope and tied it to the battleship. They made a simple zipline. The two special forces fighters acted first each with a teenager, grabbing the pulley on the rope, and sliding down fast. 

After the two teenagers landed safely on the ground battleship, the other special combat fighters just came down one by one. After all the people came back, the rope was cut. The battleship quickly turned away. 

This air rescue operation was completed!

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