Overlord: A Miracle

Chapter 1: Prologue: Creation of a Masterpiece

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A slender white hand, yet to see the sun, holds a slim encased smartphone with depictions of beautiful yet everchanging sceneries that would cause the inexperienced mind to have a headache. Such is the technology of the times, but it doesn't come without a cost, as seen by the ugly view of the window overlooking a depressive industrial smog-filled city. The young lady sighs in distress, boredom and emptiness filling her chest as she opens an app on her phone.

[ You have 533 unread messages ]

[ Filtered Requests: None. ( Note: There are no interesting requests as of now, and I will notify you as soon as I find something worth looking into. ) ]

A second sigh, followed by the slow ticking of the clock on the pure-white wall illuminated by the many crystal chandeliers hanging around her ridiculously luxurious room. The décor was seemingly tailor-made for the residence of an angel overlooking the sinful world below.

She lifts her slender frame off her padded throne and makes her way toward a mirror, on the other side of the portal-like surface she sees herself, a young woman of European descent. Wondrous blonde locks of hair that perfectly frame a milky white face with the features of a model, and dim black eyes that seem to be a mismatch to her glamorous appearance.

Her vision roams the mirror until it meets the black orbs of despair, causing her to look away as if annoyed by their existence. Having been born with everything available, she naturally started to pick out her own un-changeable faults that had only been mentioned in passing thoughts by her mother.

'Urgh, I wish I could make myself the way I please.'

Even though eye colour is easily changed with surgery and contacts. There is nothing to be done about her father's eyes, they look like they've been copied and pasted onto her face. And despite her other perfect features, it contrasts badly...


Hearing the soft ringing coming from her desk she hurriedly yet gracefully walks up to it and sits back down. Placing her finger on the circular button-like surface at the bottom of the massive screen in front of her, causing it to gently turn on and display her desktop. An icon in the very middle of the screen crawling with lightning animations draws her attention immediately. Her eyes light up with joy and she wastes no time clicking on it.

A page blooms on her screen.

[ app.bananarequests.com

Banana Coins: 1,943,185 BC

Requests: 999+

Filtered Requests: 1♦ ]

"YES!" She exclaims in joy while selecting "Filtered Requests".

[ To: SaintessOfWhite
From: Ainz Ooal Gown ( Yggdrasil )
Good evening, I hope you can help create our last NPC. We have collected many resources and pooled them all in hopes of creating a very unique character. If you accept the request, 1293 banana coins will be deposited immediately and we'll offer anything else we can scrape by without ruining our lives. You can even make it in your own image as long as it doesn't stray too far from what we ask.

Contact me here: ID: Momonga - ]

[[ Reply ]]

[ To: Momonga
From: SaintessOfWhite
Sure, I'm available at any time. Schedule it in-game? ]

After sending the reply she didn't leave, no, she attentively stared at the screen for 17 minutes until a reply was sent back.

[ To: SaintessOfWhite
From: Momonga
Yes, we're all in our guild base right now. Are you alright with joining us here? Add me in-game, and I'll give you architect permissions as soon as possible. ]

Without missing a beat, she made her way to her DMMO set and plugged in. Her blood, pumping with excitement, and her heart, racing with joy.

{ The Great Tomb of Nazarick, 9th floor, Round Table Room }

An elder lich adorned in luxurious black robes lets out a noise of satisfaction and relief. Behind this terrifying visage of death is a working man who had been aimlessly stressing over getting this done as fast as possible.

His gaze slowly locks on his comrades. All either have their own chats or focus on planning out their respective projects. As a guild filled with programmers and artists, the tomb has been sculpted into its current state by their collective effort.

This time they decided to go all out and hire a well-known architect. After all, this is their very last NPC and it might as well be the best. A problem they hadn't considered in their excitement was the limit of resources the game allowed to be pumped into a guild base. The programmer has a reputation for working miracles, and that's exactly what they need.

