(ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World

Chapter 33: Chapter 26: Spokesperson (6)

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Can I do this?

But even as I thought this, I showed no hesitation to raise my dagger in a ready stance, drinking a stamina potion as Jung Youngho approached slowly.

My eyes trained upon each and every move Jung Youngho would offer.

I tapped on the string still connected between me and the four others.

You're on your own now. Don't get involved, and prepare for sneak attacks.

With that, I recalled the string attached to them back into my possession and rushed forward to put distance between us, so they wouldn't be caught up in the fight.

"Come!" Jung Youngho laughed uproariously, and as he spread his hands, his feet shifted.

[Exclusive skill, Sky Steps lv. 2 has been activated.]

In a manner of hopping from cloud to cloud, free in the sky, a sword appeared in his hand.

[Exclusive skill, Weapons Training lv. 3, has been activated.]

Jung Youngho slashed out, each arc infused with an intent to kill.

All he said was bogus when he wanted to 'accept me' into his kingdom.

Forcing my body to brake abruptly with my high stats, I swerved narrowly out of the way, my dagger in my own hand ready to stab as I approached him in a flash.

A sword was longer than a dagger, an obvious fact. And that also led to the fact that the reach was different, so this was my optimal distance, but not for a sword.

Before I could follow through with the blow, Jung Youngho's hand shot out to grab my wrist.

Abandoning my attack, I fell back.

What was frustrating was that my dagger required close-combat to be effective, and Jung Youngho possessed a grappling skill more advanced than Mrs. Wang's.

But I didn't have time to come up with a plan to counter Jung Youngho's skills, for Jung Youngho quickly pulled out a long halberd from a space, and thrust it forward in a pierce.

What the-

Pulling up my dagger, I shifted as best as I could and parried the blow by rotating it outwards as best I could.

My dagger chipped even further.

I had yet to find something to replace it, especially since the ones in the Dokkaebi shop were too expensive.

It would probably not be able to hold on for long.

[Exclusive skill, Sky Steps lv. 2 has been activated.]

Using footwork that bridged the gap of our agility stat, Jung Youngho appeared behind me, and the halberd swept out.

I ducked low, and explosively leapt forward.

In the moment he was still holding onto the halberd, I pushed forward with my dagger for a slash.

[Item, protective ring, has activated. Your attack has been nullified.]

Like I was cutting through water, my dagger slid off of Jung Youngho harmlessly.

Grinning, Jung Youngho's sword came back out and came down on my dagger I hastily put up to block.


The sound of contact rang out, and a crack appeared on my dagger.

[Item, Soul Piercing Halberd's special effect has activated! Your dagger has received a critical blow.]

Letting go of the dagger, I rushed back as it collapsed into a myriad of shards and exploded in shrapnel.

Using his footwork, Jung Youngho retreated.

My legs, having been put into a lot of strain in the few moments of exchange, faintly shook as I panted in excursion.

Chugging down another stamina potion, I resisted the urge to gag, and threw the bottle as hard as possible at Jung Youngho.

He easily dodged it, and I threw the empty bottles I had haphazardly in his direction.

Weaving through the targets, Jung Youngho had no trouble dodging out of the way, but at the moment, I drew upon all the strength of my legs, and bridged the gap as he was partially distracted.

Jung Youngho showed a rare moment of surprise.

With the cooldown of his protective ring still fresh, my dagger landed a blow.

Unfortunately, he had quickly moved out of the way, so the wound wasn't very deep and had been redirected.

Clutching his shoulder blooming red, Jung Youngho looked at his hand painted in blood.

His eyes popped out in anger.

Perhaps it was because he was too immersed in his play, but Jung Youngho couldn't accept the fact that he had been wounded in a fight.

Drunk on his power, Jung Youngho threw himself into a delusion that he was an invincible being, a king who could have anything and everything.

Everyone submitted to him. Anyone who didn't could be killed easily. He had the best food, the best equipment, no need to work, hundreds that were at his beck and call, authority and power.

He was no longer the circus clown watched by others to their amusement. Instead, everyone should be his clowns!

But alas, no matter how hard he tried to paint over his origins and past, it would lay hidden beneath, coming out at any time.

Having been a person who never tried, wasting his days away, he was awakened by a need to survive once he was no longer supported, and took a job as a circus member.

The inferiority would never leave him. 

"How dare you! How dare you!" He shouted, tottering back.

Warily, I eyed the emotional Jung Youngho.

[Exclusive skill, Sky Steps lv. 2 has been activated.]

At full speed, Jung Youngho charged along.

Jung Youngho was scary, currently charging like a rampaging bull towards me.

My heart thudded in my chest as adrenaline continuously pumped itself through my system.

I pulled out the back-up dagger I had received from Lee Sookyung, preparing myself for contact.

But Jung Youngho slipped past me instead.

Whipping around me in surprise, I watched him heading in one direction.

My allies!

Having been eyeing the underlings around and contemplating the success of breaking free while keeping an eye on the battle between me and Jung Youngho, they had certainly not expected Jung Youngho to suddenly rush at them.

No, I won't make it in time-!

As if.

[Item Tri-potion has been consumed. Agility, Physique and Strength has been enhanced by five levels temporarily.]

[Remaining time: 1:00 minute.]

I had this potion saved up for a situation that called for it, and this was now the time. Even if this one was extremely expensive, and had the bad side effect of weakness after consuming it after the duration of effect was over, at the very least, I didn't need to use my coins for it.

[Warning! Your agility stat is approaching the limit of the scenario.]

Well, it wasn't at the scenario limit just yet.

If I remember correctly, Jung Youngho's agility stat is just around 20 or so at this time?

