Otome tomboy reincarnation

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Side quest : Brawls

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Rolza show me around, it's facility are as expected, there's arena, class changing room, library on the second floor... 

... Why not


Name : [Rolza]

Age : [Look about 46]

Race : [Human ♂️]

Class : [Spear man?]

Level : ???  

Jobs : [Adventure]


"Did you just... Use [Scan] on me?"

"Yes, I'm testing it, and you seem like a nice uncles, so I'm testing it on you"

"Heh, well I'm honored, anyway [Scan] is pretty rare, usually an artifact examiner have them, you should be careful of how you use it because frankly, people going to notice it easily"

"Yeaa, figured, it's pretty hard not to notice someone else's mana going into you"

"Precisely, anyway got the info you wanted?"

"Nope, can you tell me your stats?"

"Nope, but I'll let your mana go in, find out my stats yourself~"

"Wait, you can do that?"

"Of course, I have a pretty high rank mana control after all"

"... Alright then, scanning~"


Name : [Rolza]

Age : [37]

Race : [Human ♂️]

Class : [Draconic Tao Warrior]

Level : 4/100

Jobs : [Adventure] [Fishermen]


"Woah cool... What's up with that class tho?"

"Heh, curious aren't you? Well, basically things happen and I got into fight against Wyvern, I got this as my class afterwards, it can be translated to Dragon warrior's way or something, unsure, considering class that are named like these are extremely rare, I got it 6 years ago, finally got to selected it last year"

"How many class did you go through to get that?"

"Hmm, I don't remember, I didn't really look at my classes history, pretty sure it was 6 tho, I think... I want to check it, now that you said that"

You need to hit level 100 in order to advance or change class, otherwise, use class reset orbs, which will make all permanent class bonus you gain on said class that being reset, completely nulled, so it's better to max your [Beginners Swordsman] then change to [Rouge] for that extra permanent bonus, such as [Increase melee weapon proficiency] and [Class Skills]

If this uncle didn't use any class reset orb... How much dungeon did he have to cleared each year? Not to mention the more advanced the class are, the more Exp it'll need

As for the adventures guild, it's just as expected but a bit different, it's rank goes from [Copper I] > [Copper II] > [Copper III] > [Bronze I], they're being called as Copper tier, Rank 1

Copper 1 is where people that can't fight usually at, like slum kids that don't have muscle, with 3 being those that can, and started adventuring outside near the town, Iron 1 is when they start real adventuring, traveling between villages and cities

The higher your Rank, the more quest you can get at once, with Iron 2 being able to accept 2 Iron quest, or 3 Bronze quest

There's also the [Wood Tier], these are young adventure that decide to join the adventure school program, they're usually at the age of 9-18, sometimes even younger, sometimes older

The tiers goes as

[Wood] > [Copper] > [Bronze] > [Iron] > [Silver] > [Gold] > [Platinum] > [Diamond] > [Ruby] > [Sapphire] > [Mythril] 

"Also... You're still a [Fisherman]?"

"Hey! It's honest work, sometimes, adventuring doesn't yield anything, and it's a job I'm used to and good at, which is why I use spear for combat rather than those swords that doesn't have reach"

"Better use what you're proficient at, right?"

"Yes, that"

Hmm, I'm good at baseball... Does that mean I'm gonna need to use baseball bat if I wanted to become a high tier adventurers? 

"Oh! I just remember, when you decide to become adventurers, make sure to finish at least one quest daily when you're at Copper tier, weekly for Iron, monthly for silver, they don't want you to lose your edges, the stronger you are, the slower you'll lose them, but still, even if your skills rank are high, if your body can't keep up, you'll ended up tearing your body apart"

"Is that from guild stories or-"

"Personal experience, I stopped doing adventurers jobs for a whole 6 month that one time, and when I use [Supreme Stab] it feel like my arms going to be ripped off! So be careful with using powerful Magic Skills alright? Warm yourself up, and use a not so powerful Magic Skills first before using anything high powered"

"Roger!, by the way, I wanna ask, do you know where Duke Ashfell's mansion are at? "

"Eh? Duke Ashfell? Hmm, Well, it's at-"

"I see, so, how's the adventuring live is like?"