Despite being a powerful guild, Ainz Ooal Gown still had a massive target on their backs. Recently they've been walking all over the place to gather multiple rare materials. Even though they attempted to be all stealthy and strategic, it was practically impossible to avoid being found out by the countless players constantly sharing information they see or hear.

Even after securing everything, some resources adhere to special storage conditions. Forcing them into taking risks...

Risks that others also had taken before many times, a spawn-kill-chain around a well-known area while aware of your targets' objective is like kicking babies. Just as fun as it is easy.

With this in mind, they all submitted a nomination.

Saintess of White was the 3rd most voted candidate. Their first two candidates rejected the request.

'We got lucky...' He thought to himself.

Usually, it would take a week or two to find a somewhat competent person with a friendly attitude. And SaintessOfWhite has a spotless reputation in the community despite a few bouts of childishness.

[ S4intess0fWh1t3 has sent you a friend request! ]
[Accept] [Reject]


Corinne Okamotto, daughter of an influential man who paved his own way to the top.

Her mother, one of many attractive young women left on the long trail of divorces. Strangely enough. She was still his only child.

Despite having left her mother, he gives Corinne everything she asks for. In fact, if she were to call up right now and ask for a helicopter, then there would be one waiting for her tomorrow morning at her doorstep accompanied by a pilot, two bodyguards and her secretary.

Not that she even wanted to fly around in this polluted hell.

That's not to say she's just buying her way into everything, there is a reason the name SaintessOfWhite reached the ears of Momonga. Although she is very picky with requests... Her work is flawless, reflecting her passion and dedication. Something rare in a time where everyone works themselves to the bone for survival.

Her clients all describe her as cheerful, selfish and somewhat unpredictable. But overall, her projects are always beautifully animated to the smallest details. It was well-known on Yggdrasils' Rebbit page that she had suffered from burnout, lacking the inspiration and excitement she once had.

And it's absolutely true, she was getting bored of following requests. She wanted to create her own mark, her own masterpiece that holds both her heart and soul. Even if the servers are eventually shut down, her father could easily help her find a way to immortalize her creation.

Momonga's request appealed to her in every way. Not only that, but during this period of exhaustion, her thoughts took a dark turn. Where there once was a child in a playground, there is now a woman with a desire for spice and contradiction.

After about four hours of walking around the tomb and familiarising herself with the concepts and designs of the Guild base. Corinne felt strangely inspired, her mind was constantly branching out into different ideas as a storm of thoughts rumbled within her head.

Having enough, she decided to log off and get some sleep. Tomorrow she would begin planning out the rough details alongside her soon-to-be partners... Blue-Planet, Whitebrim and Tabula.


As her thoughts landed on that name a giggle unavoidably left her mouth, a muscular mushroom man in old druid robes and a shovel in hand who vehemently defended the library should be under the clear night sky. Yet never raised his voice, keeping his words clear and concise.

She removed her compact headset, placing it gently on her right bedside table. Then closed her eyes, feeling ready to sleep.

Months pass by quietly, and Corinne follows the same routine non-stop. Worked like a mad woman, rarely eating, sleeping or bathing. Word of this reached her fathers' ears and, worried for his sweet child, he decided to pay a visit.

Now standing at her bedroom door with minor uncomfortable habits. He finally knocks gently on the door. Notifying the young lady inside of his presence.

Within the room, Corinne is seen to be laying on her bed with papers covered in handwritten code and schematics. Scattered all over the floor, her blonde hair had grown darker and clumped with grease while her clothes were half-heartedly picked, the best example being the two socks of different styles and colours. One black knee-high sock and one short white summer sock, how she managed to place two socks on the opposite end of the spectrum is a mystery.

Her headset flashed blue twice before shutting down, taking it off and placing it on the bedside table. She walks up to the door with a groggy look on her face along with some frustration.

'God! I said I'd eat later... I don't have time for this.' She thinks to herself as she opens the door very slightly and peeks through the crack.

