Otome tomboy reincarnation

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – Encounter with the little one

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... And I waited... With both my hand on the table...


Until finally, the double door open yet again, fully open this time

And here comes the family members, from what I see, that's my father, he's a buff old man it! My kind of man! He also have red eye, dunno what his hair color is, it has completely turn gray

big brother... 

 Hmm, smol family, guess everyone else is at Father's fief

With that, the two of them goes to their seats... With big bro on the other side of my seat, while being as faraway from me as he can

Thanks for giving me room to think

With that, the servant comes in and bring in the goods, and we all eat in silence

Hm, this soup is good... It's probably cuz of this body's tongue, mine's basically broken with me eating spicy hot food's like it's made out of water, I mean, they're a good food to clear the body, making it easier to clean stuffy noses, and... Ye

As I'm drinking the rest of my soup, a deep voice could be heard

"So, what happened between you, and Prince Len?" - Father

I don't freaking know! 

"... Well, you could say that he's been seduced by a certain Lady"

"Hmp, seduce you say? You sure it's not that Lady Alisha is only helping him, then he fall in love with her's kindness, unlike someone? " - Horse

There goes big fuck face, and pretty sure that's also counts as seducing

"Then you're saying, you're jealous of the kindness Lady Alisha give him, and decided to tormented her?" - Father

"Sure, I guess"

"YOU! To be proud of such act, agreeing to it so proudly like that, you're a stain being born in this family!" - Horse

"Meh, not like anyone going to change their views by me arguing"

It was at this moment that almost everyone is thinking

"""Wha-, such shameless remarks, what kind of Noble are you!?"""

"... Noire, I would like to meet you in my office... this is an order" - Father

Finally, so that's my name

"Alright, father"

This is when they bring the meat out

After this, is veggies, and then desserts, I guess, if I'm right, hell this is a different world, who knows what an Iron ore is called, they could call it titanium and I would have to be stuck with that




And dinners finally finished


"It's me, father"

"Come on in"

As he told me to, I open the door to my father office, what catch my eyes first is the piles of documents

That's a lot of papers, are all of my "evils" deeds are also there? 

Father, get up from his chair and move from his station into a couch with coffee table in front of it

And he gestures me to sit down on the opposite couch

"So, what's up?"

"... That's should be mine question to ask... tell me, what's wrong?"

"Eh, apart from the whole world wanted me to be the villain? Not much"

"... You've changed... Too much, right after that stairs incident... Are you sure you're not missing some... memories?"

"... Well... I think I'm missing a huge chuck of memories, and I, well, basically give up, I just don't care anymore about... anything really"

"... I see... Haaah"

Father sigh and stare at me... He seem tired of dealing with stuff he's not sure about

Yea... He seem like the commander kind of person, not political kind, nor the kind that can do flattery for people, explain why he's talking pretty slowly

"... Do you wanted to get out of the academy?"

"... I... Don't know, I don't even remember much about it"

I don't know how's the academy here are, and I stopped trying to apply for collage, those things are expensive these days, and I'm quite happy working with what I had at that time but... There's always something, or someone, that make the whole ordeals more tiring and shittier than it should have been... 

"... There's a path that you can choose, the military path, although it would be hard... even more so because you're a woman... but I can get you into the military, if all doesn't work..."

"... Thanks... Dad"

I, I never thought I would have this kind of dad... My actual dad is gone before I turn 2 due to factory accident, so having one now is... Novel, I guess, I can't really put it into words... 

"So, Dad, what's up with brother?"

"... Alexis... He's been blinded by love"

"I see..."

So, miss Alice something has charmed my brother... Dunno if it's intentional or not but, I'mma put a caution sign on this

"So, about today... " - Dad

We talk on about how's academy like, small talk and so on... Obviously I don't remember a thing about the academy except a bit of this and that, from the diary

"... Memories loss, huh... I'll call a Doctor as soon as I could"

"Thanks... dad... "


With that, I leave my father office, and went back to my room... 

"... I forgot to ask about where the heck my room located at..."




Hello there, it's me, Noire Ashfell, found out my name by asking dad, I'm doing my daily routine of train, magic train, repeat, also, dad give me beginners magic books from tiers 1 to 3, seem like he store it at specific place in case he got more children, and as of now I'm exploring the garden wearing the clothing that I request to father

Didn't exactly get what I wanted, cuz showing legs is unbecoming of Lady and stuff, but oh well, right now, I'm wearing white plain shirts, long thick cargo like pants, and a thick military like boots, and holy moly as expected of ducal house, the garden is beautiful

It's a garden that could be said to be a national park, with river and white bridge on top of it, many flower beds line up neatly near the cobblestone path, many trees, clear view on part of the city with gray stones fenced... it is a land locked city, with many stone house around, and quite a lot of trees inside the city, with tall dark gray walls and towers to protect it, with some small floating islands around along with airships

Beautiful... It's the capital of a magical world after all... 

And ain't this a great place to do some jogging, it got a refreshing air, well, fresher than city park surrounded by cars... le go

And so, I started jogging in this fine evening, with chirping birbs around

Wonder if the river is artificial, I mean, this is the capital, no way there'll be natural river in the garden of some ducal house, if anything it should be flowing into the Royal castle... Wonder how they make it... Huh? What's this shadow? ... Holy, that's a giant blue birb that got 4 wings high in the sky, look like it got saddle on it... Can I have one? I want one, how do I get one? 

