Online Chat Group

Chapter 1: What the f*ck??

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Kyoto, Japan

A 15 yr old boy was cuddling with a cute little kitten on his bed. 

That boy can be said to be extremely handsome

(yep, extreme means literally women would swoon over his looks) 

with white hair and blue eyes(Usual anime colour)

This boy is Yuichi Kageyama and yeah he wasn't from this world.

He is a traveller and has travelled to this world from a parallel world Earth.

His previous life was something he would describe as absurd.

His parents died when he was five in a car accident. 

They were kind and loving as most parents are. Although they were quite strict. They taught him how to read and talk to elders although they were rich but he wasn't like other children demanding things from parents . Unfortinately they died when they were planning to surprise him for his birthday .

When he was six some people in black suits came to his house and said to him that his parents owed them huge debt and now that they're gone.  They'll be confiscating this house now .

Although he knew they were lying but who would believe a six yr old.

He didn't have any relatives so the only place he could go was orphanage as he had learnt about it from his parents.

Along the way he asked a person about the way to the orphange.

The man was intimidating and looked scary for him .

Smiling slightly the man took him to a large building which looked like a supercool military base he saw in anime and took him to a room which was only completly white in colour.

There were also many children of his age present there.

Then another scary person came in. He called himself Ayanokoji and called them experiments and said something about them being part of fourth generation which means there were three generations before them and that they'll never be able leave this place until they complete all the course.

Seema like that person brought him to a wrong place.

Not like he could complain about that man as no one believes him in the outside world anyway.

At that place the children were trained or more like tortured physically ,mentally far beyond they could handle. They would fight to death against adults survive in a freezing cold temperature.

Days passed by and many children couldn't survive the harsh training and were disposed of. 

Those who were remaining were either scared or became cold bloodied.

He was one of the person who didn't care. Here he was learning different things which he wouldn't even be able to do outside.

It would be a bit narcassistic to say but he was a prodigy.He was far superior to other children from the moment their training began.

For those who died he didn't care, he didn't even bother to remember their names.

Just like that man didn't care he just saw them as tools , and increased their training again.

This time it was even more intense than before and the no. of deaths keeps on increasing and by the time it stopped only two people were left.

Him and another person with brown hair like that man.

He knew they were both father and son.If someone's own father could to something like this to his son than he'd rather be an orphan.

He thought looking at the emotionless boy.

He just looked like an empty shell or simply machine only made for the purpose of winning.

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Not like he wasn't any better but the boy has lost his emotion and he had learned to supress them.

He wasn't someone who only had one purpose that is to him.

Although he's killed people in this place didn't mean he was indifferent to death. 

He just wanted to live and even if he had to do extreme things he'll do it.

Both of them had almost same records on some he was superior while on others this boy was.

Recalling the things he'd done since he came to this place those things aren't something a human can do. 

He didn't know what a normal human can do but he knew that out of thousand children that came to this place only him and this person is alone .

One day that man came to the room and told them that he want them to assasssinate someone and that was the time he saw it an opportunity to leave that place.

They went on a few assassinations missions before albeit under surveillence.

He knew that man would never let him go and want one of them to fulfil his dream to rule Japan.

Well he didn't want to do a meaningless thing so one day when  they were on the mission to assassinate someone else he contacted the outside world and prepared a body double for him.

Tricking the person who was in charge of observing them was easy.

It was three years ago and now he's ready to leave this place.

Assassination process was smooth .It was a businessman from China. They went to China and made plans for the assassination along the way.

During the assassination he didn't kill the person immediately and alarmed the person .

The bown haired boy Ayanokoji was with him . As they were the only person left in the whiteroom. They became acquaintance. But the brown haired boy would've probably viewed him as tool not like he was any better.

According to their Plan he'll die in this mission using  body double as a way to confirm and then develop in China for some time and come to take the brown haired boy with him.

If he managed to escape and develop in China and told them about the human experiments happening in the White Room then Chinese Govt. with other countries could put pressure on Japanese Govt. and even if that man has political power he'd be forced to shut down the place due to political pressure from different countries and the chances of Brown haired boy escaping will be even higher.

The Plan was perfect they chased the target into the mountains and he was supposed to take a bullet in his legs to prepare for the fall from the cliff towards the cave which many people don't know of and it would look like he fell to death due to falling from the cliff and such that his death would be confirmed easily as no human could survive fall from a mountain that high.

The bullet hit his left and he jumped down from the mountain towards the cave just a few metres down the mountain.

It was so small behind a large bush of trees and wasn't visible.He knew that their was a cave there that's why they were so sure that this plan is perfect.

But during his fall something no one could plan for happened.

A huge lightening strike falling straight into him obliterating him.

It was so sudden and the next moment he woke up was in another place.

Opening his eyes and remembering what happened he could only say one thing with the most emotions he'd shown ever since he went to that place  

"What the fuckkk???"

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