One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 173: CH 173

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On the edge of Leif Island. 

On a cliff, Apoo, Paul, and Kid jumped their bodies subconsciously, they don't care about the appearance of a supernova, only know, If not, they will die. Wait until the dazzling light that illuminates everything in the world flashes, all three can't stop turning their head, they want to see what's going on behind the scenes. If the previous five-thousand tons of gunpowder exploded made them a little surprised, then the Atomic bombs this time is a complete shock. Incredible, and beyond their imagination. It subverts their worldview, in this world, there is such power!? 

Insight, a fireball brighter than the red sun in the sky rose that unleash amazing heat. It makes the surrounding pressure increase and quickly swelled all around. In the form of radiation, heating the surrounding cold air becomes a high-temperature and high-pressure plasma, and emits terrible light radiation. 

Immediately after, a huge shock wave was formed by the blast center. Like the mountains and the ocean waves, they swept away in all directions. Everywhere. Nothing can stop it. In the small lake closest to the blast center, the water inside instantly evaporated. Not a drop left. The surrounding mountains, rivers, forests, grasslands, countryside, and buildings, under this terrifying shock wave and high temperature, shattered inch by inch! Mountains crumble. The river collapsed. The trees in the forest were destroyed. One building after another fell helplessly. 

Immediately after, the terrifying heat hit. Plants vegetation and trees all are on fire. Leif's huge palace was built over several years, and under this amazing power, collapsed! 

"Get down!" Seeing that the situation is not good, Apoo subconsciously shouted. His voice is shaking. 

Paul and Kidd have no hesitation, they hurriedly slammed their head down to the bottom of the cliff. The violent shock wave swept through in a moment. Swept all the trees and boulders above the cliffs all into the sky. Some small vegetation and rocks were directly destroyed. 

Although it was several kilometers away from the center of the explosion, the three still feel the terrifying impact. The shock wave continued onward, and head out of Leif Island. Ships at the mouth of the bay, like encountering a stormy sea, the water below is even more gigantic/ Roll up the ordinary ships and warships one by one. A small fishing boat was even split in half. Hundreds of supernova ships that are not far away also suffered. 

The glass on Leif's Island all shattered. Debris splattered all over the place. Doors, railings, decks, lifebuoys, and more were thrown away. Hundreds stand on the deck, the pirate who was originally watching the three supernovas fighting Leif. At first, he was blinded by the dazzling light, now even affected by this hurricane-like shock wave, and flew into the air. They draw a high arc in the air and fell heavily into the water. 

But this time, no one would think to save them. In the face of death threats, the remaining pirates, all hide under everything that can dodge hidden objects. They didn't even dare to breathe. 

On the sea dozens of kilometers away from Leif Island, three Commander-class battleships are heading here. On the deck, a burly middle-aged man stood. 

"This Leif is worrying, such a thing happened on the island." The burly middle-aged man shook his head. "If it wasn't for me being close, I would be too lazy to go there." 

"My lord, if you go there, Leif will at least owe you a favor." An adjutant next to him said. 

The burly middle-aged man smiled slightly. If the three supernovas were here, they will be able to recognize this burly middle-aged man as the naval commander who is almost as famous as Leif, Mengli. His attack power is stronger than Leif's. The three supernovae dared to attack Leif, but to Mengli they dare not. Because the speed and attack power of Mengli is very terrifying. 

And an hour ago, the navy got a report from Leif Island. It is said that there is chaos on the island. Many navy soldiers inexplicably turned into terrifying cannibals and chased people around like crazy. After being bitten by these crazy soldiers, the other soldiers will soon change too. This is unprecedented, and it attracted the attention of the Navy. After consultation, the nearest commander, that is, the great commander of Mengli, went to Leif Island to check the situation. 

"Leif, he should be fine, right?" The adjutant asked. 

"How can something happen to that guy?" Mengli smiled lightly and said: "To deal with this guy, what kind of tactics did our navy use, you know, and you don't know, we gave him a shot. As a result, you know it too. There's nothing wrong with this guy. And the three supernovas of Apoo, Paul, and Kidd..." 

The adjutant continued: "These three worry-free guys also came to join in the fun, Leif is going to have a headache." 

"It doesn't matter." Mengli shook his head slightly and said, "No matter how chaotic Leif Island is, as long as Leif is there, what soldiers go crazy, what supernovae, It's all jumping clowns, it's a trivial matter!" 

As Leif's colleague for many years, Mengli was too aware of Leif's abilities. That exaggerated physique, even him, attacking day and night, he is completely invulnerable. This is why although Mengli has stronger attack power and more seniority, one of the main reasons why the outside world still ranks Leif above Mengli. 

