Otome tomboy reincarnation

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – [Otome game?]

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==[Certain someone POV]==

"Hmmhh~" - Girl

Getting  conscious from my sleep, I rolled myself on my bed

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Mistress, it is time for school!" - Woman

"Hmmmrrh~ just a couple minute...."


Uuugghhh... Another day for another... Something.... Mmm, I would love to continue to sleep but... 

I got up from my bed, and start walking off to my bathroom... 

Uh? Is my room always this... Big? But...

Walked pass a huge mirror... And did a double take

Uh? Huh? Who is... Wait, who's the one that told me to wake up again?... who is this?!

I looked at a huge mirror, a cute girl with short straight blond hair, green eyes, stares back... 

"Umm... Hi?"

. . . 


"Mistress! Are you alright!?"

Looking at the source of the voice, I see a maid wearing proper maid clothes with purple hair tied in a bun rushing towards me

"U-um, everything's fine, just... A little confused because of the dreams..." - Blond girl

"I see... *Phew* I thought something bad has happened..."

Something big is happening though, not sure if it's 'Bad'

"Mistress, would it be alright to start the usual schedule?" - Bun maid

"Uhm, sure"

"Alright! Let's begin shall we!"

She led me to a make-up desks and started dressing me up, the end result is a cute girl with short blonde wavy hair wearing something that I would describe as magical school uniform with purple cloak

This face... It look familiar! Uggghh, if only I have name to tie everything together... But asking now would make it seem... But... Let's try that

"Uh, miss maid, who am I?... I seem to have forgotten..."

The maid stopped and widen her eyes

"... Mistress... You're the Heir of the Nirmarz house, Felia Vulei"

"... Ah! I see! Thank you"

"... No need to thank me, mistress"

. . . 

Nirmarz!!!!! An Earl house that deal with clothing industry!! This is that Otome game! Why does it have to be this one of all the otome game I've play with!?

With the name of [Shredded Moonlight], out of all the otome games I've played, this one by far are the one with the most in depth world building inside of it, but the things that make this one infamous is the hardcore RPG element built into it

It's a hardcore team tile turn base game, a character can get 'Downed' if an enemy get them when they're downed, they'll be executed and won't be able to respawn for the rest of the game, if a character die, the other characters will get a boost in stats, making a one character solo clear the easiest route to get, while the true end being the hardest... And now, I've become a supporting character that can be deployed... Uggghhhh...

Felia Vulei Nirmarz is a support character to the main heroine, she's the one that sold outfits to her, and also one that lend her outfits when her own are being torn cause of the Villains, as a deployed unit, Felia offer a good support, with her main support being the [Inspired]  Magic Skills, it's a Magic that increase movement range and attack speed, which is a blessing for any character that have high damage but low mobility

"Urgh!!??" - Felia

"Mistress!" - Bun Maid

While I'm thinking more and more about the game, I suddenly feel a massive headache, like an electric current went into my body but then it disappear quickly

"I-I'm fine..."

This is... Felia's Memories... I... Don't know how I should feel about this... 

"Mistress... You're definitely not fine"

"Ugh, ok... Just... Ugh, make a doctor appointment..."

"Are you certain to not take a day off mistress?"

"Yea, I... Need to score higher"


Yea... My 'family' doesn't really like me, I have to score high in order for them to not have reason to throw me out... And now I know your name... Angie... She's the one that been taking care of me since childhood... 

"Here you go mistress..." - Angie <Bun Maid>

"Thank you, Angie..."

Finished dressing up, I pick up the bag Angie give me, and followed outside, from what I can see, I'm inside a dorm building with white stones that glow for lighting, being set up as if it's a candle... 

Ugh, this just confirmed it, playing the game is one thing, but to live in it? I have to fulfill my duty as a supporting character too... I mean I don't mind that, but if I have to go into fight.... Ugh, whoever reincarnated me here, I want a damn refund!!

The things that make the game hardcore is the fact that it's a tile turn base game, you move a 'Team' of unit to a tile, if you have artillery in said team, you could attack from far, but said artillery units are usually useless in engage combat with the reasoning being 'Too close to enemy'

If you engage into combat, it'll be a tile turn base battle yet again, this time with all your character that's in the 'team' laid out against enemy team... This is why the game take so long to finished : Cause there's a lot of teams, and one mistake of a main character dying could cross out the true ending route, and the most annoying part is the friendly AI! You'll likely find yourself protecting them more than they protect you, seriously, fighting with AI team or/and unit on your side is annoying, but they of course have a scene where the AI is forcefully put into your care... And of course it won't be a hardcore game without 'continues the main story and beat bosses to increase max level' ugh

What's worrying is the final boss... If the heroine didn't get enough EXP... If one of the boss somehow didn't appear and the heroine unable to increase her Max level... I... I guess I'll be grateful that I wasn't reincarnated as a Boss character... 

