One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 174: CH 174

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When looking at this endless starry sky, a star that shines with dazzling light. The blue-clothed man and the black-clothed middle-aged man were a little absent-minded. Only by completing the ultimate eternal-level planet promotion difficulty task will this amazing sight be possible. The whole starry sky, all the worlds are congratulating it. 

"Eternal difficulty... someone completed it." After a long time, the man in blue sighed. 

As a sixth-level planet master, each of them is the peerless genius of the year. Overwhelming existence. At least they are at the level of Prince Qing, as a visitor. They also all know the horror of this ultimate extreme difficulty mission, It's not something a human can do at all. 

"Back then, the geniuses of our generation who were much more powerful than me challenged this difficulty, and in the end, all fell one by one, without exception." 

A flash of memory flashed in the black-clothed middle-aged man's eyes, and he said, "You still have an impression of that holy son of the Holy King Dynasty at that time." 

"Naturally it is impossible to forget." The man in blue nodded. "That Holy Son was extremely talented back then, and completely overwhelmed us, and the upper limit of the planet has reached 930 kilometers." 

The middle-aged man in black sighed and said: "With everyone's hope, he challenged the greatest difficulty of the Eternal Rank, and the result, he still fail." 

The man in blue answered and said, "He is indeed the strongest one among the first-level planet masters that I have seen for so many years. To prepare for this Eternal Difficulty, this Holy Son and the Holy King Dynasty behind him have prepared everything that can be prepared, even..." 

The middle-aged man in black shook his head helplessly and said: "Even some planet masters who have just entered the second level are not his opponents. But in the end, it failed." 

"It failed miserably." The man in blue also showed a hint of memory and said, "I was there at the time. After the failure of the promotion mission of the Holy Son, he once told us what happened. Even with his ability to build a planet, the mission was very dangerous before it started, and after a thousand miles, it was a complete defeat. He once said that with his strength, there is still a long way to go before completing the task." 

"Pity." Both of them sighed. 

Unable to complete the promotion task, even such a shocking and brilliant generation as the Son of God, can only stop at the main realm of the first-level planet for life and the second-level or higher planet master. One of the big differences in life. The lifespan of a first-level planet master is not much different from that of an ordinary person. 

As the genius of the same era, Both the man in blue and the middle-aged man in black have lived for thousands of years. But this Son was thousands of years ago, has turned into a cup of loess. 

"That's right after that." The middle-aged man in black said with a smile: "All forces, whether it is various schools, dynasties, or top sects, they don't dare to let the geniuses below try this impossible difficulty. Don't choose the eternal difficulty, it has become an enduring discourse. All the powerful beings believe that this difficulty is impossible to complete. Hahaha, but, no one thought..." The middle-aged man in black looked at the devastated starry sky illuminated by the planet and said with a smile: "In this era, there has been a more terrifying genius than that holy son that has completed this impossible ultimate difficulty. You and I have witnessed this miracle with our own eyes." 

The man in blue smiled and said: "I'm a little curious now, who is this enchanting? You should know better than me in this regard." 

"Don't look at me, although I have stayed in the family for a long time, but..." The middle-aged man in black shook his head and said, "I've never heard of such a terrifying monster. Although there are many monsters with amazing talents in this year's first-level planet masters, no one can surpass that Holy Son and challenge the ultimate difficulty. No matter who it is, if the growth goes well, in this endless star field..." 

The man in blue said with a smile: "Another great being is about to be born." 

"It's still early. Although this enchanting passed the Eternal difficulty level, he is only a second-level planet master, and he is still far away from our realm, but..." The middle-aged man in black sighed with emotion and said with anticipation: "His future is indeed limitless." 

From the Fire Dynasty. 

Outside a huge palace, there was a huge crowd of people standing there. In front were several men in bright yellow imperial robes. Every breath is strong. Headed by a tall man, that is, the emperor of the generation of the Fire Dynasty, the Great Emperor, Lihuo. The latter is also the most powerful existence in the royal family. 