With me being distracted I... 


"Argh!, my chin,Gah... Sorry for startling you, squirrel..."

"... Huh?"

What I saw is a bushes with thorns, swaying from side to side, without caring about the winds

... Hmm, is there something inside of it? Maybe a mouse, or a trapped owl... 

I approach the bushes, and I can hear a faint sound coming from inside of it, as if someone is trying to make fire from 2 branch, rubbing them together

What kind of sound is this... The bush have thorns so... can I... Push... Imagine, water forming, and how it form... I did it, not sure the exact name of stuff to form it, but I do know how water work, now cover my hand in water...

With my hand protected with magic water, I slowly move apart the bushes, while pushing the thorns away with magic water

Where... There it is... Huh, a small plant, a seedling... Why would it grow inside here? And it's making that weird sound... Here, some water... Wait, is magic water alright? Uh, I'll give ya just a little bit

Giving it some magic waters, I notice that it started to sway from side to side pretty fast when I give it some

Is it happy or... Hmm

I stopped giving it waters and wait... And then it head bang aggressively

You are reading story Otome tomboy reincarnation at novel35.com

Alright, alright, here's more water

After giving water for some time, it stopped moving, and when I stopped giving it water, it sway, gently... 


"... Hey, do you want to come with me?"


Who am I kidding, it's a plant, even though it can make that weird sound, it probably can't understand me... Wait, it stop swaying... And now it's swaying energetically

The little sprout is swaying it's little stem left and right, quite quickly

"... You sure? "

It stop, then sway faster

"... Alright then..."

I mean, this is a fantasy world, with magic and giant creature, a plant that could potentially become a dryad is not out of question right? 

With that, I carefully removed the little one from it's place, together with it's surrounding dirt, and hold it in my unwatered hands

"There you go... Are you comfy? "

The little sprout sway gently

"Alright, let's go to my house... Gonna ask the gardeners for some pot for you"

With that, I have to cut my jogging short for this little fella


"Here we're... Now, where can I find a gardener... Huh?"

The little sprout point it's 2 leaf into an arrow, at a sturdy wooden hut

"Yeah, that's probably where, you're a smart one aren't cha?"

It sway happily

"Alright, since you're smart, don't move much in front of other people alright?"

It stop, then sway twice

"Good girl"

It sway happily once again

"Hehe, you are really cute, you know? "

Walking on the cobble path to the wooden hut, I knock the door




A middle age man with blue hair and straw hat emerge from the hut

"M-My Lady!? W-what would you needed to visit this lowly place"

I shove my hand that's holding the little sprout to the gardeners face, to quickly explain

"I'll need a pot for this smol one"

"S-smol? I-I'll get it right away!"

*Tuk tuk tuk*X2

"Wa... Everyone is scared of me"

The little sprout sway trice

"Hm, is that a question?"

It stop, and then fastly sway twice

"Well... On what happened, basically put, I fogor most things cuz of an accident, seem like I'm an naive but noble lady before, that got frame and blame for stuff"

It sway fastly

"Are you angry for me?"

It sway twice

"Hehe, don't be angry alright? Don't want your little leaf to fall off, I'll read the whole story to you later if that's ok with you"

It sway twice

*Tuk tuk tuk*X2

"H-Here you go, my lady"

I put the little sprout inside the half fill with dirt pot, then pick it away from the gardener's hand

"Alright, thank you... see ya!"


".... I'm being thanked?"


Going back to my room, I put the little sprout down, move a bed lamp beside my bed away to make room, and put the little one there on it's place, as near as it could be to my bed

"There, hope you don't mind being here, cuz I don't exactly know how people would react to you"

It sway gently

"Hehe, oh! Does magic water alright for you? Or do you want normal water, sway twice for normal one"

It sway, trice

"I see... Do you like magic water?"

It sway, happily

"I see, you want some?"

It stop, then sway faster

"Hehe, here you go then... Oh! Right, the story of mine, will you listen to it now?"

It sway twice

"Alright then... Hm, the story of how I become like this-"

Sitting down on my bed, I started to tell her the story that I learned from the diary



By the time I ended it up, the little sprout look sad

"Hey... Don't look so sad, limping down like that..."

It perked up and sway angrily

"Uh, yea I guess it's a sad story, but still, I'm fine as you can see"

It limped down again

I Put my face close to it

"... I don't know if I should be happy that you can't speak so I won't need to hear you being angry or not"

It slapping me with it's tiny leaf

"A, hey! I was joking, haha, really tho, I wish I could fully understand you... Meh, one of these day, maybe"

"It's getting pretty late... I'mma go take a bath, and change clothes alright?"

It sway gently

Getting myself into the bathroom, talking off my clothes, and start my makeshift shower... 

This shower is great, and I even manage to make it go on loop so I don't have to manually control it, I could just power it subconsciously, and soap myself and wash all the dirts away... 

Finished taking shower, putting on towel, putting on clothes, it has become completely dark outside

"Well, guess that's it for today, I'm going to sleep, good night, little one"

It sway gently

"Fufu, nighty night"

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