"Hehe, if you're curious, I got a story to tell, ya see-"


Chit chatting a bit more, I finally left the adventure guild, I didn't register, I need to be at least 15 years old if I want to be an Iron tier adventurer, there's a case in the past where a powerful adventuring child sorcerer die cuz of bandits...

"Ugh...*Stretching*... Ah... Well, that was fun, hmm, guess I'll tried to make my way home"

With the pocket money I have that have stacked, leave by father every night beside Livy, I walk to a stall selling some deep fried sausage and egg on a stick that's being swarmed by children

"Here you go, 20 sausage" - Man

"Thanks!" - Boy

"Thank you!" - Boy

"Let's go, let's go!" - Girl

Snack time

"Hello sir! I wanna buy, how much is it?" - Noire

"Ah, just 2 Copper per sausage girlie"

"I'll take 5 then!"

"5 sausage coming right up!"

5 sausage on a stick goes in, and cooking, he refill the plastic beaker with eggs, crack it in, mix it, add seasoning, and when the sausage look about to finish cooking, he dump some of the egg, let it cook a bit, then rolled it up with the sausage, blanketing it, then he does the same with the other sausage

"You want any sauce with it? Chili, tomato, mayo"

"Chili sauce"


"Here you are"


"Thank you for buying!"

"Ledo my man! Give me 50 sausage!" - Construction Worker

"Coming right up!"

Getting my snack, I walk on, and go to my father's mansion, as I walk on tho... 

"... Huh... Something feel... From the alley"

Don't know why I feel like this from there, I feel like I have to go there, and I'm not one to ignore my instinct considering it's been very helpful to me in the past

Walking into the dark alley, I walked pass cats that's looking through the trash, I pick the left path on the 3 way intersection, walk on for a little while... I hear some high pitched groans... 

And I spot a beaten up child near the wall, covered by trashes


"Hey! Are you alive!?"

I run toward them, inspect the child, she's a child about the age of 6, with messy short yellow hair, her brown clothes are that of poor commoner's, that have become ragged

This is... She's been beaten, kicked, and knives at, it seem like it's recent... Ugh, what to do? For now, Magic water... Clean her wounds... Now then, I'll just ripped off my sleeves, tied it up...

That'll do for now... Should probably rush her to the temple or hospital to magically remove any bacteria that I couldn't remove

Thanks to my [Fast thinker] trait, I don't have to worry about taking too much time to think things, and I don't have to worry about not hearing and not having time to dodged an incoming attack

Shit, what the hell you loud fuck, being attacked with a thrown knife from behind is not something I wanted this Thursday

"Well, well, well... Look who we have here?" - Thug boss

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"Boss, she's seem pretty rich, should we capture her?" - Thug 1

"She dodged Bat's knife, careful now, she's a sharp one" - Thug 2

"Hrmp" - Bat

The boss, and his 5 minions... Shit, they all have knifes of various variety, while the boss have a metal bar that's shape like crowbar... 

But... I ain't going down without a fight

Covering my hand in Magic water from elbow up, I took a boxing like stance

"Hehehe, you think you can take us all on?" - Thug 3

"Give it up little kitty, it is time for you to learn about the REAL WORLD!" - Thug 1

Thug 1 rushing in, Thug 2 and 3 right behind, while 4, bat and boss slowly closing in with their weapons out

"EAT MY FIST!" - Thug 1

As the thug's fist coming, I blocked it with my left hand, and punch him on his left cheek with my right hand, he staggers and his nose is bleeding, I follow up with a kick to his chest with my right leg, he went and dive into the trashes

Thug 2 and 3 coming in from my side, and both throw their punch at the same time, aiming at my abdomen area, I block Thug 2 punch with my left hand, while blocking Thug 3 with my now magic water covered right leg

Ugh, my left hand... The gauntlet help, but my hand still getting hurt from the impact, it's becoming numb

! The boss is! 

