One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 175: CH 175

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The young teacher was quiet, but it resounded throughout the audience. Because at this time, everyone else's attention is focused on Prince Qing and Jiang Fan. The two are recognized as the top two freshmen of Beidou University this year. The strongest freshman will also arise between the two. 

Behind them, Ao Xiong and Prince Qing were watching. There was no sound to stop it. If it was before, that's fine. Although Su Jicheng has a conflict with Ao Xiong, the status and qualifications have left. He was not in the eyes of Ao Xiong at all, so it is impossible to target that. 

This year is different, Su Jicheng was so lucky. He took in a student as powerful as Jiang Fan. In the Freshman Challenge, he unexpectedly defeated Prince Qing. This made Prince Qing and Ao Xiong humiliated. 

After that, Ao Xiong and Prince Qing both kept a low profile. They made full preparations for planet promotion. If it is legendary, they are likely to be similar to Jiang Fan, then there's no way to close the gap. Originally, the upper limit of the planet's diameter for Prince Qing was only 850 kilometers, so passing the Small Myth level is not safe, so no expense is spared for this. It cost a lot, and he purchased a precious sealed treasure and sent it to Prince Qing's planet. 

Prince Qing finally lived up to expectations. By relying on this sealed treasure, in one fell swoop, completed the promotion task of the Small Myth, which left this competition in no suspense. The difference between the legendary level and the Small Myth level, the latter difficulty is much worse. This is why Su Jicheng has been persuading Jiang Fan not to choose the Myth level. 

"Damn it, these people are disgusting." Xiang Zhifei spoke in a very small voice. 

"No way, who let Jiang Fan take the champion that belonged to someone else in the previous freshman challenge, which is equivalent to smashing someone else's field." Lin Youhe said helplessly, "This year's occasion, it's impossible not to get a little back!" 

Surrounded by leaders, teachers, and students, all were silent. Watching this scene quietly, no one intervenes. It is not only the fear of the other power, but it is also because the strongest freshman in previous years was the same. They are all separated in the planetary promotion assessment. Quite brutal. 

Whoever passes the more difficult level? Who is this strongest freshman? The best training will come later. It's a winner-take-all. The situation this year is also clear. Prince Qing passed the Myth level difficulty, and Jiang Fan is legendary. Which is better and which is worse, needless to say? 

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Su Jicheng frowned slightly, and his voice became a little colder. Immediately he said to Jiang Fan, "Come on, I'll take you back, go back and have a good rest, don't pay attention to these people!" 

Although it is not as difficult as Prince Qing's Small Myth difficulty, the legendary level is also very good. Freshmen this year, there are only three legendary. Jiang Fan, Wan Yunsheng, and another freshman. It's been so many years. 

Among the students that Su Jicheng had brought, these are the best test scores, and their future is bright. Su Jicheng didn't want Jiang Fan to be hit mentally. Although not the strongest freshman, as a genius who passed Legendary difficulty, the resources of the school will naturally be skewed. 

Seeing that Su Jicheng took Jiang Fan away. The people on Ao Xiong's side were slightly taken aback. immediately, Ao Xiong's mouth curled into a smile, he gave a wink to a school leader next to him. 

The school leader stood up and said, "Mr. Su, wait a minute." 

"Is there a problem?" Su Jicheng stopped. 

"According to school rules." The school leader said: "We need to make a score statistics for the freshmen who participated in the promotion of the planet. Since everyone is here, let's take advantage of the situation to count the scores. It saves the time and energy of the teachers who will be wasted in the future." 


The face of the person next to him turned strange. It's spare no effort, they want to humiliate Su Jicheng and Jiang Fan here. Whatever you say today will make your promotion difficult, and take it out in public. Especially to make a strong contrast with Prince Qing. 

Su Jicheng frowned slightly, just as he was about to say something, he heard Jiang Fan say, "It's okay, it's just a matter of a while." 

"Oh well." Seeing Jiang Fan's expression so relaxed, Su Jicheng was slightly relieved. 

Hearing that Jiang Fan had no objection, the school leader smiled. He looked at Prince Qing. Prince Qing naturally understood what he meant and said, "Then let's start with me." 

After a while, a statistical candidate was composed of three people. This is also the school's regulation. When three people confirmed all of them, only then can the final assessment result of the new student be determined. It is also to avoid possible cheating. 

The trio this time consists of three old and experienced tutors. They take the lead on the awakening space of Prince Qing and examined it. Checking is easy. Divide your consciousness, and probe into the awakening space. For a moment, you can determine what kind of difficulty the planetary assessment is. But to look more formal, they have to check for ten seconds. 

Ten seconds later, the three old mentors regained consciousness. They all nodded and said, "That's right, Prince Qing's planetary assessment difficulty is a Small Myth level, and it has been completed." 

He could hear the people beside him, Ao Xiong is proud. The stronger the students are, as a mentor, the teacher will naturally benefit. The position in the school is also more stable. Those who follow, their days are also smoother. 

