Otome tomboy reincarnation

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Strolling through

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"Mgh, it's morning already... "

*Stretching noises*

"Ah,that hit the spot... Morning my little forest"

The little sprout sway gently from my greeting

"Huh... Is it just me, or did you grow bigger overnight? Is it because of my magic water?"

From a little sprout that's no bigger than my pinkie finger, to one as thick as my thumb and longer than my middle finger, it is a very obvious growth

"Hm, well that doesn't matter, you'll always be my little forest, here some magic water!"

It sway happily as I shower it with my magic waters


"Now then, guess I'll wash myself"

And my daily routine return with new added thing that is reading magic books



Or so I wanted


"Yiek!! Hey! Can't you open it gently? Scare the hell out of me"

"Hmp, still have a vulgar mouth I see"

If I have Uno, I'll be reversed carding you, I was reading this magic tier 1 book, then you just had to spook me! 

"Father told me to get you out of your cage and go around the capital, much to my disagreement I might add, but I do hope that YOU can behave yourself while we're out"

"Huh... Anything to noted?"

"Apart from behaving yourself? Try to be incognito, at least make yourself seem like a noble that doesn't want their identity known, and do be warned for I WILL be taking you out to buy MY school supplies"

"Cool, I'mma get ready then"

"Hmp, good, now if you'll excuse me, I have a much more important things to do"


Looking at the clock in my room, it seem to be 8:04 AM

"Didn't even do much training, oh well, I managed to do 20 push up and 20 sit up without resting, much to my surprise, must be because of magic... Explain why little forest grow so fast"

Going into the bathroom, looking at the bathroom mirror, I suddenly have a thought

Appraisal... Ain't working chief, it's actually harder for me to follow the magic book's ways, I've tried a lot of time, just to see if I could use it normally... let's use my way, let's see, focus... Warmth all over my body, then to my palm... Push out and imagine... Err, box of info... 


Name : [Noire Ashfell]

Age : [9]

Race : [Human♀️]

Class : [Beginner Water Sorcerer]

Level : 16/100

Jobs : [Student] [Noble]

Skills : [Cooking Lvl 1] [Alchemy Lvl 4] [Smelting Lvl 3] [Sewing Lvl 9] [Gardening Lvl 3] [Dancing Lvl 5] [Violinist Lvl 11] [Pianist Lvl 4] [Locked picking Lvl 1] [Item crafter Lvl 5] [Magic item creation Lvl 2] [Ingredients dismantling Lvl 2] [Items dismantling Lvl 6]

Magic Skills : [Rank 1 Water manipulation] [Rank 1 Water Magic] [Rank 1 Mana manipulation] [Rank 1 Slash] [Rank 1 Water radars ] [Rank 1 Scan]

Affinities : [Pure water]

Traits : [Fast thinker] [Steady hand] [Iron will]

Titles : [Sorcerer of Water] [Dimension Traveler] [Prince Hoarder] [Villain] [Backstage Bully]


That explain it, I have [Scan] rather than [Appraisal], it should be obvious but I'mma [Scan], the [Scan]



Scan the target of the user's interest by injecting user's mana and retrieving the information of said target

Information gain depends on the amount of differences of mana the user and the target had, and the differences of [Scan] rank with the average rank of target's Magic Skills


Huh, I see... And Skills goes from 1 to 100, for Magic skills, it usually rank up when you hit max class lvl, or when certain conditions are met, sometimes as an entirely different Magic skills, so I could have [Slash] evolve or rather, mutated into [Water slash], which will passively sharpened any water blade like things that I'll make, unlike the active non attribute [Slash], as for class, level 100 max, then choose new one, you can't change midway, if you REALLY want to change even then, then you'll need class reset orbs. 

