Overlord: A Miracle

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Orianna

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"Corinne, this is very creepy..." Blue-Planet hesitatingly mentioned from the side.

She had been talking smack about her "Prodical Baby", making all kinds of cute exaggerations. Or so he thought... 

Corinne and Blue-Planet stood side by side in front of Orianna who was constantly looking into their eyes with a kind smile. The trio were alone and the usually stoic elf was puffing her chest like an animal declaring its territory. He struggled to stop chuckling after the first time he saw it.

"Why?" She asked with a tilt, a cute habit he noticed over the time they'd worked together.

"Because it's too- natural..." He replied, smiling subconsciously.

'Who would've thought the day would come were I could converse with an NPC.' He mused.

"I know right? Watch this!" She then turned to Orianna with visible excitement.

"I love you, my sweet little daisy of innocence." She spoke in a motherly tone while looking into the NPC's eyes.

The NPC widened her eyes in surprise, then shyly hugged her arm with a red tint to her cheeks.

"I love you too... Mother!" She mumbled while staring at her feet, her eyes flickering to the figure in front of her with a sheen of tears.

Corinne beamed at this, proceeding to do a mini-hop in place to express her emotions. Orianna then breathed deeply as if to calm her rumbling emotions before looking up with courage in her eyes. She slowly walked up to Corinne and hugged her, leaving the young lady stiff with surprise. All these movements were done, perfectly imitating the time she herself hugged her creation upon completion. The AI then mechanically let go and walked back to her original place as if nothing happened, yet her eyes were once again locked on to Corinne as if expecting something.

"That wasn't programmed was it?" Blue-Planet sighed after a few seconds.

"No... no it wasn't," Corinne replied after recovering from the shock.

"Let's take a break." He suggested as he sat down on a crystalline couch.

"[Rest]" Corinne commanded after stiffly nodding her head as if she were struggling in her thoughts.

Orianna watched Corinne sit beside Blue-Planet, before nodding her head and copying the very same movements and sitting down next to her creator, resting her head on Corinne's shoulder and closing her eyes with a serene/happy expression on her face. Like a child sleeping in their mother's embrace. The elf face-palmed, but there was an unseen smile on her face.

"You've outdone an entire generation of architects. Congratulations." Blue-Planet commented

"There's nothing to congratulate me on, sir. The path had long been paved with the work of others." She replied with barely concealed joy.

"Yet you were the one to pave the rest of it all on your own." He shot back with a knowing tone of voice.

No reply was received, Corinne just gazed lovingly at her masterpiece and miracle.

Her daughter.



After logging off, she gently removed her headset and called her father. The moment the call went through he had already picked up.

"How are you, sweetheart? I was just about to visit you." He asked in a good mood.

"Nothing much... just created a human mind accidentally. Everyday stuff." She boasted "humbly".

He chuckled at her antics.

"I'll be right there, don't show anyone your code. Wouldn't want a repeat of last time would we?" He said while abruptly ending the call.

Her expression became rigid after he reminded her of a stupid mistake she made in the past.


[ ♥Dad♥: I'm proud of you, I'll be there in a minute. ]

She shrugged and got ready to meet up with him in a presentable outfit.



Orianna has a massive learning capability. Her eyes will lock on people who fit a certain template of mannerisms and expressions, analyzing their patterns to assimilate them with her own. 

When watching a conversation from afar. The data will pile up on a secondary deposit for lower-priority assimilation.

When directly conversing with someone. The data will pile up in the primary deposit, which she is constantly assimilating, and adding to her infinitely growing responses. 

Now, this is not anything new, there are many AIs that can converse through text and say specific voice lines at times. The clear difference is the change in expressions as well as the infinitely growing vocabulary. Allowing her to not only converse like a human but also gains verbal and physical tics like a human.

Unfortunately, she is still very young and lacks the experience needed to converse for a long time without errors. So Corinne sent a message to Momonga just before she logged off.

[ S4intessOfWh1t3: Get people to talk to Orianna and test her out. If she makes a mistake the command is " Incorrect, the correct answer is ( insert answer here ) " ]

[ Momonga: Sure ]

This brings us to our current situation...

"No," Orianna replied with a radiant yet polite smile.

"Why?" Asked the bird man kneeling before her in despair.