"Next, who's coming?" One of the three old mentors glanced at the crowd and asked. 

The school leader next to him glanced at Jiang Fan, looking for an excuse to check Jiang Fan first, he haven't spoken yet. It was when he saw Jiang Fan who took the initiative to stand up. He smiled slightly and said, "I'll come." 


Jiang Fan suddenly stood up, which surprised everyone. People go out of their way to expose your assessment results, and let Prince Qing live through, you are good. Did you even deliver it to your door? 

The three old tutors were also slightly taken aback. Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan would take the initiative to accept the test. They remain neutral, they won't favor anyone. Now that Jiang Fan has stood up by himself, the three follow the rules. They start a score check on Jiang Fan. 

How could Jiang Fan not know the bad intentions of Ao Xiong's gang? At the Freshman Challenge, he makes these people lose face, now they want to get it back fiercely. Originally, Jiang Fan didn't want to pay attention, but since you want to ride on my head, and I won't slap you back, It really can't be said. 

The three old mentors separated their consciousness and probed into Jiang Fan's awakening space, after a while, they saw the line of text in the awakening space. 

{ Difficulty of planet promotion assessment: Great Myth level. 

Completion: Completed.} 

When they see the words "Great Myth Level", the three old tutors were stunned. Although the Great Myth level and the Small Myth level are both myth levels, there are qualitative differences. It is considered by the world to be a boundary between top-level genius and epoch-making genius. 

Prince Qing can pass the Small Myth level difficulty, but if he wants to challenge the Great Myth level, the probability of success is almost zero. Even the epoch-making geniuses in history whose planets have an upper limit of 900 kilometers in diameter, on this difficulty, also lost a lot. 

The entire Beidou University, nearly ten thousand years ago, a genius completed the promotion mission on this difficulty. Looking at the entire school history, there is not much. The numbers can be counted. Not to mention Beidou University, even those more powerful dynasties and sects. When they heard that someone successfully passed this difficulty, everyone jumped for joy. 

The three old tutors were afraid that their consciousness went wrong, so they came out a bit, and then go in again. They nervously checked several times, and final confirmation, a peerless genius has appeared at Beidou University. Those who can pass the Great Myth Level assessment tasks may be too early to mark an epoch, but they can be called the name of a peerless monster. 

Due to being overly cautious, this time of the check on Jiang Fan took half a minute. When the three old tutors have completed the inspection, the school leader is next to them, immediately, he couldn't wait to say loudly, "Teacher Liu, what are the grades of Jiang Fan?" 

Mr. Liu is the most prestigious of the three who are responsible for inspecting the tutors. At this time, the teacher Liu glanced at the school leader, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then he glanced at the people around the scene, he coughed lightly and said loudly, "Student Jiang Fan, the challenge is the promotion of a planet with Great Myth difficulty, and it was completed. Congratulations to Jiang Fan, another student of Beidou University who has successfully challenged the Great Myth-level task." 

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When the voice fell, the whole place was silent. Those school leaders who want to see jokes, Ao Xiong, and the teachers beside him are all shocked. Can't believe their ears at all. Great Myth class!? The other person also widened his eyes. incredible. It was Su Jicheng. He also stayed for a while. 

After a while, the school leader finally reacted just now and said with a look of horror: "This, how is this possible? Great Myth level? Did you check wrong?" 

Others also felt a little weird. This difficulty, for students of Beidou University, It's almost impossible. 

"Hmph, if you don't believe me, check it out for yourself." The old tutor snorted coldly. 

The school leaders don't care, he comes up immediately. The teacher behind him also lost their usual composure at the moment, and follow along. 

Seeing these two in action, Su Jicheng also reacted. He came over immediately. Of course, awareness penetration needs the consent of the owner, Jiang Fan. If not, even if these people are powerful planet masters, they are unable to enter Jiang Fan's awakening space. 

Jiang Fan did not refuse. This difficulty, not just the people in front of you. Later, the school will send someone to confirm it again. When Ao Xiong, the school leader, and Su Jicheng, probe their consciousness into Jiang Fan's awakening space. After seeing that line of text, every face changed instantly. The expressions of Ao Xiong and the school leaders became unpleasant. And Su Jicheng is a burst of ecstasy. Great Myth. This is a Great Myth. 

Witnessing the changes in the expressions of the three of them, others saw it too. The inspection results of the three old tutors just now, there is no error. Jiang Fan did complete the incredible Great Myth planet promotion assessment task. 

"Hahaha." Su Jicheng laughed out loud, patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder, and said, "Good boy, you chose to challenge the difficulty of the Great Myth without saying a word." 

"I don't want you to be worried about me." Jiang Fan smiled slightly. 

"In this way, It's good, it also opens the eyes of some people, don't talk about the Small Myth grade all day." Su Jicheng glanced at Ao Xiong's side and sneered unabashedly. 