As elsewhere, on the side of the Fire Dynasty. When the planet was promoted, It is also carried out uniformly. This batch is in the Fire Dynasty. The most talented ones. As a force that can rival or even surpass the best schools in super-first-class universities. The cultivation of geniuses by the Fire Dynasty can be said that no effort is spared! This year, a large number of monsters were born. 

The first batch of promotions exceeded 300 people. Among them, the upper limit of the planet's diameter exceeds 850 kilometers, there are more than fifty people. Let many powerful planet masters look forward to it very much. In particular, there is also the most enchanting Prince Zhe in the history of the Fire Dynasty. He attracted much attention. 

About half an hour passed, and the palace slowly opened. A group of people who were promoted to the assessment this year came out of it. The young man at the head was standing tall, and good-looking is Prince Zhe. 

Emperor Lihuo immediately brought people up to meet him and asked, "Zhe'er, how is it?" 

"Following the cultivation of the father and emperor, I was lucky enough to pass the great myth level difficulty." Prince Zhe is modest and authentic. 

"Good! Hahaha!" The Great Emperor Lihuo laughed immediately. 

The others behind him, their face is full of joy. They seemed to see another sixth-level planet master slowly rising. The difference between super-first-class forces and ordinary forces is that Is there a sixth-level planet master. And the division of strength between the super-first-class forces mainly depends on who has more Level 6 planet masters. The sixth-level planet master is not so easy to cultivate, after so many years from the Fire Dynasty, only three sixth-level planet masters appeared. 

Although the sixth-level planet master has a long lifespan, there is still an upper limit. If there can be one more sixth-level planet master, It can make the dynasty last longer for at least a few thousand years. 

Generally speaking, to become a sixth-level planet master, passing Legendary difficulty is the minimum. The possibility of myth level is even greater. Since ancient times, The Myth level is the highest difficulty that each planet master can challenge successfully. But there are also risks, especially the great mythical level. There is no such thing as "safe", even those epoch-making geniuses with the upper limit of the planet's diameter exceeding 900 kilometers, failures possible. 

"Great mythical difficulty." A very high-ranking old uncle said: "There are not many in the entire Federation. We are going to produce another from the Fire Dynasty!" 


At this time, someone suddenly found out that the stars in the sky suddenly flickered. Others quickly found out that something was wrong. One by one looked up to the sky. Above the sky, stars are lit up at the same time, and densely packed. Formed a dazzling star river. And above that galaxy, It seems that there are chants singing. It seems to come from the heavens, the worlds, and the billions of stars. 


"This is?" 

Look at this unprecedented spectacle, the powerful planet masters were shocked. Even the Great Emperor Lihuo widened his eyes in amazement. It's like seeing something incredible. 

"Impossible! How can such a genius appear in this era!?" Immediately, the Great Emperor Lihuo kept shaking his head. 

"Father, this is..." Prince Zhe was a little surprised and asked with some doubts. 

"According to very old rumors, when a planetary master completes the final extreme difficulty promotion mission of the eternal level, there will be a spectacle like stars coming to congratulate him." The old uncle who was very senior just now sighed and explained. 

"Someone completed Eternal difficulty!?" There was a hint of shock on Prince Zhe's calm face. 

In a region very far away from the Fire Dynasty, on a mountain with a very unique atmosphere. There is a sect called Daozong. This is a very powerful sect, even stronger than the Fire Dynasty and super first-class universities. Even if you look at all the sect forces in the federation, they are still at the forefront. 

In the back mountain of Daozong at this time, outside a quaint building, a dozen men and women with strong breath stood. If there are outsiders here, they will be surprised to find that among these ten people, half of them are Level 6 planet masters, and the rest are at the pinnacle of level five. This is the essence of Taoism. 