"Speed up, wait until Leif Island, and take a few jars of this old boy Leif's good wine." There was a smile on the corner of Mengli's mouth. 

The adjutant next to him just wanted to reconcile. Suddenly, he seems to sense something. He looked up in the direction of Rafe Island. Mengli also looked at it the same way. In the sight of the two, the first is an unparalleled one. Covers the dazzling light of the red sun in the sky. Immediately after, above the sky, a huge mushroom cloud is slowly forming. It is more than ten kilometers in diameter and covered the entire sky. It is visible from far and near. 

Under the battleship, a terrible wave was accompanied by seawater and came in quickly. A school of fish in the nearby water frightened to the point of jumping around. Although this shock wave, after a few dozen kilometers, the power has gradually weakened. But both Mengli and the adjutant can feel the terrifying power of destruction, both of their eyelids twitched involuntarily. As if something terrible happened. 

After ten seconds of silence, Mengli took the lead in reacting, and immediately ordered: "Quick, speed up, don't hide it, speed up the battleship to the highest speed, and give me the fastest time to reach Leif Island." 

Mengli's eyelids twitched. The heart that has always been calm also fluctuated violently. In his mind, he felt the approach of death. Although there is still a long way to go, it's so real. As if just brushed by the god of death. Eyes widened, and stare at the huge mushroom cloud above the sky. Mengli took a deep breath, even with his years of experience as a naval commander, he can't understand either. What the h*ll is going on here? Could it be someone with a powerful fruit ability? Even if there are people stronger than him in this world, there is no way to create such movements and scenes. Such a horrible mushroom cloud-like canopy, It's like the curtain of hell opened the prelude to death. Intimidating. Hold back the trembling in my heart. Mengli is still moving forward. He wants to know what the h*ll happened on Leif Island. 

The battleship under him was moving forward at full speed. It didn't take long. The huge figure of Leif Island has already appeared in front of him. But only the scene outside the island was to surprise Mengli. He saw inside and outside the mouth of the bay. A ship, whether it is a huge warship or a small fishing boat, is all tossed around. Some even overturned in the sea. A plot above the mouth of the bay, like being plowed again, neat. Incredibly smooth. The surrounding trees were all torn off. The cliff wall was torn in half. The entire bay was in shambles. 

There is also a pirate fleet nearby, but Mengli couldn't handle so much at the moment. He jumped out of the boat quickly. Not waiting for the adjutants and other subordinates behind, go straight to Leif Island. 

Not far, three embarrassed figures appeared. It is the three supernovas, but these three famous young men, at this time, was like a beggar. Their clothes are torn up and down, and their hair is messy. Pale was written all over their face. There is a trace of fear in their eyes. In the shock wave just now, the three also suffered minor injuries. But with their special abilities, It's not a big deal. The three of them also saw Meng Li who came over. If in the past, there must be a fight. But now, no one has that thought anymore. 

Mengli just glanced at the three supernovas and then turned to the explosion center on Leif Island. The three supernovae also looked there, they are very compatible with each other, and there is no shot at each other. Unanimously headed in this direction, they all want to know, what the h*ll just happened? 

In the air, a cloud of black smoke formed from debris, dust, and other substances enveloped the entire island. Mengli took a small breath. Fires are still burning around. The closer to the center of the explosion, the higher the temperature. The scene is getting worse and worse! 

Mengli saw that the highest mountain on Leif Island is gone. Disappear, and razed to the ground. The palace where Leif lived, was also fragmented and turned into pieces. In the river that runs through the center of the island, all the water inside evaporates cleanly, and the river channel is directly displaced. On the surrounding ground, nothing. There is no breath of life. All trees, turf, birds, snakes, insects, fish, crops, and more, can't be seen. 

This made Mengli think of a word from a thousand miles away, a doomsday scene. This is a scene that Mengli has never seen before, he could never have imagined. One day, how could you see such a terrifying scene. 

As the center of the explosion approached, Mengli and the three supernovae walked more and more cautiously, they saw that at the central location, there is a huge pit. Wait until you reach the edge of this big hole, look down, It was only discovered that this deep pit is more than a few kilometers away, and nearly 100 meters deep. 

When the four people swept this big hole around. Brain buzzing. The whole person can't help but tremble. Because they found out, inside this big hole, there is no such huge figure as Leif. Not just a figure, not even possible remains of severed fingers or shards of black carbon could be seen. Empty. Except for the charred dirt and falling black stuff, nothing else. 

"Dead! Leif is dead!?" Apoo murmured to herself. It's hard to accept what's in front of you. "Even if Leif is the enemy, he just died like that?!" 