It's a savage mouthful of so many years of malice. In the last Freshman Challenge, although Jiang Fan won, it didn't matter. But this time is different, who is the strongest freshman this year, and who will get the best resources and training, this ending, no one can change it. 

And Su Jicheng also knew. After the previous things, plus the battle for the strongest freshman this time, he has completely offended Ao Xiong. No need to be intimidated. 

Many people nearby laughed secretly. Especially seeing the black cauldron-like faces of Ao Xiong and Prince Qing. Compared with the previous high and complacent, it's just a face change. Many people are unhappy with these two and never dared to offend before. But now you are completely lost, some of the sarcastic expressions on the corners of his mouth could no longer be concealed. Especially Lin Youhe, Xiang Zhifei, and Wan Yunsheng. That's a happy laugh. 

"Haha, it made me laugh to death when I pretended not to be forced to be oppressed." Xiang Zhifei's voice was not loud, but people nearby could still hear it. 

"This is not the first time, and the last freshman challenge was not the same. This time, they didn't have a long memory, and they were slapped in the face again." Lin Youhe said with a smile. 

"It's better not to be too high-profile, too pretentious." Wan Yunsheng, who has few words, also added. 

In the strange eyes of everyone, Ao Xiong held back his anger. With a gloomy face, he pull the stiff-faced Prince Qing and left in a hurry. Wait for these people to move away, there were a lot of people right away. Come up and congratulate Jiang Fan and Su Jicheng, It also means friendship. As the strongest freshman, he is also the finisher of the Great Myth task, so Jiang Fan's future must be very bright. 

"Jiang Fan, you are hiding, go back and have a good rest, and get together when you have time." Before leaving, Lin Youhe sent an invitation to Jiang Fan. 

"Alright." Jiang Fan smiled slightly and didn't refuse. 

After saying hello to everyone, Su Jicheng personally sent Jiang Fan back to the villa. At the same time, in a space of Beidou University, this scene happened outside the venue, the dozen or so old men who were sitting there all saw it. 

"I didn't expect it." An old man said excitedly: "In my lifetime, I can see another Great Myth student again. There is a prince before, and now Jiang Fan, God bless Beidou University." 

"Great Myth level..." Another old man sighed: "None of us old guys have ever reached this difficulty." 

"Of course, this is the highest level of difficulty in history, even those epoch-making geniuses are nothing more than this." An old man in gray clothes said with a smile. 

"It's not the highest difficulty in history." Sitting in the middle, the eldest old man reminded: "Don't forget, someone passed the Eternal difficulty not long ago." 

"By the way, I almost forgot about this." The gray-clothed old man patted his head and said, "I don't know if there is any latest news? Which force does this heaven-defying genius come from?" 

"Not yet known." The eldest old man shook his head and said: "Now there are countless forces and countless powerful beings, and they are all looking for the whereabouts and traces of this heaven-defying genius. But no news yet, I am afraid that such a person who defies the sky will not dare to show his face easily." 

The gray-clothed old man smiled and said, "But this has nothing to do with us. We still focus on our school. This year's strongest freshman, you should have no doubts now, right?" 

A dozen old people, there are no words. Those who were optimistic about and supported Prince Qing before are also silent. Planet promotion assessment, there is no possibility of falsification. 

"Ok?" At this time, an old man in black suddenly raised his eyebrows and said, "The prince sent me a message" 

"Prince?" The eyes of the other old men all looked over. 

"The prince's words were brief, meaning," The black-clothed old man paused and said, "He is more optimistic about Prince Qing." 

"This..." Everyone else faces changed, then they looked at the eldest old man sitting in the middle. 

The eldest old man pondered for a while, and said, "The prince said so, but the rules cannot be broken, besides Jiang Fan passed the Great Myth-level mission, which is enough to rank in this year's list. If he didn't become the strongest freshman, it is estimated that other super-first-class universities would laugh at it. Vote now, raise your hand in favor." 

A dozen old people, all of them raised their hands. Including the older man in black who is most optimistic about Prince Qing. The strongest new thing and the dust have settled. 

At the same time, Jiang Fan has returned to the villa. He leaned on the sofa, and lie down for a while. During this time, worry about Xia Guo's Atomic plan. Follow all day, It also took a lot of effort. 

After an hour of rest, Jiang Fan sat up straight again, and enter the awakening space again. Get ready to see what's going on with Bluestar. The current blue star, after passing the planetary promotion assessment of eternal difficulty, has become a Second-Level planet. It's not the little broken ball it used to be. 

According to Jiang Fan's knowledge, it's not just the area that gets bigger, there will also be minor changes in other areas. Especially, this is after the eternal task. That is to say, the current Blue Star is the highest eternal talent. From ancient times to the present, no other planet can compare. 

"I don't know what the current situation of Blue Star is?" Jiang Fan looked expectantly.

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