Walking on in an autopilot, I arrived in front of a classroom

So... This is my class... Magic class, if I remember correctly, they have the usual Practical lesson, Summoning, theory, mock battle... The usual things you'll expect out of Magic departments inside of Otome RPG

"Uh, where's my seat?" - Felia

"That one, mistress... Are you sure about this? I would think a day off would..." - Angie

"I'm fine, just... its just some headaches"

"... I'll be waiting at the cafeteria for you then..."

"Alright" - Felia

I walked towards my seat and sit down, it is a long seat that fit multiple people, I put my bag under the table and watch other students goes about their business

Wait, how do I use magic? Do I have to learn it from scratch?

I open my bag and search for a Magic book, and found a book title [Support Magic Part 2]

... Great... Guess I'll just read this then, well if there's a time to be grateful for the fact that I love reading, now's the time

Thus, I began to read and tried to make sense of the Magic book

. . . 

. . . 

After a while, class started, it's about Magic circle, minerals, Magic Item... 

Well it's not bad, I'm basically a Magic maniacs already, so I've learned how to make a magic circle quite quickly~ plus I know the mechanic behind the Magic circle because of the game's mini game, for minerals, well, as a true gamer that love detail reading, this'll be fun~ Kyahahahaha

"Somehow, Earl Nirmarz seem happy, wonder what's up?" - Girl

"Hmm, maybe she's finally found a fun way to learn Magic theory?" - Boy

"Hmm..." - Girl

"Maybe she found a guy!?" - Girl

You are reading story Otome tomboy reincarnation at novel35.com

"Meheheh~ *Scribes Scribes*" - Felia

"Alright quiet down class, as I was saying, Advance magic circle could backfire at you, so you need to be careful-" Handsome Teacher

Magic circle can be use over and over again so long it didn't get damage, Magic dust are the popular Magic circle medium for it's easy to shape it into a magic circle, but you can also make magic circle from your own mana, though this technique will require more mana than the one using Magic dust and it's a lot more fragile than-

I'm listening to the teacher while reading about how Magic circle and Magic dust work, I'm so focused on the lesson that my mind didn't even register a sound rigging inside my head


[Trait gain] : [Focus Point]


"Now, I'll be telling you how summoning work, generally there's two kind of summoning, temporary and permanent, it should be obvious considering the name, but I'll explain, temporary summon otherwise Contract summon, will summon up Magic beast temporarily, the beast that come forth will usually tied to your mental state, so if you're fighting against a minotaur, you'll unconsciously want a Magic beast that can protect you against it, thus making you summon a Shielden Crab" - Handsome teacher

Huh, noted, and noted, wonder what's the mechanics behind that, Is it because of our mana wavelength change in crisis thus sending different signal?

"For the permanent summon otherwise named Soul bond, it is mostly tied to your affinity, stats, and quirk, if you're a person that like to beat other with fireball, you'll likely summon a Magic beast that have the same line of thinking, Soul bond of course have a drawback, unlike Contract, the Magic beast you'll summon will be generally close to your characteristics, meaning you won't be getting a Magic beast that could extinguish other beast that you cannot deal with because you have the same element as said beast"

Huh, kinda useless isn't it? It's basically like putting everyone that got Fire element into your team and found a goddamned Melted Volcanic Golem, your Magic attack won't deal any damage to it, wonder if there's a way to not make that happen, like, in the game, this Magic beast summon is being put as Gatcha mechanic, and they're a support character, basically use as equipment that allows your unit to use more Magic Skills... Hmm I'll have to think about that... 

. . . 

. . . 

"That's it for this session, you'll have an hour to rest yourself, next up, math" - Female Teacher

"""" NOOOOO!!! """" - Boys

""""(TдT) Awwwwww..."""" - Girls

"That's why, be ready, and rest yourself to the fullest within this one hour, we'll meet again later"

 Alright, time to go to the cafeteria and meet Angie

I'm thinking about the plot more as I walked towards the cafeteria, there's quite a lot of bosses inside the game, to named a few that I remember : 


Noire Ashfell <Black Sea Villain> - [Hard to beat but great rewards Tutorial boss]

Nell Ziro <Frozen Forests> - [The one you fight to proven yourself to be a friend of the forest]

Vita Decval <Mirage Veil> - [The one you fight to stop her from using an extremely brutal plan]

Mii (Named by Heroine) <Null> - [An optional hidden boss]

Rachel Shalom <Barrier Master> - [The one you fight to gain her trust]

Fiaol <Flaming Wyvern> - [The one you fight to pass a Volcanic area]

Aldo Valc Nimblus <Storm Fog king> - [The last boss]


Honestly there's more, but there's so many of them that I forgot most of it, only remember these one cause of how important and how hard they are... Especially Mii... And she's extremely broken as a unit, too bad she's not as powerful against Aldo