Mengli clenched his hands tightly. Ten fingers are trembling slightly. Leif, the giant Leif, who is recognized as the strongest body in the navy and even in the world... is dead?! Not even the leftover body can be seen. What the h*ll just happened? 

Only the Great Wilderness Army is here. Wang Yu and Wang Kong guessed the truth. The two looked at each other, they all saw the look of shock in each other's eyes. No one can think of it, the one thing that was thrown from the sky by the Great Wilderness Army, It doesn't intimidating, but It's so terrifying. Possesses a devastating power. If they hadn't just seen it with their own eyes, it is hard to believe. 

More than just blowing Leif Island to rubble. Even the giant Leif is completely obliterated. In front of the terrifying power of destruction just now, even Leif who can be called the top defense in the world, can't stand it all. Dissolved in an instant. 

But only a few senior officials of the Great Wilderness Army and Jiang Fan knew about it. Destroy Leif. It's not that terrible shock wave, but when the explosion begins. The extreme temperature in the center, when the Atomic bombs explode, in a very short period, generated more than 50 million high temperatures. This temperature even exceeds the temperature at the center of the sun. Enough to vaporize any object on Earth in the previous life. in this terrifying heat, even if Leif's giant physique is several times stronger, it is useless. Vaporized in an instant. Not even a piece of residue remains. This is why the reason for this action is to use Wang Yu. 

Such devastating heat, only in the center of the explosion, and only for a short time. If it is delivered normally, too far from the center of the explosion, the result is uncertain. 

"To deal with extraordinary people, especially powerful extraordinary individuals, the instant high temperature of mushroom bombs is the deadly means." Jiang Fan couldn't help thinking. immediately, he couldn't help shaking his head again. This Eternal Quest is indeed too hard. If there is no special ability like Wang Kong, relying on the release of the Atomic bombs alone, It still can't solve the Leif who is too strong in the physique. 

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"Leif's strength should be at the second-level peak, but this defense power is not an exaggeration at the third-level." Jiang Fan sighed with emotion. 

"It's over. This time, the Wild Power operation, was a complete success!" Han Xin sent a message to Yan and the others on Fragrant Island. Report the results of this action! 

After a while, there was a long sigh of relief and cheers from the crowd. Wild Power is the code name of this destruction plan. The name is named after the first emperor of the Xia Kingdom. In this aspect, Xia Guo didn't have so many taboos. 

"Retreat immediately, return quickly," Yan ordered. 

"Knowledge." Han Xin did not hesitate. I didn't even appreciate the "masterpiece" just now. After confirming that Leif was completely vaporized under the heat of the Atomic bomb. 

Immediately brought the Great Wilderness Generals, turn around and run away quickly in the direction you came from. They are also very clear, there are extraordinary individuals more powerful than Leif here. Not to mention the stronger ones, even if it is one or two other great commanders, is enough for them to drink a pot. At least, the Great Wilderness Army has no more Atomic bombs. It was originally intended to make three, but later for insurance, just made this one. The equivalent of 300,000 tons. After the huge mushroom cloud took off, not just Mengli, but the other forces, and navies around have noticed it. Everyone's eyes widened watching this scene in disbelief. 

Immediately, a team was dispatched. Come to Leif Island to check the situation. En route, It also passed by the fleet of the Great Wilderness Army that quickly fled. But this time, no one cares about the Great Wilderness Army. Go straight to Leif Island. 

Seeing that doomsday scene, especially knowing that Leif has been annihilated in the explosion just now, everyone was shocked. A shudder rose from the depths of the marrow. Even Leif, who has the strongest body in the world, was like this. Then they encountered this terrible power, certainly not going well. 

For a while, Everyone was terrified. They are rapidly passing through various channels and means to find the origin of the explosion that just exploded, and want to find out what kind of weapon can create such terrifying power. 

Wait until they find clues, the Great Wilderness Army has traveled through most of the sea area. There is an empty lead the way. Unimpeded back. Yan and Guiguzi and others are already standing at the mouth of the bay. The Great Desolate Army awaiting its triumphant return, with nothing to celebrate. The crowd did not dare to be careless. Who knows about this. Will it surprise the world's top powerhouse? Hurry up and pack up your weapons and all kinds of things and return to Blue Star. 

"You two, thank you for your help this time." Before leaving, Han Xin said to Wang Yu and Wang Kong. 

"It should be us thanking you." Wang Kong showed a smile and said, "If it weren't for you, I don't know when I would be able to kill Leif!" 