They are together today, It is to wait for the results of Daozi's planetary promotion assessment! Daozi was selected from among the many geniuses of Daoism, the most enchanting genius. Daozi of this generation has even more amazing talent. The upper limit of the planet's diameter is approaching 930 kilometers, and the civilized race created is also terrifying. Reminds many people of thousands of years ago, the Holy Son of the Holy Dynasty. 

"I hope Daozi doesn't choose the eternal difficulty." A middle-aged woman spoke. 

"Probably not." A silver-haired old man next to him said not worriedly: "Daozi has a good personality and can recognize himself very well, so he won't do such an unwise move." 

"Yes." Another old man nodded and said: "Daozi once referred to the deeds of that holy son, and admitted that he still needs to work hard, and it is impossible to challenge the eternal difficulty." 

The others breathed a sigh of relief, but the worry in their eyes did not completely let go. in history, such incidents are not uncommon. Many geniuses, especially the epoch-making geniuses. before the examination, they swear and promise to never choose the ultimate difficulty. But in fact, their heart has long been fascinated by this difficulty, otherwise, so many arrogances can't fall every year. 

Time passed little by little. Finally, the doors of the quaint building opened, and a young man in white came out. The steps are natural, the face is calm. For Daozi to better pass the planetary promotion assessment. This quaint building is specially prepared for Daozi alone. 

The dozen or so people who were waiting suppressed the urgency in their hearts. Wait until the young man in white goes down the steps. 

Only the middle-aged woman asked: "Daozi, you chose the difficulty of the great Myth level?" 

Others also looked over, eyes full of hope. 

"Of course, I did." The young man in white smiled slightly and said, "And passed it smoothly!" 

"Good." The old man was excited. 

Say a few good words. Great Myth difficulty. Even if they are the sixth-level planet masters, not many passed that year, as the probability of failure is still high. 

"Daozi has passed the Great Myth level difficulty, and our Taoist sect can finally be proud in this era, and it is not worth any other sects." The other old man also smiled. 

"I don't know what the results of the genius assessments of other sects are?" The young man in white asked. 

Although he is the first arrogant of Taoism, other sects, are comparable to him. 

"The results haven't been received yet, but..." The silver-haired old man smiled and said: "No need to worry. According to the situation in previous years, there are not many people who choose the difficulty of the Great Myth. In the end, it's only about half did. Even if other people have completed the difficulty of the Great Myth, they will be at the same level as you at most. With the training of our Taoist sect, they will not lose to..." 

Halfway through, the silver-haired old man stopped suddenly, because he found the whole planet seemed to light up. Not just him, the others also found something wrong. They all raised their heads to see the amazing scene in the sky. The stars suddenly lit up without any warning, and form a dense band of light. Light up the whole earth. And above the stars, there is also the sound of praise. It seems to have come from far away. This is an unusual sight. 

It went on for a full minute before dissipating. But the people of Taoism are already horrified, They are shocked. They all lived for at least a thousand years, they know what this scene means. 

"The stars are shining, the heavens come to congratulate." The silver-haired older man murmured, "Someone has completed the eternal task!?" 

"Someone passed the Eternal Difficulty?" The young man in white has also heard this. 

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And countless times have fantasized, but he also knows this is very unrealistic. Only fall back, and choose the safest Myth level properly. But didn't expect, that one day, I saw this scene with my own eyes. 

Starlight Sixth House. 

When people walked out of the door, they were surprised to find a group of teachers and leaders headed by the sixth-level planet master in black. Not waiting for them, Instead, they looked up at the sky. It seems to be watching some incredible scenes. They also raised their heads, but when they look up to the sky, nothing was seen. One minute of twinkling stars, it's over. Don't know what's going on? 

Wait for the man in black and the others to turn around. When looking at the people who have completed the assessment, the original hope in his eyes has faded a lot. After seeing this unprecedented amazing sight, looking at other geniuses, their hearts are kind of boring. 

Not only the Fire Dynasty, the Taoist Sect, and the Sixth Academy of Starlight, the entire Commonwealth, within a large area, with countless large and small forces, everyone noticed this unprecedented scene! immediately, they all boiled up. 


