Our “Simplistic” School Life.

Chapter 6: 1.4

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It was now the end of the school day, and I made my way to my locker. It’s a decently sized personal space. There were a few textbooks and my school blazer, which were neatly folded. I placed a few more books inside the locker. Logging around the excessive weight of books I am not going to use doesn’t sit right with my soul, in my opinion.

Thankfully, the school day flew by quickly, considering that there weren’t any more notable events.

Let me tell you something about why the end of the school day is so nice. It’s always somewhat calm as the school becomes a ghost town, apart from the many students who stayed back due to their clubs.

You should know that I’m part of a club as well. It’s known worldwide as the "Go-Home Club," and it has garnered millions of members. Some say we are the number one choice for students and people with a seemingly uncommonly shared illness. "I don’t want to be involved with anything."

I put in my combination and pulled on the locker handle, opening it.

Click, the stainless steel door opened up as something gently fell to the floor; instinctively, I plucked it out of the air.

It was a white envelope, or, to be more specific, a letter-sized one with no writing on either side.

What a strange occurrence!

I wasn’t sure what warranted this form of communication but still proceeded to carefully open it up. So in the case of someone accidentally placing it in my locker, I can also reseal the envelope and hopefully help find the receiver, or at least slip it into theirs.

In my right hand, I held a sheet of white paper with a body of text written on it.

Yamaguri Yuki,

Since the first day of our first year, I’ve been observing you, and there’s something that must be said because I can’t hold it in any longer.

I’ll be waiting in our class after the school bell rings.

Heh? Is this the lead-up to a confession?

Just to be sure, there wasn’t any misinterpretation. I reread the note a total of five times, eventually lowering it from my face. This was strange; I’ve done nothing that would gain anyone’s admiration, attention, or affection.

If my name wasn’t written on the note, my very first assumption would have been that it was the wrong locker, and it’s obviously for another person, namely the one before, because mine is the last in the row.

Also, I was the last person in class, so when I left, there was no one else in there, which means whoever it is was probably among the first to leave in order to throw me off a bit.

Still, maybe meeting this person and hearing them out would be beneficial. I have no intention of accepting those feelings, but it would be rude to leave them there.

So I made my way over to our classroom. My heart wasn’t racing, and my thoughts were straight. The plan was to politely decline and then be on my merry way.

A very solid method with very little room for error,

Some minutes later, I arrived in front of our classroom and grabbed the handle. Now, taking a deep breath, I opened it up and entered.

The image I witnessed at that very moment would be considered nirvana for the male students of this school. No, this was more on a grand scale, so let's say the world instead.

Mashiro Saya was half-dressed, exposing her fair skin for all to see. Her petite yet curvaceous figure with a slim waist drew my attention

With her body slightly bent over, she slipped her foot into a white tennis skirt, and her strawberry blonde hair was placed in a bun.

Her bosoms were partly exposed, but without the bra, I’d estimate them to be at least a C-cup.

The color choice for her underwear today is black, which surprised me a bit because she seemed more like the white kind, if you know what I mean.

We both momentarily locked eyes, and there was no sense of embarrassment emanating from her.

There was regret over ignoring the sinking feeling that I should have knocked 10 times while saying a prayer, and due to that gross negligence, a usually cautious person such as myself has been punished by the Deity of Misunderstandings.

Funnily enough, this has happened to me once before, but it went along the lines of both of us understanding that it was an honest mistake, then she flashed a boob. I’m kidding about the last part (well, sort of, kind of). So I expect it to go along the lines of "My bad," and then I exit the classroom.

Still remaining silent, Mashiro finished getting ready. Something like this was a bit eerie.

"Uh, this is my fault."

I turned to leave, grabbing the door handle.

"Hold it right there."

Those words caused me to freeze as if I had been shot by a cold gun constructed by the very own Captain Cold.

With my back still turned, I asked, "What is it?"

"Close the door."

I was a bit baffled by this statement and ignored her.

"I’ll scream."

"Pardon me?" I replied.

Now beyond baffled, I was discombobulated, even though those two words meant the same thing. I prefer it over baffled.

"I dislike repeating myself, but for your sake, I’ll do it once more. So close the door."

Letting out a sigh, I complied then slowly turned around.

Mashiro sat cross legged on one of the desks in the front row and glared right at me.

"It appears that you attempted to have a little look at me while I was in the process of changing. Is that fact or fiction?"

I placed my hands in my pocket and replied, "If you were to be given a Harry Potter book while in the middle of the library and then asked to return it to its rightful place, which section would you select?"

Slightly tilting her head to the right, Mashiro’s hair dropped in that direction.

"We have a Peter here; how grand!"

I chuckled to myself, "I would assume that you’re referring to the denial aspect."

