Overlord: A Miracle

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The Atheneum

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At the very top floor of a building overlooking the city, is a girl sleeping on her bed with a smile on her face. A peaceful smile, compared to a week ago her face looked lively and healthy. This is a result of a much-needed break from her "job", but this quiet atmosphere was destroyed by the bane of all sleepy beings across the Universe... 


A hand shoots out from between the covers with speed and precision, locking onto the phone on the bedside table and sliding a finger over the screen fluidly. A specific set of actions done many times over the years. It then proceeds to grab a DMMO headset and place it atop a head of messy blonde hair. The still atmosphere returned and the only evidence of change was the missing headset and the phone displaying the current date and time.

[ 11:30am

Monday, 9th May

You have 2 unread messages from Mushroom Man.]



Corinne stood in front of an ordinary black door, beside the door was a tall hulking monstrosity of a mushroom man in old robes. On her left was Tabula and on her right was Momonga. Behind them stood a massive group of heteromorphic players waiting patiently.

[ Momonga: Any idea what he's cooked up? ]

[ S4intessOfWh1t3: None, All I did was program the door at the beginning...]

With a sigh no one could hear, Momonga, flickered his gaze to the digital clock on his FOV. It was eleven-forty-five, they had been gathered here on a scheduled event. The reveal of both the name and appearance of the area Orianna would be in charge of, a library. There wouldn't usually be such a fuss but Blue-Planet had been boasting about it for a week. The only difference he noticed today was the white shovel with a black moustache on the base of its broad blade, similar to the cash shop items that allow you to store audio clips into weapons.

'He seriously went through the trouble of adding an expensive property to a weapon. Maybe this is more important than it seems.' He thought to himself with a chuckle.

[ Blue-Planet (everyone): Pay attention, please. ]

At that moment, every gaze landed on the Mushroom druid. Who lifted his hand and pressed the moustache with mechanical precision.

"Ladies and gentlemen... I am here today to present to you the greatest work of art you'll see for the rest of your equally pitiful lives.-" Rung an eloquent and gentlemanly voice

A few unheard chuckles resounded, and the elven beauty at the head of the group tilted her head as if not understanding something. He placed his hand on the doorknob and opened it with an inviting gesture of his shovel.

"- Feast your poor uncultured eyes upon The Atheneum." 

They wasted no time in orderly going in as if it was a predetermined order (It was). The first to step in was Tabula and Wh1t3, but they stopped only 5 steps after the entrance. 

'How did he even make this in four months...' Corinne thought to herself in shock.

Imagine standing in a dull six-meter-cubed room with absolutely nothing except the walls, ceiling and floor. Only to go back in a week later to see a cylinder of winding smooth bookshelves filled to the brim with books, each book emitting unique magic particles that float down to the soft grassy ground and disappear like snowflakes melting into your hands during the winter.

If that wasn't enough, looking beyond the miraculous sight was something even more shocking. An optical illusion that makes you see the wall climbing infinitely and disappearing into a night sky. But wait. There's more! 

This isn't just any random sky.


If you truly look at it, even if you are not paying attention! 

You will see the great expanse of the universe, galaxies rotating at different speeds and patterns, powdery nebulas taking the shapes of animals and plants with sparkling colourful hues, planets colliding at an excruciatingly slow rate only to be brought back from destruction like a satisfying puzzle, stars of all shapes and sizes twinkling cheerfully in the sky. And at the centre of it, a figure is seen looking down upon the stunned players with a motherly gaze.

The celestial phantom above looked very similar to a certain elven character who was standing below. Only her upper body could be seen, yet that alone was a sight to see... 

Her hair is composed of cloudy white luminescent nebulas that've been compacted together to form bright locks of hair that slowly fade away into the stars behind her back, with the exception of the two cascading waterfalls of hair resting on her shoulder pads. Above her shoulders are two massive curved light bronze constructs, from the concave of the construct, two ethereal wings burst out like celestial flames as beautiful as they are dangerous.

Sitting atop her shoulder are two faint crystalline shoulder guards with a rainbow-coloured hue, from under the guards originate many rivers of blue stars that slowly fade into purple. Not even reaching below her fading stomach before separating into individual stars.

