One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 170: CH 170

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After they rescued Wang Yu and Wu Kong, the purpose of the Great Wilderness Army has also achieved. The frontal firepower began to slowly recede, and the battleship also retreated at the same time. 

"Wrong!" Seeing this strange movement of the Great Wilderness Army, Commander Ike frowned slightly. With the current situation, the Great Wilderness Army has the upper hand. Why did you just withdraw like this? 

At this time, the news that the prisoners in the prison were robbed came. Ike was slightly startled, and immediately asked: "How many prisoners did these guys take away?" 

"Only two people?" A lieutenant replied. 

"Two people!?" Ike's eyes widened. So much effort just to take two people? Ike is also reacting now. Just now, the Great Wilderness Army has attracted their attention, the real target is the prison behind it. 

"Yes, there are two prisoners, one is called Wang Yu and the other is called Wu Kong." The lieutenant replied. 

"Wang Yu? Wu Kong?" Ike was slightly taken aback. Who is this? There are thousands of prisoners on the island. Ike also only knew some famous people. Prisoner Like Wang Yu and Wu Kong, he didn't know it at all. 

"Commander, we should report this matter to the navy headquarters. The strength on the other side is too strong, and we are not an opponent." Said the lieutenant. 

"Report what?" Ike's voice suddenly became louder and said: "Do you want me to die? Anyway, no important prisoners have been kidnapped, so let it pass." 

Ike was reluctant to report. On the contrary, let the people under the hand be tight-lipped. This is also in the arms of the Great Wilderness Army. A little less hassle is a little more. 

On the Commander-class battleship. 

In a large room, Wang Yu and Wu Kong were brought here. The Great Wilderness Army has released the sea stone handcuffs on the hands of the two. 

"You should be the Wang Yu." Han Xin looked at the dark boy and asked with a smile. 

"And you are Wu Kong." Han Xin turned to the emaciated and disfigured boy beside him, and said, "You should be a woman." 

Is male or female, naturally, it couldn't be hidden from Han Xin's eyes! The gap between men and women is still obvious. The thin and disfigured girl pushed aside the long hair that had been covering her face and looked at Han Tao: "I... I saw it before, you aren't from this world?" 

"Ok?" Hearing this, Han Xin frowned slightly. Others were wary, Han Xin hasn't asked a question yet. 

The thin and disfigured girl and Kong Kong continued: "I have a fruit power, and the fruit I take is the fruit of prophecy. Being able to see things others can't. Three days ago, I saw that there will be a group of people who do not belong to this world to save us." 

"I see." Han Xin nodded slightly and said, "We are here to do a big thing and need your help." 

"No problem." Wu Kong said in a calm voice, "Since you saved us, we will naturally repay." "You are dealing with Commander Leif, right?" 

"Have you seen this too?" Han Xin asked. 

"I saw some." Wu Kong answered. 

"So, did you see how it ended?" Han Xin smiled and asked. 

"Can not see." Wu Kong shook her head and said, "My abilities are limited, otherwise I wouldn't be disfigured and taken to the prison island, especially, someone as big as Leif, I'd have a hard time predicting him." 

"You're going to deal with Leif?" At this time, the dark-skinned boy, Wang Yu, next to him widened his eyes, looking at Han Xin in disbelief. 

"Yes, do you have any ideas?" Han Xin asked with a smile. 

"Then I'll go." Wang Yu said excitedly: "Dealing with such a big man has always been my dream since I was a child." 

"You have a grudge against him?" Han Xin looked at Wang Yu and asked. 

"I have no grudges, but we have grudges with the Navy." Wang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "The face of Wu Kong was destroyed because of the Navy... That Leif isn't a good man either, but he's too powerful. Many people tried to kill him before, but they didn't succeed. Your strength is indeed very strong, but it is not enough to deal with Leif." Wu Kong answered: "I saw your attack just now. It's no problem to deal with the prison island, but Leif is the chief commander, and one of the most powerful among the chief commanders!" 

"Hey, what's your proposal then?" Han Xin asked. 

"We've got a friend who's been chased by Leif all the time." Wang Yu said: "If you can join forces, there is some hope!" 

"Correct..." Wang Yu turned her eyes and said, "You still need my help!" 

"You?" Han Xin deliberately asked, "What can you do?" 

