Otome tomboy reincarnation

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – [Restaurant]

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==[Criminal basement]==

[Harvet Pov]

"... Hmm, so there's only one other base... It's pretty far..." - Harvet

Right now, I'm rummaging through the criminals organization document, while Fita interrogated the mob boss

The room I'm in is a typical office room, the only different is that the walls and floors is made of stones

Not much info on who's they're selling the slave to, the document for that's probably on the other base


"Done checking the document?" - Fita

"Yes... I'm mostly done, got any info from the boss?" - Harvet

Ugh, I can smell the thick bloody smell from here... Guess she CAN interrogate... With brutality...

The girl in front of me is Fita the <Magi Detective>, it's supposed to be a non-combaten class but... Fita fight just like a <Dark Scout>, a type of scout that fight with Dark magic while throwing curse and debuff at the enemy

I can't understand why she's a detective, I would believe it if someone tell me she's a former assasin... As far as I can tell, all of her attack are rigged with debuff like weakness, some kind of mana drain, and other... The scary part is that she can plant and choose when they active, so after she's satisfied with all the debuff she managed to stack upon the enemy, she'll active it all at once... I don't even know how she manage to do that... 

When she was fighting, I managed to catch a slight glow on her machete, it's extremely faint that you'll have a hard time to spot it unless the room she's in are in complete darkness... 

"I got some info, apparently, they usually send massage back to their HQ in regular interval via Summoned Phantom Waltzer" - Fita

"Great, how much time until the next one?" - Harvet

"Well, we got 2 day until the HQ find out something went wrong over here" - Fita

"... That's not enough time, their HQ is 4 days away if we're riding horses at full sprint" - Harvet

"They also hired a mercenary, not their big master mind idea, but this mob boss idea, they're called <Blitzwing> and they got 4 archer, 1 great sword man, 5 rogue, their leader called Millia, she's a <swashbuckler>" - Fita

"So... No main unit?" - Harvet

"No main unit, they're at the HQ it seem, celebrating and drinking for their recent success in making it big" - Fita

"... That... We... Haarrgghh!!..." - Harvet

I scratch my head at the meaning of it, and then plant both of my hand on my face

Dammit... This is the capital for fuck sake!... Yet these kind of things... Those children... If the capital is like this then what about the other area?I know for a fact that my Lord's territory is clean but... I'll ask for another sweeping when I get back... 

"It is unfortunate for those that got sold, but we need to move, we'll need more men and better ride than a horse" - Fita

"...Ride... What'll we riding?" - Harvet

"What else? We'll be renting a speedy airship" - Fita

"Who's gonna pay?" - Harvet

"The Duke, who else? I'm not paying for something THAT expensive" - Fita

"... Alright, let's go then" - Harvet

We left the hideout from another secret entrance that lead to the sewer... 

... Hope we can save the sold children...


[Noire Pov]

"Here we are" - Noire [Erina]

"""" Ohhh~! """" - Children

I had re-equip my necklace, then after Rolza left the 3 thugs to a guard friend of his, he joined us to eat at Bamboo Forest Restaurant, the children are awe by the look of the restaurant

Well... Guess they never seen such a forest like dinner place... Heh, still remembering that guy's reaction to Rolza bring those thug


"These are!? Hey Rolza! What the hell did you get into now!?" - Guard

"Hey! Chillax! They're thugs that tried to kidnap orphans!" - Rolza

"Ugh, you always bring me more work to do, and the most troublesome one to boot!, even though I plan to spent this day peacefully... Fine! I'll check every thing and confirm their identity" - Guard

"Love ya Carl!" - Rolza

"Don't freaking 'Love ya' me! You workmaker!" - Carl


"Now, let's go in!" - Noire [Erina]

"""" Ohh!! """" - Children

We enter the restaurant, and are greeted by a maid, this time with fox accessories

"Welcome to Bamboo Forest, will you be taking the normal, premium, or private tables?" - Fox Maid

The maid talk to us in a monotone voice

"Normal one, for... Uh, how many do we have?" - Noire [Erina]

"18" - Umi

"Right, for 18 people" - Noire [Erina]