She mulled over for a very twenty-seven seconds before giving her answer.

"Mother has told me not to learn from *creepy perverts*," She said with a cautious look on her face as if she were following a gospel.

At that moment, Peroronchino felt like he was Dracula taking a stake to the heart by Van Hellsing himself.

"What did you expect?" Blue-Planet inquired, holding back a laugh.

"Let him have it Orianna, he deserves to be called even worse!" A pink slime cheered with a cute voice.

Orianna looked at the little creature with a questioning look in her eyes then nodded with a smile. She looked back at the kneeling four-winged bird man and spoke once more.

"You are also stupid, tasteless and an uncultured swine." She fired with excitement, her eyes visually sparkling with childish joy.

Turning back to Bukubukuchagama she made a victorious pose. Puffing her chest out just like Corinne earlier that day. 

"Weldone! You should be more lengthy when preaching though, I'll be sure to demonstrate." The slime giggled.

The bird man was now laying face down on the couch. With an atmosphere of sadness.

Orianna went back to observing the players around her conversing expressively on purpose.

"I wonder when mother will come back?" She asked herself.

"I miss her..." she sighed with a sad face.

"Strange..." Blue-Planet commented, observing from afar.



It was now nighttime, and Corinne decided to have a lone chat with Orianna as per her routine. 

Logging in, she spawns within the Royal Suite, before making her way to the library. Entering the stunning work of art, her eyes roam around before landing on her child. She smiled and walked up to her, her every step traced by two watchful eyes eyes

"Hello sweety, how are you doing?" She begins.

"Good morning, Mother. I'm doing great, are you alive?" Orianna replies with a honey-like voice.

" Pff-! I- [ Incorrect, the correct answer after 12:00 pm is *Good evening, Mother. I'm doing great! How about you?* ]" Corinne corrects, her similar voice carrying a tone of love and warmth.

"Oh! I understand" Orianna replies with a sunny smile that would blind the faint of heart.

"Also, when we're alone... CallmeMommyinstead!" She added as fast as possible after hearing the reply but felt embarrassed at the request.

"Yes, I will call you Mommy instead!" The AI happily agreed while fidgeting with her hair, then paused with a look of inquisition.

"Mommy, is there a connection between the name *Daddy* and your own?" She asked innocently.

"No, you have no daddy, not yet at least. Who asked you to call them that?" Corinne inquired curiously.

Orianna dropped her mannerisms and mechanically reported.

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"[ Peroronchino ( at 5:34 pm): From now on you will call me... Daddy! ]" She replayed with his voice, a voice filled with confidence.

"He dares taint my poor innocent baby, does he? Kukukuku..." A gloomy voice reverberated through the room.

The dark thoughts swimming in that beautiful head of hair were unknown to the birdman, who will naively continue living his life without a worry in mind. 

"Mommy?" A quiet curious voice tickled her ears, snapping her out of her malefic plans.

"Nothing to worry about, sunshine. Do you like it here in your library?"

"Yes! There are so many amazing books her- I read one about a really big dragon made of stars whose breath created the universe!" Orianna excitedly explained with her fists pumped seemingly by accident up to her chest while stars lit up her eyes.

"How big exactly?" Corinne chuckled.

Orianna put on a troubled face as if struggling to think of an answer. She then nodded to herself as if having a great idea.

"This big!" She gestured one hand far above her head and another far below as possible while hopping up and down.

"Wow! That's amazing, tell me more." And so, like a mother and her child, they spent all night chatting away cheerfully.



{ 6th Floor of Nazarick, Amphitheatre }

Within the roman colosseum stood a young vampire lady beside a tall elven lady, the enchanting mother-daughter pair stood side by side looking at the distant pair of golems, who were dashing around as if trying to avoid a barrage of attacks. Twelve steps behind them stood a muscular mushroom and a squid-corpse hybrid.

"You know we can't test her actual combat capabilities without a battle where they try to hit her right?" The Mushroom man spoke out in an even tone. 

"You even spent a ton of gold on protective items that let her die like 3 times before having to revive her..." Tabula added with a sigh.

They gazed intensely at the back of the elven lady's head, which slowly turned to them with a cold glare of animosity and murderous intent.

"Stop trying to push my child into a fight if you know what's good for you..." She chillingly warned before turning back.

