One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 176: CH 176

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According to the division of the world, the standard for a first-class planet is less than a thousand kilometers in diameter. The diameter of the second-class planet is between 1,000 and 10,000 kilometers. The moon in his previous life was more than 3,000 kilometers in diameter, which is right in this range. 

Of course, the concept of this world planet is different from the previous life. Each one is an extraordinary planet, It can't be linked to the previous life at all. 

"After the planet's promotion, the diameter has a relatively large increase." Jiang Fan thought to himself. 

It's a little different from the previous one. If you successfully pass the planetary promotion assessment task, every planet, regardless of the previous diameter, will be directly promoted to two stars, which is over a thousand kilometers. Even for those who participated in the assessment before, the same is true for planets with an upper limit of 500 kilometers in diameter. This is the power of awakening space. 

This involves promotion to the post, the planet has acquired talent. Ordinary, Elite, Commander, King, Epic, Legendary, Myth, and Eternal. The higher the planet's talent, the more its diameter increases after promotion. For example, a planet with a diameter of 500 kilometers successfully passed the ordinary-level assessment task, what this planet has acquired is ordinary talent. The promoted planet is the lowest thousand kilometers. If the diameter is 600 kilometers, it will pass the normal difficulty. The planet after the promotion is a little more than 1,110 kilometers in diameter. If it is elite, the increased diameter will be more, and so on. The promoted planet will be bigger, but there is no fixed value. 

Every planet is different, Jiang Fan's current Blue Star is the supreme talent of the eternal level. The increased diameter is the most. According to the past example, even if it is a myth, the increase in diameter will not exceed 500 kilometers. 

Jiang Fan thought to himself, with anticipation in his heart, "I wonder how much the eternal level will increase?" 

Jiang Fan's attention gathered. Look above the blue star, the first thing that catches his eye is the azure planet that suddenly became much larger. Jiang Fan took a serious look. It is almost twice as big as before. A majestic vitality is coming. Planet size after secondary, It's still tied to the life force on the planet. Jiang Fan can feel that at this time, the seedlings of Blue Star are growing vigorously and have amazing vitality. 

"Finally, a second-class planet." Jiang Fan was very relieved. Immediately, he takes a look at the planet panel. After becoming a second-class planet, the data on the planet panel, a very big change has also taken place. Even one more line of text. 

{ Planet Name: Blue Star 

Planet Class: Level 2 

Planet diameter: 1888 kilometers 

Planet Species: 1500 

Planet Talent: Eternal 

Deduction route: none } 

"Directly increased the diameter of 888 kilometers?" Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows. Compared with the 999 kilometers before the promotion, Indeed it has almost doubled. This is also the performance of eternal talent. Because this planet panel can only be seen by the planet master itself, Jiang Fan doesn't need to worry about being known by outsiders. 

"The species seem to have increased too?" Jiang Fan suddenly noticed the column of planetary species. Before promotion is 1450 kinds, now it is 1500. Fifty new species have been added. 

"This should be a new species that was born quickly in the process of Blue Star getting bigger." Jiang Fan secretly guessed. 

This is also an incredible aspect of Awakening Space. It can't be imagined by common sense at all. After reading the panel. Jiang Fan started to check the specific changes on the Blue Star. The first is the first land, inside the country, the Royal Tombs Mountains are here. There are not many people now, after the promotion campaign is completed, a grand celebration was held. The soldiers and scholars rested for days. 

Yan and the others also let out a long sigh of relief. The back is to give everyone a long vacation, except for the few people left behind in the Wangling Mountains, everyone is on vacation. 

What makes Jiang Fan a little puzzled is that the population of the Xia Kingdom has not grown much. That extra life force where does it come from? Jiang Fan looked away from the Wangling Mountains and turned to the rest of the First Land. 

Jiang Fan felt a greater vitality. The flora and fauna of these places, although the number has not changed much, the vitality has become stronger. The reason, Jiang Fan understood in an instant. This is the improvement of single vitality, every plant grows stronger with stronger vitality. The same is true for the people of the Xia Kingdom. Mainly in improving the physique and life expectancy. 

Previously, the average life expectancy of people in the Xia Kingdom was only about seventy years old, now straight up to ninety. This is without changing the level of technology. If there is the level of the earth in the previous life, It is estimated that breaking the one hundred years old is not a problem. As physically stronger, the baby day discount rate is lower. There is also less chance of various congenital diseases, and also more resistance to injury. It's an all-around improvement. 

Of course, for Jiang Fan, the most important point is more geniuses will be born in the future. The development of technology. Far more than other civilizations need the appearance of genius. A genius of Kai level, It's not that others can make up for it with numbers. 