"This is?" 

"How can this be!?" 

"In this era, is there anyone who can complete the eternal task?" 

"Hahaha, there is a planet master who has passed this ultimate difficulty mission that has been considered impossible since the beginning of time?" 

"In today's era, there are still such monsters?" 

"Quick! Let's find out, which genius did it? Those sects, dynasties, and academies have cultivated the geniuses one by one, although their talents are amazing, it is impossible to defy the sky to such an extent." 

"This kind of heaven-defying existence, wouldn't some old monster secretly cultivate it?" 

The powerful planetary master, almost all are discussing this amazing deed. Originally, this was the day of the planetary assessment that attracted the attention of countless people. In the end, all the topics have converged on this unprecedented person who defies the sky. 

When Jiang Fan's assessment is completed, he discovers the column of the difficulty of his planet assessment can be changed at will. Originally displayed: 

{ Difficulty: Eternal. } 

{ Completion: Completed. } 

If an outsider probes his consciousness into Jiang Fan's awakening space at this time, what they see is this result. 

"This should be the protection measures that the awakening space just mentioned, so let's change it." Jiang Fan thought about it. 

The difficulty level changed from "Eternal" to "Great Myth". What a shock it will bring to the world, he is very clear. If published, the troubles will far outweigh the benefits. After all, Jiang Fan is just a newly promoted second-level planet master, It's a long way from growing strong. 

A genius who passed the Great Mythic difficulty, every year there are some. But the eternal class has been like this since ancient times, outside the Commonwealth, there are many enemies! Even the mythical geniuses will spend a lot of effort to assassinate them, not to mention the eternity level that is the only one since the beginning of time! 

"The Great Mythical Grade is enough." Jiang Fan was in a calm mood. 

Immediately, he left this space. Back in the venue of Beidou University, the gate of the venue has been opened. Many freshmen have completed the planetary promotion assessment, and all of them have gone out. 

Jiang Fan glanced left and right. When he found Lin Youhe, who was more familiar, Xiang Zhifei and the others had also left. He also stood up, and go outside. Come to the gate, he is to be able to see the scenes from outside. 

This time Beidou University, a total of more than 50 freshmen participated in the planetary promotion assessment. It's more than half over, but not everyone made it through. Some succeed, and there are also failures. Success is not so exciting, there was only a faint smile on their face and talk freely there. And failed, It's more than just frustration. This is not the same as the high school entrance examination, the future straight ahead is cut off. 

The faces of several failed freshmen were sluggish, like walking dead. Everyone around them shook their heads helplessly. There is no way to console. This kind of thing can only be slowly accepted by each new student. Beidou University is still very humane. Even if your planet promotion fails, It won't treat people harshly. They are still able to study at university until graduation. 

If it goes better, you can also stay after graduation, and be a staff member. But this life is normal, this is not what the top-ranked genius in each province wants. Every year, so many students fail the assessment and die. 

What makes Jiang Fan a little strange is that at the gate of the venue, he didn't even see Su Jicheng's figure. To know, Jiang Fan is now Su Jicheng's only student. 

"Jiang Fan." A familiar voice came. 

Jiang Fan turned his head to look, It was Lin Youhe. Xiang Zhifei and Wan Yunsheng were also beside him. The three seem to have similar temperaments and formed a small group. 

"Looking at your relaxed expression, you must have passed the assessment successfully, right?" Lin Youhe asked with a smile. 

Have you passed the planetary promotion assessment? That's too easy to judge. Lose, without exception, when they walked out, they all looked sluggish. Except for a few ignorant ones. 

"Lucky." Jiang Fan smiled slightly and said, "You guys are the same, right?" 

"F*ck, luck." The three of Lin Youhe responded with a smile. Having said that, the joy in his eyes could not be hidden. 

"It looks like the difficulty of passing is not bad, right?" Jiang Fan asked. 

