Our “Simplistic” School Life.

Chapter 7: Chapter 2: Reappearing on the radar

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A person’s residence can be described as a place of refuge from the day-to-day horrors of the world; it’s the same for me, being considered a fortress of peace and solitude.

Since starting school, I’ve been living on my own, and sometimes I wonder if selecting a school with on-campus dorms would have been the wiser choice. Then again, having your school a stone's throw away doesn’t sound very appealing.

I can just picture your homeroom teacher and the principal walking into your dorm room because this is your 13th time skipping class and a neighbor witnessed you sneaking a fair maiden inside, so in true neighborly fashion, someone who has mastered the art of not minding one’s business snitches on you, and now you’re basically caught red handed with one hand on the boob and the other on the thigh about to give into your manly urges.

Then the principal reprimands you for partaking in such lewd behavior in the form of a suspension and make-up classes.

Also, that wasn’t a personal experience but just the product of a very vivid imagination.

You're probably thinking right now, "Wow, a high school boy with an empty apartment, so I already know where this is going, and it's exactly how he imagined." 

Get those dirty thoughts out of your head while I shed some clarity on the matter.

So, with that said, I haven't invited anyone over here. It's appropriate to call my house a virgin (in the sense that no other humans have been in here.)

Still, that is a weird way to describe the situation, though.

Upon closing the metal gate behind me as I entered my yard, and in two shakes of a lamb’s tail, I was at my front door.

Opening up and walking through my door now, I was greeted by my very neat apartment, a one-bedroom to be precise. Something like this was more than enough space for me, and there weren’t many things to clutter the place.

A space like this was a little off from what I’m genuinely used to, but I take pride in my adaptability.

Suspiring deeply, I unloosened my tie even more and placed my school bag down.

Today was surely concerning due to the incident with Mashiro, and no matter how I view the situation, there’s no getting out of it as of this moment.

Stepping into the kitchen, I attempted to undress while simultaneously making a sandwich. Normally, it would be easy to do one thing at a time, but if I sat down right now, who knows when I'd get up? So theoretically, if I select changing my clothes, I’ll most likely end up starving, and if I select preparing the sandwich, I’d very likely fall asleep with my socks on.

After successfully making my basic sandwich and undressing, I took a bite, looked at my phone, and almost choked on the bread.

I completely forgot about the errand; I was supposed to run, and honestly, I blame Mashiro and whoever that mystery person is for that.

Still, it’s a simple task like going to the supermarket to pick up a few items, nothing as complex as The Da Vinci Code, which is a well written book to the point where some people have trouble separating fiction from non-fiction.


It was around 9 p.m., and I decided now would be the perfect time to make the trip.

I stood in the local supermarket. As predicted and accounted for, it wasn’t that busy. The layout of the building felt a tad complicated to me. Nevertheless, I will survive.

Navigating the area should be fairly easy if you use the respective signs, but they were on an electronic board that switched to the different sections too quickly. If you miss something, you'll have to wait until that particular segment is shown again. 

A second option of asking the employees for help isn’t out of the realm of possibility, even though it does pain me to utter those four letters when it comes to a situation involving myself.

There were rows of shelved items ranging from cereals to drinks. It wasn’t my first rodeo when it came to solo shopping, but I am trying to limit myself to things I know I will eat.

I navigated through the first aisle and looked at the items. It's junk food—you know, chips, candy bars, lollipops, and other things along those lines. I am not the biggest fan of junk, but I do have my days when I adore it. So, I managed to shove 4 bags of BBQ-flavored chips into my basket, along with some other items.

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Moving on now, I should find the canned food section. It would have probably been easier looking at the signs, but they were on an electronic board that switched to the different sections too quickly.

What a drag, but like a pirate after lost treasure, we’ll keep searching.

Finally! I stumbled across it after three painstaking minutes of searching. It appears that we have a wide array to choose from, and I’m not sure where to start; however, the cheapest items are on the lower shelves while the higher-priced items are above them.

A smart sales tactic by the store will influence the lazier customers to pick up the first one at eye level.

However, I think I’ll burn the extra energy to crouch down and check. Even though an allowance is deposited to my debit card account biweekly, I’ll still save money when I can because it’s the most sensible thing to do; after all, rainy days are a thing in this world, both figuratively and literally. Speaking of rain, I should probably invest in an umbrella.

Maybe I'll save enough money to buy an island and spend the rest of my life there. Krajina slobodnch will be its name.

Well, the island bit was just heavy influence from my birthplace; other than that, Slovak is my fifth favorite language to speak.

Going into a crouching position, I grabbed several cans of food and observed the expiration date. Although canned foods have a longer shelf life, I don't want to be the unlucky guy who gets the bad apple of the bunch.

After placing several cans into my basket and standing up, I looked at all my items so far and noted everything.

That should last me a bit until I decide to make my next trip, considering that I don’t eat much in the first place.

However, for some odd reason tonight, I’m in the mood for bacon, and within two minutes I was in front of the small chillers, which held several types of meat.

I reached in and picked up two packs, which were packaged by two different brands.

Sliced or diced? I mean, it’s the same thing, am I right? I paused for a moment and thought about it.

There’s no way I can be stumped on this. What a shame! Am I becoming dull? Usually, I’d be about to make the correct decision rather quickly.

Maybe I should get the two packs, but the question is, will I use two packs or am I just wasting money?

Focusing my attention on the two items, I let out a deep sigh. A couple walked past me pushing a shopping cart. The male glance at me with a bit of curiosity due to the somewhat distressed look on my face. I can always ask them for an opinion, but do I really want to be the person who asks a weird question such as that one?

No, I won’t take the risk, and it’s not like they’d kindly explain it to me without having that confused look in their eyes, so I'd rather avoid that.

At times such as this, I wish Tsubaki-chan were here to assist me, but knowing her, she’d laugh at me for this internal struggle.

Eventually, I settled on a choice and got the other things I needed.

Moving to the lines now, once again I gave myself a pat on the back for selecting this time to come here. There was little no person standing in there so my transaction went by pretty quickly.

The total came out to a reasonable amount, much to my surprise considering that I wasn’t mentally calculating the prices of items when placing them in my basket. So if I inserted my card and it declined, the only logical choice for me would have been to pass out due to embarrassment.

Upon thanking the cashier and receiving my bagged goods, I began my journey home. It was peaceful until I remembered what I may have to deal with tomorrow.

To that I say, "Woe is me." Or would "Suffering succotash!" be the more appealing phrase?


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