Suddenly growing planet, no one noticed. Only a few scholars such as Yan have observed it, but they were not surprised. Knowing the planet that lives beneath your feet is constantly increasing, the diameter of the planet has almost doubled. But the size of the planet doesn't stop there, there is a lot of extra lands. A new topography began to appear. 

Originally the longest river was the Barren River, but now a wider and larger river was created. The direction of the river is from north to south and is located on the west side of the first land. Another watershed corridor is formed because there is a red mineral nearby, the river often carries large amounts of this red mineral, which makes the river color red. 

"I will call it, Honghe." Jiang Fan also has a few good names to use. 

A huge rainforest is formed, this is also a landform that the first land did not have before, Rainforest. In the promoted Blue Star, among the new fifty extra species, most of them live in this tropical rain forest. The area of the rainforest is still smaller now, but Jiang Fan can imagine, that as the area of the blue star continues to increase, this tropical rainforest will thrive even more. There will be more and more new species born in it! Earth in the past, tropical rainforests is the areas with the most species. 

After checking out the tropical rainforest, Jiang Fan's gaze shifted north. North of the First Land, the top position in the Xia Kingdom, a glacial snowfield appeared. The temperature is very low, often below zero. It is not suitable for the survival of the vast majority of life. This piece of glaciers and snowfields has just been born, and there is no life. The biggest meaning is enriched in the form of the blue star. 

South of the Xia Kingdom, the edge of the first land, a huge mountain gradually formed. It was originally a remote forest in the mountains, It has now become Endless mountains. Jiang Fan didn't need to think about the name of this mountain range. People who live around call it, Hengnan Mountains. The species inside are also very rich, and there are no outsiders disturbed. The ecosystem is very complete. 

Red River, Tropical Rainforest, Glacier Snowfield, and Hengnan Mountains, It was the most significant change on the first land after the Blue Star was upgraded to the second level. The other places like the vast plains, lakes, and so on where the people of the Xia Kingdom lived, the area is getting bigger. These are just cosmetic changes. And in places that are invisible to the naked eye, there are other changes. 

Like in the soil, a large number of species also live, and vitality increases as well. The fertility of the soil itself also increased substantially. Let the plants and crops living on it grow more quickly. Besides, the most important mineral for the development of Xiaguo's science and technology is the sudden increase in capacity. Needless to say, in Iron Meteorite, there were a lot of reserves. Now it's doubled. 

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The original reserves of Vibranium were 100 tons, almost all of them were collected by the Great Wilderness Army and used to make various weapons, and now another five hundred tons were generated out of thin air. At least, the Great Wilderness Army no longer has to worry about the reserves of Vibranium. 

"Ok?" Jiang Fan suddenly found out. 

Except for these two amazing metals, another new metal is born. Near a coal mine, a miner after digging found an unusual stone underneath. It is different from ordinary coal or other stones. The miner immediately reported the discovery to it, and the above is also very important. Immediately dig up this rock, but after a simple test, they didn't find what it was. It was reported to the higher research institute. But this time, most of the scholars of the Great Wilderness Army are on vacation, so nobody cares about it. 

Jiang Fan is not in a hurry. He looked away from the First Land, and go to the second land. Here too, there is a very big change. The area of the second land has more than tripled. At the moment when the planet's promotion was successful, a giant beast on the land, It seems to feel something. All looked up to the sky, and a roar sounded out. 

Even the overlord of the Second Land, the giant three-headed snake also stretched out its three heads, scanning everything around it with some doubts. In the dark, It can feel that a lot has changed all around. The main thing is, Its vitality seems to enhance a lot. 

Under the promotion benefits of Blue Star, more and more large creatures appear. Below the crypt, there are several more babies in the Skeleton Reptile race. The whole group rejoiced, but what they didn't expect was, further down in the crypt, because of the promotion of Blue Star, a more terrifying creature gradually formed. 

Same as the first land, the topography of the second landmass, gradually, they have its prototypes. Because there are a lot of giant beasts living here, various terrains are also exaggerated a lot. Tall and majestic peaks. Miasma-filled swamp. Dense jungle. A spooky dark cave. These are hard to see in the first land. 

The giant three-headed snake that rules this land can't help being a little manic. Governing is more difficult. Fifty species were added after Blue Star's promotion, nearly ten are on the second land, and most are huge species. Deep in jungles and swamps, a whole new life was born. 