"You...will you come again in the future?" Wang Yu looked at Han Xin. There was some reluctance in his eyes. After the cooperation with the Atomic bomb before. Wang Yu had already had a little comrade-in-arms relationship with the Great Wilderness Army. 

Han Xin was slightly startled. Then he smiled and said, "See you again if you have a chance." 



Wang Jun and Wang Kong waved their hands. Witnessing the figures of the Great Wilderness Army disappear in the planet tunnel. After the last Great Wild Army entered, this translucent planetary channel is also completely closed. 

This time the eternal task is over. Time from start, less than two days have passed. Fully meet the three-day task completion time limit stipulated by Awakening Space. 

With the closure of the planetary channel, in the awakened space, a whole new line of text appears. 

Eternal Quest Progress: Complete. 

Seeing this line of text, Jiang Fan finally let out a long sigh of relief. Completely relieved. The action this time looks relatively smooth. Terrifying. As long as there is a mistake in any aspect, or don't do it properly, this task may fail. Up to now, Jiang Fan also understands that in the history of the entire planet, there will be so many geniuses who have overwhelmed the whole world, and fall under this difficult task. This is simply not something that humans can accomplish. 

Without the help of the system, relying on the Great Wilderness Army alone, there is also a high probability of failure. The next moment, Jiang Fan found out. The remainder of the awakening space is not over yet. Then came a line of text-. 

Congrats on being the first planet master to complete the ultimate difficulty of the eternal level since the beginning of time. To protect your safety, the awakening Space will keep the completion of this mission confidential. 

"Ok?" Seeing this line of text, Jiang Fan froze slightly. Immediately, responded. The Awakening Space is thoughtful. If this allows the results to spread, and be known to outsiders, that doesn't bring shock, but rather startled. There are many geniuses in history, but Jiang Fan is the only one who has completed the eternal level. What kind of measures will those hostile forces or other jealous forces take. Even other super top universities, certainly cannot be a sincere congratulations. What are you going to do to Jiang Fan in the dark? But, Jiang Fan can also accept. 

At least, hide it from the outside world. The Eternal Quest is passed, and the future Blue Star will be the highest talent of the eternal class. No other planet master planet can compare. 

And at the same moment when the awakening space verified that Jiang Fan passed the eternal task. In the endless star field, on a huge planet, two people are floating. A man in blue, and a middle-aged man in black. The two seemed to be only in their forties and fifties. But in fact, both are thousands of years old, because they are all sixth-level planet masters with long life! 

"This endless star field, you and I, have been explored for hundreds of years, and it is still far away." The man in blue looked at the deep space that could not be seen in the distance. He shook his head and sighed. 

"You still want to explore this endless starry sky, stop dreaming, find more unique planets, and collect more treasures is the kingly way." The middle-aged man in black said with a smile. 

"That's all it is." The man in blue said helplessly: "This star field, I don't know if there will be a day in my life when I can see what the end is." 

"How many people from ancient times to the present are like you, very curious about this star field, and there are some who have traveled far and far, but..."The middle-aged man in black shook his head and said, "None of these people have come back. This is not something that our sixth-level planet master can consider. It is estimated that more powerful strength is needed." 

"I realized this earlier, but I am still unwilling." The blue-clothed man smiled slightly and said, "But you're right, improving your strength is the priority." 

"Where are you going next?" The middle-aged man in black asked. 

"Go over there and see." The man in blue pointed in a direction to the left and said, "I haven't been there yet. Maybe we can find some more exotic plants. Would you like to come together?" 

"Go on your own, I'll let you go." The middle-aged man in black shook his head and said, "I have to go back. I'm not the same as you. I still have a family business and a lot of juniors to worry about." 

"You still miss too much, and I'm not as free as I am, then I'll go first." The man in blue smiled. Then go to the left. 

Suddenly, around the star, a dazzling bright light burst out. Not just around these, even farther planets, regardless of size, or distance, if there is life, all shine. At six o'clock in the evening, the street lights on the street are average, one by one lights up at the same time. 

In the endless dark starry sky, illuminated by this sudden planetary light. The man in blue couldn't help but stop. Together with the middle-aged man in black. Watch this shocking scene. 

Above the stars, It seems that there is chanting. It seems to be congratulating something. 

"This is?" Looking at this astonishing sight, listening to the sound of singing. The middle-aged man in black and the man in blue both widened their eyes. Surprised! Even if they live for thousands of years, and have never seen such a thing, The next moment, they are a rumor that has been heard since ancient times. 

"This is someone who has completed the eternal promotion task!?" The middle-aged man in black opened his mouth in horror 

The stars shine. Congrats to the gods. This is hundreds of millions of stars and the star field that fills the sky, all celebrating this unprecedented miracle.

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