Her face was the most beautiful part of it all, framed by the two stray locks of hair. A pair of sharp white eyebrows, matching perfectly with the long elegant eyelashes below, a cute small nose followed by eye-catching dark blue lips. And long pointy high-elf ears stemming from the depths of her luminescent hair.

She had her arms on her chest as if holding something precious close to her heart, a satisfying click to it all.



After a long time staring at the figure in the sky, they finally tore their gaze away from the jaw-dropping view. But they soon notice that every single area of the bookshelves had an intricate design that followed some theme. So another inspection began upon the carved reflective surface of the bookshelves, and what they found were runic inscriptions that connect to each other and flash with varying effects depending on the topic of the books.

Lightning magic - electricity skips between the individual runes at random.

Rituals - runes bloom into wailing phantoms, only to be dragged back into their original state.

Plant magic - flower petals of all characteristics dance on the shelf just in front of the books before being replaced by different petals or being joined and combined into a small tornado of petals. 

You are reading story Overlord: A Miracle at novel35.com


They thought it was over, but they were wrong.

Old-fashioned candle chandeliers phased up from the ground and started roaming the air. A warm yellowish light, at just the right brightness and tone, infected the previously dark room. 

Ten identical homunculi with different eye colours and floral summer dresses made their appearance from opening bookshelves and stood politely, awaiting their orders with a business-like smile.

And finally, a blue globe of very clear water-like fluid slowly formed at the centre of the ground. Calmly rotating as many identical yet smaller-sized orbs left their main body. Shaping themselves into all the necessary furniture before freezing into a crystalline state. And finally, the orbs exploded into many different marine animals that have gone extinct, who began swimming around the room.

A tranquil atmosphere had been established.

And through the whole process, the sounds were overshadowed by gasps, "ooo"s and "aaa"s. 

'They call me the jaw-dropper, and it isn't just because I'm handsome.' Blue-planet smirked as he watched their reactions.

His gaze lingered longer on the Saintess at the centre of it all.

And his smirk faded a little.

'Hopefully, she sticks around?' he thought to himself, working with her was fun...



[ Name: Orianna Bloodfallen
Title: Daughter of Monsters
Job: Great Tomb of Nazarick, Librarian
Residence: Everywhere
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Sense of Justice: -100
Racial Level: Vampire Lv 10
True Vampire Lv 10
Job Level: Sage Lv 5
Mystery Pryer Lv 10
Libriomancer Lv 10

[ Appearance ( Written by Whitebrim - SaintessOfWhite ): +expand

[ Background ( Written by Tabula - SaintessOfWhite - +40 ): +expand.

[Secret Section (Primordial Blessing): +expand.


'Finally, finished everything...' Corinne thought to herself with a smile.

Today was a hard work day, her mind can't help admiring her surroundings in the library so she decided to take Orianna to another room and finish her lore. Writing what is basically a novel with something else on her mind was a slow process, every time she paused she would think back to today's reveal and smile unintentionally.

It was a gift just never stopped giving.

The moment she laid eyes on the scenery around her, she gasped at the sheer beauty of it all. Then she saw a woman similar to her in-game character looking down from the sky with an angelic posture. Then the shelf's diverse effects caught her eye. And the nail in the coffin was the orb at the end. If she wasn't surprised even after all... that. There was a secret department for everyone to leave their own mark.

'I should get father to contact him if he frequently makes this kind of work... Investing would be something unquestionable.' she thought to herself.

'I wonder if they'll let me stick around? Should I just add him?' She smiled.

She then focused back on the lines of code once again.

Orianna would most definitely be a game-changing NPC, if not for her animations it will be for her assigned area.



Far, far away from the game world. A man sat upon his desk overlooking the smoke-covered city, resting his cheek on his palm with a bored look in his eyes. He felt... something. 

His heart trembled and a chill ran up his back. Instinctively, he stood up from his chair and faced the direction of his daughter's home with narrowed eyes.

"I feel a disturbance..." he grumbled, walking over to an unopened bottle of whisky. 

A minute later, he was holding a crystal cup with a golden liquid accompanied by three perfect cubes of ice.

"I should visit her tomorrow to check if she's alright." He then narrowed his eyes even more at the city nature reserve, which irked him. 

But just he couldn't understand why.

'I need a break.'


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