Overlord: A Miracle

Chapter 4: Interlude

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You are currently logged in, Saintess Of White.



▪ Topic: The Great Tomb of Nazaricks New Additions - { 475.8k  Upvotes } ▪ Posted 11 hours ago.

In: Hot Posts 

Nariyah (Original Poster) (AOG) 

Despite having a few annoying pricks constantly getting in our way.

We managed to complete our SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT mission. 

Eat shit Seraphim, we know it was you!

Anyway, our newest and most welcome additions to the tomb are...


{ + Image }

And her domain, The Atheneum!

{ + Image }

We have Saintess Of White to thank for the wonderful programming that went into our new resident. Just watch her interactions!

{ + Video ▪ 57 seconds }

{ + Video ▪ 35 seconds }

{ + Video ▪ 48 seconds }

{ + Video ▪ 16 seconds }

See that? She can converse LIKE A PERSON.

Again, eat shit Seraphim #ForeverRankTen.

Edit: Here's a link to SaintessOfWhite's BananaRequests - [Link]. We really couldn't have done this without her, can't stress that enough.


►PowahfulNeko (GCK) ▪ 5 hours ago.

She's adorable! 

I always wanted my NPC's to act like that, but their movements are so cold and mechanical despite their looks...

I'm so jealous!!!

But still, I'm a programmer myself and I know that this is no easy job

It would take me like a year or two to build something at the level of this even with the available work of other Architects

Props to the Saintess for her talent and luck : )

►►LazyPup  ▪ 5 hours ago.

What do you mean by luck? She's probably worked harder than anyone in this... Don't discredit her like that.

►►►PowahfulNeko (GCK) ▪ 5 hours ago.

I'm not discrediting her you fuck. 

Did you not hear about the Primordial Architect's blessing? What even gave you the impression of that?

►►►►LazyPup  ▪ 5 hours ago.


►BobRossIsKing (Merituous Veteran) ▪ 7 hours ago.

The young vampire is certainly impressive. But the scenery in that library shouldn't be brushed off...

The player who envisioned that work of art is no doubt a master of our craft.

I'd like to have a chat.

May I know his honourable name?

►►Nariyah ▪ 7 hours ago.

Yes Sir. ^-^

Blue-Planet was the one to build it : )

He said that you should add him in-game.

►►►BobRossIsKing (Merituous Veteran) ▪ 7 hours ago.

That's great news, I'll be in touch. : D

►TwelveWingsOneBlade ▪ 8 hours ago.

Congrats, no hard feelings.

We apologize if we bothered-

Just kidding, fuck you to hell Nariyah you grudge-holding hag.

It's been like 6 months since we killed you due to a misunderstanding, our GMs are on good terms yet you keep to this dumb vengeful crusade of yours unnecessarily.

►►Nariyah ▪ 8 hours ago.

Eat my ass.

►►►TwelveWingsOneBlade ▪ 8 hours ago.

With pleasure.

►►►►Nariyah ▪ 8 hours ago.


►►►►►TwelveWingsOneBlade ▪ 9 hours ago.

Getting cold feet?

►►►►Peroronchino ▪ 8 hours ago.


You are a man of wisdom!

►►►►►TwelveWingsOneBlade ▪ 9 hours ago.

Don't lump me with you...

►►►►►►Peroronchino ▪ 8 hours ago.

Why must you shun me? Brother!

►Momonga ▪ 8 hours ago.

Do you have to do this in every post?

►►Nariyah ▪ 8 hours ago.


►Saintess Of  White ▪ 17 minutes ago.

The pleasure was all mine : )

►►Momonga ▪ now.

You're free to come around whenever you like, Blue-Planet, Whitebrim and Tabula really enjoyed your participation.

►►►Saintess Of  White ▪ now.

Mhm, I'll be sure to stick around.

►KnightOfPurity ▪ 2 hours ago.

It is a sin for such a beautiful and adorable Vampire to be within the clutches of a guild of monsters. 

We should band together and rescue the princess from their clutches.

I've already bought the Rope of Napping.

You are reading story Overlord: A Miracle at novel35.com

►►BloodForTheBloodGod! ▪ 2 hours ago.

If you attempt to touch even a hair on our Orianna I'll be shoving my axe right up your ass...

►►►KnightOfPurity ▪ 2 hours ago.

Ah! Are those fighting words I see? 

As expected of the barbaric guild of heteromorphs!

Further proving my point.

►►►►Saintess Of White ▪ now.

Creep, keep your filthy pervert hands off my baby...

►►►►►KnightOfPurity ▪ now.

Whatever do you mean?

I'm actually quite a nice guy if given a chance.

►►►►►►TabulaSmaragdina ▪ now.

???? Just going to leave this here for better measure...

►►►►►►Saintess Of White ▪ now.

No... Just no.

►KarionTheClaw ▪ 2 hours ago.

That's decent at best, who's to say you didn't just program her to say those specific voice lines as a response?

