One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 171: CH 171

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"It's a fight, Apoo, and the others fight with Leif." Wang Yu and Wang Kong borrowed the telescope from the Great Wilderness Army. 

On Leif Island, the giant Leif is fighting with the three supernovas of Apoo, Paul, and Kidd. The three supernovas are all power fruiters. What can be called a supernova all are the best among the younger generation? The strength can even be comparable to those of ordinary commanders. 

In the navy, there is also a huge difference in the strength between the great commander and the great commander. Like Leif, he is the most powerful one. 

"Can they win?" Wang Jiao asked nervously. 

"Hard to say." Wang Kong shook her head. Her face was a little dignified. 

At the same time, Han Xin, Le Yi, Lu Sun, and other generals are also watching the battle on the island. Apo, Paul, and Kidd are three supernovae, and they cooperate tacitly. Advance and retreat in an orderly manner. Use their fruit abilities and unique skills. Surround the giant Leif in the middle, and launched a wave after wave of attacks. 

From the surface, Leif seems to have been beaten to the ground, and there is no way to fight back. The situation is showing a one-sided trend, but Han Xin and others are not optimistic. They learned from Wang Kong and Modo, they already knew about the strength of the giant Leif. 

"Before, Apoo and others challenged Leif several times." Lu Yi analyzed: "But it has never been successful, Mainly because Leif's giant fruit is horrible. After taking it, not only will you turn into a giant, but your physique will become super powerful. It is known as the strongest body in the navy. Even if Leif stood there and let the three supernovas hit, he wouldn't be hurt. So..." Lu glanced at everyone and continued: "We can't put our hopes on these three supernovas, we must plan for the worst!" 

That's exactly what happened, on Leif Island, they went on for half a day, It looks like Leif the Giant is taking the beating. The three supernovas used all kinds of moves, but Leif's face was calm. Let these moves fall on him. 

He glanced at the three supernovas without itching and laughed: "Apop, Paul, Kidd, your strength has improved a little these days, but it's still not enough, tickle me, go on, go on!" 

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Wang Yu on the boat clenched his fists slightly, a little angry, and a little helpless: "Why is this Leif's physique so strong? Apoo and the others can't break the defense?" 

"It appears that those rumors about Leif are not false." Wang Kong said: "It is said that Leif used to be a pirate and was caught by the navy more than a dozen times. Every time he was tortured and punished, even was guillotined several times, but no matter what, Leif's head can't be chopped off. Fire, water, lightning... they have exhausted all the methods, and they can't do anything about Leif. At last, as a last resort, Leif was recruited to be the great commander. Fortunately, Leif's attack power is not as strong as his defense power, not so strong, otherwise..." Wang Kong looked at the fighting on the island and said, "He is invincible. Not to mention three supernovae, even ten more will be useless." 

"This opportunity is such a good one." Wang Yu was a little unwilling to say: "Everyone else on Leif Island is in chaos, and Leif is the only one left. If this opportunity is missed, later, it will be even harder to deal with Leif. No, I'm going to help Apoo and the others!" 

Wang Prison is about to go out, when Wang Kong stopped him and said, "It's useless for you to go." 

"At least it can help a little bit, maybe it will work." Wang Yu said anxiously. 

"Don't be in a hurry." Wang Kong persuaded: "The only hope now may be placed on those people in the outer world!" 

"Them?" Wang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he wondered: "Their weapons are indeed powerful, but can they be stronger than the supernova's attack? The three supernovas can't beat Leif together. These people are even more unlikely. 

"I don't know why these people came to deal with Leif, but..." Wang Kong said indifferently: "I have a hunch that they must have come prepared!" 

At this time, a Great Wilderness Army soldier came outside and said, "You two, General Han, have an invitation!" 

"Ok?" Wang Yu and Wang Kong were slightly startled and looked at each other. Then they follow the soldiers and went into the conference room. 

Inside the conference room, Han Xin, Le Yi, Zhang Liang, and others gathered together. Every detail and step of the final destruction plan is being negotiated. 

Seeing Wang Yu and Wang Kong arrive, Han Xin raised his head and said, "You two, please take a seat, please come here, because there is something I need your help with." 

"Help?" Hearing this sentence, Wang Yu paused. He couldn't help asking: "You... are you o deal with Leif?" 

"Of course." Han Xin couldn't help laughing and said, "Otherwise, why would we spend so much time saving you from the prison island?" 

"But..." Wang Yu hesitated for a while but still said: "You have also seen Leif's strength. His body is very powerful, and your weapons may not be able to break the defense!" 

"We know this." Han Xin smiled and said, "So we need a more thorough plan and need your help!" 

