Our Throne

Chapter 38: NOT EDITED YET

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After screaming and throwing his limbs around for a while, Clyde forcefully braced himself

He doesn't want to face Ryden anymore but it's not like he has any choice. To continue their plans and keep their lives, their cooperation is still needed

Clyde went to the bathroom first and along the way, his cheeks reddened again as he can feel more cum dripping out of his hole that slides down to his legs

The shame was once again recalled by him as he grits his teeth in anger while wildly cursing Ryden inside him

"Shit, just how much did he cum?! Is he a beast?!" Clyde thought angrily. There was already a lot that came out from him while he and Ryden were still doing the deed lat night

When Clyde woke up and he removed that devilish thing inside him, yet more cum came out

Now that he was on his way to clean himself yet more cum oozed out his hole

Just what is that Ryden? A freaking cum faucet? How can he deposit that much cum inside Clyde in just a single night?!

The more he thinks, the more furious Clyde becomes. It's just that although he was furious at Ryden, he also doesn't know that the Prince is not the one at fault here

It was Clyde that threw himself desperately at Ryden and not the other way around

Clyde can only try to calm himself by showering as he tried to remove all thoughts related to last night in his head

When he was done, he changes into a new set of clothes. Just cleaning and changing clothes alone already took a lot of effort in his part

His whole body was just too sore especially his chrysanthemum hole! Even just by moving a bit, Clyde felt like he would fall down from the pain

In the end, it took him a longer time than usual to clean and change his clothes and only then did he head to the dining room

When Clyde arrives, his husband was already there while fidgeting. They usually had breakfasts together to show how good their relationship was but at this moment, one is afraid and the latter is dying from shame

In the end, Clyde chose to do his best to act casually as he sat in the chair to the side of the head chair

He did this since he don't want that topic to be open up yet again. It's better to just forget it and act as if nothing happened between them

Clyde don't want to have 'the talk' out of fear and embarrassment

Without saying anything, Clyde lifted his spoon to finally eat something again but the still tactless husband of his just has to run his mouth off

"I-is your boy f-feeling a-alright?" Ryden asks in concern and fear. He remembered how he tossed that body of Clyde last night and his cheeks turned red from embarassment

Last night, Clyde almost became a gymnast with how much Ryden was 'manhandling' him

For the nth time, Clyde was reminded of what happened and the hold he had with his utensils tightened

His anger flared again as he murdered an entire sunny side up egg with his fork. "What do you mean by if my body is alright? Of course, I am alright. Why would I not be?" 

Clyde feigned ignorance while giving a threatening smile. He hopes that Ryden would understand that he should never speak about that matter again

However, the stupidity of his husband went on a strike again

"Of course, I was talking about how hard I was last night. You must he sore and aching all over" Ryden said with pity not understanding the fact that there are things that should not be said out loud

Although they usually talked in that way with the presence of the maids, this is the first time that there really is something that happened between them

As a result, shame and anger ate Clyde again but since he can't break his character in front of the servants, he turned his head at them

"C-can you leave us alone first?" He asks kindly and the maids bowed their heads before walking away thinking that no matter times how the consort and his Prince did the deed, he was still as shy as before

When the maids were finally gone, the kind expression that Clyde was always wearing instantly vanishes

"Can you not open your mouth again for the rest of your life?" Clyde questioned and Ryden can only shut his mouth

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Without the maids, his wife would not hide behind that mask of his anymore. If Ryden don't want to have a hard time, it was bettet to just shut his mouth

It's just that he felt wronged. He was clearly just worried and concerned! His wife really doesn't know how to appreciate his kindness

Since only when Clyde exploded did Ryden stops speaking, that just makes him angrier than before and the already massacred fried egg was further massacred

"Whoever used that aphrodisiac on me and anyone that is related to it, I'll surely take their heads! Be thankful that you are innocent, if not..." Clyde trailed and this time, it was a piece of chicken that he stabs with his fork and the Prince flinched

"... I will make sure that your head would also roll down the ground" Clyde finished his words making the Prince even kore nervous than before

Its not like Clyde was physically strong. However, Ryden's image of him was an almighty person!

Clyde might not have much physical strength but with his schemes, it might be really possible to put Ryden to death

As such, the Prince can't help but grew more nervous to the point that Clyde notices his abnormality

"What are you shaking for? I know that you are not smart enough to think of using aphrodisiac, I am not blaming you" Clyde said with a frown but seeing his husband was still as nervous as before, his vision darkened

"You don't have anything to do with my drugging incident, right?" Clyde questioned firmly and the Prince can only lower his head

The atmosphere turned dangerous as if Clyde would pounce on Ryden and kill him any moment from now

"Tell me that you didn't use aphrodisiac at me" Clyde ordered, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light

"N-no! I didn't used it on you!" Ryden replied while shaking his head vigorously making Clyde release a sigh of relief. However, Clyde celebrated too much as Ryden's next words set his anger on fire agai

"... b-but... I-I might k-know s-someone that did it... a-and i-it might have s-something to d-do with me" Ryden continued. The more he speaks, the quiter his voice becomes

However, since they are the only ones present in the dining room and they are not exactly far away from each other, Clyde still perfectly heard him

Clyde grips his fist tightly. "Hoooo, I see. I now know one of the heads that would roll in the ground" he said through gritted teeth and Clyde's emotions starts to burst out from him

"Do you know how badly my body aches?!How sore I am down there?! I can't even walk properly! You bastard, you did all those things on me yet you didn't even bother cleaning my body!"

"Do you know how hard it is to remove your filthy seed inside me? Hah! Be thankful that I am not a woman, if not, I might have been pregna—" Clyde's words was cut off as he realized something

His eyes met Ryden's eyes as they both realized it

Currently, he was Clyde Rothland. An illegitimate omega from the Duke of Rothland

He was not living on earth anymore where there are only men and women where the former could get pregnant

In this world and body, although Clyde looks like a man using the earth's standards, he was still an omega that can get pregnant

Clyde looked down at his own stomach snd he unconsciously hold it with his hand

No... no... noooo!

Clyde is currently in the body of an omega. What if he got pregnant even though it was only a single night?

That is not impossible especially with how many times Ryden shoot inside him!

Clyde's face paled while Ryden can't help but gulp as he subconsciously felt a bit of excitement

"W-wait... n-no... I-I can't get pregnant!" Clyde cried out in fear. If he were to really be impregnated by Ryden, he would have a weakness that he cannot afford

He naturally wants to have a child someday but not now when their lives could still be at danger any moment from now

"B-birth control.... I-I need birth control b-but no, I can't ask the servants to get it for me. W-what would people think if I prevent myself from getting pregnant? Oh god, oh god, a child is a big responsibility! I-I can't yet, n-not now!"

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