Overlord: A Miracle

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: A Strange Dream

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Many watched as the numbers of the ingame digital clock struck midnight, blissfully unaware of the countless events unfolding behind the curtains of reality.

The most important among them being...

A woman with blonde hair and black eyes collapsed on her bed with tears streaming down her cheeks, her heavy eyelids displaying her exhaustion.

A skeletal overlord sat upon his throne gracefully awaiting his end, as he overlooked the glorious room with a pair of empty eye sockets emitting a sense of lonely pride. If one were to look closer, they would notice two dim red dots surging to life within the darkness.

A vampire embraced the empty air with a blank look in her tear-filled eyes as a sticky black substance burst from her skin and engulfed her petite figure.

An empty grass plain gained a new accessory to its landscape, a massive temple-like structure of greek architecture covered by a slowly dissipating yet lethal poisonous gas. Wildlife in the area helplessly shrivelled up and died upon close proximity to it.

A cosmic entity sealed within its resting place finally opened her burning golden eyes since the day she had been summoned and gazed beneath with a frown of confusion.

Two small armies marched in the direction of a small village on the borders of a kingdom. From afar a blonde man with a punchable face and strange steel grey eyes with black sclera, smirked confidently.



Orianna felt like she was slowly clicking into place.

She had no idea what provoked her metamorphosis, but if her instincts were to be trusted... By the end of this evolution, she would bloom into her true form.

Normally, an NPCs lore would integrate itself almost instantly. Orianna, however, has something similar to an ego already in place. So the changes can't just be piled into her half-empty husk forcefully or they could cause irreversible damage.

Now, there are two ways to go about it:

  • Slowly incorporate your other self into your current self over a long time. No risk of shattering your soul.
  • Begin a period of isolated adaptation where you can combine your two selves relatively fast. If interrupted, you die.

Usually, the path Orianna has taken would usually end with her servants tragically killing their own master while attempting to help. If it weren't for the [ Black Dalia ]s essence currently isolating her body... Then the pretty black-haired homunculus currently approaching her mistress would have probably gone insane with guilt.

Anyway, as had been explained in the story. The black substance, to creatures of evil, was akin to a mesmerizing black hole in the sense that you can't take your eyes off it and the closer you get to Orianna's curled-up figure the more deadly and inescapable it becomes. To be honest, the distance doesn't matter much for the weak as a mere glance would turn into a stare that would spell a very slow yet terrifying death.

Currently, an encirclement of nine identical sisters with changing colour schemes was observing the situation with concern. At the centre of it was Orianna, bathed in writhing black goo. And at the position of her heart was a golden orb pulsating rhythmically. 

Lucrezia was the first to approach, and she managed to make it up to the two-meter mark before the lustre in her black eyes slowly flickered away and her mana grew weaker by the second. As if a massive container was slowly being emptied into the sea. The only visible change was the emptying of the container.

Her pupils dilated until their very limits, and all she did was watch with a dazed look on her face as her mana was drained at a constant pace.



Two blazing yellow eyes watched everything from above, the massive woman clicked her tongue and facepalmed before gracefully flicking her other hand. From the starry sky beside her, a cosmic blue scissor construct snipped out a rectangle before disappearing like it never existed.

The rectangle descended rapidly, and by the time it reached its destination it had gained the properties of a light and silky duvet. The only evidence of its origin was the now blank patch in the night sky. 

The black-haired servant dropped to her knees trembling ceaselessly as the rest looked up with wide eyes.

"Do not approach her... " The breathtaking entity spoke for the very first time.

Looking down at them with a warning glare in her eyes, one you'd give to a misbehaving child. She then turned her attention back to her daughter under the duvet. One of her hands idly fiddled with one of many nebulous strands of hair.

Those gentle eyes soothed their worries immediately, their mistress was in good hands.

'Mommy?' 'Mother?' Orianna thought to themselves with hope.

Right now, the program created personality and memories merged with the written biography. Corinne was very excited to see how it would end, but she didn't know why. In fact, out of everyone here, she was the most confused one of them all.

'How do I even know this?' She pondered, diving deep into her thoughts, with another frown as she struggled to understand what was happening.