"Go to sleep you brat!" - Thug boss

The boss is rushing in with his Metal bar down, with the pointy side down, ready to swing it up at my jaws, I quickly put power at my right leg, as the boss is swinging it up, I bring my right leg down... And rush him down low

"!!" - Thug Boss

His attack barely miss my head, I dodged it by tilting my head to the right

With that I attack him with my right full powered fist... Right on his crotch

"AAAGGGHHHH!!!!" - Thug Boss

""""!!!"""" - Thugs & Bat

The boss fall backward, and down for the count

With them being distracted and holding theirs crotch, I swipe Thug 2 and 3 legs with mine, they fell backwards, I spin my body to face them, I grab their face... And slammed them down, HARD


With that, it's only Thug 1, 4, and Bat left, out of their shocked, with Thug 1 getting up from the trashes, and the 3 of them have become extremely cautious with their weapons out at their front



After a stared off, I rushed them, the 2 thugs also rush me, their weapons at front, Bat throwing knives at me

This, control, spread, water shield! 

I control my water gauntlet and turn it into small buckler like shield, block Bat's 4 knives, then throw my shield along with the knives at the two Thugs


While they're trying to dodge


A loud sound of skull cracking could be heard, created by a metal crowbar, alongside the sound of Thug 4's life leaving his body

*Blood splatter sound*


"Phew, it's been a while since I fight, you guys got my rusty gear a workout... now then... shall we finished this party?"

"*Sweating* uh, uraghhhhhh!!!!!" - Thug 1


[Thug killed, +113 Exp]

[Thug killed, +149 Exp]

[Bat the [Knife thrower] killed, +256 Exp]

[Level up! 16 => 21]

Phew, there ya go, 3 dead criminals painted the walls, da boss is alive, but definitely dead inside

Ugh, I feel dizzy, why? ... Maybe lack of mana and stuff? Or did I used too much focus and ran out of brain battery? Later, this little one first

With the little girl in princess carry, I run

With that, I left the alley ways, which gathered me all the attention in the world

A 9 year old rich commoner with blood splatter on her shirt, princess carrying a beat up 6 year old, yeah, that's bound to caught attention... Oh! Two Patrol Guard!... Wait a minute... 

"HEY!!" - Noire

"Huh? L-little miss, what's going on?" - Patrol Guard

"We meet again! If you want the short stories, there's thugs that beat this little one out, and decided that I'm theirs next target, they're down that ally way!"

"... Well, I certainly can see that's happening, Virla, you're on cleaning duty"

"Understood~" - Virla

So the whip lady name is Virla

"The little lady need healing right? Follow me to the nearest Guard post"

"Alright, lead the way!"

*Tap tap tap* *Clank Clank Clank*

"You can call me Erina, anyway what's you gonna do about those trash?"

"You can call me Jaune, well, the usual is to make them a criminal slave, and force them to do work, usually cleaning sewer, mining, sometimes being use as bait against monsters"

That last one are brutal... I dig it

"Ah! make way please!" - Noire

"Whoa there" - Man

"Come here Lita, make way for the lady" - A mother

"Make way!" - Jaune




"Is she alright?" - Jaune

"She is, the first aids that the little missy get definitely help, she suffer from infection but it's nothing serious, a little healing and water magic, and she'll be better" - Medic

"Phew, that's a relief, I wouldn't know how I would live my life if she died even while I'm helping" - Jaune

"Aren't I suppose to be the one that'll live like that?" - Noire

"I suppose, but I'll also be dreading this event if it happen"

"Fair enough"

"So, little lady... Mind telling me the details of what happened?"

"Well... You see-"

And so, I told him of the encounter with the thugs

"You're a brave and gutsy one, little lady"

"Heh, I guess I am... "

"Hmm, but you should probably do-"

"Eh? But isn't my body too small-"

"You knock them down right? You can also kick their knee and-"

After waiting a bit more, we decided to part way, of course, I have the girl with me, again in princess carry

"I'll take care of you for now, alright?"

And so, I walk on, back to father mansion and hope, that no other distraction will happen

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