Our Throne

Chapter 37: NOT EDITED YET

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"Mean" Clyde said in an aggrieved manner as if Ryden just bullied him. Well, in some ways, the Prince really did bully him

He knows how much Clyde was overwhelmed by the pleasure from their 'exercise session' just laying in the bed. What more when Clyde moved on his own?

Ryden deliberately asks Clyde to ride him all because he wants to see his wife's face crying from pleasure while impaling himself

However, contrary to how aggrieved the omega was, the alpha merely chuckled. "Come on, you also want to do it. You also want to feel good, right?" Ryden asks as he slaps the meaty butt cheeks with his hands

They were soft and quite plump like a plump peach. Even though Ryden cannot see it, he is sure that his slap made Clyde's skin in his butt red

Hearing that fact, Clyde can only bit his lip as he starts moving his hips up and down again

More and more tears gathered around the poor omega's eyes. The aphrodisiac made his body too sensitive. The pleasure was even amplified by a great extent

As such, just moving on his own already made Clyde can from too much pressure

His whole body, especially his legs shakes as he move. However, his cock was still standing proudly as before and there was already a streak of precum dripping down to Ryden's stomach

It's not only his cock that is like that, Clyde's chrysanthemum hole was also leaking like a faucet, further drenching the cock he impaled himself with

"N-no .... T-too much ... t-too big ..." Clyde 'complained' yet his hips never stops their movement

His weak whimpers could make any alphas go crazy, giving them the desire to conquer this omega

As a result, Ryden snapped. He originally wants to continue watching Clyde but his patience did not allow that

Ryden stood on the bed while holding Clyde's butt cheeks to make sure he wouldn't fall

"A-ahh no !! T-too high!" Clyde cried put while desperately clinging on Ryden's neck to prevent himself from falling

As if the Prince didn't hear the complaints, the hands that were holding Clyde's butt cheeks raised the omega's body befoe plunging him back at a fast speed

"A-ahhh!" Clyde let out a loud moan as he arched his back. It just feels too good! Clyde's inside was fully filled by that monster cock and the only thing he can do was to cry and cling on his husband

The Prince fucked his wife while standing on the bed. The bed creaked loudly as if it would break any moment from now

The omega's body was pounded hard with how horny he was

The two tossed the bed for the entire night. The one giving it felt refreshed while the one in the receiving end felt like he just had a hell of a night as his husband don't stop using his thoroughly abuse hole even though his whole body was already sore and tired


The next day


When Ryden woke up, he could feel something pressing on his body. As such, he opened his eyes to see a certain someone sleeping in his chest

Clyde's hair was dishiveled and is in a mess. His closed eyes have eyebags underneath them and his breathing was in a regular manner

Seeing this lovely face, Ryden's memories returned to him. He recalled what happened and what he and Cyde did last night

As he recalled that unbelievable pleasure, a bright and beautiful smile formed in Ryden's face

He felt like he just experienced spring last night. It was a hell of the night that becomes his favorite

The pleasure was just too unbelievable and addicting. Ryden can't wait for the time when he could feel that magical pleasure

However, Ryden also recalled that Clyde was drugged yesterday and that is the only reason why the night of bliss happened

If Clyde were to wake up without the aphrodisiac's effects, just what would he do?

The more Ryden thinks, the more he felt bittersweet inside. He don't regret having that blissful night but he was also afraid of Clyde's reaction

Would his wife become hysterical as soon as he woke up? Would he castrate Ryden for his actions or would he just directly kill him?

The more Ryden thinks, the more afraid he was and he tried to move Clyde's body away from him

At this moment, the only thing he can do is to ask for an advice with his friend again that did too great of a job that Ryden doesn't know whether to love or hate him

However, when Ryden moves, he realizes something. His penis was still inside Clyde ....

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With how big Ryden was even when flaccid and with how much he stretched Clyde's hole the whole night, it's not impossible for that to happen

That small movement of Ryden made his cock hardened a bit as he cursed

"Damn, I can still feel my cum inside him" Ryden thought as he gulps hard

Most men like seeing or knowing that their partner is covered or filled with their essence and Ryden is not an exemption for that

As such, Ryden can't help but feel his cock hardening and that resulted to Clyde waking up

After seeing those beautiful eyes staring at him in confusion, Ryden felt his heart shaking

"G-good morning" he awkwardly greeted and he witnessed Clyde's eyes clearing, regaining their clarity

Clyde tried to break free from Ryden but his body shuddered as that resulted in the movement of manhood inside him

Ryden likes the pleasure it brought but he was more afraid of Clyde's reaction

"T-that's my ... my b-body's normal reaction. Aa morning wood. C-cause you know .. men's t-testorone level is h-higher in the m-morning" Ryden tried to reason as he closes his eyes , ready to receive Clyde's beating but even after a few moments, that doesn't happen

When Ryden opened his eyes again, he only saw Clyde moving awkwardly away from him and with a loud 'plop' sound, the penis inside the omega was taken out and immediately after that, cum ooze out from it

Ryden's cheeks turned redder because of that both from thinking how hot it was and also ashamed as he forgot that he should have at least clean Clyde's inside

It's just that Ryden subconsciously don't want to do it. He likes it when Clyde has his seed inside him

"II see. Can you go outside first? I want to have the bed for myself for a bit" Clyde said calmly which just made Ryden even more fearful

The normal Clyde would certainly not react like this. This feels like the calm before the storm

However, just like how Ryden always procrastinated when he was still studying, if there is something bad that would happen, he wants it to happen later than sooner

As such, Ryden hastily wiped himself a bit and took a robe to cover his body before walking out of the room. The way he moves was as if he was just given a great pardon

When it was only Clyde present in the room, his calm facade instantly disappeared

His cheeks turned crimson red as he buried his face into the pillow and let out a suppressed scream while thrashing his body around

Embarrassing !! Too embarassing !!

Clyde wishes that there is a reset button in life where he can have a frest start whenever he wants

As he recalled the blurry memories of last night, Clyde felt like he just experienced the world's greatest humiliation

The way he was caught masturbating and even asking for Ryden to help him to how much he cried, beg, moaned, groaned, whimper and etc

As Clyde's former husband back on earth wss a homophobic man, he never had any sexual experience prior to Ryden

He can't believe that the first time he had sex, it would be with Ryden

Someone please just kill him!

Clyde thrashed only for a few times before he stops. His whole body was just aching and sore, he can't make much movements like that

Not to mention, he can even feel Ryden's cum dripping out of his hole. And that reminded him of how the two of them watched Ryden's cock slid out of his hole along with the cum inside together while in a sober state


That was just too embarrassing! All of those memories if given a chance, Clyde would not hesitate to delete them!

He might as well live in ignorance that always recall those memories

Just how would Clyde face Ryden again?

He managed to put on a calm facade the first time but what about the other times? Just how is Clyde supposed to act?

Should he be angry or should he act as if nothing happened and just treat last night as a mistake?

"Whoever the hell drugged me last night, I'm going to kill them!" Clyde vowed to himself. He would not let such a malicious person off!

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