Only to find her father mirroring her stare with a frown on his face.

"Oh shit." She muttered with a flinch.

"I heard that!" he loudly replied through the door.

"Ah, let me get ready and I'll be down in a minute!" She closed the door and sprinted into the bathroom with a plastic package of prepared clothes in her hands.

On the other side of the door, the man facepalms with a smile and makes his way to the dining room. Lest his daughter forgets to eat again.

You are reading story Overlord: A Miracle at novel35.com

Two figures sat opposite each other, and between them is a decent-sized birch table filled with plates of delicious-looking meals. On one side is a flustered blonde woman and on the other is a middle-aged man with a teasing smirk on his face. But his eyes held a deep sense of care and love for his child.

"I've heard you've taken up a request recently..." He comments as he gracefully cuts the steaming steak on his plate, revealing a mouth-watering view of the juicy meat on the inside.

"Yes!" She exclaims with glittering eyes, as if she had never learnt her table manners at all.

He chuckles at the rare childish wonder in her response, these last two years have been tough. A breath of fresh air.

"I plan to make it my best work yet!" She said with a happy smile, that flickered away into frustration and despair.

He could easily pick apart her emotions, and the moment he saw this. The fluid movements that he ate with, became rigid.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a frown, he's dealt with her more troublesome clients before. And he'll do it again without batting an eye.

"Hm? Oh! Well... I have a very tight limit for the data I can use. They already filled their guild castle with their own personally made NPCs and the one we're working on together, is the last one they'll make." She replied with a cute pout.

At that moment, he didn't see a young woman in her twenties. No. He saw his 8-year-old daughter who had a toy taken from her, never to be seen again.

He thought carefully about it as they continued chatting for a while. Once satisfied, he left for work.

If one looked at his phone during the limo ride home, they would see an email he wrote as he left.

[ To:
From: You

Mr.Cadvel, I'm personally sending you this email...

The next day, Corinne woke up and immediately checked her phone.

[ 11:30 am

You have 1 unread message from ♥ Dad ♥. ]

[ Happy Birthday! Sorry, I can't be with you today. Something important came up. : ( Love you! ]

She clicked on the two words and an image made its way to her screen. It was a picture of when he first introduced her to the wonders of video games and animations. A deep sense of nostalgia brought a teary smile to her face.

[ Thanks Dad! Love you too.]

Turning it off with a click, she turned on her monster pc and connected to Yggdrasil, unexpecting of a gift she was about to receive.

[ ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????????????. ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????! ]

A grand system message filled up her entire POV, with cursive letters elegantly weaved into it, glowing with hints of gold energy. The earth trembled as a pillar of light descends from the sky and encompasses her form, small particles of light are absorbed into her in-game character.

[ Primordial Architects Blessing: Your creations can bypass the data restriction to a certain extent. Materials required are reduced by half. ]

After everything faded away, a white-haired elven beauty was left just outside Nazarick with her jaw dropped. The entire server was either notified of the blessing or noticed the massive descent of God in the Poison Marshes of Helheim.

"YES!" She cheered with her fists pumped in the air.

She then proceeded to hop around while laughing cheerfully for a few minutes, suddenly stopping when her gaze landed on a Silver-Armoured champion.



"HAHAHHAHAH!" He heartily laughed while holding his stomach.

He had logged in after leaving work early, and the first thing he saw was a beautiful elven lady skipping about like a rabbit while giggling. Of course, they had met before but she acted all noble and edgy. So this was as shocking as it was hilarious. What made it funnier was the completely serene and unmoving expression on her face that failed to match her body movements.

If Corinnes' expression was shown in-game, he would laugh even harder.

A few months later, the same pale-haired elven lady was standing in front of an equally beautiful vampire clad in a plain white dress. Beside her, stood a muscular mushroom in druid robes, a mixture of what seemed to be a white squid with a rotten corpse for a body donning clothes worn only by a BDSM enthusiast, and an elegant long-haired handsome vampire dressed in Victorian-style clothing.