"Follow me to your table" - Fox Maid

The Fox maid signal other maids at the back side with her hand, those maids scatter, and comes back with more tables and chairs, combining it into one set

We're led to the said tables, and we process to sit down

"Here's the menu" - Fox Maid

She brought us 5 menu plate

"Thanks~" - Noire [Erina]

"Huh, that's a new menu" - Rolza

"" Woa..."" - Twin Shota

"These look good..." - Firo <Red twintails>

"Choose what you wanted to eat, it's my treat~" - Noire [Erina]

"Y-your sure?" - Marc <Wolf boy>

"Yup~ you guys earned it~" - Noire [Erina]

"T-then I'll have a steak! A-and Banana Smoothie!" - Marc <Wolf boy>

"Red hot pork poket for me~ along with Tea~" - Firo <Red Twintails>

"... Snowrolled Strawberry with Milk""... Snowrolled Blueberry with Milk"- Twin Shota

"Um... Grilled cheese sandwich and Tea?" - Cillia

"Grilled fish with cheese!! And Milk!" - Niya

"Hmm, I'll have a Mitalai salad with Green tea" - Umi

"Beer breads packaged, hey ma- Umi, why do you always order salad? Why not try something else like this chicken porridge" - Rolza

"I'll have-" - Cat girl

"Then why don't you choose something other than bread hm?" - Umi

"You already know why tho..." - Rolza

"This one" - White hair girl



"Noted, I'll be relaying your order" - Fox maid

The maid leave to the kitchen, if I'm facing the entrance, it's to the left

Time to wait... Is what I'd like that say but... What's up with the atmosphere? 

I feel people staring at our group, and a glace from me revealed they looked disgusted at the children with animals parts

The maids using those animals accessories just fine tho so... Why~?? 

You are reading story Otome tomboy reincarnation at novel35.com

I see some people that's staring move their mouth, so I decided to focus all my attention to them, and ignore everything else

... 'half-beast' Is all I can hear... Ugh, I want... Focus... Focus... Just like when you're fighting the thugs at the alleyway... 


[Skills learned] : [Focus point]



I focus my attention to another group

"*Whisper* Look at all those filthy Half-beast, what if they went on rampage?" - Woman

"*Whisper* I know right? With them being a Half, how are they going to control their Beast part properly?" - Woman

I shift my attention to another group, the one that's far away with a Lion holding a whole cow leg

"Ugh, those Half... Now that I notice them... I'm not in the mood to eat" - Lion man

"Hm? What's wrong with them Being a half?" - young Rouge girl

"Everything, they have our Beast part, yet they don't have our Beast strength, and they have less control over their Beast instinct... It's not that I got something against them but... It just like looking at a deform Human you know? Like, a Human with a leg that grow on the wrong part... Urgh, just looking at them make me sick..." - Lion man

"I-is that really how it is?" - Young Medic boy

"It is... Waitress! Get me a bottle of Vodka!... Make that 3!" - Lion man

"Got it~!" - Energetic bunny girl

"Then why are you fine with the maids?" - Young Rouge girl

"I'd just think them as if they're wearing a hat and stuff, not the weirdest one considering some wear a bear fur along with it's head for hat as a cloak, the Half on the other hand.... Ugh, I can smell their Beast part, which make me realise they're a Half even more..." - Lion man

"... Wonder if there's a potion-" - Young Medic boy

"To cure them? Well sadly no, it's not that they need curing, they're 'Healthy' under those deform conditions, it's like a Human that's been missing their arm for too long that their body decided to salvage their unused magic circuits that led to their arm and use it to strengthen their leg, at that point, their no hand conditions has become their 'Normal' conditions, which mean using any healing that should have recover said missing hands become meaningless..." - Lion man

"... Which mean the only method is... To cuts the beast part off...?" - Young Rouge girl

"... Liz, why do you always comes to those kind of conclusion?" - Lion man

"... It's how my brain work?" - Liz <Rouge>

"... They're ike a human that's been born without arm..." - Young Medic boy

"Yep, that's the way to put it" - Lion man

"You're always bad at word play, you should stop teaching people" - Liz

"Grrr, can it! *Desk slam*" - Lion man

"I don't think my mouth can fit your nuts" - Liz

"Grah!! I don't mean it in the weird Dez nuts joke that you human have! *Claw swipe*" - Lion man

"You missed, knuckle head - Liz

"You-! Come back here you little shit!" - Lion man

I don't have to explain "Can dez nut fit in your mouth" joke, Right?...Right!?