Before this, after seeing the battle of the three supernovas besieging Leif, the Great Wilderness Army abandoned the previous two plans. Before coming to Rafe Island this time, the Great Wilderness Army has formulated a total of four plans to kill Leif! One of the plans is to use the super zombie virus to infect Rafe. 

Although it may not be fully infected, as Leif's consciousness becomes blurred, it is enough. Last time when they were in the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination, that's how it is against the flame giant. Then use heavy weapons to kill Leif. 

But this infection plan, after seeing Leif's defense, they are directly abandoned by the Great Wilderness Army. Such a horrible body, a super zombie virus is not going to work. The latest super zombie virus that was developed by Dr. Chen, at most, can infect characters at the level of Modo, there is no way to go any further. 

Another plan is to use fighter jets and the Sky-Splitting Cannon to converge bombing on Leif. Use countless gunpowder to injure Leif, or even kill him. But this plan, the success rate is even lower than in the infection plan. The Great Wilderness Army was just trying it out, now seeing the amazing physique of the giant Leif, they just gave up. 

There are only two plans left, and these two plans, need the help of Wang Yu and Wang Kong. Especially the ability of Wang Yu. 

"What are your plans?" Wang Kong asked. Although she is a prophet, she is not omniscient. Each cast of Prophecy takes a lot of effort! 

"We are preparing to ambush Leif somewhere on the island, but the precise location cannot be determined, so we need your help." Han Xin looked at Wang Kong. 

"No problem." Wang Kong is very decisive and immediately agreed. She helps the Great Wilderness Army deduce the best location! 

"What about me?" Wang Yu also asked eagerly. "It's useful for you to wait, don't worry." 

Han Xin smiled, and immediately, begin to make arrangements in full swing. Soon, Wang Kong deduced the best position, the Great Wilderness Army mobilized a large number of manpower based on this position. 

At the same time, box after box of gunpowder is being transported. That's right, the Great Wilderness Army is going to bury a very large amount of gunpowder to blast Leif to the sky in one fell swoop. On the specific amount of gunpowder, there are some disputes within the Great Wilderness Army. 

At last, just to be on the safe side, they directly shipped about five thousand tons of gunpowder. Last time when they were in the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination, against the dark elves, it was just two hundred tons. It blew up the dark elf to a disgraceful face, horrible to see. 

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According to Jiang Fan's guess. 

"This is at least a second-level extraordinary." Watching the picture of the Giant Leif fighting the three supernovae, Jiang Fan already has a judgment in his heart. It's also the enemy of the current Great Wilderness Army, the most powerful extraordinary individual. 

"No wonder it's an Eternal Rank mission, this is at least a Level 2 Transcendent." Jiang Fan couldn't help muttering to himself. The difference between the first and second levels is very big! Like the Amethyst Behemoth cultivated by Prince Qing, it is already considered a leader in the first class. The flame giant is even stronger but doesn't compare to the Giant Leif. Even an ordinary commander like Modo can't compare. And the strength of Modo, It is estimated that it is the highest peak of the first level. Grand Commander level is at least it's level two. Leif is the most powerful in the Great Commander. The key is that extremely exaggerated physique. 

"No wonder the deduction system said that the success rate was 30%." Jiang Fan couldn't help muttering to himself: "The deduction system still saves face. If this is attacked with conventional tactics, it is estimated that it is less than ten percent." 

With five thousand tons of gunpowder, shipping is a big issue. That's the equivalent of 5,000 big boxes. It's not bad. The dozens of Flame Giants captured by the Great Wilderness Army came in handy. These Flame Giants are now taken by the Great Wilderness Army and completely served. It was also shipped this time. The only thing that works as a freighter. 

A Flame Giant carrying several large boxes, and running fast to Leif Island. Ship the box to the designated location. At the same time, the rest of the Great Wilderness Army was not idle either. They work together too. After several trips, all five thousand large boxes have been shipped. 

At this time, the fight between the three supernovas and the giant Leif was also the most intense time. 

"Enough of your tickling, it's my turn." Giant Leif laughed. Immediately, the counterattack begins! With one punch, the nearest Apoo was knocked out. Three supernovas have been under siege for so long, that their physical strength is also consumed a lot. But the reason why the three dared to be so bold, and take the initiative to provoke the giant Leif, is because the abilities of the three are extremely special and powerful. 

The giant Leif's counterattack has begun. One punch shoot all three supernovae into the air, but the three did not give up. Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, and stood up again. 

"If you dare to come on my island today, don't even think about leaving." Leif the Giant strode towards the three of them. He stamped into the ambush site of the Great Wilderness Army. 

"It's done!" Seeing this scene, Han Xin and other high-level officials, and Wang Kong are all relieved. Wang Kong's prophecy is still reliable. 