"Barely." Lin Youhe smiled and said, "Xiang Zhifei and I both chose the very conservative epic level and passed it safely, but Wan Yunsheng..." 

Lin Youhe stretched out his finger. He pointed to Wan Yunsheng with a bright smile on his face next to him, and said, "This guy agreed to be epic, and the result, he came to a legendary level, and he passed. Pissed me off." 

"F*ck, luck." Wan Yunsheng is modest and authentic. 

"By the way, Jiang Fan." Lin Youhe seemed to think of something again, and said, "You know something happened just now?" 

"Event?" Jiang Fan blinked, deliberately pretending to be surprised. 

"This year, we have someone who..." Lin Youhe raised his tone and said word by word, "Passed the Eternal difficulty!" 

Jiang Fan's eyes widened in cooperation. 

"You didn't see the scene just now." Lin Youhe continued: "The endless stars in the sky are flickering, and the outside world is singing, congratulations to this arrogant who has passed the Eternal difficulty level. This is an astonishing scene that has never been seen before, it alarmed countless people. Even the leaders and teachers of our school are discussing this matter now." 

Xiang Zhifei, who was next to him, followed: "But it is said that this heaven-defying existence has not been found yet. Who is it?" 

"It's horrifying." Wan Yunsheng also answered: "I have heard of various forces before, those top universities, dynasties, and sects genius, but I've never heard of one that is so defiant. Being able to pass the Eternal difficulty level is worthy of the name of the planned era, and it is not an exaggeration to go against the sky!" 

The three were chatting, and they are all amazed. Jiang Fan listened silently. No one will link this to Jiang Fan, after all, Jiang Fan before the planetary assessment. Many people think that he can't compare. And Prince Qing, compared with those epoch-making geniuses, is much worse. 

After chatting for a while, several people suddenly realized something. They turn around and look. At the gate of the venue, a handsome young man with long hair in a bright yellow robe came out. There was a faint smile on his face. If not Prince Qing, who? 

At the same time, school leaders and teachers of Beidou University are also at the end of the negotiation. Came from the other side, looking at Prince Qing's smiling face, they are in awe. There was a hint of excitement in their eyes. 

"This Prince Qing's examination seems to have passed." Xiang Zhifei was a little unhappy. 

"There's no way, whoever has a good talent and a good background." Lin Youhe shrugged helplessly. 

"Hahaha." Ao Xiong changed his usual seriousness and walked over with a big laugh. Patting Prince Qing on the shoulder, he said loudly, "How is it?" 

"I live up to the teacher's training, luckily passed the Little Myth level difficulty." Prince Qing also said aloud. 

"Little Myth class?" Hearing this word, everyone around was stunned. 

"Sure enough." Xiang Zhifei was even more upset. 

Su Jicheng, who was not far away, also frowned slightly. They have heard before that Prince Qing's choice is likely to be Little Myth level difficulty. This difficulty is for Prince Qing, there is also a small risk of failure. But didn't expect that he got through. 

"This time, this year's strongest freshman is stable." By the side of Ao Xiong, a young teacher exclaimed with a smile. He also glanced at Su Jicheng unintentionally or unintentionally. 

Su Jicheng raised his brows, and walk towards Jiang Fan. He came to Jiang Fan and asked, "You should have passed the planetary assessment successfully, right?" 

"Yes." Jiang Fan nodded. 

"That's good." Su Jicheng patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder and comforted him: "Just pass it, there is still a long way to go, who can go further depends on the future development!" 

According to Su Jicheng's perception, what Jiang Fan should pass is the most secure legendary mission. The difficulty is also good, but there is no comparison with Prince Qing. It also means that this year's strongest freshman competition, Jiang Fan is eliminated. 

"It makes sense." The young teacher deliberately took over the conversation just now, glanced at Su Jicheng and Jiang Fan, smiled, and said, "I just don't know what difficulty Jiang Fan passed? Epic level, legendary level? Or the same as Prince Qing. The Small Mythical level?"

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