And... [Dimension Traveler] huh... It's better than [Reincarnated] and the like, but people still going to ask if they saw this... And I have [Iron will], if I have this before me coming in, then the whole ordeals of my fiance being stolen must have been an extremely shocking event, not to mention all the evil deeds she's being accuses of... She's a strong girl... One that could appreciate all the help she could get.... And I literally have [Villain] as a title... *Scoffed* Fun

Thinking about what happened to my past self will be going nowhere, so I'll leave that stuff for later



Finish preparing, I wear my usual clothing, and go to the front door of the mansion where Brother's waiting for me inside the mansion

"Hmp, took you long enough"



"You definitely meant only me when you said go incognito"

"Of course, I would not want anyone to realize that YOU are my sister nor would want them to realize you're the Dark Sea Villain"

Uh, what's with that title? If it is a title, why doesn't it appear in my stats box? Curious

Big horse is wearing a stylish slick white shirt, along with blue pants

"Right, so... When are we going?"

"We're waiting for a certain maid"

"Uh, right"

Guess my setting is wealthy servants serving a ducal house and now accompanying the young Master of the house to shop... 

. . . 

"MNYAAAAHHH LET ME GO!!" - Cat girl maid? 

"Niya, this is an order from the Lord and young master, refusing is NOT an option" - mature maid


"Niya! This is unbecoming of a servant!"

Looking at the pair of girl, one with the cat ear and tail are being dragged along by her collar, with the mature looking girl being the one to drag her

Fumu, I see... I don't get it

Guess the cat beast man are here cuz of her sharp sense? And the other cuz she's competent? 

"Finally, you two are here, Niya, Linda"

With her short orange yellowish hair and golden eyes along with cat ears and tail that have leopard patterns, Niya

With her long dark purple hair with bluish tint at the end and sharp navy blue eyes, Linda

Both of them are wearing wealthy commoner looking outfits

"Good morning, young master" - Linda

"G-good morning... Young master" - Niya

"Morning, you two, alright now, let's go"






So, here I am... With my brother, at the items market, shopping school supplies... Dunno why would a young master do this... meh, probably father's order, or Ashfell family's tradition, or just his fancy, who know... 

"Ah, hello there, Young master Ashfell, what would you like to buy today?"

"I would like to buy 20 Jilma herbs and 2 Jars of pens ink"

"Right away, sir!"


Whoa, he's fast even tho he's moving his body slowly in comparison, some kind of speed enchantment? Is it an Item or Magic? 

"Here you are, 20 Jilma, and 2 Jars of Ink, it'll be 2 Gold and 30 Silvers"

"Hmm? that's expensive, what happened?"

"I'm terribly sorry sir, because of the Phantom Lunir, the trading route-"

A whole lot of nothing... I rather be in my room doing some exercises... Anyway, 100 Copper = 1 Silver, 100 Silver = 1 Gold and so on... And they're small... Hmm, what else? 

"Here, hold it"

"Understood nya..."

And we move out from the store to buy more stuff, guess Niya doesn't like carrying stuff, Linda hold a mountain of stuff yet doesn't seem to be bother about it



Strolling through the town, some wobbly walking drunkards that has come out from a bar come into my view

"AH, HEYY! YA KNOK OVA MY DRAN! " - Drunkard A

"I-I'm sorry!" - Girl

"If ya wan to b sorr, Pay ap" - Drunkard B

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"Linda, call the guards" - Brother



Dumping all the stuff she carry onto Niya and Me, Linda blast off elegantly

She's running, yet she looks like she's skating on the path!

3 drunkard surrounded the girl, one about to bat the girl with a booze bottle, before it could, brother caught it

"Could you please stop being so unsightly in the bright daylight?"

"Haah??" - Drunkard B

"It's noon right now, and yet you're wasting your time and money on alcohol instead of finding work"

"Wat ya prablm ya brat, wa hav problm, bat nut wit ya" - Drunkard C

"I do have a problem with you three, because of you three vulgar attitude, my eyes has been tainted by the unwanted, unsightly irksome clowns show"

"Ta fac, If ya wan prabm, tan we'i GAV YA ON!" - Drunkard A

Drunkard A went and tried to punch brother, brother went and dodge it by jumping to the right, the Drunkard fail to stop the momentum and fall

"GAAA!" - Drunkard A

"WHAY YA LITEER!" - Drunkard B

Putting his bottle high in the air, he's about to swing down, unfortunately, a gloved hand caught it from behind

"HAAHH!? WHU IN..." - Drunkard B

"""!!!??""" - Drunkards

"It seem the three of you have cause a little bit of commotion, I'll have you three be detained inside the guards post" - Patrol Guard 

"Now now, don't be scare... It's just some spanking~ unless of course, you would rather be whipped by this little ol me *Whiplash*" - female Patrol Guard? 