... Why does that joke exist here? Well now I know the reason why no one bother us on the second floor, Noble's servants... But now that we're in the normal, public area where even common man could sit down, without anyone looking like they belong to a Noble in our group, we're being stare at like this...

"Here's your drinks~" - Bear maid

"Here" - Fox maid

A bunch of maids arrived at our table and places down our drink along with my drink of Green Tea

"Thanks~" - Rolza

"Eh~ where's the food?" - Niya

"They're still being cooked at the moment, so please wait for a while longer" - Fox maid

Hmm, even in another world, this kind of things still happening huh, gahaha

"Well then since we'll be waiting for our food, let's celebrate our recent win! Don't worry about drinking too much, you can order another drink later" - Noire [Erina]

"Alright everyone, cheers!" - Noire [Erina]

"""" CHEERS!! """" "-NYA!"

"Fufufu, ah~to be young and energetic~" - Umi

"You know, even though you're old, you're still energetic yourself, considering you have to take care of so many children" - Rolza

"My, and it would be great to have a strong helper, like you for example" - Umi

"U-um, I appreciate the offer, but I'm not ready to settle down and relax yet" - Rolza

"My my, still wanting to do hardcore adventuring aren't you? You might as well marry a Dragon at this point, fufufu" - Umi

"Um, mas- I mean Umi, when you're the one saying it, it feel like it's bound to happen..." - Rolza

"U-um, is it really alright to celebrate this? We had just... K-kill..." - White hair girl

"I mean, they'll probably do worst thing to us if they win, hey can I get another drink?!" - Marc <Half-Wolf>

"Hey, hey! Can you teach me how to block an attack from a great sword?" - Firo

"Hmmm~ it's not something I learned from someone though, it just kinda happen, also, you notice it?" - Noire [Erina]

"Of course I did, that big sword guy footwork is as loud as Grandma's snore" - Firo

"Hmm~? Now, who's snoring again~?" - Umi

"A... Hiii! Grandma, forgive me!!" - Firo

We continue drinking and chatting, until me, Rolza and Umi notice someone walking towards us


The one walking towards us are a small girl with long straight hair colour in blue, with big black witch hat and blue crystal clear magic staff, she have a black robe and black dress with white top, the dress have simple crystal motif decorations color in cyan

"Greetings, my name is Rachel, pardon me but would it be alright to discuss something with you for a bit?" - Rachel

"Sure sure, have a seat deary~" - Umi

"Thank you, kind grandma" - Rachel

Rachel then process to pick up a nearby un-occupy seat, and put it near Umi and me, then processed to sit down

"So, what do you want to talk about?" - Umi

"It is a request involving healing a person, the reward for it are 60 Gold coins" - Rachel

"Wait a minute, surely you're mistaken, there's no one here with medical knowledge" - Rolza

"I know... But no one has been able to heal my friend, but... Somehow... I feel a strange feeling coming from you *Point*" - Rachel

"... Eh? Me?" - Noire [Erina]

"Yes... Even if you didn't manage to heal her, at least I've tried asking you, furthermore I'll pay you 20 Gold even if you fail... Would you please accept?" - Rachel

Why you gotta give me those kuudere sparkling hopeful eyes!!

"... ... Ugghhh, alright, details?"

"Well... We'll talk about it next day at noon, meet me at this location" - Rachel

As she said so, she pull out a map with red markings on it, it led to a park

"Without further ado, I bid you all farewell" - Rachel

And she left... Just like that, leaving the map behind

"That girl comes and leave like the passing wind..." - Firo <Red Twintails>

"Hmm, is there literally no one else she's could hire?" - Marc <Half-Wolf>

"Probably Nya, either that or she's could search for more but decided she doesn't want to go too far away from her injured friend" - Niya

"..." - Rolza

And so, we continue our lunch without further disturbance

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