Corinne opened SchemBaron, a third-party program that shows all the details of her creation not only to herself but to others she's working with.

[ Name: Orianna Bloodfallen
Title: Daughter of Monsters
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick, Librarian
Residence: Everywhere
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Sense of Justice: -100
Racial Level: Vampire Lv 10
True Vampire Lv 10
Job Level: Sage Lv 5
Mystery Pryer Lv 10
Libriomancer Lv 10

[ Appearance ( Written by Whitebrim - SaintessOfWhite ): Orianna Bloodfallen is a frail gentle-looking beauty that will leave one dazzled in her presence. Her platinum hair cascades gently down her shoulders and back, glittering with a rainbow tint, framing her delicately pale face with the softest of features that radiate warmth and purity. Her large doe-like eyes are shaded in a near-pink tone of red, differing from the usual crimson-like blood eyes, gleaming with serenity. Her body is slender and delicate, giving an aura of frail beauty that must be protected at all costs. She stands 1.70m tall.

[ Background ( Written by Tabula - SaintessOfWhite - +34 ):

Orianna, a True Vampire with a heart as black as it is gold. Holds the position of Nazaricks' Librarian. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she is the most knowledgeable being within the walls of Nazarick despite her childish behaviour and ignorant mistakes.

Nazaricks Library is a personal dimension only she can give access to. Within it, her special connection to the library allows her to freely manipulate all matter to her liking. From the ground you stand on to the air you breathe.

Having a natural affinity with creatures of evil makes her a favourite among her fellow residents. But it doesn't come without its setbacks, the lower their karma the harder they are affected.

Obsessions are not uncommon.

She is also the unofficial therapist of Nazarick, her calming aura works naturally on everyone. Just being around Orianna will make someone feel better about their troubles.

She loves her position and has dedicated her soul to constantly organizing and memorizing the layout of her wide collection of books. That being said, be warned of the deadlines on those books and remember that even a minute late will result in either torture or worse... being ignored until you give her a book worthy of value.

When fighting an enemy she doesn't speak or interact with them too much, at most she will offer them a trade: "Your life for a book."

Most of the time she'll act calm and patient, piling her work unrelated to books onto her servants.

She has memorized all books in the tomb, making her an amalgamation of knowledge most scholars would drool over.

Her leadership is also beyond understanding, despite having no talent as a general, a simple sentence from her is a divine decree for weak-minded people or evil monsters with highly negative karma. Unable to resist any request from this loving vampire.

She is known to be a household chore disaster, despite spending long working periods with the Pleiades for fun. Even Albedo has attempted to teach her a thing or two, yet her cooking was so bad she managed to poison monsters with poison immunity!

Even if it is dangerous, an unspoken rule has been established to never reject a hand-made meal. Wouldn't want a repeat of situation banana-bread.

Books bring out her childish joy, wonder and excitement. The best way to cheer her up or get a favour from her would be to gift her a book.

However, if an outsider were to step into her library, she will take it as them wanting to steal her precious knowledge and her loving personality fades away. The once angelic beauty will turn into a demon with cruelty surpassing even her sister, Shaltear. And with her magical knowledge, it's not much of a stretch to torment the souls of her victims for eternity.

All her emotions are on her face and she never lies, though "She can still keep a secret" the residents of the tomb would say - (No she can't).

As an endless well of knowledge that never stops filling up, she has dabbled in all subjects no matter how dangerous or twisted, yet she remains herself.

Her love for her fellow tomb-dwellers is boundless and pure.

Upon receiving compliments, she becomes shy and can't stop a smile from making its way onto her face.


"This is just the draft." Tabula commented with a sigh of satisfaction.

"Yes, we should be done in a few weeks..." Corinne replied

"..." Blue-planet watched the two work for a bit before turning back to his own project.

He smirked to himself while thinking about how stunned they would be when he finished. 

'I can already hear their jaws impacting the floor...' he mused.

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