Completely unaware that she had just spent fifteen minutes looping the same line of thought repeatedly without result, she noticed a more drastic change commence.

'She's waking up!'

Wanting to see it with her own eyes, she unravelled the magic she had instinctually used to seal the dangerous drain provoked by the [ Black Dalia ]. And she would forever smile at this very decision.

Under the watchful gaze of everyone in the Atheneum, the expanding black mass ascended with a hum.

Once it had reached two meters above ground, it slowly morphed into a slender black flower bud. Approximately three meters in height and one meter at its widest diameter, fifty centimetres above the base.

Stopping at five meters, it began to rotate at a gradually increasing speed.

Every three spins, a pulse of corrupted magic particles burst from the bud. And by the time it had stopped, there was a dense cloud of miasma surrounding it. The spectators gaped as the environmental magic began bashing aggressively against the cloud in an attempt to purge the intruding force of the void. Particles fizzled and sparked explosively until they had been purged, from the outer layer to the core.

The product was a twinkling cloud of pure mana particles bursting with sizzling golden glitter. They were pulled into the centre in an instant, crystalizing around the pitch-black bud and drowning it with a blinding light.

The crystal's blinding light slowly dimmed into nothing as it melted into a transparent liquid similar to water, which the bud promptly absorbed.

The black outer shell gradually cracked and withered away into black ash, dissipating into the air. The result was the now white flower bud whose petals were lined with golden accents that surged to life, morphing into countless mind-blending runic symbols.

At that moment it felt like time had stopped just to allow all present to properly admire her birth into this world.

It compressed and then slowly blossomed, releasing remnant light magic particles as the petals simultaneously unfolded. A breathtaking lily flourished, at its centre was Orianna hugging her knees with one arm as the other rubbed her closed eyes. A silent yawn escaped, and she smiled in satisfaction. Two pink eyes wandered the surroundings with a look of curiosity.

Then confusion.

She closed them, furrowed her brows and pursed her lips with a look of concentration on her adorable face as the flower of purity sunk into her body, before materializing as a pair of fairy wings with the same colour and patterns. Then, an angelic white dress of similar appearance slowly came into existence, covering her drool-inducing pale skin and her yet untainted body. 

Now hovering in the air with an air of serenity that left one enraptured with her beauty, her platinum hair fluttered gently with a subtle rainbow glow that showed no signs of disappearing...

"Magnificent as always sweety." A motherly voice came from above.

Causing the mature serenity to vanish like it never existed, as Orianna looked up at the sky with a laugh. A flame of childish joy flickered into life within those gentle orbs.

"Mommy? You're alive!" She cried out as her wings flapped furiously in an attempt to get closer, unfortunately, the distance never seemed to change.

Corinne couldn't stop herself from chuckling at the adorable sight.

Realizing she hadn't made any progress, she came to a stop. The teary pout on her face was backed by a healthy blush of embarrassment. In her excitement, she had completely forgotten her servants were watching.

"Yes, I am, it seems I might be able to project myself here once in a while." The cosmic figure smiled lovingly, but her eyes showed some frustration.

This dream of hers was strange, but she had stranger dreams before. What she finds hard to understand is that she can't will herself into a smaller body or hug her child despite desperately wanting to. Usually, all it took was thought and the changes would immediately occur.

"That's awesome!" Orianna hyped with a radiant smile, twirling in the air.

You are reading story Overlord: A Miracle at novel35.com

"Right? Now, show me what those wings can do!" Corinne replied with curiosity in her eyes.

Orianna laughed evilly.

"Yes, I shall display the full extend of my wonderous wings of staggering magnificence!"



"Lord Momonga, shall I set up another strawman?" Aura asked with a confused gaze, shared by Mare who glanced at the ashen remains of the previous strawmen.

They had been watching him test the recast time between spells, but they couldn't understand his actions. So it just looked like he was snickering to himself while occasionally tossing a fireball at the strawman. They were obviously expecting to see some jaw-dropping magical spells, but the Elder Lich seemed to be up to something their un-supreme brains couldn't understand. 

'By the look on their face, my plan has succeeded.' He thought to himself.

"No, There is no need. I wish to try something else." He rejected politely and turned back to his experiments.