Boom Boom-! Giant Leif trampled onward, and the ground trembled. He didn't notice at all, under his feet, a few leads are burning. Just in case, this time, the Great Wilderness Army ignited several leads at the same time. 

A small voice sounded, but it was very noisy around. Those soldiers who mutated and became zombies are still running around and covering up all this. The giant Leif continued to move forward and stepped on the center of 5,000 tons of gunpowder. The lead ignited to the end. 

The next moment, a loud bang sounded. It was a loud noise that could no longer be described in words. The whole ground exploded. Countless dirt, stones, vegetation on the ground, nearby buildings... all flew out. A terrifying and destructive shock wave along with the air. Instantly from the center of the explosion spread it all around! 

Within a radius of kilometers, all life and things fly away/ The earth is shaking like a mountain. Even the air is shaking violently. This is a terrifying equivalent of 5,000 tons. The nearest ten-meter-tall building around, at this moment, turned into powder. 

Apoo and the other three who were standing in the distance were also affected, they get down quickly. Wait until they get back on their feet, just to see, in the center of that explosion, there is a huge pit. The surroundings are already bare, except for the blackened dirt. Nothing. 

"This... this..." The faces of Wang Yu and Wang Kong on the boat were dumbfounded. Such terrifying power, don't say they've seen it, they never heard of it. Almost the power of the gods. 

And the three supernovae were also instantly stunned, with their strength, at the moment when the explosion happen, they also felt a mortal danger. If you get closer, not to mention death, they are going to be hit hard. Even with their powerful fruit ability, there is absolutely no way to stop such a terrifying explosion. 

"Is this the bottom-of-the-box weapon for these people? How terrifying." Wang Yu was so shocked that even his voice trembled, and his hands are shaking slightly. 

"No wonder, no wonder these visitors from the outside world dare to come to attack Leif?" Wang Kong was also shocked and excited. Such a terrible weapon exceeded the imagination of the two. 

"Leif should be damned now." Wang Yu immediately thought of something, and excitedly laughed. He picked up the binoculars, and look towards the center of the explosion on the island. 

In the huge pothole that was blown up, there is a huge body. At this time, the giant Leif is charred all over. Seems to be burnt, but when Wang Yu saw the situation of the giant Leif, his face changed suddenly. 

"No, why is Leif... Nothing at all!?" Not just Wang Yu, but others were also shocked to see, the giant Leif lay down in the big pothole. His heart was heaving slightly, but not dead yet. Not even a piece of meat was blown off. 

After a while, Leif in the pit gets up from the ground slowly and reaches out. He patted the black spot on his body. In the eyes of everyone surprised, these black spots are like snowflakes, falling little by little, revealing the intact skin inside. 

"Hahaha!" Leif laughed loudly, with a hint of anger in his laughter: "Very good, very good, since I took the giant fruit, I have never encountered such a terrible attack!" Certainly, It wasn't the three of you that did it. Leif glanced at the three supernovae, and immediately, look at the battleship of the Great Wilderness Army, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "You little mice, I have already discovered you. How dare you set a trap for me. A pity, that you have done all the calculations, but you still underestimated my giant physique. I am the giant Leif with the strongest body in the world, you can't kill me." 

"It's over, it's over!" Wang Yu shouted in grief: "With such an attack, none of them can kill Leif, who can kill him later. Get out, get out, I'm afraid we will have to wait at least ten years before we can defeat and kill Leif." 

The three supernovas are also quite frustrated, after such a terrible explosion, they all thought that the giant Leif will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die. But did not expect it, there was no injury at all! 

"Giant Leif, it's still too powerful!" Even Wang Kong felt unprecedented helplessness. 

Only Han Xin and others were lightly surprised by this, but still within the acceptable range. Not to mention Jiang Fan who has been observing, If you can use gunpowder to succeed, It doesn't take much to prepare. 

"Wang Yu, get ready and show your abilities later!" Han Xin shouted. 

Wang Yu was immersed in disappointment and depression. "What?" 

Wang Yu was slightly taken aback. Immediately looked at Han Tao: "Aren't you escaping yet? The explosion here must have attracted the attention of the navy. There are other powerful commanders around here. If you don't flee quickly, you won't be able to escape later!" 

"Who said we were going to escape?" Han Xin smiled and said, "I just tested the water, now is our real offensive." 

"Real offensive?" Wang Yu and Wang Kong looked at each other. They all saw in each other's eyes a bit of surprise. Such a terrible weapon is just to test the water? 

"Don't hesitate, get ready and use your abilities to help us." Han Xin shouted: "The chance is just this one time. The ultimate plan of destruction." 

Wang Yu was slightly startled, he followed Han Xin's orders with a confused look, and start to use his fruit ability. 

And the same time address. above the sky, a plane is heading towards Rafe Island at high speed. The ultimate plan of destruction... has started!

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