Online Chat Group

Chapter 2: Moving to Tokyo

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He believed himself to be the best person in the world(Maybe that's a but exaggerated but you can feel the emotions) but even he couldn't have prepared against that lightning strike that obliterated him completly.

He is sorry for that Brown haired boy but its a bit unexpected even for him.

He is reincarnated or rather Transmigrated to a world similar to the previous not that he'd seen it as he was in that white room all the time except for the assasinations here and there which took mostly a week.

He doesn't know much about that world and all the knowledge that he had was before the age of six when his parents were alive nd he went on a few trips(And before you ask yeah he can even remember those)

But oh well this world let's call it a parallel world to Earth as it is almost same.

Let's call this Earth 187 and previous one Earth 951.

 Offcourse its random or do you think I would waste my time naming Planets so that they would make sense or seem funny ,no I wouldn't.

And he wasn't totally bothered by the fact that there is a person similar to him with the same name and face and now he is transmigrated in his body.

Nothing has changed , well except for the fact that the body which he is now is Pathetic.

It was so week that he could fall down during a one mile run because his legs wouldn't support him.

How can someone be so weak??

And the fact that this weak person looked the same as him wasn't making him feel any better.

From the memories of other him he got to know that this kid's parents also died when he was a child but here he has other relatives. His Grandfather is from a powerful family in China. But despite his Grandfather's opposition his father married a Japanese girl and due to which his grandfather got so angry that he almost vomitted blood on the spot(Yup he did they always do) and in exasperation he kicked his father kicked him out of the family though he later regretted his decision after getting reprimanded by his wife and due to the fact  that his father was their only son which makes him the future heir of the family. (There are many people in the family like Uncle other elders , you know but his father was the only son of family head which he remembered later)

But it was still to late as his parents

settled here in Kyoto Japan away from the family.

After their death in an accident (just like in his past life)  his Grandfather messaged him to return to China as he was alone here but his predecessor which is him now refused and stayed in Japan. Although the relation between him and his Grandfather isn't bad as his Grandfather felt remorse for his father for forcing him to marry according to his choice which prompted him to leave the country.

Of Course he also didn't return back as his parents were very rich (and I say too rich ) and they left him a hefty amount of money and property despite this, this dude looked like a patient of Malnutrition.

Another thing that changed is that he is now a 14 yr old boy, he was 16 when he died so he regressed back two years which is a plus.

So the first thing he did after transmigrating here was a hell lot of training to make his body somewhat muscular or say normal.

Nah, that'll be dealt in time first thing he did was to travel around the world.

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Living in that place was boring and he hasn't seen outside world aside from a few assassinations when they were monitered and he wasn't allowed to do anything or go anywhere else so that doesn't count but now that he's got his freedom he was gonna try a lot of things which he never did.

So, for the next one year he simply travelled around the world enjoying new places tasting new dishes, trying new things and yeah occasionaly exercising before eventually coming back to Kyoto.

And this one year vacation made him realize one thing, he doesn't like crowds and he'd rather stay in Tokyo.

Afterall a vacation of a week or maybe month was ok but one year was too much for him.

Coming Back to Kyoto after a year he felt better. 

So, here  he is laying on his bad reminscing about his life as he cuddled with this cute kitten.

Did he mentioned about this cutie.

It was a rainy day he went to eat some street food and when he was coming back he saw was a small kitten maybe it was born for only a few days shrinking across a wooden box from rain. It looked like it's mother died or it was either abandoned.

He was living alone in a huge mansion like place which was rather lonely and he also felt pity for this kitten so he took it with him.

 (Nah he just was saying excuses in his mind to convince him to take it away afterall it was too cute and it was a female kitten although the pity one was true as he felt more pity for a pet than a human as he'd seen how humans behave in desparation in that place.)

He named it Sylvie after the one in Tbate as that one was also cute and they both have same colour and he can't come up with a name.

And after a few days of living together they are now so close that she always clings to him and he always feels comfortable around her. As both of them don't like other people touching them and have a cleanliness addiction.

As for how he knew that she doesn't like other people touching her, maybe it was just his sixth sense telling him things or maybe he knew he is an mc of an op harem story which means that he's always right.

Forget about the past now he's focusing on Tomorrow afterall he also wants to go to school as other child his age do.

His Predecessor went to a middle school but he's now gonna go to high school and ain't no way he's going to the same school as he doesn't know how others will react to his new look now.

Afterall he changed a lot in the past year from looking like a patient of Malnutrition to now having a somewhat atheletic body although it wasn't ripped like in his past life but that was because of that place where he trained like a monster not human.

Compared to that he's downgraded atleast 85 levels. If he was at lvl 100 in his past life then he's at lvl 15 now which is 5 lvl's more than a normal person.

Yes now he had a definition of what is considered normal and he had no idea he was this powerful in his last life.

He knew he was better than most as he dominated that place in strength but didn't know that difference was this much. Well he knew know.

So, although he'd like to stay in Kyoto but going to the previous school wasn't a good idea thats why he moved to Tokyo with his cute kitten.

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