"Don't underestimate me." Wang Yu naturally didn't realize that Han Xin was doing it on purpose, and immediately said angrily, "I also have a fruit of ability, and I'm still a very powerful one." 

"Very powerful?" Han Xin couldn't help laughing, and said, "Then why would you be imprisoned on the prison island?" 

"Humph, it's different." Wang Yu said angrily, "My ability is mainly used to assist, not so strong in frontal combat. You could say it is one of the most powerful auxiliary abilities in the world." 

"Specifically, what is the ability?" Han Xin asked directly. 

Wang Yu glanced at Han Xin and Le Yi and said, "For the sake of seeing you as our saviors, I will tell you." 

After hearing what Wang Yu said, Han Xin and others were a little surprised. This... It is indeed a very good ability. 

"So it is." Jiang Fan, who had been watching all the time, also suddenly realized. The system asks to find these two people, without the ability of this person, It is estimated that they may not be successful in the end. As for Wang Kong's role, Wang Kong said it herself. 

"I can show you the way. It's nearly half a day's journey from Leif Island, and the journey is far away, separated by a large sea area." Wang Kong's face was solemn and she said, "If there is no one to lead the way, it is very easy to encounter storms or sneak attacked by giant creatures under the sea. Other pirate groups are a problem too. Although I don't know the way, I can choose the right direction through prophecy!" 

When saying this, a trace of hatred flashed in Wang Kong's eyes. 

"Then trouble you." Han Xin smiled slightly. He naturally knew what Wang Kong meant. Rather than lead the way, it was through the hands of the Great Wilderness Army. Come and avenge yourself. But as long as it works, Han Xin was also too lazy to pay attention. 

Soon, a preliminary plan was discussed by Han Xin and others. Due to the distance from Leif Island, everyone can't pass. This time, Han Xin personally led the team. The older Xu Tiande stayed. Hejian and Guiguzi sit in the rear! The fleet has also been streamlined, with only 30,000 people. Due to the urgency of time, everyone did not rest. After the plan is negotiated, they go straight away and head towards Leif Island along the vast sea. With Wang Kong's guidance, there were no surprises along the way, all the way went very smoothly. 

About half a day passed, and the Great Wilderness Army fleet came to the sea area less than 300 kilometers away from Leif Island. Leif Island is already in sight. The speed of the fleet also slowed down. 

"The front is the sphere of influence of Leif Island, and there should be warships entering and leaving in peacetime." Wang Kong said. 

"What are you going to do now? Are you going to attack directly?" Wang Yu asked curiously. 

"A direct attack on the island is the last resort." Han Xin smiled slightly and said, 

"As for what to do? You'll know after a while!" It didn't take long, a small boat was let down. Sitting on the boat is Modo and dozens of soldiers who have been imprisoned! 

"These guys let me go?" Modo's face is incredible! Originally, I saw the fearful firepower of the Great Wilderness Army, though even the island was bombarded indiscriminately. Unexpectedly, he still has the day to be let go. 

"What the hell are these guys thinking?" Modo at this time. I can't understand the path of the Great Wilderness Army at all. 

"It doesn't matter, run away first." Modo looked at the sea area in front of him and thought to himself: "Leif Island is ahead, although I am not very familiar with Leif, for the sake of my fellow navy colleagues, he should save me, maybe, and avenge me. Correct." 

Modo suddenly remembered something, looked at the soldiers under his command, and asked, "Have you been injected with a drug by those people?" 

All the soldiers nodded. 

"What do these guys want to do?" Modo frowned slightly. Before being taken on this boat, Modo watched helplessly as the Great Wilderness Army injected a tube of unknown things. 

"I don't know what it is. Could it be some kind of poison? No matter what, run away first and then talk about what kind of poison. Leif must have an antidote." Modo didn't care. Immediately let the soldiers under his hand row the boat, and head towards Leif Island! 

And in a room of the battleship, Wang Yu and Wang Kong watched Modo leave. 

"Stewardess, do these people have any other purpose? They let a commander go?" Wang Yu was a little puzzled and asked angrily. The navy, they have a big hatred. 

"Have no idea." Wang Kong shook her head and said, "I can't predict it." 

"So what do we do now? Continue working with these people?" Wang Yu asked. 