A wild man wearing full plate armor with helmet that cover his face, and a wild woman wearing light metal covered leathers armor has appeared! 

"Well, they went sober pretty fast" - Linda

"You tell me nya..."

"Are you alright, little one?" - Noire

"Y-yes" - Girl

The girl have short pink hair, purple eyes and wearing gray commoner clothing with white head bands

"Hmp, acting kind wouldn't change my opinion of you, just so you know"

"Shut up, horse face"


"So what are you doing here, little one?"

"I-I'm looking for my mom... I'm... Lost"

"Have you ask the Patrol Guard or people around?"


"Hmm, well, let's go and ask the guards shall we?"


"By the way, you can call me Erina, what's your name little one?"

"M-my name is Ruri"

"Alright Ruri, let's go ask the Patrol Guard!"


"Excuses me, Mr.Guard!"

"Ah, hello there, are you alright, little ladys?"

"I'm alright!"

"I-I'm fine"

"More importantly, Ruri is looking for her mother, she's got separated"

"I see, let's go to the Guard post shall we? We'll talk the detail there, then we'll try to inform your mother that's you're there"

"Alright, let's go, Ruri"



"Did she just leave us?" - Horse face

"She did"


"... Are you alright, young master?" - Female Patrol Guard? 

"Hmp, I'm alright, nothing but a mild inconvenience, take care of them clowns, let's go, you two"






"Ruri, you worried me sick, I've been looking all over the places for you! "

"i-I'm sorry, mama, for making mama worry... "

"Thank you, Mr. Guard, for looking after my little girl"

"It's the most I could do, and if you want to thank someone, you should thank the young lady over there"

"My! What kind lady you are, here, let me reward you"

"N-no, there's no need to give me a reward!"

"I, insists for you to take it! Thank to you, my little girl is safe and sound"

"W-well, that is true but what I did is only-"

"But still-"





Arrgghh.... That's was exhausting, trying to make the mom not reward me is hard, you'll need those money more than me old lady! I'm a Duke's daughter, I'm rich! Not that she know... 

While I failed in stopping the old lady from giving me reward, at least she change her reward from money, to this wooden hand made hair clip she's making in her spare time as a side job

While sitting down on a bench, with building behind me, and water fountain in front of me, I inspect the hair clip closer

It's beautifully made... it's brown wood colour is really nice,  and it have a beautifully sculpt flower on it with sculpt leaf around it, oak pattern covering the base of the hair clip, the flower and lead sculpture being coloured, with red at based, white at middle, pink at tip, green leaf with gradation that cling into the flower, being lighter the father it is, being the only things that's brightly coloured, it make it stand out more, I always love these kind of coloring, only coloured a character eyes while everything else is a shading, this time it's one beautifully coloured flower in the mist of browns... Hehe, I will treasure this

With that, I equip the hair clip on my right side front hair, I stand up from the bench I've been sitting on

"Done with examining your new treasure?"


"Hmp, now then... Let's go and eat something"

"I would recommend the Bamboo Forest restaurant on this fine day, young master"

"... Yes, let's go there"

With that, we go and went to eat at the restaurant


Hmm, fancy place, it's one where wealthy commoners would want to eat in, it got glasses windows, and bamboo plants are planted all over the place

"Welcome to Bamboo Forest! Please follow me to your tables"

We are greeted by a waiter in a maid outfit, with panda accessories

"Here's yours tables, please sit down, here's the menus"

Everything seems... Fresh so to speak, very... Uh, forest based, guess it's their themes, no wheat products or fried stuffs, lots of fruits, smokes, grilled stuffs... Hm

"Hrmp... I'll have this"

"Grilled chicken for me"

"U-um, I'll have this smoke fish... 3 of them"

"I'll have one grilled chicken thighs"

"Alright! Smoke steak deluxe, grilled chicken, grilled chicken thighs, and 3 smoke salmon, anything for drink?"

"A wine"

"Green tea"

"Uh, milk"

"I'll have some black coffee"

"Alright, coming right up!"

And so, we wait for our foods

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