Except for the first land and the second land, the ocean is also changing. The area has increased by an unknown amount. The wide sea formed the perfect cradle of life. As you can imagine, in the future, there will be a large number of fish, shells, seaweed and other life will be born in the ocean! 

But the biggest change after Blue Star's promotion, is not the first land, the second land, or the sea. On the other side of the second landmass, across the turbulent waters, a brand new land was born, This is also the third landmass on the Blue Star. 

Jiang Fan just wanted to check the situation in this new land, but the doorbell rang from outside. Jiang Fan came out of the awakening space, and stand up. Open the door and take a look, it was Su Jicheng with a smile on his face. Jiang Fan invited Su Jicheng in. 

Su Jicheng smiled and said: "..the strongest freshman of this year's class has been determined above, and all the school and the elderly have passed, congratulations." 

"Thank you for the school and Teacher Su." Jiang Fan was polite. The speed is very fast. 

"In the future, you will be able to have all kinds of resources that other students can't get." Su Jicheng pointed to Jiang Fan's communicator and said, "Look for yourself, the first batch of resources sent by the school should have arrived." 

"Ah?" Jiang Fan picked up the communicator, and check it out. He found out that he received a payment reminder. The amount shown above is two billion federal dollars. 

"A total of ten billion federal dollars." Su Jicheng explained: "This is a reward for the strongest freshman and you for passing the big mythical task, but it is impossible to give you all of them at one time. You should also understand the school's intentions." 

Jiang Fan nodded slightly. "It will be divided into several batches for you, and when you run out, you can look at the school, but,..." Su Jicheng's face became a little serious, and he said: "This strongest freshman is not a complete conclusion, it also depends on your future performance. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have competition, It's to avoid some special cases. For example, if you do something wrong in the future, or don't want to make progress, then, the schools will take back these resources." 

"I understand that." Jiang Fan smiled slightly. 

In the school history, there are some new monsters. After passing the planet promotion assessment and obtaining the strongest freshman became fluttering, even, you will also receive rewards from the school. Go outside and have fun, and completely let go. Everyone is ruined. Later, Beidou University added a lot of restrictions to keep you motivated all the time. 

"In addition to the Federation, other resources are naturally available." Su Jicheng continued: "But everyone's civilization on the planet is different, each of you has a brand-new civilization that has never been seen before, and the school doesn't know what resources you need. So inform me when you need it, and I can apply to the school. As long as it's not too much, it's generally satisfying." 

immediately, Su Jicheng glanced at Jiang Fan again and said, "Your current planet is also second-class. As usual, you can consider creating a brand-new extraordinary species. Do you have any ideas?" 

"A brand new extraordinary species?" Jiang Fan is not surprised either. 

This is basic common sense, First-class planets, generally speaking, create up to two extraordinary species. Unless it's like Bu Jingyue, who use the Heart of the Stars directly, and after the planet was promoted to the second level, she can create another one. 

On Jiang Fan's Blue Star, there are just ordinary people. There is no need to create a new extraordinary species at all. It is impossible, to tell the truth, It doesn't do any good for Jiang Fan either. 

"I think about it, I don't have any ideas for now." Jiang Fan said something. Then suddenly think of the third land where Blue Star was just born, but it was bare. Vegetation, crops, beasts, insects, birds, fish...etc. not even one. No life exists. 

"It is possible to create a new species of life on the third land." Jiang Fan thought to himself and said, "It should be the one that will benefit the most if it is different from the first land and the second land." 

Extraordinary species are naturally impossible. There is no extraordinary energy on the blue star. Even if you put an immortal cultivator with a talent against the sky into it, without aura, In the end, it can only slowly degenerate into an ordinary species, not at all useful. 

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Su Jicheng couldn't help but smile and said helplessly: "Although I am your mentor, to be honest, there is nothing I can do. You are building a brand new civilization, and no predecessors can learn from it. Well, I'll send you some information." 

Su Jicheng opened his communication, and a large amount of information was sent quickly. A brand new civilization has also been built in the history of the school. 

Su Jicheng explained: "These are brand new civilizations created by other students in the history of Beidou University, you should take a look first. But it's important to note that these new civilizations are difficult to develop behind, and the strongest one has only been promoted to the fourth-level planet. Other schools and forces have a new and more powerful civilization. But this kind of information, you should know all are extremely precious secrets and cannot be disclosed to outsiders." 

"This is not bad, at least for reference." Jiang Fan said with a smile. I don't think so, actually, the information was of no use to him. References are meaningless. In Jiang Fan's heart, at this point, there is already an idea. Like the atomic dinosaurs on the second land, see if there are any suitable oddball creatures.

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