Appear as a white hair gloomy little girl wearing a black bunny jacket with big bunny ear that touch the ground, Mii specialist in rapid status effect attack, unlike other, she can attack twice, once with her claws, once with her jacket's bunny ear metal claws, sadly, Aldo are immune to status effect such as poison, burn, frozen, and the like

It's game over when your team has only 2 members against Mii, for some reason the dev program her to be almost impossible to deal with, she just LOVE to throw Paralysis, Frozen, Void Bind... once she immobilized a target around her, she'll unleash her Bunny Cannon, a 5 tile straight line attack, annoyingly she'll target and immobilized the highest damage dealer first . . . She's probably why Aldo are immune to status effect but not status debuff

Moreover Mii have a big movement range and the room you're put in are small compare to usual... A lot of pro tactic player are actually quite glad and annoyed that she can't move tile twice

"Excuse me, where's the cafeteria at?" - Felia

"Hm? Well, the cafeteria is down that Hallway, just go straight then left" - Male Staff

"Thank you for your information" - Felia

"No problem"

She's a blessing to those that manage to get her and a nightmare for those that tried to fight her, that said, wonder how she becomes like that, the Dev never explain and she doesn't have any dialogue other than the silent dot and being a head pat doll... They're going to add her story as a DLC aren't they? Too bad that I've die before that... The problem is... Right, reward, this isn't a 'game' there's no such thing as beating the same boss over and over to get better gear, nor is there a 'drop' system... Noire the tutorial boss is hard to beat even if you Max your level, but offers great reward of star up materials and EXP + Max level increase, and if you're lucky, you'll get Oceanic Fall Lance, another problem is that the game route is also tied to you losing against bosses, it's fine to lose to Noire, but if you did, the other boss will be harder to beat, and if you lose to those boss at the first encounter... Well, the Heroine fail to help and the Hero have to sacrifice himself IS a route you can take... The fact that you HAVE to beat boss on the first encounter to be able to have repeated battle against them is another part of the system that force players to give them their all

With that, I finally arrived at the cafeteria

I got lost a bit and had to ask the academy personnel... Haahhh, this'll be a rumor doesn't it?

"Over here mistress" - Angie <Bun Maid>

Angie pull a chair back and let me sit down on it

"Here's today's menu, what would you like to eat on this break?" - Angie <Bun Maid>

" Hmm... Ice lemon milk tea, Cookies and Grilled Chicken" - Felia

"... Understood"

With a surprise face that quickly goes back to normal, the maid skedaddle into the food ordering line

... I definitely order something Felia hated didn't I? Haayaaahhh... Whatever... 

What do I know, what can I do, what should I do... Leveling up is probably a must... Hmm

"Status... Menu... Stats... Scan... Appraisal... Bag..."

Nothing, guess I'll follow the book... It said that mana is a medium to ask the spirit to do magic, which is why we need to 'speak' to them... 

I looked at my arm and focus a lot on it and recite the process

<=Mána, Mazévo, Mátia, Syllégo, Kai Metaféro, pliroforíes!=>

Mana, Gather, Eyes, Collect, And Carry, Information

With the word, form a Magic circle in front of my eyes, gathering mana, dispersed them within my body to collect info and carry them back

Ugh!? This... Information went straight into my brain... Well now I know why most mage would rather stayed in placed... Well at least I got it


Name: [Felia Vulei Nirmarz]

Age : [10]

Race : [Human♀️]

Class : [Apprentice Support of the Wind]

Level : 36/100

Jobs : [Student] [Healer] [Noble]

Skills : [Cooking Lvl 24] [Alchemy Lvl 13] [Smelting Lvl 14] [Sewing Lvl 34] [Gardening Lvl 3] [Dancing Lvl 13] [Drummer Lvl 17] [Locked picking Lvl 3] [Item crafter Lvl 29] [Magic item creation Lvl 11] [Ingredients dismantling Lvl 16] [Items dismantling Lvl 21]

Magic Skills : [Rank 2 Wind manipulation] [Rank 2 Wind Magic] [Rank 1 Mana manipulation] [Rank 3 Sonar] [Rank 1 Appraisal]

Affinities : [Wind] [Light]

Traits : [Hot-headed] [Stubborn] [Steady Hand] [Focus Point] [Fatigue Resistance]

Titles : [Clothes Maniac] [Sniper of The Wind] [Reincarnate person]


Ou, sound about right

Felia is the kick first question later kind of girl despite her appearance, and she's a very hard worker to boot

Hmm, so this is how it feel like to use [Scan], I feel something warm inside me, that's probably mana right? 

I, definitely need to learn and Level up more... It's in the plot that my 'parents' doesn't see me as their child because I'm actually the child of my 'Father's Brother, moreover they'll stain my actual Father's Noble House for their own greed, even though Father trusted him so much that he granted his brother the ownership of it by making him the head of the family on his death bed... 

... I'm definitely taking my Father's Noble House back... But first, Snack!

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