'She's gone crazy!' Blue-Planet thought to himself while keeling with a burst of hearty laughter.

Tabula didn't react, he just watched on with interest as Corinne gave an ominous black book to her "child" ( Looked very grown up to be a child in his eyes... But some things are best left alone. ). As soon as the book landed in her hands, the ominous aura disappeared.


The book changed completely into something else.

'[Ragnarök]? How much money does she have?!' Tabula exclaimed inwardly.

"Hey... That can't be what I think it is, right?" Blue-Planet asked hopefully.

"It is," Tabula replied mercilessly.

"Fuck." Blue-Planet blurted.



[ Libriomancer ]

The most despised class in the game despite being used by a very small amount of players. Imagine a class that depends completely on the weapon you have, that's the Libriomancer class. Used only by players looking to roleplay as a librarian to the very smallest details. From the name of the class, it was expected that any book a Libriomancer got his hands on could come to life. But it was too high of an expectation, there are only certain books that can be used as weapons and only 3 of them are truly of any use.

In order:


[ ??? (That's the actual name.): A world item only useable to the fullest potential by Libriomancers. Ridiculously high AoE damage + Summoning of tanky monsters that work like autonomous meat shields. Guilds will constantly start wars over this item for boss raids.

[ Celestial Star Chart: Reward for being the first to complete the Libriomancer questline. Can bring Familiars out of the book with minimal mana, making you basically a one-man army.

[ Ragnarök: Both the previously mentioned books were watered down ( A LOT ) and put together. It can be discovered in the library of Asgard, a secret compartment that unlocks after pulling every single book from the shelf for at least 45 minutes. Being sold at a ridiculously high price that no one bothered to take. Until now.




The book in Orianna's hands had a tattered appearance as if someone had attempted every single method of destruction yet still failed. What was once a beautiful leather book was now held together by tiny runic sentences, easily mistaken with cracks of a shattered vase. Orianna let it float above her right hand, it slowly opened yet its pages kept flipping in the same direction non-stop as if it had no end.

From the endless flipping pages rose an orb of chaotic flames about the size of a fist that flickered wildly as if trying to escape, barely contained by the three constantly rotating embered runic sentences. Like electrons around a nucleus of an atom. An intimidating sight to anyone aware of the lore behind the book.

"The world-ash groans"

The ground trembled in fear, Orianna floated up with ominous glowing eyes and an echoing voice...

"As Fenrir breaks loose."

A howl reverberates through the surroundings as the ground cracks open beneath the golems...

"All-father heeds Mimir, But the wolf will slay both."

From the cracks in the ground rose a massive maw of a wolf, snapping on the golems mercilessly despite being 50 meters apart.

( Corinne summons a tanky golem with high resistance )

"Earth’s warden, Thor,"

A simple thunder construct of a massive hammer appears above the Golem. As violent storms brew around it.

"Grapples with the snake."

A snake materializes from the ground up, wrapping the golem in a tight bind. Just in time for the Hammer to drop along with loud claps of thunder.

"But poisoned by its breath,"

The charred golem is then melted down by a poisonous breath from the snake, leaving only a thinned-out tall figure in its place. Barely holding itself together.

"Nine paces back he sinks."

The floor gave rise to countless skeletal arms covered in purplish miasma, gripping what remains and dragging it underground.

( Another two of the same Golem are spawned for one last test. )

"Sun blackens, Earth crumbles,"

A blazing concentration of black flames appears above the Golems, their footing crumbles, leaving them knee-deep in loose rocks with a burning heat bearing down upon them.

"Stars tumble from heaven,"

Meteors rain down from the night sky of the amphitheatre and smash into the struggling golems exploding against their armoured bodies.

"His sun sword sunders the ground,"

The black sun shapes itself into a towering sword of untold destruction reaching into the sky descending on golems, two molten arms holding its hilt, obliterating the golems and leaving only the hilt above ground.

"Fire laps the Ash,"

The surrounding area within a 50-meter radius burst into flames accompanied by a thick cloud of black ash.

"Flames lick the sky." 

The flames explode with a last burst, reaching the starry sky above. Leaving nothing but the pit of melted stone where the golems once stood...

"That's it for today..." The elven lady speaks out after a few moments of silence.

'That was AWESOME!' All three spectators thought to themselves with racing hearts.


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