[ Message ] - Momonga -> GM

(A/N: I've decided to use this format to avoid confusion when a battle with multiple mages occurs. { [ Spell ] - Caster -> Target } or

{ [ Spells ] - Casters -> Targets }.)

He waited patiently as his mana reached out in search of an imprinted mana signature but after a few minutes of feeling around for it, the spell terminated itself. Meanwhile, Aura looked at Mare and gave him a questioning look. Mare shook his head in denial, so Aura shrugged her shoulders and returned to observing Momonga. 

With a sense of deep disappointment, Momonga sighed internally. He gathered his hope once more, hope that had been degrading over the last year of loneliness. And attempted to connect to all forty-one members of Ainz Ooal Gown.

[ Message ] - Momonga -> 41 Supreme Beings

The result? Failure.

Not one of them connected, not that anything had changed though...

He had expected the outcome and made the necessary mental preparations. It did nothing to stop the raging tide of despair from washing over him though.

Then the image of an elven architect popped into his head.

'But wait!'

There was one more person who walked these empty halls.

'Please!' He begged internally, already disappointed before even trying.

[ Message ] - Momonga -> S4intess0fWh1t3

The two crimson dots in his eyes shook frantically within the sockets as he felt the mental probe reach some kind of destination, where it pulsed constantly. 

'Yes... YES!' He exclaimed as he felt the connection establish.

{ Hello? } Corinne asked with some angst in her voice.

{ Yes, it's Momonga. } He replied with a nervous chuckle.

{ Oh! Mr.Suzuki, what are you doing in my dream? Why does your voice sound so deep and majestic? You used to sound like a depressed version of some isekai protagonist. } She returns mercilessly, causing his jaw to drop at the blatant insult.

{ Well... I don't understand it myself, but after midnight I remained in the game. I can't access the menu and I'm incapable of reaching anyone else. It seems like a dream, but it's way too real and detailed for that... } He answered, ignoring the pointless questions and the very pointed insult.

{ Well, it can't be helped. Hop by the Atheneum when you finish whatever an old bag of bones does. Also, bring a present for Orianna, she deserves one after you ignored her for so long. Hmph! }  She responded and abruptly cut the connection.

The Overlord could only look into the distance with his jaw dropped for a second time.

'I knew I should've visited the Atheneum more often...' He thought to himself as his jaw clacked shut.

He then broke into a few chuckles of relief and disbelief, he knew Corinne well enough. Despite the seemingly unfair treatment, it was likely that he had interrupted her during something important...

During this little chat he had with Corinne, Sebas stood at his side respectfully in silence. Aura and Mare also tactfully backed off and decided not to interrupt.

"My lord, may I ask if something is wrong?" He finally spoke, coinciding with Corinne's last words.

Ainz flinched internally before gathering his thoughts once more.

"Ah, forgive me. I was contacting a colleague." He responded with an absent mind.

Receiving a nod from Sebas.

"How are the surroundings?" He continued after a short pause.

"We are currently surrounded by plains, with no intelligent creatures in sight." 

"A plain... A plain? Interesting." 

The drastic changes outside made his evaluation of the situation shift, without the poisonous mist shrouding the tomb and the Tuvegs getting in the way. Nazarick will be that much easier to access. A wry smile made its way onto his face. 

'What the fuck.'

"In other words, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick has been wildly transported? Sebas, is there anything floating in the sky, or did anything like a message appear?" Momonga inquired, tossing his irritation to the back of his mind.

The old butler scratched his beard thoughtfully before shaking his head.

"No, there is nothing like that. The heavens are as boundless as the Atheneum's night sky..." 

"...What? Is there anything suspicious at all?" He asked after a small pause.

"No, nothing unusual. Besides the Great Tomb of Nazarick, there are no other man-made structures in sight." Sebas answered.

Momonga sighed, baffled by his plight. After his sigh, it took him a few minutes to think of an order to give the patient old butler.

"Return in twenty minutes. When you come back to Nazarick, head to the Colosseum. All the Guardians will be coming so when you arrive, I hope you will tell them about what you saw." He commanded.


'Now, back to testing my spells.' 

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