"Where else can you go?" Wang Kong said in a calm tone, "Since you want to cooperate, you must trust others." 

Wang Lao hesitated a bit, and said, "Leif Island has a 100,000 navy, hundreds of Fruit Abilities, and a few commanders of great strength, not to mention Leif. Although these people have sharp weapons, they are not Leif's opponents." 

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"Don't worry, let's take a look." Wang Kong comforted him and said, "That friend of yours should be on his way here. If you wait for him to arrive..." 

Wang Yu's eyes lit up, and said, "If you wait for Ya Po to come over, there is still a chance!" 

And in another room. 

Han Xin, Lu, and other high-level leaders gathered together. 

"Has that Modo found out?" Lu Sun asked. 

"Not yet." Han Xin smiled and said, "I'm afraid he won't doubt it either." 

Among the soldiers released by the Great Wilderness Army, there are more than a dozen nominally "guards" of the main mansion of fragrance Island. But in fact, only one is. It was the young man who sneaked into the Island Lord's Mansion. The rest are special forces fighters in disguise. This action is very risky, but there is no way. To be able to know more about the situation on Leif Island, just do it. 

All the high-ranks were waiting in the room. Stare at a messenger snail on the table. He looked slightly nervous. If these SOF fighters can't successfully infiltrate Leif Island, a strong attack must be used. It will be more difficult that way. 

About an hour passed, and the messenger snail moved suddenly. The crowd was instantly shocked. They pick up and listen carefully. A voice came from the messenger snail: "Report, we have successfully landed on the island, the inspection here is not so strict, and there is no doubt about Modo and our identity!" 

"Good." Han Xin praised and then said: "Continue to act as originally planned. You have to pay more attention to your safety." 

End the call, Han Xin, Lu, Le Yi, and other high-level executives, their eyes turned to the clock on the side and stared non-stop. Because they know If nothing else happens later, Modo and his soldiers will mutate. That's right, just before letting Modo go, the Great Wilderness Army is injecting him with the latest super zombie virus newly developed by Dr. Chen. 

Different according to each person's physique, Modo is the most injected. There are fewer other soldiers. The reason is to wait for Modo and his soldier's attacks after going to Leif Island. 

"It's a pity that this virus only works on the Modo level at most, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome." Seeing this, Jiang Fan thought. 

But Jiang Fan didn't care either If Super Zombie Virus can be used on Leif, this is not the eternal difficulty level. 

About half an hour passed, and a hurried voice came from the whistleblower snail: "Report, Modo and the others have a virus attack, and they began to frantically attack the living people around them. The island is now in chaos! The plan is initially successful!" 

Hear this report, Han Xin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You all pay attention to your safety!" Then he glanced at Le Yi and others, and said loudly, "Now... it's our turn too!" 

One by one order, the Great Wilderness fleet has resumed sailing and makes a quick trip to Leif Island. 

After half an hour, a huge island appeared in front of everyone. Leif Island, here we go. With Rafe Island approaching, Wang Yu and Wang Kong suddenly felt that something was wrong. 

"Wang Kong, look." Wang Liao pointed in one direction at the mouth of the bay. 

The two looked over together and saw a scene that shocked them. They saw a few soldiers fleeing frantically, and only one person was chasing after him. This man looks a little strange. Horrible face. The face is covered with bloodshot and black lines and growling. He quickly pounces on the nearest soldier. 

After a while, a more terrifying scene appeared. The soldier who was pounced on stand up again. His face also became hideous, the same as the man before. The same roar and pounce on the others. 

"This... this..." See this scene, Wang Yu and Wang Kong were both startled. Not just the bay, at it at a glance, the whole Leif Island, there are scenes like this all over the place, people being thrown to the ground constantly. It didn't take long for it to become a zombie. Zombie viruses are too contagious, especially Modo, a commander-level zombie. Murder everywhere. No one can escape his clutches! 

"Modo, you are crazy!" A lieutenant with the same commander-level strength stared at Modo, who looked like a madman and shouted coldly. 

Modo looked at the lieutenant, not only without fear, Instead, there was a gleam in his eyes. Modo mutated into a zombie. The more powerful the creature is, the more eager it is. 

"Modo, if you mess around again, I'm welcome!" The lieutenant warned. 

Modo smiled, but there are no words, he jumped directly. 