I chased after Jung Youngho, using the large gap of stats to arrive just as he began to swing down.

"Don't you dare belittle this king! Let your face be painted in despair as I take what is most important to you!" He was saying this as he swung, a sardonic grin planted on his face.

Need to hit it before his momentum is complete!

You are reading story (ORV Fanfiction) 3 Ways to Survive in a Ruined World at novel35.com

Bringing my dagger up, Jung Youngho's attacking form turned awkward at being blocked ahead of time.

Still, my dagger was of inferior quality to Jung Youngho's sword and shattered upon contact.

Letting go of the dagger and putting distance before the sword could slash down, I shielded my allies behind me.

Taking advantage of that, Jung Youngho switched back to his halberd sent out with the mission to skewer me.

This is going to hurt...

With both hands, I grabbed the sharp pike at the end of the halberd and resisted against the force.

The blade sank into my palms, but as blood began to flow, I forced myself to grip the blade tighter against the pain to prevent it from slipping.

Jung Youngho attempted once to pull it out of my hands, but it wouldn't budge.

"Sp-spokes-" Before the people behind me could cry out, Jung Youngho shouted a volume to cut them off.

"Get them, you fools!"

The people who were maintaining the encirclement scattered like a wave lapping to the shore as they prepared to take the one-on-one battle into a full-blown brawl.

Instead of voicing out my rejection, I pushed the halberd outwards.

Jung Youngho matched that by pushing back to maintain the status quo, but that's what I wanted.

Pulling the halberd suddenly instead, Jung Youngho stumbled forward.

"Why you little-"

Before he could finish his curse, I slipped closer at an awkward position for Jung Youngho to attack with a halberd and forced Jung Youngho to let go by twisting it around at my position.

With the halberd out of Jung Youngho's hands, I swerved it around in random arcs like a pendula.

The people avoided it warily, unable to predict how it was going to move.

[30 seconds left.]

Although I was inexperienced in using a halberd, the weapon quality and my stats made up for the threatening quality, causing everyone to not dare to even approach.

"Useless! Useless!" Jung Youngho snarled, but he too looked at my rampaging form with trepidation.

As one of Jung Youngho's underlings accidently bumped into him from backing up, Jung Youngho brought up his sword and severed the head from the underling's body without a trace of hesitation.

The others who saw this scene all cowered.

"If you don't go over there and take the head of that girl, then let yourself become the next example!" Jung Youngho bellowed.

The underlings flinched at their King's ire, but as they looked at the swinging halberd that was seemingly spinning faster than when I was able to steal from Jung Youngho's hands, they didn't immediately move.

Jung Youngho brought up his sword and killed another who didn't move, and then another, venting his anger.

I watched this scene with cold anger, and questioned the morals of humans once more.

But knowing my idealistic dreams being idiotic, I put away the prejudice.

My goal was to protect my allies and stall for time.

[10 seconds remaining.]

Their king on a killing spree at their disobedience, they gulped and charged forward with wild abandon.


The response was being knocked flying by the halberd.

 Being unable to use the halberd effectively, most of the advancing suicide runners were either knocked away by the blunt end, or suffered non-life threatening injuries.

Seeing this, the others were more encouraged.

"We can break through!"

"Keep going, she can't keep this up forever!"

They told themselves to keep up their wills against their tyrant king and treated me as the outlet.

[6 seconds left.]

My palms were still bleeding from continuously opening the wound, causing my hold on the halberd harder and harder.

[4 seconds.]

They were becoming numb from how hard I was holding the halberd and my arms were shaking from both the strain and blood loss.

[3 seconds.]

My body felt like it was being burned in a furnace, my heart pumping and my lungs struggling to grasp enough air to keep me going.

I felt like I was about to faint, making me not want to wonder what the period of weakness would feel like.

The people behind me were trying to do their share of fending off the people rushing at us, but it was hard for them as well.

We were at the end of the line.

[1 second.]

At the last moment, I gritted my teeth and gave out another swing.

Come on! Finish already!

However, the one that ended was not the one I was looking for.

[Potion duration has expired. You have entered a weakened state.]

"It's over!" As if sensing my exhausted strength, Jung Youngho finally laughed, his emotions swinging amok.

"Stand down, you incompetent idiots." Jung Youngho commanded, and his underlings immediately parted a path for Jung Youngho.

The four allies of mine watched him approach warily.

Unable to hold on for any longer, I tottered with the hefty halberd, trying to keep myself grounded as I fiercely glared at Jung Youngho.

"This is the result of going against me. Accept the sin of blocking my glorious revolution!"

Revolution my arse. I wanted to retort, but I didn't have the strength to.

He approached me and pushed me down to my knees.

Arms trembling, I attempted to lift the halberd, but it was kicked out of my hands.

Looking up, Jung Youngho's sword pointed vertically to the ceiling, the blade facing my direction.

Mrs. Wang, I swear to-

My eyes flickering shut, I awaited my demise. The jaws of despair waiting for so long opened wide once more.

[Congratulations! Your station has captured the target station, Dobong Station.]

[Any signs of aggression between members will be restrained and punished.]

"What is this nonsense-!" Jung Youngho shouted, astounded, as his sword came down before he could stop it.

[Aggression by Incarnation Jung Youngho has been detected.]

Jung Youngho suddenly froze, and he made a face of, 'I'm screwed-' as punishment was administered by the heavens.

[Punishment has been served.]

[Your new King, Incarnation Wang Jeogkkoch has selected their title. 'King of Flowers' has been born.]

Oh good. That bas-she made it.

And then I took a long, good sleep. I needed it.

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