"Hmm, Yamaguri-kun, you're a lot sharper than I give you credit for."

At least, I know she was paying attention to my introduction seeing that she remembers my name.

"I’m not sure if that is supposed to be a compliment or not."

"Now onto pressing matters, why are you here on this day at this very hour?"

Should I just tell her about the note?

"Well, I was supposed to meet someone here, but they didn’t show up."

"Getting stood up must be horrible, right?" she replied with a bit of pity in her eyes.

"It’s been an okay experience."

"Still, I’m surprised that someone would actually want to meet you in the classroom alone."

"Why do you say that?"

She held up two fingers and said, "Firstly, you’re somewhat of a self-outcast, and secondly, you don’t look much like a social person in my eyes. So the thought of someone privately converging with you is quite perplexing."

Even though I don’t care, that still managed to sting a bit. The girl I spoke to for the very first time today is flaming me, and I have no counter.

Mashiro lowered her head, and then proceeded to observe the note in my right hand.

"I take it that must be the form of communication."

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Not having any reason to deny it, I replied, "Possibly."

She walked over me and plucked the note out of my hand, then read it.

"You were actually telling the truth, and whoever it is has pretty handwriting."

It was one of the few things I subconsciously noted.

"Well, I’ll be on my way now. Sorry about the whole walking in on you thing."

As I turned my back once more, Mashiro uttered, "3 minutes."

"What does that mean?"

"It means exactly what it means: someone from my tennis club will be here in three minutes to pick me up."

"If that’s the case, then I’ll double my efforts to leave."

As I was about to grab the door handle, she callously said, "Also, that’s how long we have to come to an agreement."

An agreement?

"What are you on about?"

"I mean, you did see me half naked, and I felt oh so violated."

"Hold on, when do violated people stay that calm and continue their actions?"

"I guess that makes me a special case, does it not?"

"If you place it that way, what do you want?"

"It’s quite elementary, something known as a deterrent from an action I find so irritating."

"I’m not following you at all."

"Please answer me this then: what occurred today at precisely 7:20 am?"

That bold guy and the sign, also is it possible that she noticed me observing the situation as well?

I scratched the back of my head and replied, "You were confessed to?"

"Exactly that; that was the 10th time, and it exasperates me."


"So this is where you come in."

Wait, is this heading where I think it is? For now, I’ll feign ignorance.

"Still lost."

Catching on immediately, she harshly asked, "Are you attempting to feign ignorance right now? I’m sure you have at least two ideas about the direction of this conversation."

"I do, but I’d prefer you come out and say it."

"Very well then, I'd like for you to become my fake boyfriend."

The request took a few moments to register in my head before I reacted.

"Yeah no."

There were a multitude of reasons why I refused, and the main one is that Mashiro is an attention magnet in this school, so being connected to her puts me under the spotlight—and not a stage version of the spotlight, but the spotlight detectives shine in your face during an interrogation.

"Do you actually believe you have the right to refuse?"

"Well, I do believe in the freedom of choice."

"Is that right?"

"As rain."

Suddenly, a voice cut into our conversation.

"Mashiro-chan, are you ready in there?"

I froze.

I fell right into Mashiro’s trap; she delayed me for three minutes until her club member arrived.

"Ah yes, just give me a few seconds." She replied.

Now turning to me, Mashiro leaned in, "Accept my offer, or I’ll tell my teammate I caught you trying to peep at me while changing."

"That would be an outrageous lie, in my humble opinion." I calmly replied.

"Lies can appear as truths as well; for example, you’re in the classroom, so I can easily spin the tale in my favor and people will believe every single word of it."

Something like this can snowball into an issue much worse so threading the ice carefully is top priority.

I maintained my calm composure.

Exiting from the classroom door is a no-no because that person is out there.

What about making a full sprint and jumping through the window?

No, that won’t work either, and plus I’d have to pay for the broken window, and even if I did open it up, we’re basically on the second floor with students on the outside, so an action like that would be extremely suspicious, which would further validate the story Mashiro decides to tell.

I was so annoyed that I could punch the air right now.

Deciding to put some pressure on me now, Mashiro moved towards the door to open it, and I quickly grabbed her wrist.

If the rumor that I attempted to peep at her were to float around, my desire for a quiet school life would be unattainable, but being attached to Mashiro is basically the same thing as well.

One is just better than the other, and there is no choice in the matter.

"I take it that you have selected a choice?"

I gritted my teeth together and said, "Yes."

"Yes to what, if I may ask?"

"Yes to both things."

"Good, you have a functioning brain."

The only thing I could do was sigh, as Mashiro opened the door and greeted her friend.

I stood out of her field of vision until Mashiro closed the door. I couldn’t even blame her for taking advantage of the situation because I would have done the same as well.

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