"Counting death!" The lieutenant was also completely angry. His ability activated and Modo slammed together fiercely. But it didn't take long, he was surprised to find out. No matter how you attack, Modo is okay. As if painless. Zombies also have weaknesses, but for a short time, the people of Leif Island can't find this weakness! 


As time goes by, more and more soldiers have been transformed into zombies. Here is another island cut off from the outside world! It is the best place for zombie infection. 

Han Xin was ready to order, and make an island landing. There are no guards at the mouth of the bay now, because they are on the run, or have been transformed into zombies. 

At this time, outside the Great Wilderness Army reconnaissance soldiers suddenly sounded the alarm. The crowd looked outside, and find a huge fleet that appeared not far away. A ship came by in a mighty manner, there are at least hundreds of them! 

"Apo and the others are here!" Seeing this fleet, Wang Yu was very excited. 

"It's not just Apoo." Wang Kong widened her eyes and said, "Even other supernovas are here." 

The two were afraid that the Great Wilderness Army would misunderstand, and report it immediately. 

That is to say" Han Xin suddenly said: "This is a huge fleet composed of three companies!" 

"Yes, Apoo and Kid, the supernova of Paul. They and Leif have always had a grudge, but I didn't expect that this time, they came together." 

Han Xin and Lu Su next to him looked at each other. Everyone guessed what happened. These three so-called supernovae, It is estimated that people have also been planted on Leif Island. So they know there is a change in Leif Island now. This is coming together. 

"Plans on hold." Han Xin immediately changed his original plan and said, "Change to start the second backup plan." If anyone can help, then Han Xin naturally didn't plan to attack. 

Soon, the combined fleet of three supernovas passed through the Great Wilderness Army, they did not say hello, they sail straight to the mouth of the largest bay on Leif Island. A pirate in fancy clothes wields a variety of weapons and jumps out of the boat with a loud howl. From the mouth of the bay to the interior of Leif Island, let this already very chaotic island got messier! 

At this time. 

In the center of Rafe Island. 

Inside a huge palace, there is a giant sleeping soundly, the snoring can be heard far and near. An old man who looks like a butler came in hastily to wake up the giant. 

"What's the matter?" The giant was very dissatisfied. Huge eyes stared at the old butler. He hated being woken up while he was sleeping. 

"Sir, it's not good, something happened on the island." The old housekeeper shouted. 

"What happened? So panic?" The giant didn't care. He pick up a barrel of wine next to him and drank it. 

"Sir, don't drink anymore, something happened, something big, you'll know when you go outside and see for yourself." The old housekeeper shouted anxiously! 

The giant frowned slightly. Immediately stand up, and went out of the palace. He glanced around quickly, and when he saw soldiers being chased by zombies, his face changed immediately. 

"These... what are they?" The giant roared. 

"My lord, I don't know either." The old housekeeper explained: "I don't know why, but it suddenly became like this?" The old housekeeper suddenly remembered something and said: "It seems that after that Modo commander came in, something happened on the island." 

"Modo?" The giant frowned slightly! 

"Sir!" At this time, a lieutenant hurried over. Out of breath, he said: "Not good, Apoo, Kid, and Paul, the three guys brought people to kill." 

"It's these three guys again." The giant's face sank and said, "I let them go last time, but this time they dare to make trouble again! 

"My lord, things on the island must be done by these three guys." The old housekeeper said. 

"No-no." The giant shook his head and said: "If they have this ability, they used it last time, why wait until now!" 

"Sir, what should we do now? The old butler asked anxiously. 

"It's okay." The giant smiled lightly and said, "After doing so many things, I am going to face them in the end. I want to see how strong these three guys are now, can they impress me?" 

This giant is the ruler of Leif Island. One of the most powerful naval commanders, Leif. He once took a "giant fruit", so he can make his body huge. The physique has also become extremely terrifying/ It has the title of "the strongest body in the navy"! 

Finish talking, Leif stepped forward. Although he is huge, he is not slow at all. He quickly rushed to the nearest group of zombies. His huge palm stretched out and pinch these zombies. 

At the same time, the three supernovas, Apoo, Kid, and Paul, also rushed to the island with people. The zombies rush in front of Leif. War is imminent, but they didn't expect that on the battleship of the island, Han Xin began to order. 

Execute the final Destruction plan!

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