►►Fluffynatrix ▪ 1 hour ago

Exactly my thoughts, I've attempted the exact same things many times over the years and I've never been able to get more than robotic vocal responses accompanied by badly imitated movements that look too rigid. So many posers have made the same claims and they've all been exposed with a simple secondary request. 

[@Saintess Of White], unless you can make another NPC of the same calibre with a publicly accessible code then no one will believe this bullshit.

I'm sick of having people brag about this kind of achievement with no significant proof of their work...

►►►Nariyah ▪ 1 hour ago

Are you saying the 9th ranked guild in the game would lie about this?

Face it, you're just soured up because no one cares about the slow-ass progress that never got you anywhere.

The audacity to just ask her for her code like you're some kind of authority on the subject

Know your place and hide away in your cavern, scratching at your zit-infested abomination of a face.

I would tell you to touch the grass, but you seem to eat it for every meal.

►►►►PotatoPotahtoh (Moderator) ▪ 1 hour ago

[@Nariyah] You have been warned.

Don't think that just because the bot doesn't catch your tirades, you can't be banned.

►►►►►[Banned] ▪ 1 hour ago

Eat shit.

►►►►►►PotatoPotahtoh (Moderator) ▪ 1 hour ago

I know this is your alt. You can't ban evade forever.

►►Saintess Of White ▪ Now.

Don't call my masterpiece a fake.

[Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]

Here are links to the live stream, in 10 minutes we'll begin.

If you call it fake again after this then you're just being mean.

Corinne sighs and shuts her Rebbit page.

[ [ Start Streaming ] ]

◄ ► ⟳ ⍟ { https://www.Fetch.tv/Bukubukuchagama/ChatPage                                                                                      ➦| ???? ⍍ }    ????   ◧   ????   


????Berry: We really have our work cut out for us. Guys, control yourselves and stop making disgusting comments.

Coriander: I think my heart is in the process of melting...

MarcusWimbleneck: Hurrah for Orianna!

Lock-ness: Hurrah!

Barnes543: Hurrah

OmegaZerg:  How is it possible for an NPC to feel so real, I'm in love.

He-liona: Hurrah!

Fernand: @OmegaZerg she's too precious for you! For anyone! The princess must remain untouched!

Nercognition: Protec our queens!

Merlomat: For the Queens!

OmegaZerg@Fernand who are you to decide the wonders of love?

Mary5: For the Queens!

JennaMertle98: For the Queens!

Neela106: For the Queens!

???? SlimeKingOfTheWest: I was sceptical myself, but this is truly a complete generation of NPCs ahead of the average stuff.

IsaacTheMercOfTreads: I want to kidnap and breed her...

???? SlimeKingOfTheWest has permanently banned IsaacTheMercOfTreads and scrubbed his past messages.

???? SlimeKingOfTheWest: The freaks just keep rolling in.

???? Limim: Yup! This is still super duper cool though! @OmegaZerg Shut your trap before I shut it for you... ????

Ragnar0988: Report the threats to the light of our life!

Karna2341: Yes sir!

OmegaZerg: Urgh, the tyrants have spoken... BUT NOTHING CAN STOP ME FROM EXPRESSING MY LOVE.

Arthur123: Yes sir!

???? Limim has banned user: OmegaZerg.

WillTheStrappedBill: Yes sir!

MerickoTheFalconman: Stop the simps!

???? Limim has enabled sub-only mode.

????Bites: Hey guys, what's up? I thought we'd never break 100, much less 50k viewers...

???? SlimeKingOfTheWest: True, as you can see we're showing off Orianna and she seems to be a blessing in more ways than one LUL. Haven't seen you in a while, everything alright?

????Bites: Yeh, work be piling on but I'll live. I thought that was a player KEK.

???? SlimeKingOfTheWest: Might as well be a player with the way she acts. I feel like I'm watching an innocent child learn about the world around her...

"Orianna, give the viewers the last word. To end the stream." Corinne encouraged with a soft tone of voice.

The pale-haired vampire mulled over for a few moments with a finger tapping her cheek rhythmically, while her soothing voice let out a pleasant hum. It enchanted not just all of us in the library but also the people watching from the other side, if the comments were anything to go by.

After nodding to herself with a look of realization she smiled slightly and spoke her honeyed words.

"Thank you for spending time with us today! I hope I can see you again sometime soon, hugs and kisses to everyone!" She cheered energetically.

Then stiffened up before adding the next part of her sentence.

"Except for the creepy perverts, mother said they don't deserve my love and affection. And mother is always right." She apologetically added with a polite smile.

"NOOOOOOOOOO-" An agonizing scream of despair was heard from the stream. 

A scream that was shared throughout many locations with pain and regret...

And the creation of an iconic clip that would stay popular for many years to come.

If you find any errors ( broken links, non-standard content, etc.. ), Please let us know < report chapter > so we can fix it as soon as possible.
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